Chapter 59 – Give the letter to Mi Cai

A moment later, the boy returned, his voice brimming with excitement as he said to me, "You didn't lie to me, she really is a super beauty!"


I smiled and asked, "So, what does she look like? I want to see if you've mistaken someone else for her."


"She has long hair that falls over her shoulders, and she's wearing a purple-grey outfit, just like you said. She's really beautiful, but she doesn't seem to like interacting with people. Still, I managed to give her the letter!"


I nodded and jokingly asked, "So, do you think I have a chance with her?"


The boy looked at me seriously and said, "I think it's a long shot!"


"Right… You should hurry to school, don't be late!" I patted his shoulder and said with a smile.


After wishing me good luck, the boy rushed off towards the distant platform.


In the drizzling autumn rain, I adjusted my shoulder bag that was about to slip off and looked up at the giant billboard of the Zhuomei Shopping Center, silently wishing that Mi Cai could safely navigate this crisis. All I could do for her was just this.




Back at Bao Li Department Store, I was calm. I worked calmly, attended the meeting called by Circle calmly, communicated with my colleagues calmly. My calmness came from the fact that I had already seen my own end, so I was mentally prepared for everything. After this promotion plan was over, I would resign from Bao Li. Maybe I would continue to look for work in Suzhou, or maybe I would return to the city where I was born and let Mr. Ban arrange a job for me in their company, and then live a peaceful life.


Time flew by quickly when I was focused on work. Soon it was time to get off work. I made a cup of coffee in the break room and took a short break before diving back into work. Today, Circle had reported to Chen Jingming the "Love is not a luxury" promotion theme I proposed yesterday. Chen Jingming approved it efficiently and immediately started the process. Since I proposed this theme, I was the main author of this promotion plan. As a return for Chen Jingming's care over the years, I had to give my 120% to this plan.


When I left the company after a day's work, it was already 10 o'clock at night. I was starving, so I bought some burgers and the like from the KFC store downstairs of the company. I walked on the street while eating. After a tiring day, I needed this almost leisurely way to relax.


But I didn't really relax. The hustle and bustle of the street and the heavy human traffic only highlighted my loneliness and helplessness in this city.


I also wanted to have a home in this city, a girlfriend who could become my wife in the future. But after struggling for these years, I realized that I was so powerless to these small dreams. I also understood how insignificant I was in this huge city, so insignificant that a gust of wind could make me waver, leaving behind regret and gloom, and drifting away from this city with the wind.




Back in the single apartment I rented just yesterday, I felt life was so unpredictable. I thought I would live here for a long time, but after giving that letter to Mi Cai this morning, I decided I wouldn't stay here for long. Although I subconsciously still wanted to struggle to survive in this city, finding a new job was not that easy. Everything depended on my luck after resignation. If I could find a job as quickly as possible, then I would continue to struggle. If I couldn't find one for a long time, I would have no choice but to leave.


After washing up, I lay in bed, my mind in a mess. I didn't dare to plan my future life, so the high spirits of life a few days ago had degenerated into a decadent life of muddling along.


Listening to the sound of rain outside the window, I started thinking about Jian Wei again, thinking about the future we once dreamed of together. But now, thinking about it was so pale and powerless, and the only one who had to bear this paleness and powerlessness was me. At least without me, Jian Wei would still live well. She didn't have to worry about material things, she could use material things to fill the emotional void. In fact, her emotions wouldn't be empty, because now she had Xiang Chen, even her emotions had found a place to rely on. This was good! Really good. I would keep thinking about my own pain, and then silently send her my blessings.


I took the guitar out of the box, strummed the strings, and started singing Eason Chan's song "Backpack". I just sang along with the melody played by the guitar, singing… and then I started crying. Crying for no reason, because not having a house, a job, or a woman was just a small matter to me in the past, but now I was shedding cheap tears for these small matters. Isn't this ridiculous enough?


The sound of rain outside the window seemed to get louder. After this rain, the weather would probably get colder, and winter was coming, covering the world with frost.




Three days passed in no hurry. During these three days, there were both big and small things. The small thing: I received two knitted scarves and some rice and flour sent by Mr. Ban. The big thing: I completed the "Love is not a luxury" themed promotion plan efficiently during my endless overtime. I handed the completed plan to Circle, and Circle handed it to Chen Jingming. As the plan was submitted, the day I handed in my resignation letter to Chen Jingming was also counting down. I was about to leave Bao Li Department Store.


This evening after work, I wanted to call Mi Cai and planned to give her one of the knitted scarves. I thought she would like it, because last time Mr. Ban sent two knitted sweaters, I gave one to her, and I saw her wearing it several times. So she should like this knitted scarf too.


Regardless of the relationship between us, this knitted scarf was after all a token of affection from my mother and Mr. Ban, so it should be given.


With a sufficient reason, I immediately dialed Mi Cai's number, but no one answered for a long time. Just when I was about to give up, she called back.


I quickly answered the phone, and she apologized to me, "Sorry, I was in a meeting just now. Do you need anything?"


Instead of answering immediately, I tentatively asked, "Is your company very busy recently?""Um, there's been a bit of an issue at the company recently, we're working on resolving it."


"Oh." I responded, but I knew that Mi Cai had indeed received my letter. She might be dealing with Mi Zhongde's power scheme against her right now.


Mi Cai urged me again, "Go on, why did you call me? What's up?"


I hesitated slightly before saying, "My mom knitted a scarf for you, my dad sent it over by courier. If you have time, you can pick it up, or I can deliver it to you." After a pause, I added, "It's okay if you don't want it."


Mi Cai didn't refuse, she said, "Then wait a bit, I have some things to deal with. You can go to our Zhuomei, find a place to have a drink first, I'll come find you when I'm done."


I jokingly said, "Then you have to treat me to the drink! I'm the one who's delivering something to you."


"Alright." Mi Cai responded, then hung up the phone. It seemed she was quite busy at the moment.


After ending the call, I packed the scarf into a bag, then left the company, heading towards the Zhuomei shopping center across the street…

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