Chapter 115 – Where can I buy the fifth-grade Realm-Breaking Pill?

“Summon Yan Botao to me.” Li Changqing stretched his body and brewed himself a pot of tea.

Upon hearing that Li Changqing had emerged from seclusion, Yan Botao hurried to meet him. The recent events had left Yan Botao feeling as if he were living in a dream. He was eager to see Li Changqing, his excitement akin to that of meeting his idol.

Not only Yan Botao, but Zhao Yiqiu and Bai Jingfei also idolized Li Changqing. Zhao Yiqiu even remarked that a single thought from Mr. Changqing was enough for the three of them to study for a year and a half.

“Great Patron.” Upon seeing Li Changqing, Yan Botao respectfully bowed.

“Sit.” Li Changqing said, “I apologize for being in seclusion for so long. How have things been going recently? Is the trading company doing well?”

“Everything is going smoothly!” Yan Botao said, his face lighting up with admiration as he looked at Li Changqing. “Your arrangements were so meticulous, Great Patron, that it seems we didn’t have much to contribute. But everything has been carried out according to your plan, and those powers are now wisely making offerings to our Changqing Trading Company. I’ve brought the list.” Li Changqing: “???” What is he talking about?

Are we talking about the same thing? I don’t understand. And what’s with those starry-eyed looks of admiration?

“Explain to me in detail what has happened recently.” Li Changqing poured himself a cup of tea, wanting to know what outrageous events had occurred.

That had turned Yan Botao into his current state.

“Alright, I’ll report to the Great Patron.” Yan Botao then recounted the entire sequence of events.

His account was interspersed with flattery towards Li Changqing. At first, Li Changqing listened attentively, but the story’s trajectory soon deviated from his expectations.

By the end, Yan Botao was claiming that Li Changqing had ordered the assassination of Hai Songtao, that numerous powers had bloodily purged the Hai family in Water City, and that Li Changqing’s strategic planning had led many powers to curry favor with him… Yan Botao, are you sure you’re not playing me?

I’m so awesome, why haven’t I heard about it? Li Changqing’s hand, holding the teacup, began to tremble. How did things get to this point?

Who killed Hai Songtao? And is it really okay for you guys to deify me like this? But since Yan Botao and the others thought so, Li Changqing had no choice. He was already on the hot seat, he couldn’t say these things had nothing to do with him, could he?

That would be too demoralizing. And it wasn’t just a misunderstanding by three people, the whole Minghong Prefecture was under the same impression.

People had already sent money, so it wasn’t appropriate for him to say anything now. As long as it was beneficial to the development of Changqing Trading Company, it was fine. And among the gifts sent were many land deeds, which would be useful when Changqing Trading Company wanted to open branches.

“Alright, I understand.” Li Changqing digested the news, then said, “You guys keep up the good work, and let me know if anything comes up.”

“Don’t worry, Great Patron, we will manage diligently.”

“You’re planning to hire workers soon, right? When hiring, the recipe must not be leaked.” Li Changqing added.

“Rest assured, Great Patron, the recipe is the foundation of our Changqing Trading Company, we will definitely not leak it.” Speaking of the recipe, Yan Botao’s face became serious.

Now, those who knew the cooking recipes were trusted chefs from the three major families, all of whom were old members of the families.

As for the other cooks they hired, they didn’t have the recipes at all, because the seasonings they used were already prepared for them.

They had no idea what was in the seasonings. Moreover, Yan Botao and Bai Jingfei were not easy to deal with.

The families of these chefs were also under the surveillance of Changqing Trading Company. If they dared to leak the recipes, they wouldn’t mind sending their entire families to meet in another world.

“By the way, the young lady is back. She specifically asked to see you, Great Patron. She said that the young master brought a letter for you from Dao Mountain Ancient Land.” Yan Botao said at this time.

“Oh?” Li Changqing smiled, “Then let her bring it over.”

“Alright, I’ll get her.” After Yan Botao finished speaking, he went to find Yan Yuyun. At this time, Zhang Fuguang came up and quietly poured a cup of tea for Li Changqing.

“Sir.” Zhang Fuguang’s eyes were somewhat hesitant.

“If you have something to say, just say it.” Li Changqing could tell that this reticent man seemed to have a request.

“Do you need money? I can give you some in advance.” Li Changqing said, preparing to give Zhang Fuguang some silver.

But Zhang Fuguang shook his head.

“Siyao wants to learn to read and write.” Zhang Fuguang said with a blush, “Recently, Siyao has been sneaking lessons outside the school in Yan Residence. I wonder if you could allow Siyao to attend classes inside the school?” Zhang Fuguang had noticed that Zhang Siyao had been sneaking out every day, and out of curiosity, he had followed her to see what she was doing.When Zhang Fuguang, a tough man, saw his daughter secretly peeping into the school from outside the window, standing on tiptoes to watch people reading inside, he felt a pang of heartache.

He was an introverted person, not the kind who could easily ask for favors, but today he couldn’t help but want to ask Li Changqing for help.

“I overlooked it.” Li Changqing slapped his forehead. Zhang Siyao was indeed at the age to go to school.

He had completely forgotten about it.

“I’ll talk to Yan Botao later and let Siyao go to school.” Li Changqing smiled and took out a silver ingot and handed it to Zhang Fuguang. It was worth ten taels. “Take this and buy Siyao a nice new outfit, a school bag, and some brushes. Let Siyao go to school in style.”

“This…is not necessary.” Zhang Fuguang quickly declined. It was already very kind of Li Changqing to allow Zhang Siyao to go to school. How could he accept Li Changqing’s money?

Zhang Fuguang was already very grateful in his heart. He even felt that he owed Li Changqing another favor.

“It’s not for you, it’s for Siyao.” Li Changqing stuffed the silver into Zhang Fuguang’s hand and said, “Children need money to go to school. I can afford this. Besides, Siyao is such a cute girl, I like her very much. As long as Siyao is willing to study hard, that’s better than anything.”

“Thank you, sir.” Zhang Fuguang actually knelt down and kowtowed to Li Changqing.

“There’s no need for that.” Li Changqing quickly helped Zhang Fuguang up. At this moment, Yan Botao came with Yan Yuyun.

On the way, Yan Botao had repeatedly instructed Yan Yuyun to be respectful when she saw Li Changqing and not to be rude.

Yan Yuyun was curious. This was the first time she had seen her father so nervous. Wasn’t it just Li Changqing?

Wasn’t he just a beginner painter? Was it necessary? But thinking that Li Changqing was Li Hengsheng’s father, Yan Yuyun felt it was appropriate.

The father of the direct disciple. And Li Hengsheng was the first on the Mortal Realm List. There was a great hope for him to step into the Innate Realm in the future, and Li Changqing would also rise to heaven.

He deserved respect.

“Great Patron, this is my daughter, Yan Yuyun.” Yan Botao introduced Yan Yuyun to Li Changqing as they entered.

“She’s quite a beauty.” Li Changqing smiled and said, “My son is really lucky to have such a beautiful sister in the same sect.” Li Changqing’s words made Yan Yuyun blush, and she quickly saluted, “Yan Yuyun pays her respects to the Great Patron.”

“Good, good, Botao, I have something to discuss with you,” Li Changqing waved Yan Botao over.

“Just give your orders, Great Patron.” Yan Botao said.

“It’s not a big deal. Zhang Fuguang’s daughter, Zhang Siyao, is five years old. It’s not good for her to be idle all the time. Can you arrange for her to go to the Yan family’s school and learn to read and write with your Yan family’s children?” Li Changqing suggested.

“Don’t worry, Great Patron, I’ll arrange it right away. She can come to school tomorrow. I’ll also inform the teacher later.” Yan Botao readily agreed. This was not a problem.

“Good.” Li Changqing nodded, then added, “The children of your Yan family are all pampered. Don’t bully Zhang Fuguang’s daughter. She’s quite pitiful.”

“Definitely not. Our Yan family’s children are not like those spoiled brats from other families. They are all very well-behaved and won’t bully anyone. They are especially kind.” Yan Botao smiled.

Li Changqing looked at Yan Botao’s nonsense and thought to himself, wasn’t Yan Hanzhou bullied on his first day? I don’t believe you at all, you old fox.

“Great Patron, I’ll go arrange it now. Let Yuyun chat with you for a while.” After saying that, Yan Botao left Li Changqing’s courtyard.

“Thank you, sir. I’ll go get busy too.” Zhang Fuguang felt relieved and then turned and left.

“Great Patron, this is a letter from Brother Li for you.” Yan Yuyun handed the letter from Li Hengsheng to Li Changqing.

“Is my son doing well recently?” Instead of opening the letter, Li Changqing asked Yan Yuyun about Li Hengsheng’s situation in the sect.

The more information about his son, the better, to avoid any inconsistencies. Yan Yuyun chatted with Li Changqing about what she knew.

After Yan Botao left, he immediately summoned the Seventh Elder of the Yan family to see him.

“Family Head, what’s the urgent matter?” The Seventh Elder asked curiously as he walked in.

“Seventh Elder, you’re in charge of the education of our Yan family’s children. I want you to admit a girl into your school. She’s the girl from the Great Patron’s courtyard.” Yan Botao instructed.

“Oh, you mean the girl named Zhang Siyao?” The Seventh Elder smiled and said, “That girl is indeed good. She has been eavesdropping outside the school recently. Since the Great Patron has spoken, I’ll arrange for her to be admitted tomorrow.””Not only that,” Yan Botao’s voice suddenly turned icy, “Make sure to warn all the parents of the children studying in our school. If I find out that anyone has bullied Zhang Siyao, their family will no longer be welcome in Changting Town. They can go dig mines in the south mountain, understood?” Upon hearing this, the Seventh Elder’s face changed slightly. The punishment was severe indeed.

“This is the Grand Elder’s order. If anyone messes up, don’t blame me, Yan Botao, for being ruthless and ungrateful!” Yan Botao said indifferently.

“Yes,” the Seventh Elder quickly agreed.

“Don’t bully Zhang Siyao, but at the same time, don’t neglect her either. Let her study comfortably in our Yan family’s school. If one day she leaves the school without a smile on her face, I will hold you accountable,” Yan Botao stared at the Seventh Elder.

“I understand,” the Seventh Elder, though helpless, could only agree. It was as if a little ancestor had been stuffed into the school.

Zhang Fuguang took Zhang Siyao out to buy new clothes. Knowing that she could go to school, Zhang Siyao showed a happy smile.

Seeing his daughter so happy, Zhang Fuguang was also very pleased. Holding Zhang Siyao’s little hand, he strolled down the street without any worries, something he hadn’t done in a long time.

Li Changqing and Yan Yuyun chatted for a while before Yan Yuyun left. He opened the letter to see what had happened to his son recently.

The content of the letter was no different from usual, but Li Changqing found it very interesting. It wasn’t until Li Hengsheng mentioned that he had encountered a problem in his breakthrough and needed a fifth-grade pill but couldn’t get it, that Li Changqing frowned.

“A fifth-grade pill? Is it hard to get?” Li Changqing murmured to himself, “But since even the Dao Mountain Ancient Land doesn’t have it, it must be really rare.” After reading the letter, Li Changqing was thinking about where to get this fifth-grade pill.

Would the Medical King Valley have it? Should he ask Mu Qingge and see if she could get one for him?

But after thinking about it, Li Changqing decided not to owe her a favor just yet. Besides, Mu Qingge always looked at him strangely. He decided to try elsewhere first.

The next morning, Yan Botao came to see Li Changqing again. This was because Li Changqing had asked Yan Botao to see if he could get some good wood.

Yan Botao brought the wood.

“Grand Elder, this is Spirit Gold Wood,” Yan Botao brought a large piece of wood to Li Changqing and said, “Although this Spirit Gold Wood is not as good as the legendary wood, it is still very rare because it contains gold water. It is said that with a special method, gold can be refined from this wood.”

“Oh?” Li Changqing didn’t expect there to be such a magical wood. Seeing this Spirit Gold Wood, Li Changqing had an idea he wanted to try.

“By the way, Botao, do you know where I can buy a fifth-grade Realm-Breaking Pill?” Li Changqing asked Yan Botao.

“Fifth-grade?” Yan Botao was taken aback. Such a high-grade pill would require a very skilled alchemist to refine.

“A fifth-grade pill is too high-grade. We definitely don’t have it here, and even Minghong Prefecture might not have it,” Yan Botao pondered and said, “The North Cold Country might have it. There’s a black market in the North Cold Country where you can buy all sorts of things. They might have it.”

“Black market?” Li Changqing was stunned. There was such a thing in the Cangyuan Realm too. But wasn’t the North Cold Country a bit far?

If he left Minghong Prefecture for the North Cold Country, it would take about a month by carriage.

“How much does it cost?” Li Changqing also wanted to see if he could afford it.

“I don’t know about that,” Yan Botao said awkwardly, “The highest-grade pill I’ve ever seen is only a third-grade pill. I’ve never seen a fifth-grade one.”

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