Chapter 179 – Town ghost talisman and peach wood sword

Outside the city, in an old, abandoned courtyard.

When Yang Tiantian arrived, she found that Li Changqing was already there. The entire courtyard was extremely quiet, as if even the wind had softened.

“Senior Changqing, I’m here.”

Yang Tiantian approached and respectfully bowed.

“Are you ready?” Li Changqing lifted his head to look at Yang Tiantian, saying, “I’ll say it again, I can’t guarantee success. This method I found in an ancient text, it’s just recorded in an old book. If it fails, the price is your life. When that time comes, I won’t be able to do anything.”

“Senior, I’ve made up my mind. I hope you can help me.”

With that, Yang Tiantian took out a letter from her bosom and handed it to Li Changqing, “If I unfortunately die, I hope you can give this letter to my master. The letter also states that I willingly bear any consequences.”

“Mm.” Li Changqing took the letter. Having this disclaimer made things much easier, so he wouldn’t be blamed by Xu Muhai if his disciple died.

After putting away the letter, Li Changqing stood up and said, “We shouldn’t delay, let’s begin.”

“Okay, what do I need to do, Senior Changqing?” Yang Tiantian was unclear about Li Changqing’s process. After all, he said it was from an ancient book, probably a very obscure one.

Moreover, Yang Tiantian noticed a sword stuck in a flower bed in front of her.

This sword gave Yang Tiantian a strange feeling. Under the night sky, the sword appeared extremely black.

For some reason, she didn’t want to get close to it. It made her feel uncomfortable all over.

“You don’t need to prepare anything.” Li Changqing said, “Just stand here. Leave the rest to me.”

“Uh, okay.”

Yang Tiantian obediently stood in place, but she was somewhat nervous.

Li Changqing stood up, staring at Yang Tiantian in front of him. Suddenly, a vast and mountain-like power surged from his body!

With a wave of his hand, a violent wind swept across the earth, causing the entire dilapidated courtyard to rumble!

In an instant, the earth shook and the mountains swayed.

With Li Changqing at the center, it seemed as if the world was about to collapse!

The terrifying power seemed to tear the world apart, like a mountain descending, and the sea overturning.

Just the momentum alone made Yang Tiantian’s heart tremble!

An indescribable feeling surged in her heart!

Was this a power that a human could possess?

At this moment, the sky was covered with dark clouds. Large swaths of clouds gathered, directly covering the space above Li Changqing and Yang Tiantian’s heads.

“This… is like the power to move mountains and fill seas.” Yang Tiantian was dumbfounded. She had only heard of such things, but had never seen them.

She had learned from Xu Muhai that Li Changqing was a profound cultivator, but it was only after witnessing it that Yang Tiantian could feel how terrifying Li Changqing was!

This was not something that could be explained by the term ‘profound cultivation’, right?

Ever since Li Changqing had comprehended the Seven Killings of the Green Lotus, his understanding of Martial Arts had also increased a lot. The scene in front of him was just Li Changqing using his Divine Soul power to create, it was merely a bit intimidating, but actually had no lethal power.

It was rumored that only the land immortals truly possessed the power to move mountains and fill seas. They could easily move mountains and reverse seas, which was not something Li Changqing could compare to.

At this moment, Li Changqing just wanted to create a cloud-covering scene to force out the Ghost Clan in Yang Tiantian’s body.

Sure enough, when the bright moon in the sky was covered by the clouds and the light could not shine down, darkness enveloped the land, and Yang Tiantian began to act strangely.

Yang Tiantian’s body began to convulse, her limbs became uncoordinated, and at the same time, her eyes turned blood red!

An astonishing ghostly aura erupted like a volcano!

Her eyes were completely bloodshot, and the previous personality of Yang Tiantian had directly fallen into a deep sleep.

At this moment, a strange sound came from Yang Tiantian’s throat, and at the same time, her body arched up, her eyes staring at Li Changqing, as if she had found her prey.

This eerie scene made Li Changqing feel a bit creeped out. If this were in the modern world, seeing this scene would probably scare the modern people to pee their pants.

The next moment, Yang Tiantian, like a wild beast, pounced directly at Li Changqing!

She opened her mouth and was about to bite Li Changqing. In her eyes, Li Changqing seemed to have turned into an irresistible delicacy.

Li Changqing was very afraid of ghosts in his previous life, and in this life, he was still somewhat wary of the Ghost Clan. But seeing Yang Tiantian, this cute little loli, showing her little tiger teeth and pouncing at him, Li Changqing didn’t feel scared at all. Instead, he felt somewhat charmed.

She was really somewhat cute.Li Changqing moved swiftly, easily dodging Yang Tiantian’s pounce. The Ghost Clan member might be fast, but she lacked technique. Any innate martial artist could have evaded her.

Seeing her attack miss, Yang Tiantian immediately turned around, intending to pounce on Li Changqing again.

But as soon as Yang Tiantian turned her head, Li Changqing pointed directly at her forehead!

At this moment, there was a piece of paper on Yang Tiantian’s forehead!

The paper was inscribed with symbols drawn with a cinnabar pen!

It was a ghost-suppressing talisman!

The symbols on the yellow paper were glowing red along the lines drawn by the cinnabar pen, like thin threads of blood. Yang Tiantian’s body was completely immobilized!

Fear flashed in Yang Tiantian’s eyes as she realized she had lost control of her body.

“This is a symbol I learned from ancient books. It can suppress the Ghost Clan spirit in your body. If I used the Five Absolute Symbols, I’m afraid the Ghost Clan spirit would hide. That would be troublesome.” Li Changqing explained, not sure if Yang Tiantian could hear him.

But Li Changqing knew very well that his explanation about learning from ancient books was pure nonsense.

This was clearly something he had learned from watching horror movies in his previous life.

Li Changqing loved horror movies, but they scared him so much that he wouldn’t dare to go to the bathroom for months after watching one.

Later, he became so obsessed that he bought some Taoist books, learned to draw symbols and chant spells from them, and pasted them all over his house.

When Li Changqing’s father saw this, he was amazed at Li Changqing’s talent and rewarded him with a good beating.

Li Changqing cried and screamed while being beaten, all the while chanting the Golden Light Mantra.

Today, facing Yang Tiantian’s situation, Li Changqing decided to try using Taoist methods to eliminate the Ghost Clan spirit, since the previous Buddhist methods had failed.

After all, when it comes to exorcising ghosts, Taoism is the real deal.

When the ghost-suppressing talisman was applied, Yang Tiantian was truly immobilized, which surprised and delighted Li Changqing.

Could things from his previous life really work in the Cangyuan Realm?

While surprised, Li Changqing was also excited, as this was a childhood dream of his.

Under the suppression of the ghost-suppressing talisman, Yang Tiantian felt completely immobilized. She even wanted to retreat into the depths of her soul, but her spirit was completely frozen and couldn’t move.

She could only watch helplessly, not knowing what Li Changqing would do next.

“Sword, come.”

With a wave of Li Changqing’s hand, the black sword stuck in the flower bed flew out and landed in his hand.

This sword was made from a piece of wood that Li Changqing had brought from Changting Town.

The wood was from a peach tree in the town square of Changting Town that had been struck by lightning during the torrential rain when Li Changqing first arrived in the Cangyuan Realm.

In Taoism, this type of wood is called “lightning-struck wood.”

It’s a treasure for exorcising ghosts.

Especially peach wood, which naturally repels evil spirits. Lightning-struck peach wood is even more powerful.

After a few swings of the peach wood sword, Li Changqing’s eyes became stern. He formed a sword with his fingers and began to draw symbols in the air on the peach wood sword!

From his fingertips, a dazzling golden light emerged. Li Changqing was actually drawing golden symbols on the peach wood sword. The symbols attached to the sword, shining brightly, made the black sword seem to contain immense power.

At this moment, Li Changqing began to chant.

“Call upon the Jade Maiden, to ward off misfortune.

Climb the mountain, the stone splits, wear the seal.

Head covered with a canopy, feet stepping on the Big Dipper,

Left supporting the Six Jia, right guarding the Six Ding.

Before is the Yellow God, behind is the Yue Zhang.

The divine master kills, does not avoid the powerful,

First kill the evil ghost, then cut the night light.

What god does not submit, what ghost dares to resist?”

“Get out, urgently like a law!” Li Changqing roared, his voice like thunder, and the peach wood sword in his hand burst into extreme golden light.

As the chant ended, Li Changqing swung the peach wood sword, the side of the blade directly hitting Yang Tiantian’s forehead.

With a sound, Yang Tiantian let out a miserable cry, and a figure flew out of her body.

The figure looked exactly like Yang Tiantian!

The only difference was that Yang Tiantian’s eyes were blood red, and the ghostly aura around her was about to be shattered by Li Changqing’s sword.

She was naked, flew out dozens of meters, and fell heavily to the ground.

Her face was full of pain.With a look of unwillingness in her eyes, Yang Tiantian of the Ghost Clan turned to flee. She knew that if she didn’t run, she would surely die here.

But how could Li Changqing possibly let this dangerous creature roam free?

The peach wood sword in his hand flew out directly, stabbing Yang Tiantian of the Ghost Clan from behind and piercing through her chest.

Yang Tiantian of the Ghost Clan let out a painful scream, her face full of unwillingness, and eventually turned into a black mist that disappeared between heaven and earth.

The real Yang Tiantian also fainted.

Or rather, she hadn’t woken up from the deep sleep of her master personality.

Carefully, he walked up and put his finger on Yang Tiantian’s neck. Feeling that Yang Tiantian was still alive, Li Changqing breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the plan had been successful.

At this moment, Yang Tiantian herself also underwent a significant change.

Li Changqing suddenly found that Yang Tiantian’s aura had unknowingly escalated.

Yang Tiantian, who was originally in the Prenatal Realm, had her true essence break through to a new level at this moment.

Her aura was naturally formed, and she had actually broken through to the perfect state of the Prenatal Realm!

Li Changqing was somewhat surprised. Yang Tiantian’s aptitude was really good. After the soul of the Ghost Clan disappeared, she had directly broken through.

After a while, when her aura stabilized, Yang Tiantian finally opened her eyes.

“Did it work?”

Yang Tiantian was somewhat surprised at this moment.

She suddenly sat up, clearly feeling her own changes. The other soul in her body was gone, and she felt an indescribable sense of comfort. She felt much lighter.

And more importantly, had her cultivation actually broken through to the perfect state of the Prenatal Realm?

This was simply unbelievable. Yang Tiantian had been stuck in the Prenatal Realm for a long time, but when she cultivated, the soul of the Ghost Clan would absorb her prenatal true essence, causing her a great burden.

“It worked.” Li Changqing sat on a nearby stone platform and said with a smile.

“Thank you, Senior Changqing, for your kindness!” At this moment, Yang Tiantian turned around, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed to Li Changqing several times.

“There’s no need for that.” Li Changqing shook his head. “You are Hengsheng’s senior sister. Helping you is the same as helping him.”

Hearing this, how could Yang Tiantian, such a smart woman, not understand Li Changqing’s meaning?

“Senior, rest assured, with me around, I will protect my junior brother well. Anyone who wants to harm a hair on his head will have to step over my dead body.” Yang Tiantian said with a determined face.

“Alright, get up.” Li Changqing raised his hand, and Yang Tiantian couldn’t help but stand up.

Once again feeling Li Changqing’s strength, she had now broken through to the perfect state of the Prenatal Realm, but when facing Li Changqing, she still felt that his cultivation was as vast as the sea, and she couldn’t see the end.

Did her little junior brother not know how strong his father was?

Understanding this, Yang Tiantian suddenly realized something else.

Everything that had happened in the past few days could be explained.

The matter with the Yan family.

The matter with the Changqing Trading Company.

With Li Changqing’s strength, how could he, as Li Hengsheng said, only get a little dividend from the Changqing Trading Company?

Perhaps the real person in charge of the Changqing Trading Company in the Eastern Desolate Land was Li Changqing?

So, did Li Hengsheng not know that he was actually the prince of the Changqing Trading Company?

Once she figured this out, everything that had happened in the past few days could be explained. Although they were both disciples of the Dao Mountain Ancient Land, everyone’s attitude towards Li Hengsheng was completely different from their attitude towards her. It had nothing to do with the Dao Mountain Ancient Land.

Although Yang Tiantian didn’t go to the Changqing Trading Company today, she learned from Li Hengsheng that he had met with the Su Family today.

And he had encountered some outrageous things in the Changqing Trading Company.

She couldn’t understand it before.

But now she understood everything.

Li Hengsheng was the prince of the Changqing Trading Company, so how could the people of the Changqing Trading Company not side with their own people?

What about the Su Family?

In front of Li Hengsheng, they were nothing.

The man in front of her was becoming more and more mysterious. He had such a powerful strength, but it seemed that he had no reputation in the Cangyuan Realm. It was indeed puzzling.

“Your Ghost Clan soul has been killed by me. You don’t have to worry about the problem of the Ghost Clan soul anymore. You are now a thorough human race, and your cultivation speed will also increase in the future.” Li Changqing took out the letter and handed it back to Yang Tiantian. Since Yang Tiantian was still alive, there was no need for this letter.

Yang Tiantian took the letter, her palm shook, and the letter was directly shattered into pieces. Since she was still alive, there was no need for this letter to exist.”Senior, I am indebted to you for your great kindness. If there is anything you need in the future, I will go through fire and water for you,” Yang Tiantian said earnestly.

“Alright, go back quickly,” Li Changqing said with a smile.

The two left the dilapidated abandoned house and returned to Path Mark City.

The next morning.

When Li Hengsheng got up, he found Yang Tiantian practicing boxing in the yard.

“Sister, you’re up so early.”

Li Hengsheng approached, then exclaimed in surprise, because he felt that Yang Tiantian seemed to have changed a lot.

“Morning,” Yang Tiantian responded.

“Sister, you…” Li Hengsheng looked at Yang Tiantian in astonishment, then said, “Sister, you seem to have changed a lot, but I can’t pinpoint what exactly has changed.”

Did her complexion improve a lot?

Her complexion was indeed very poor yesterday.

But just an improved complexion couldn’t account for such a big change.

Li Hengsheng still felt that the change was elsewhere.

Yang Tiantian just smiled without saying anything.

She didn’t explain much, and at this time, Min Min had already started calling them for breakfast.

At the dining table, Min Min said to Li Hengsheng, “Master Li, the president of the Changqing Trading Company sent someone to tell me that all the goods you need can be loaded and taken away tomorrow. We have also contacted Cangyuan Escort Bureau to escort you, and we will cover the cost.”

“Really?” Li Hengsheng was somewhat surprised.

Xu Kui was also very surprised. From Path Mark City to Dao Mountain Ancient Land, and with so many goods, the cost of transportation was not small. Moreover, the Changqing Trading Company had already given them a considerable discount on these goods. Could they still make a profit by doing this?

Only Yang Tiantian remained silent, as she naturally knew what was going on.

Just because he was Li Changqing’s son, the president of the Changqing Trading Company naturally wanted to serve him well.

“Yes, our Changqing Trading Company’s service is very user-friendly,” Min Min said with a smile.

“That’s pretty fast,” Li Hengsheng didn’t expect that when Yan Leisheng said two days, it really meant two days.

After eating, since there was nothing to do today, Li Hengsheng opened the scroll he had bought yesterday in his room.

This “Thousand Feet Thunderbolt Picture” was not as simple as it seemed to Li Hengsheng.

With the blessing of Wu Daozi’s wood carving, others might not see it, but Li Hengsheng could see the extraordinary nature of this painting at a glance.

At this moment, Li Hengsheng’s Divine Soul was immersed in the painting.

In an instant, Li Hengsheng felt a strong wind around him, and thunderbolts were booming in the sky!

It was like a scene of destruction.

The biting wind blew in his face, scraping like a knife, and the thunder in the sky illuminated the whole world in a pale light.

At this moment, Li Hengsheng saw a figure in the thunderstorm, painting.

Some people die, but they are not completely dead…

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