Chapter 145 – No comparison, no harm

“Junior sister, this is a small cushion I brought for you. You can sleep with it under your head, otherwise, your neck might feel uncomfortable.” A disciple from the Gate of No Return took out a small cushion from a box and handed it to a lightly made-up young girl.

“Thank you, senior brother. The space in the box is limited, and yet you still managed to fit this small cushion for me.” The girl took the soft cushion, deeply moved.

Looking around, everyone else was sitting on the cold ground.

In such cold weather, sitting on the ground like this, one’s buttocks would stick to the ground after a while.

The entire Sky-Overturning Ghost City was like a ghost town, with no comfortable places to be found.

“Hehe, it’s nothing to take up a bit of space for junior sister, as long as you’re comfortable.” The young man said with a proud face.

“Senior brother, you’re always the best to me.” The girl said sweetly.

In such a desolate ghost city, having a small cushion was already a luxury.

The space in the box was limited, containing two pieces of clothing, the rest were pills and their carried rations.

If they didn’t bring enough of these things, it would become troublesome later.

After all, they had to stay here for thirteen days.

At this moment, a commotion came from outside the ruined building, attracting the attention of many disciples.

What happened?

Many people ran out, curiously looking into the distance.

“Chen Guan.”

An elder walked in and said to the young man, “Go see what’s happening outside.”

“Yes.” The young man quickly responded.

“Elder, I’ll go with Brother Chen.” The lightly made-up girl also stood up and said.

“Alright, go quickly and come back quickly.” The elder agreed.

The two walked out of the dilapidated building, following the direction of the noise.

“Isn’t that the Dao Mountain Ancient Land?”

When they arrived, they found that the entrance to a ruined courtyard was crowded with disciples from various sects and even some elders from sect families were looking on.

“What are they looking at?”

The two were puzzled and squeezed in to see what was happening.

“Excuse me, please make way.” Chen Guan and his junior sister finally squeezed in.

When they got in, they were stunned by the scene before them.

In the entire ruined courtyard, there were more than a dozen structures that looked like small houses, and disciples were walking into these houses with something like quilts in their hands.

From some places, even steady breathing could be heard, obviously, some had already fallen asleep.


Looking at this scene, Chen Guan was completely dumbfounded.

What were these things?

Where did Dao Mountain Ancient Land and Zhanhe Residence get these things?

Could it be that the boxes they brought in were filled with these things?

Wasn’t that a waste of space?

Did they bring enough rations?

Did they bring enough pills?

Despite these thoughts, all the disciples present were envious to the point of drooling.

Looking at those tents, they could block the cold wind no matter how it blew.

Moreover, many people saw that the things they were holding, which looked like quilts, were actually integrated with the cushions. Once they crawled in, they could sleep warmly.

Looking at themselves, they could only find a hard place, sit on the ground, freeze their buttocks, and then lean against the cold wall to sleep for a while.

If they were lucky, they could find some weeds to crawl into, which was already a luxury.

At most, they could light some firewood next to them, but the wood was not enough, they had to save it.

Comparing themselves to others was simply infuriating!

Were they here for the trial or for a vacation?

And on the tents, there were also big words written.

Exclusively sponsored by Changqing Trading Company.

Again, Changqing Trading Company!

What kind of trading company was Changqing Trading Company, and why did they have so many strange things?

At this time, Li Changqing arranged for all the disciples to go to sleep immediately, to conserve their energy for the fierce battle tonight.

Whether they were disciples from Dao Mountain Ancient Land or Zhanhe Residence, they all lined up to get supplies from Li Changqing. Li Changqing set up a tent and put a big box inside it.

When a disciple came to get something, Li Changqing would turn around and take it out of the box.

But it seemed like he was taking it out of the box, but it was actually just for show. The things were actually taken out of Li Changqing’s Acceptance of Rings.

Otherwise, how could so many things come out of such a big box? But if he took things directly out of the Acceptance of Rings, it would expose his Acceptance of Rings.

Xue Qianbai was also standing next to Li Changqing, helping him hand out the items, making it unclear how many big boxes were actually in the tent.

Originally, several people including the Peak Master wanted to come up and help, but they were all politely declined by Li Changqing.

If they came up to help, wouldn’t his secret be exposed?

“Thank you, Qinglian Sword Sovereign.”

Zhou Jun came up to get the supplies, holding the sleeping bag, he couldn’t help but laugh, “I didn’t expect that behind Changqing Trading Company, there is a master like Qinglian Sword Sovereign. It seems that Changqing Trading Company will grow bigger and bigger, and business will be more and more prosperous.”

“I’ll take your good words.” Li Changqing sighed that Zhou Jun was good at talking, and this person seemed to be his son’s third senior brother, right?

Behind Zhou Jun was Li Hengsheng.Li Hengsheng stepped forward, the closer he got to Qinglian Sword Sovereign, the more he felt a mysterious sensation.

“Qinglian Sword Sovereign.” Li Hengsheng greeted with a fist and bow.

Li Changqing looked at his son in front of him, then gently nodded, turned around and took out a sleeping bag from the tent. This sleeping bag was obviously thicker than the others, which was specially reserved for Li Hengsheng by Li Changqing.

Li Hengsheng took it with both hands and said, “Thank you, Qinglian Sword Sovereign.”

“You’re welcome.” Li Changqing said, “Have a good sleep, rejuvenate your energy, so you can concentrate more at night.”

When Li Changqing transformed into Qinglian Sword Sovereign, his voice would deliberately become deeper. Plus, Li Hengsheng hadn’t seen his father for almost four years.

Naturally, he didn’t recognize Li Changqing’s voice.

“Thank you for the reminder, Sword Venerate. By the way, there is a man named Li Changqing in Changqing Trading Company, do you know him?” Li Hengsheng was really curious and asked quickly.

“Li Changqing…” Li Changqing thought to himself, of course I know him, I even saw him when I was peeing this morning.

“Yes, he is a shareholder of my Changqing Trading Company. Why, do you also know Li Changqing?” Li Changqing asked pretending not to know.

Xue Qianbai, who was standing by, couldn’t stand to watch Li Changqing’s acting and simply walked away.

“Yes, he is my father.” Li Hengsheng quickly replied.

“No wonder, so you are Li Hengsheng. I’ve heard your father mention you.”

“Like father, like son. If the father is excellent, the son is also excellent.” Li Changqing pretended to be surprised.

Xue Qianbai, who hadn’t gone far, felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach when he heard this.

“Huh?” Li Hengsheng never expected Qinglian Sword Sovereign to say such a thing.

“Since you are the son of an old friend, I should take good care of you. If you have any problems, you can come to me at any time.” Li Changqing said to Li Hengsheng.

Li Hengsheng’s eyes lit up. Such a master was so easy to talk to.

At the same time, he didn’t expect his father, Li Changqing, to have such a face.

“Thank you, senior.” Li Hengsheng quickly thanked him.

“Alright, go and rest well. There will be danger at night, be careful.” Li Changqing reminded him again.

“Oh, okay.” Seeing Li Changqing’s caring reminder, Li Hengsheng felt warm in his heart. He originally wanted to ask more questions when he heard that Li Changqing had mentioned him, but there were people lining up behind him, so Li Hengsheng gave up.

He would have the chance to ask later.

After that, Li Hengsheng went back to the tent to sleep.

“Eh, Fourth Brother, why do I feel that your sleeping bag is thicker than mine?”

“Third Brother, you’re overthinking.”

The whole afternoon was bone-chilling cold. Many disciples were already crying from the cold before they even went to the battlefield at night.

The cold wind was really too cold.

At this time, everyone was enviously looking at the disciples from Dao Mountain Ancient Land and Zhanhe Residence.

Although they were dressed poorly when they arrived, their welfare was too good.

The sponsorship provided by Changqing Trading Company was too comfortable.

They all had the impulse to betray their sect and join Dao Mountain Ancient Land or Zhanhe Residence.

“Enough, what a sight you all are!” In a dilapidated house sheltered from the wind, an elder looked at his five disciples and said angrily, “Look at your ambition, always looking over there. Isn’t it just a place to sleep that’s a bit warmer?”

“They occupy so much space and bring these useless things. Wait and see, they won’t last ten days. They will finish their dry food. When they have nothing to eat and can only chew on grass roots, you won’t envy them at all.”

Listening to the elder’s confident words, they felt it made sense, but this didn’t stop them from envying Dao Mountain Ancient Land and Zhanhe Residence.

“Look at our neighbors, they don’t make a sound. You look so weak, how can you fight the Ghost Clan?”

The elder scolded them.

“Elder.” A disciple said hesitantly, “The people living in the courtyard next door are disciples from the Great Yuan Dynasty. They have been living in this environment for a long time and are used to it. They are not afraid of the cold at all. We are different.”

“Shut up.”

“You talk too much.”

The disciples of Medical King Valley were also crowded in a dilapidated hall.

The outside was bitterly cold, but at least they had a place to stay.

But the hall was dilapidated and drafty, which made them feel the cold from time to time.

The disciples from Medical King Valley were not too cold, because they had just taken a pill called Warm Sun Pill. After taking it, they could keep their bodies warm as spring.

So they didn’t suffer too much.

Mu Qingge was sitting in a corner of the hall. At this moment, there was a look of surprise on her face.

Because since Mu Qingge entered the Ghost Devil, she didn’t feel the suppression of her cultivation as others said.

She felt as if everything was as before.

The power in her body was not shackled.

But Mu Qingge didn’t say it out, because saying it might cause unnecessary trouble.

“Is Song Fairy here?”

At this moment, a voice came from outside.

The people of Medical King Valley looked outside, their eyes filled with helplessness. Since they knew that Mu Qingge was here, many toads wanted to eat swan meat.

They had already driven away several batches.

They didn’t expect that they wouldn’t let them rest, and another one came.

The grandmaster of Medical King Valley, Yan Zhentao, was somewhat regretful that he had brought Mu Qingge here.Mu Qingge came out when she heard the noise, these annoying flies just wouldn’t leave.

No matter who it was, Mu Qingge was ready to quickly shoo them away, and then ask them not to disturb the disciples of Medical King Valley anymore.

But when she stepped out, she found it was a middle-aged man, who looked to be in his fifties.

“Who are you?”

Mu Qingge found this man somewhat unfamiliar.

“I am Xu Chang’an from Zhanhe Residence, representing Changqing Trading Company to deliver something to Song Fairy.” After Xu Chang’an finished speaking, he brought over a large box from behind him. Upon opening it, there were two tents inside.

And several cotton quilts.

“This is…”

The disciples of Medical King Valley were overjoyed. They had previously visited the tents at Dao Mountain Ancient Land and were extremely envious.

They didn’t expect Changqing Trading Company to actually send them some.

“Thank you.” Mu Qingge also said with a fist salute.

“Alright, now that the items have been delivered, I’ll be leaving first.” Xu Chang’an said, then turned around and left.

“Changqing Trading Company has had dealings with us, I didn’t expect them to remember to send us something.” Yan Zhentao also came out and nodded approvingly, “This Changqing Trading Company really knows how to conduct business.”

Mu Qingge, however, didn’t think much of it. She knew that this must have been sent by Li Changqing through someone else.

“Guess he has a bit of a conscience.” A curve appeared at the corner of Mu Qingge’s mouth.

At this time, the disciples of Medical King Valley had already started to set up the tents in a flurry.

It was a pity that Li Changqing didn’t come, which made Mu Qingge feel regretful.

The entire afternoon, Sky-Overturning Ghost City was very quiet, with nothing but the sound of the wind, and there was no sign of life at all.

It even made people wonder if the Ghost Clan would really appear here?

By evening, the sun was about to set.

Everyone had also rested quite a bit.

But looking at the disciples from Dao Mountain Ancient Land and Zhanhe Residence, they were all stretching lazily with rosy complexions, looking very well-rested.

Compared to the disciples from other sects, they were in a completely different state.

The major sects were fine, they occupied some of the more intact buildings in Sky-Overturning Ghost City, and could avoid some of the cold wind. But those minor sects and families didn’t have the privilege to choose, they could only pick some more dilapidated places.

Some places even only had half a wall, and there weren’t many intact buildings nearby.

As for the places further away, they didn’t dare to go, not knowing when the Ghost Clan would appear.

If they were too far away, they feared that as soon as the Ghost Clan appeared, they would be immediately surrounded.

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(End of Chapter)

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