Chapter 176 – What would Zhou Jun do when faced with seduction?

Not long after, Yan Leisheng hurriedly rushed to the VIP room.

Yan Leisheng was quite busy at the moment, but upon hearing that Li Changqing’s son had arrived, how could he dare to neglect him?

“I apologize for the delay,” Yan Leisheng rushed in and respectfully said, “Are you the young master Li from Dao Mountain Ancient Land?”

“I am Yan Leisheng, the president of Changqing Trading Company in Path Mark City,” Yan Leisheng introduced himself.

“President Yan, I’ve heard a lot about you,” Li Hengsheng politely responded.

“Please have a seat,” Yan Leisheng said with a smile, “I heard from Min Min that you are here to buy pre-made dishes, right?”

“Yes, but I heard that the queue is up to four months from now,” Li Hengsheng said helplessly, “These pre-made dishes are so popular. If it takes four months, I’m afraid it won’t be in time for the celebration at Dao Mountain Ancient Land.”

“Four months? That’s not the case. If you place an order now, it can be delivered in two days,” Yan Leisheng assured confidently.

“Two days?” The three of them were somewhat doubtful. This was completely different from what the girl named Min Min had just told them.

“Hehe, you are VIPs after all. It’s nothing to jump the queue. Of course, we should prioritize you,” Yan Leisheng said with a smile.

Li Hengsheng looked at Yang Tiantian in surprise, not expecting that Dao Mountain Ancient Land had such a big influence. But it made sense. This was within the territory of Minghong Prefecture, right on the turf of Dao Mountain Ancient Land. It was normal for Dao Mountain Ancient Land to jump the queue when buying things.

Although it was somewhat unfair to other merchants, they were in a hurry and couldn’t care too much about it.

“President Yan, there are also these items. Please prepare them as well,” Li Hengsheng took out a list and handed it to Yan Leisheng.

The celebration required not only food but also various items for decoration. Yan Leisheng carefully read the list from beginning to end, then smiled and said, “No problem! I will have everything ready for you within two days,” Yan Leisheng repeatedly assured.

“Thank you very much, President Yan,” Li Hengsheng said with a fist salute.

“You’re too polite, Young Master Li,” Yan Leisheng asked, “May I know where you are staying now? Once everything is ready, I will send someone to notify you.”

“We haven’t found a place to stay yet,” Li Hengsheng said awkwardly, “Your Path Mark City is really popular. All the inns are full, and there are no vacant rooms. We plan to go out and look for a place later. If we really can’t find one, we’ll just find a place outside Path Mark City, like a cave, and make do for a couple of days.”

“How can that be?” Hearing this, Yan Leisheng was startled.

Li Changqing’s son came to Changqing Trading Company in Path Mark City, but ended up staying in a cave in the wilderness?

If Yan Botao found out, wouldn’t he tear Yan Leisheng apart?

If the high priest found out, it would be even worse. Did Yan Leisheng still want to be the president?

He would rather sleep in a cave himself than let Li Hengsheng sleep in one!

“Please wait a moment. I will arrange the accommodation for you,” Yan Leisheng signaled for them to wait a moment, then hurriedly ran out.

“Isn’t the service of Changqing Trading Company a bit too good?” Yang Tiantian couldn’t help but say.

Xu Kui also felt it was strange, but with his life experience, he couldn’t figure out what was wrong.

The things they encountered today were all things that even Xu Kui, an old hand in the world, couldn’t understand.

Could it be that he had been out of touch for too long and had become old?

Before half an hour had passed, Yan Leisheng hurried back.

“The three of you, I’ve found a place for you to stay. It might be a bit simple, so please don’t mind. I’ll have Min Min take you there.”

“It’s really too much trouble. It’s great to have a place to stay, much better than sleeping in a cave,” Li Hengsheng was somewhat embarrassed.

And how simple could a house be?

Could it be simpler than the place he stayed when he was training with the Ghost Devil?

If other sects knew about Li Hengsheng’s thoughts, they would probably drown him in their spit. You’re living in luxury!

Living in a tent, wrapped in a sleeping bag, eating self-heating meals, and having beauties from Guanglan Palace crying and calling you husband, and you call that simple?

I’ll kill you, you ungrateful bastard!

“Why be polite? It’s like coming home when you’re here,” Yan Leisheng said with a hearty laugh.

Upon hearing this, Li Hengsheng felt a sense of familiarity. It seemed that Yan Botao had said the same thing when he returned to the Yan family.

Were the people of the Yan family all so hospitable? Could it be a tradition of the Yan family?

After leaving the VIP room, Li Hengsheng curiously glanced at the third floor and asked, “What’s on the third floor?”

“The third floor is the consignment area,” Yan Leisheng explained the concept of the consignment area to Li Hengsheng.

Li Hengsheng was somewhat interested and planned to come and have a look tomorrow.

“Take care,” Yan Leisheng sent Li Hengsheng out the door, and asked Min Min to follow and serve Li Hengsheng. If there were any needs in the next two days, Min Min must satisfy them. If she couldn’t, she should report back to Yan Leisheng.

“Is it to satisfy all his needs?” Upon hearing Yan Leisheng’s words, Min Min showed a hint of panic in her eyes. If Li Hengsheng wanted…

What should she do?

Should she comply? Or pretend to resist before complying?

Yan Leisheng, being cunning and experienced, naturally saw through Min Min’s thoughts. So he said with a strange expression, “What? You feel wronged? Your mother is just a concubine of a restaurant owner in the Zhao family. If Li Hengsheng really takes a liking to you, it would be your good fortune. You and your mother could rise to the top in one step. Aren’t you happy?”

“No, no,” Min Min said with her head down.

If Li Hengsheng really took a liking to her, of course, she would be very willing.”This is the young master of the Changqing Trading Company.”

Yan Leisheng had previously learned that Li Hengsheng was coming to the Changqing Trading Company in Path Mark City, so he quickly made preparations, instructing everyone to notify him immediately upon encountering Li Hengsheng.

Furthermore, they were not to reveal Li Hengsheng’s identity.

Although everyone found this instruction strange, they all complied.

“Speak when you should, and keep silent when you shouldn’t. Weigh your words carefully,” Yan Leisheng said coldly.

“I will remember.”

Min Min quickly responded.

At this time, a carriage was approaching. Min Min got in and led the way for Xu Kui, taking them to their accommodation.

The weather in Path Mark City was truly unpredictable. It was sunny at noon, but by the afternoon, dark clouds had gathered and it looked like it was about to rain.

The air was stuffy.

Leading a few people through an alley, they finally arrived at a large courtyard.

Li Hengsheng and the others were somewhat surprised when they saw this courtyard.

This courtyard was extremely luxurious.

It covered a large area, with a well and a bamboo forest in the front yard, a water wheel, a small stream, and six or seven rooms. It was incredibly lavish.

The interior was decorated in an antique style, and the beds were already covered with soft quilts.

It seemed as if everything had been prepared in advance.

Li Hengsheng surveyed his bedroom, touching the quilt on the bed. The room was filled with a faint fragrance. Li Hengsheng was speechless. Was this considered simple?

“Miss Min Min, right?”

Li Hengsheng turned to look at Min Min.

Seeing Li Hengsheng looking at her from the edge of the bed, Min Min’s breathing quickened.

Was this young master too impatient?

“Master Li, isn’t it a bit early?” Min Min asked shyly.


Li Hengsheng was momentarily confused, not understanding what Min Min meant by ‘early’.

“I mean, does the Changqing Trading Company always treat its distinguished guests so well? This accommodation is fantastic,” Li Hengsheng said, quite satisfied. He had been prepared to sleep in a cave in the wilderness.

“Ah.” Hearing Li Hengsheng’s question, Min Min was somewhat disappointed. So that wasn’t what he meant.

“Of course not. Master Li is a distinguished guest among distinguished guests, so naturally, you receive such treatment,” Min Min explained to Li Hengsheng.

Li Hengsheng nodded thoughtfully. It seemed that the Dao Mountain Ancient Land really had a lot of prestige.

“Alright, if there’s nothing else, you should rest. I’ll call you if I need anything,” Li Hengsheng said.

“Master Li.” Min Min’s face was as red as a ripe apple, and she asked shyly, “Do you really not need me to serve you? I can do anything.”

Li Hengsheng was taken aback when he heard this.

Although Li Hengsheng was still young, he understood what Min Min meant.

“I’m tired from the journey and plan to rest. Miss Min Min, you should also rest early,” Li Hengsheng kindly declined.

This left Min Min somewhat disappointed. It seemed that her chance to rise to the top was gone.

But she nodded, turned around, and closed the door.


Li Hengsheng hadn’t expected that being in sales was really tough. Nothing was easy.

Just as he turned around, he heard a knock at the door.

“Who is it?” Li Hengsheng asked curiously.

At this time, the door opened, and Yang Tiantian walked in. Yang Tiantian had a strange smile on her face and mimicked Min Min’s voice, “Master Li, do you want me to serve you? I can do anything.”

“Sister, you’re so boring,” Li Hengsheng said unhappily. “Are you eavesdropping?”

“Tsk, tsk, I just happened to hear it. Little junior brother, I didn’t expect you to be so attractive. That girl was eager to throw herself into your bed,” Yang Tiantian said with a smile.

“Sister, don’t talk nonsense,” Li Hengsheng coughed lightly. “That’s because we, the Dao Mountain Ancient Land, are big customers, so she might have some other ideas, hoping that I would buy more and increase her performance. If it wasn’t me who came today, but third senior brother, the result would definitely be the same.”

“Zhou Jun?” Yang Tiantian sneered. “If it was him, how would he respond to that girl’s seduction?”

“What would he say?” Li Hengsheng pondered. What would third senior brother do in this situation?

“Master Zhou, do you want me to serve you?” Yang Tiantian said with a grin.

Li Hengsheng couldn’t help but laugh. Yang Tiantian was actually acting it out, so he played along, “That sounds good. What kind of services do you offer?”

Seeing Li Hengsheng playing along, Yang Tiantian pretended to be shy and said, “Any service you want. Whatever Master Zhou likes, I’ll do it. If you say how it should be, then that’s how it will be.”

“Really? If I say how it should be, then that’s how it will be?” Li Hengsheng mimicked Zhou Jun’s tone. “Then go to my second senior sister’s Bailin Peak and steal a few spirit chickens for me!”


Yang Tiantian couldn’t help but laugh.

“Given third brother’s character, he really might say something like that,” Yang Tiantian said, laughing so hard that tears were about to come out.

“Achoo!” Far away in the Dao Mountain Ancient Land, Zhou Jun sneezed heavily.

Zhou Jun rubbed his nose, puzzled. “What’s going on? Is someone thinking about me? Ah, my irresistible charm.”

“By the way, second senior sister, did you come to see me for something?”

“Yes.” Yang Tiantian finally got to the point. “When we entered the city, I saw a symbol.”

“What symbol?” Li Hengsheng asked curiously.

“The Su Family of the Southern Wilderness.”Yang Tiantian said solemnly, “I saw them when I was looking for a place to stay on the street, but it was just a fleeting glimpse. I don’t know what they’re doing in Path Mark City.”

“Who is this Su Family from the Southern Wilderness?” Li Hengsheng was not very familiar with them.

“The Su Family from the Southern Wilderness is a major family in the Southern Wilderness, with strong power and hundreds of thousands of disciples. Moreover, the ancestors of the Su Family and the vice headmaster have some grudges. This time, the Su Family suddenly appeared in the Eastern Desolate Land. It is said that they were previously engaged to Guanglan Palace, but I don’t know why they appeared in Path Mark City, which is far away from Guanglan Palace.” Yang Tiantian frowned as she spoke.

“They have a grudge with the vice headmaster?”

Doesn’t that mean they have a feud with Xue Qianbai?

“Yes, the vice headmaster once killed two elders of the Su Family.” Yang Tiantian shook her head, “I don’t know the specific reason, but the feud is established. The Su Family once sent people to our Dao Mountain Ancient Land, wanting Dao Mountain Ancient Land to hand over the vice headmaster.”

“But Dao Mountain Ancient Land ignored them. The headmaster once gave the Su Family a divination, saying that the current patriarch of the Su Family would be in danger within ten days.”

“The strong ones in the Su Family believed it and hurried back. As a result, within ten days, the current patriarch of the Su Family really encountered danger. He accidentally entered a secret realm and was seriously injured by a strong person from the Ghost Clan. It was thanks to the timely action of the Su Family’s ancestor that he was saved.”

“So during that time, the Su Family was in a mess, and they just let the matter go.” Yang Tiantian explained the cause and effect to Li Hengsheng.

“Sister, do you suspect that the Su Family has ulterior motives for appearing in Minghong Prefecture at this time?” Li Hengsheng frowned.

“The master has become a Grandmaster, and the Su Family appears in Minghong Prefecture at this time, so things are definitely not that simple. I need to write a letter back to the sect and let the sect be on guard.” Yang Tiantian said.

“With the intelligence network of the sect, they should already know, right?” Li Hengsheng guessed.

“Better safe than sorry, I’ll be back soon.” Yang Tiantian said, “You be careful at home, or you can stay with Xu Kui.”

“Sister, you just go with peace of mind, I can take care of myself.” Li Hengsheng felt that Yang Tiantian was making a fuss.

“Alright then.”

Yang Tiantian turned around and left.

Not long after Yang Tiantian left, it started to rain heavily outside. The rain seemed to wash the entire Path Mark City, and the sound of the rain intertwined into the notes of nature.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and until night fell, not a single star could be seen in the sky.

At night, Yang Tiantian came back. Li Hengsheng didn’t ask much, and everyone else was preparing to sleep in their rooms.

Li Changqing was still paying attention to the situation. He had also heard about the grudge between Xue Qianbai and the Su Family.

“Su Family from the Southern Wilderness, I wonder what Xue Qianbai did.” Li Hengsheng was a bit curious about why Xue Qianbai killed the elders of the Su Family, because according to Xue Qianbai’s character, he wouldn’t kill people casually under normal circumstances.

Night fell.

The dark clouds swallowed up the little moonlight in the sky.

Path Mark City became especially quiet. Although the rain had stopped at this time, there was still no light to be seen.

When the moonlight was completely swallowed, the world seemed to fall into boundless darkness. But something was wrong with Yang Tiantian in the house.

Her body began to tremble slightly.

She seemed to be in great pain, and a small sound came from her throat.

The next moment, Yang Tiantian’s eyes suddenly opened, and those blood-red eyes were simply not like human eyes.

It was almost a bloodthirsty madness.

Yang Tiantian’s throat rolled, as if there was a bloodthirsty desire. From her body, a black aura began to spread.


Yang Tiantian walked out of the room. Her gaze swept around, as if she was looking for prey. The next moment, her figure disappeared in the courtyard.

“Ghost aura?”

At this time, Li Changqing finally caught a trace of ghost aura.

Could it be that the Ghost Clan really appeared in Path Mark City?

On the street late at night, a man was staggering home, obviously drunk.

He stepped into the puddles on the ground without caring.

But as he walked, he suddenly saw a petite figure standing in front of him. The figure was not tall and stood still without any movement. The sky was very dark, and if you didn’t look carefully, you might think it was a piece of wood.

“Who’s there?”

The man rubbed his eyes, took a careful look to confirm that it was a person, and shouted, “Whose child is this?”

The next moment, the man was shocked to find that the figure was rushing towards him. A pair of blood-red eyes seemed to want to eat him.

The man was startled and fell to the ground with a cry of “Mama”.

Seeing the other party rushing over, he immediately blocked with his arms.

But after waiting for a while, the man found that there was no movement.

He looked down in panic, but there was no one there.

It was as if nothing had happened.

“Did I drink too much?” The man was a bit doubtful, but the scene just now really scared him.

At this time, outside Path Mark City, on a desolate land, Li Changqing casually threw Yang Tiantian to the ground.

Yang Tiantian was dazed. Wasn’t she just on the street? How did she suddenly appear here?

She quickly looked to her side and saw Li Changqing.

But the bloodthirsty aura in her eyes had not dissipated at all, as if she didn’t recognize Li Changqing, and she almost subconsciously wanted to pounce on Li Changqing.

Seeing this, Li Changqing waved his hand, and the Five Absolute Seals were displayed. With one move, he immobilized Yang Tiantian on the spot, making her unable to move at all.

Yang Tiantian struggled with all her might, but it was useless. With her strength, she couldn’t break through Li Changqing’s blockade.”Isn’t this the second senior sister from Hengsheng?” Li Changqing squatted down curiously. He had seen her before, but wasn’t she a human?

Why had she suddenly become a member of the Ghost Clan?

And why was there a ghostly aura around her?

Li Changqing found it rather strange.

Just then, a small break appeared in the cloud layer above, allowing moonlight to shine down. It illuminated Yang Tiantian, causing the bloodlust in her eyes to fade slightly, and the volume of her roar to decrease.


Li Changqing looked up at the dark clouds in the sky, a suspicion forming in his heart.

With a wave of his hand, a branch flew from a nearby tree into his grasp.


With a soft shout, Li Changqing swung the branch, surprisingly producing a pure sword qi!

The sword qi swept across the sky, instantly blasting a huge crack in the dark clouds.

This sword qi seemed to tear a massive hole in the heavens and earth.

Some people die, but they don’t completely die…

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