Chapter 175 – The prince of Changqing Trading Company has arrived

“Take me there quickly.”

Yan Botao hurried to meet him personally.

At this time, Li Hengsheng had already been arranged in the main hall, and the servants of the Yan family were serving him very well. Li Hengsheng and Yang Tiantian were drinking tea and eating snacks.

Yan Botao’s son, Yan Yushi, was personally attending to them.

Li Hengsheng didn’t expect that the young man in front of him was the next heir of the Yan family, Yan Yushi.

This was the young master of the Yan family.

He had heard of Yan Yushi when he was in Changting Town. He was said to be the most impressive second-generation rich in Changting Town. However, he didn’t expect him to be so humble and polite. Not all second-generation rich were arrogant and domineering.

However, Li Hengsheng thought that his father was still working for others, so he was very polite to Yan Yushi, lest his bad attitude would cause trouble for his father in the future.

Who knew that the more polite Li Hengsheng was, the more polite Yan Yushi was. Even a little fear could be seen from Yan Yushi.

However, in Li Hengsheng’s view, Yan Yushi was far inferior to his sister, Yan Yuyun.

The future head of the Yan family was Yan Yushi, but it would be better to pass the position to Yan Yuyun. Whether in terms of strength or ability, Yan Yuyun was much stronger than her brother.

However, this was after all the Yan family’s internal affairs, and Li Hengsheng would certainly not interfere.

“My dear nephew!”

A voice called from afar. Yan Botao walked in quickly. When he saw Li Hengsheng, his face was full of enthusiasm, as if he had seen his long-lost son.

“Nice to meet you, Master Yan.” Li Hengsheng quickly stood up and bowed respectfully.

“What are you doing, nephew?” Yan Botao quickly helped Li Hengsheng up and said, “Coming back to the Yan family is like coming home. Why are you so polite? We are all family.”

“Uh, yes.” Li Hengsheng nodded, but he was a little surprised.

He had grown up in Changting Town since he was a child and had heard that Yan Botao was a very scheming person. Moreover, Yan Botao had already reached the Prenatal Realm.

He just came back to visit his family, but Yan Botao not only personally attended to him, but also was so polite, with a smile on his face and even a little flattering.

What’s going on?

Could it be that the Yan family was wary of his identity?

The direct disciple of Dao Mountain Ancient Land, well, indeed had this weight.

Or did the Yan family already know that his master had reached the Grandmaster Realm?

“My dear nephew, please sit down. You must be tired from the journey.” Yan Botao also sat down with Li Hengsheng.

“It’s okay.” Li Hengsheng introduced to Yan Botao, “Master Yan, this is my second senior sister, Yang Tiantian.”

“Don’t call me Master Yan, it’s too formal. Just call me Uncle Yan.” Yan Botao quickly said, then looked at Yang Tiantian and politely said, “Feel at home here. If you need anything, just ask. Don’t be shy.”

“Okay.” Yang Tiantian could tell that this was just a polite remark, but she also found it strange that Yan Botao was polite to her, but his attitude towards Li Hengsheng didn’t seem to be just polite.

It felt like he was trying to build a relationship with Li Hengsheng.

After dealing with Yang Tiantian, Yan Botao immediately turned his attention back to Li Hengsheng, asking about his well-being, and was very enthusiastic.

This made Li Hengsheng feel more and more strange.

Why was his attitude towards his second senior sister, who was also a direct disciple, so different from his attitude towards him?

“By the way, Uncle Yan, where is my father? Does he live here? He hasn’t been back for a long time, and I want to see him.” Li Hengsheng quickly said.

“Oh, what a pity.” Yan Botao said awkwardly, “The Grandmaster just went out on business yesterday, and I don’t know when he will be back.”

“He’s not here?” There was immense disappointment in Li Hengsheng’s eyes.

“What could my father be doing?” Li Hengsheng found it strange, “He hasn’t left Changting Town for so many years. The biggest thing he does is to go to the tavern in the south of the city to buy wine.”

“Well…” Yan Botao couldn’t say much about it as he had been instructed by Li Changqing beforehand. He just said, “The Grandmaster has a lot of things to do now, especially since the Changqing Trading Company has started. There are many things that the Grandmaster has to supervise personally.”

“I see.”

Li Hengsheng said helplessly, “Uncle Yan, you have been in business for decades. You can make decisions about business matters. My father is just a painter and doesn’t have this talent. Please don’t let him mess around, or the good business of Changqing Trading Company will be ruined by him.”

Li Hengsheng really didn’t know that his father had this talent.

Yan Botao gave a bitter smile and didn’t say much. Without your father, there would be no Changqing Trading Company. Your father holds a 30% stake in the entire Changqing Trading Company. He is the largest shareholder.”Uncle Yan, since my father is not here, I’ll take my leave first.” Li Hengsheng stood up to bid farewell, planning to head to Path Mark City since Li Changqing was not present.

“My dear nephew, are you in such a hurry to leave? Stay and finish your meal before you go.” Yan Botao quickly tried to persuade him, “You rarely come home, how can you leave without eating?”

“No, I have other matters to attend to. I’ll eat next time when I come back.” Li Hengsheng politely declined.

Seeing that Li Hengsheng really had no interest in staying, Yan Botao did not insist further.

After packing some food for Li Hengsheng and Yang Tiantian for their journey, he watched as Xu Kui drove them away.

On the road, Li Hengsheng’s expression finally calmed down.

“Little junior brother, don’t be upset. When we come back next time, you’ll be able to see your father.” Yang Tiantian comforted Li Hengsheng.

“Mm.” Li Hengsheng responded, then lifted the curtain to look outside.

Watching as the carriage left Changting Town, the town’s gate grew further and further away from him.

Li Changqing had already arrived at Path Mark City, scouting the situation there for his son.

Upon entering the city, Li Changqing first went to inspect the Changqing Trading Company.

The Changqing Trading Company in Path Mark City, as the first branch of the company, was indeed doing well.

Most of the goods sold were transported from Changting Town, guaranteed in quality and quantity, and were very popular. The pre-prepared dishes were mature, and the orders were overwhelming. Recently, the fragrant tea and cotton clothes were also very popular.

Especially the merchants from the Great Yuan Dynasty, they were extremely fond of these goods.

The first merchant, Fang Yi, who tried to bring pre-prepared dishes back to the Great Yuan Dynasty, made a fortune from it.

The pre-prepared dishes were extremely popular back home, filling the gap in the Great Yuan Dynasty’s cuisine. Not only were many restaurants scrambling for it, but even the royal family of the Great Yuan Dynasty ordered a lot from Fang Yi.

So, in the past few months, Fang Yi had come to Path Mark City many times, each time bringing tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of pre-prepared dishes back.

After seeing Fang Yi making a fortune, some merchants in the Great Yuan Dynasty also came to Path Mark City to place orders for pre-prepared dishes, hoping to share in the profits.

However, this did not affect Fang Yi’s business much. After all, the Great Yuan Dynasty was so large that he alone could not monopolize the market.

The chefs who prepared the dishes worked in shifts from morning till night, but they still couldn’t meet the demand for pre-prepared dishes. The orders for pre-prepared dishes were already lined up for several months.

Additionally, a consignment area was opened on the third floor of the Changqing Trading Company.

Anyone who wanted to sell something could consign it in this area of the Changqing Trading Company. After the item was sold, the Changqing Trading Company would take a 3% commission on the transaction amount.

After the consignment area was opened, many people brought their valuable items from home to sell at the Changqing Trading Company. Given the popularity of the Changqing Trading Company, the probability of selling items here was quite high.

The appearance of the consignment area also brought some new customers to the Changqing Trading Company.

Li Changqing felt that Yan Leisheng had done a good job with the Changqing Trading Company, so he was relieved. When Li Changqing came, he did not alert anyone, but quietly observed for a while before leaving.

Then, after searching around Path Mark City, Li Changqing did not detect any presence of the Ghost Clan.

However, Li Changqing did not let his guard down. Just because he didn’t find any didn’t mean there were no members of the Ghost Clan here. The Ghost Clan could hide their aura, and if they didn’t fight, they looked no different from ordinary people.

Li Changqing found this very troublesome and wondered if there was any way to see through the Ghost Clan’s disguise.

In the end, Li Changqing found an inn near the Changqing Trading Company to stay. He didn’t expect that even finding a place to stay in Path Mark City would be difficult. Fortunately, a merchant had just checked out, otherwise, Li Changqing would have had nowhere to stay.

By noon the next day, Li Hengsheng and his party had also arrived at Path Mark City.

“So this is Path Mark City. It’s really big, and the streets are very wide. It’s much bigger than Bewilderment City.” This was Li Hengsheng’s first time in Path Mark City.

Seeing the bustling city, his gloomy mood improved a bit.

Seeing Li Hengsheng’s mood improve, Yang Tiantian smiled and said, “Of course, Path Mark City is a major transportation hub and the closest city to the Great Yuan Dynasty.”

“And Path Mark City is also the largest city in Minghong Prefecture.” Yang Tiantian introduced to Li Hengsheng.

“Really.” Li Hengsheng looked outside and saw many people dressed differently from them.

They all looked like merchants from outside.”Master.” At this moment, Xu Kui spoke up from the front, “I’m going to find an inn for us to stay in. Since the volume of goods we need is quite large, they will need some time to prepare. Once they are ready, we can inspect them before letting the Cang Yuan Escort Bureau deliver them.”

“So, I estimate we will have to stay here for a few days.”

Xu Kui informed Li Hengsheng.

“Alright, Uncle Xu, you arrange it.”

Li Hengsheng nodded. Before they set off, Xu Muhai had instructed him to listen to Xu Kui, who had extensive experience in the world.

Xu Kui went to find a place to stay.

“Hmm?” At this moment, Yang Tiantian suddenly noticed a carriage flashing past on the street next door. There was a strange floral symbol on the carriage, which caught Yang Tiantian’s attention.

“The Su Family?” Yang Tiantian murmured to herself.

After a long wait, Xu Kui returned with a frown.

To Xu Kui’s surprise, he had visited several inns in Path Mark City but could not find any available rooms.

This was because ever since the Changqing Trading Company moved in, business in Path Mark City had been booming, attracting many merchants.

Therefore, all the inns in the city were fully booked.

Rulin Inn.

Xu Kui walked out with a helpless look on his face.

“Full again?” Yang Tiantian looked at Xu Kui in surprise.

“Yes.” Xu Kui looked left and right down the street, then said, “I didn’t expect Path Mark City to be so popular now. There are so many merchants coming here. Not only are the inns full, but the prices are also ridiculously high. On a normal day, a regular room would only cost about two silver coins, but now it has risen to two taels. Master, let’s try the street ahead.”

“Let’s not look for now.”

Li Hengsheng said, “Let’s go to the Changqing Trading Company first and take care of business. We’ll arrange for the goods we want to purchase with the Changqing Trading Company, then we’ll find a place to stay. Otherwise, if we keep looking like this, who knows how much time we’ll waste.”

“Sister, what do you think?” Li Hengsheng asked for Yang Tiantian’s opinion.

“I have no objections.” Yang Tiantian didn’t care.

“Then let’s follow the young master’s plan.” After Xu Kui finished speaking, he got in the carriage and drove towards the Changqing Trading Company.

Half an hour later, the carriage finally arrived at the entrance of the Changqing Trading Company.

They were shocked when they arrived. The entrance of the Changqing Trading Company was bustling with carriages and horses, and their carriage almost had no place to park.

“Is it really that exaggerated?”

Even Yang Tiantian found it hard to believe. She had been to many places, but she had never seen a trading company so popular.

The group parked their carriage in the distance and walked into the Changqing Trading Company. As soon as they entered, they saw that the entire company was crowded with people.

The majority of the customers were merchants from the Great Yuan Dynasty.

Each customer had a staff member helping them with introductions and signing orders.

Even Xu Kui, who was well-traveled and knowledgeable, found this a bit too exaggerated.

“May I help you, sirs?” At this moment, a young girl who had just finished serving her customers hurried over to greet Li Hengsheng and his companions.

The girl had bright eyes and a slightly chubby face, but she was very cute and likable at first glance.

“We’re here to order pre-made dishes.” Li Hengsheng looked around at the surging crowd and stated their purpose for the trip.

“Pre-made dishes, is it?” The girl nodded, then said, “That’s possible, but according to the current queue, the pre-made dishes you want will not be ready until four months from now.”

“Four months!” Li Hengsheng was taken aback, “But we need them in half a month.”

“Ah?” The girl looked helpless, “Sir, look at all the people here, they all want pre-made dishes. Indeed, the queue has been pushed back to four months from now. If you want to get them in half a month, that’s basically unrealistic.”

“We’re holding a banquet at Dao Mountain Ancient Land in half a month. Can you think of a way?” Li Hengsheng didn’t want to go back empty-handed.

“Hmm? Dao Mountain Ancient Land?” The girl’s eyes lit up, “Are you disciples of Dao Mountain Ancient Land?”

“Yes.” Li Hengsheng nodded.

“May I ask your name?” The girl asked in a low voice.

Although he didn’t know why she was asking for his name, Li Hengsheng still said, “My name is Li Hengsheng, and I am a disciple of Mu Haifeng from Dao Mountain Ancient Land, guaranteed genuine.”

Upon hearing the name Li Hengsheng, the girl’s mouth dropped open in surprise.

Her attitude immediately changed.

“Esteemed guests, it’s noisy here with so many people. Don’t stay here, come with me. Let’s go to the VIP room to talk.” The girl hurriedly said.”VIP room?” Li Hengsheng and Yang Tiantian were somewhat puzzled. They were treated as VIPs on their first visit? Xu Kui didn’t say anything. There should be no danger here, and he didn’t sense any hostility around.

In fact, everyone here was busy discussing business, and no one paid attention to them.

“Please follow me, guests.”

The young girl led Li Hengsheng towards the office area on the left side of the first floor.

In the Changqing Trading Company, there were quite a few VIP rooms prepared, specifically for entertaining those guests with large orders.

One reason was to provide better service to the customers.

Another reason was to satisfy the vanity of the customers, letting them understand that they were different from those who placed scattered orders outside.

This was a suggestion made by Li Changqing.

Li Changqing planned to introduce membership cards in the future.

He intended to lock these customers into spending at the Changqing Trading Company, letting them lose themselves in the constant VIP treatment.

Leading the three of them to the last VIP room in the VIP area, there was a guard standing guard there.

“Min Min? How come you’re here?” The guard and the girl were obviously acquainted.

“Open the VIP room. I brought VIPs.” The girl named Min Min quickly instructed.

“Huh? Are you sure? This is the most expensive VIP room, and in a quarter of an hour, the steward of the Great Yuan Dynasty’s General’s Mansion, who reserved it yesterday, will be here!” The guard quickly reminded, “He is a customer with a large order. If you use the VIP room now, what will happen when he comes later?”

“What does the steward of the Great Yuan Dynasty’s General’s Mansion count for?” Min Min snorted lightly, then signaled with her eyes to Li Hengsheng behind her, “This is the young master of our Changqing Trading Company.”

Upon hearing this, the guard’s face changed instantly.

“He is…”

“I’ll open the door right away.”

The guard hurriedly opened the door.

“Please come in, honored guests.” Min Min quickly invited Li Hengsheng and the others in.

“The inside is really nice.” After Yang Tiantian walked in, she looked at the room, which was large and luxurious, and even had very expensive sandalwood burning.

The floor was covered with a carpet made from the fur of a half-spirit beast.

There were exquisite fruits on the table, each of which looked expensive.

“Please wait a moment, guests. I will have our president come over.” After saying that, Min Min quickly turned and left.

The guard even made tea.

Li Hengsheng was a bit stunned. They just came to buy some prepared food, did they need the president of the Changqing Trading Company to personally receive them?

Wouldn’t their president be too busy?

“Your family’s trading company is really well managed, and the service attitude is good.” Yang Tiantian looked around and said.

“Second Senior Sister, don’t joke around.” Li Hengsheng shook his head, “This is not our family’s trading company. This trading company is jointly funded by various families in Changting Town. It’s said that my father has shares, but it’s probably just a little bit. It’s probably just the Yan family’s kindness to give my father some dividends.”

“If this trading company were ours, why would I need to cultivate? It would be great to go home and live off my parents, and it wouldn’t be tiring.” Li Hengsheng laughed, “I could just be a rich second generation, a prodigal son.”

What was originally a joke, however, was heard by Li Changqing, who was using his Divine Soul to check for any danger around Li Hengsheng.

“Good boy.”

Li Changqing shook his head, “As the saying goes, a man becomes bad when he has money. This kid is the same. If he knew that I own 30% of the shares in the Changqing Trading Company, wouldn’t he go home and become a parasite? It seems that it’s right not to let him know, otherwise he really wouldn’t have any fighting spirit.”

Thinking of his son from his previous life who would only ask him for money, and even hit him if he didn’t give him money, Li Changqing couldn’t help but shiver.

Happy May Day everyone! For those who like One Piece fanfiction, I recommend a friend’s One Piece fanfiction “One Piece: The Final Admiral”.

Some people die, but they are not completely dead…

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