Chapter 146 – Li Changqing’s reverse scale!

The afterglow of the setting sun was sprinkling down.

The bonfire was still burning, and after everyone had checked their equipment, they took out their own dry rations and gathered around the fire.

They placed their frozen hard cakes by the fire to warm them up a bit before taking a bite.

The cake, frozen solid in this cold weather, was as hard as iron. Biting into it was a challenge, almost chipping their teeth.

The dried meat they carried was no different, as tough as wood and impossible to bite into.

They could only slowly grind some off with their teeth, hold it in their mouths until it softened a bit, and then slowly chew and swallow.

It was a true exercise in slow eating.

The disciples from Dao Mountain Ancient Land and Zhanhe Residence also took out their dry rations, preparing to start their meal.

How could they fight without a full stomach?

“Ding dong, ding dong!”

Just then, a crisp bell rang out, its clear sound surprising everyone as they turned to look in the direction of the sound.

Some disciples from other sects even jumped in fright.

What was happening?

Was the Ghost Clan attacking?

“Come and get your food,” said Elder Xu Chang’an of Zhanhe Residence, shaking the bell in his hand and addressing all the disciples.

“Disciples from Zhanhe Residence and Dao Mountain Ancient Land, come and get your food,” Xu Chang’an called out.

“Get food?”

All the disciples were taken aback. The sect had brought food for them?

But what could they bring in such a place?

It must be just dry rations.

Hearing this, some people from other sects couldn’t help but curse: “So it’s just mealtime. Making such a fuss over a meal, we thought the Ghost Clan was attacking.”

“Exactly, making a mountain out of a molehill. It’s just eating bread and cake, what delicacies could they possibly have? Ridiculous!”

Many people were somewhat dissatisfied.

The disciples all walked over, still in front of the large tent. They noticed a piece of paper stuck to the front of the tent.

Fish-flavored shredded pork over rice.

Mapo tofu over rice.

Stir-fried pork over rice.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes over rice.

Soup of the day: Chicken mushroom soup.

This left all the disciples dumbfounded.

What was this?

Shouldn’t they be eating simple food like bread, buns, and dried meat that could be preserved in this Ghost Devil?

What was this?

At this moment, Xu Chang’an took out a black box, attracting everyone’s attention.

“Everyone, let me show you how to eat this meal,” Xu Chang’an demonstrated as Li Changqing had taught him.

“The top layer is rice and dishes, and if you look at the bottom, there’s a small cloth bag. You just need to pour water into the bottom, fully soaking the cloth bag, then put the rice and dishes on top, and finally cover it.”

As he spoke, Xu Chang’an covered the box.

Everyone was left in a fog, wondering what was going on.

But just then, they heard a sound coming from the box.

The next moment, a burst of heat actually emerged from the box.

“How is that possible!”

Everyone was shocked by the scene before them.

What had just happened?

They saw Xu Chang’an pour in cold water, but how could it be emitting heat just a few breaths later?

Had they used some novel spell?

Even Xue Qianbai and others who were watching the excitement on the side were incredulous at this scene.

Li Jinsong was dumbfounded.

He had traveled north and south, even frequented brothels, and considered himself a man of the world, but this scene was something even he, the former Painting Sage, could hardly believe.

“It smells so good.”

“It’ll be ready to eat in a quarter of an hour.” Xu Chang’an opened the lid, and the aroma immediately hit their noses. It was fish-flavored shredded pork over rice, the scent of the pork wafting out, making everyone’s mouth water.

There was meat, vegetables, and rice, all steaming hot.

Looking at the hard cake in their hands that could be used as a weapon, who would want to eat that?

“Line up and come get it yourself,” Xu Chang’an instructed.

Everyone immediately became noisy and quickly lined up.

“What do you want to eat?”

“I… I want the Mapo tofu.”


Li Changqing was in the tent, responsible for serving them food.

He also gave each of them a bowl, in which was a piece of frozen chicken, a soup that had been prepared earlier and frozen into blocks. Just add hot water, and it would become a bowl of hot soup.

There was already water boiling on the bonfire.

Everyone was like a curious child, going to get their food, then finding a place to start preparing this self-heating rice meal.

This thing was not only food to them, but it also looked fun, stirring their curiosity.

Even Li Jinsong and others came up to get a portion.

For a while, various fragrances wafted out.

They drifted out of the courtyard and into the Sky-Overturning Ghost City.

“What’s that smell?”

A disciple’s nose twitched, the aroma making his eyes light up.

It was the smell of food!

How could that be, where did it come from? There couldn’t possibly be food here.

At this moment, countless people noticed the aroma and followed it.

When they saw the disciples from Dao Mountain Ancient Land and Zhanhe Residence enjoying their hot rice and fragrant dishes, and each of them even had a bowl of soup, they couldn’t hold back any longer!

A sense of injustice descended upon them.

Even the sect leaders couldn’t help but salivate.”Damn it!” A clan leader angrily threw the pancake in his hand to the ground. He used so much force that the pancake cracked the green brick on the ground. He then cursed, “Let’s rob them!”

“You go if you want.” The leader of a small sect sneered, “Inside, there’s Qianxue Sword Sovereign and Qinglian Sword Sovereign, as well as Li Jinsong, who is as powerful as a cultivator at the peak of the Innate Realm. Also, the Peak Master of the Law Enforcement Peak of Dao Mountain Ancient Land, Wu Wenyin, is also at the peak of the Innate Realm.”

“That’s equivalent to four Grandmasters. You go if you want, I’m not going.”

Upon hearing this, everyone deflated.

The clan leader who suggested robbery also silently picked up the pancake from the ground.

However, seeing their disciples scrambling for food, they were truly envious to tears.


At this moment, Zhou Jun was so full that he burped, leaning contentedly in the tent, and then said, “I guess our seniors from Dao Mountain Ancient Land who have participated in the Ghost Devil trial will be shocked when we return.”

“They returned with injuries, we return with extra weight.”


Everyone couldn’t help but laugh.

They didn’t care at all about the hateful gazes outside.

This was exactly the effect Li Changqing wanted.

The advertisement of Changqing Trading Company had obviously achieved the desired effect.

Just then, a figure descended into the courtyard like a falling star.

Everyone present frowned.

They had already divided their territories, and other sects were not allowed to enter. If someone entered without a word, it was equivalent to declaring war.

Who was so arrogant?

When they saw who it was, the disciples’ expressions changed, and their gazes all turned to Li Hengsheng.

Li Changqing also looked at the newcomer, then smiled. It turned out to be his daughter-in-law.

Who else could it be but Lu Shiran?


At this moment, another figure followed closely behind, it was Lu Hanyan.

Lu Hanyan apologized to Xue Qianbai and the others, “Sorry for the disturbance, my disciple ran here, I will take her back now.”

“Shiran, come back with me.” Lu Hanyan scolded Lu Shiran.

But Lu Shiran was staring at Li Hengsheng, making Li Hengsheng feel goosebumps. Was this girl going to kill him here?

Please, can you, this psycho, leave quickly?

“Master, didn’t you tell me that when two people love each other, they will live together, eat together, sleep together, and that is real life, isn’t it?” Lu Shiran said indifferently to Lu Hanyan.

Everyone couldn’t help but look at Lu Hanyan. Is this what you teach your disciples at Guanglan Palace?

“I did say that, but…” Before Lu Hanyan could finish, Lu Shiran had already walked up to Li Hengsheng.

Li Hengsheng immediately gripped the Chasing Immortal Spear in his hand.

“Husband, I can temporarily forgive you for being a scumbag. I’m hungry, I want to eat.” Lu Shiran said.

“I’m not your husband!” Li Hengsheng couldn’t help but say.

“We have feelings for each other, this is love at first sight as Master told me, so you are destined to be my husband. I’m hungry, you have to feed me now, it’s your responsibility.” Lu Shiran said seriously to Li Hengsheng.


At this point, Lu Hanyan couldn’t stand it anymore. Lu Shiran seemed to be obsessively infatuated with Li Hengsheng. What was going on?

Lu Shiran was extremely talented and was sure to be the pillar of Guanglan Palace in the future. She might even be comparable to Guangzu. How could she let her fall into this damn love? More importantly, Li Hengsheng in front of her was not up to the standard of Guanglan Palace’s son-in-law!

Lu Shiran’s behavior really made her angry, but she couldn’t bear to scold Lu Shiran. So she looked at Li Hengsheng, her aura suddenly overwhelming, “What did you do? Why did Shiran fall for you? What did you use? She is a disciple of my Guanglan Palace, and she is unparalleled in beauty. You… are not worthy of Shiran.”

“I advise you not to be a toad wishing to eat swan meat!”

As soon as her aura came out, Li Hengsheng felt a heavy pressure, as if he was being suppressed by a mountain.

What did he do?

Nothing, it was just because they were both divine bodies, so they were attracted to each other.

But Li Hengsheng didn’t want to reveal his Sun-Moon Immortal-Demon Divine Body.

Everyone present felt that Lu Hanyan’s words were a bit aggressive, and they seemed to look down on Li Hengsheng.

“Hmph!” At this moment, Xue Qianbai stood in front of Li Hengsheng, casually crushing the oppressive aura, and then looked at Lu Hanyan with some displeasure, “Fairy Hanyan, you’ve gone too far.”

“Whether I’ve gone too far or your disciple has done something shady, it’s not clear yet.” Lu Hanyan slowly said.

“Let me hear who’s talking nonsense.”

Before Xue Qianbai could speak, a cold voice came like a bone-chilling wind.

The coldness made the temperature of the world seem to drop a few degrees!

Everyone present couldn’t help but shiver.

Lu Hanyan also frowned, no one had ever spoken to her like this.

She looked at the person who spoke, thinking it was someone from Dao Mountain Ancient Land, but when she saw that it was Li Changqing speaking, she was taken aback.

What does the disciple of Dao Mountain Ancient Land have to do with your Zhanhe Residence?

“Qinglian Sword Sovereign, what do you mean by this? I’ve never provoked you, have I?” Lu Hanyan said, holding back her temper.

“Did he provoke you?” Li Changqing looked at Li Hengsheng, “Since the incident at the Ghost Gorge, it was Lu Shiran from your Guanglan Palace who took the initiative to approach Li Hengsheng. It was the case last time, and it is the same this time. Yet, you are blaming this child for your mistakes. Do you think what you’re saying is reasonable?”

“Is your Lu Shiran a genius, and others are not worthy of her? In my opinion, even the best genius is useless. No matter what, Li Hengsheng is a normal person. However, this so-called genius has been cultivated into this state under the hands of your Guanglan Palace’s expert. I must say, I feel sorry for this little girl.”

Li Changqing’s words were sharp, not leaving any face for Lu Hanyan.

Everyone present was somewhat stunned. They didn’t know why Li Changqing stood up to speak for the disciple of Dao Mountain Ancient Land, even at the risk of offending the expert of Guanglan Palace.

Li Hengsheng himself was also surprised.

Being spoken to like that by Lu Hanyan, Li Hengsheng naturally felt uncomfortable. But what could Li Hengsheng say? She was an expert from Guanglan Palace, a Grandmaster. It’s not an exaggeration to say that a breath from her could turn him into ashes. He dared not offend her.

However, he believed that with Xue Qianbai here, Lu Hanyan would at most scold him a few times and wouldn’t do anything to him. But he never expected someone to stand up for him.

And he never thought that this person would be Qinglian Sword Sovereign, whom he had only met once.


Lu Hanyan’s face turned angry when she heard this.

“In the final analysis, this matter has nothing to do with your Zhanhe Residence. Even if someone wants to teach me a lesson, it should be the people from Dao Mountain Ancient Land. Aren’t you meddling in other people’s business?” Lu Hanyan gritted her teeth, her eyes filled with anger.

“I quite like this child, and I’m willing to protect him.”

Li Changqing raised his head, “So what? Hurry up and take your people away. This is the territory of our Zhanhe Residence and Dao Mountain Ancient Land. You broke in without permission. I’ve been polite enough not to take action against you. If you don’t leave, don’t blame me for cursing you even more.”

The air was filled with tension.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

How did they start arguing out of nowhere?

Just because of Li Hengsheng?

“Heh.” Lu Hanyan’s anger rose, her clothes fluttering in the wind, “Qinglian Sword Sovereign, we were originally minding our own business, but you provoked me. If I remain indifferent, wouldn’t I lose face for my Guanglan Palace?”

“You still have a face?” Li Changqing laughed, “I didn’t see it. A Grandmaster comes to someone else’s territory to bully a child in the Postnatal Realm. You have the nerve to say you have face. I think you do, but it’s a bit thick.”

“Why don’t you hang your thick skin on the city gate? I don’t think we need to block the Ghost Clan anymore. I doubt any of them could break through.”

Li Changqing’s mockery made Lu Hanyan’s face turn pale.

“Since you’re so arrogant, let me test if your Seven Kills Qinglian Sword Formation is as powerful as they say!” Lu Hanyan’s voice was icy cold. She knew she couldn’t out-argue Li Changqing, so she wanted to teach him a lesson.

“If you want to see my Seven Kills Qinglian Sword Formation, then I’ll satisfy you!” Li Changqing’s palm shook, and the sword box instantly opened.

The Seven Qinglian Swords flew out instantly, filling the sky with sword energy.

At this moment, the entire Sky-Overturning Ghost City shook.

What’s going on? Why are they fighting?

Apart from Xue Qianbai, the other three from Dao Mountain Ancient Land were extremely surprised.

This Qinglian Sword Sovereign seemed to have a good temperament and character. Why would he get angry and start a fight over Li Hengsheng?

Some people died, but they didn’t die completely…

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