Vol.1 – Chapter 11 – Prescription gift, Xu Taiping obtains the marrow soup

"Very well."


Fairy Lingyue smiled faintly at Xu Taiping.


For some reason, even though he was just a teenager in his teens, she always felt that his determination was stronger than many adults, much like someone she had known before.


"Come closer."


Fairy Lingyue suddenly beckoned Xu Taiping with her hand.


"What does the fairy have to command?"


Xu Taiping stepped forward, somewhat puzzled.




At that moment, Fairy Lingyue extended a finger and lightly tapped Xu Taiping's forehead.


Before Xu Taiping could react, he felt a refreshing coolness entering his brain, followed by the appearance of a white paper in his mind, recording the recipe and preparation instructions for the Bone-Cleansing and Marrow-Washing Soup.


"The Bone-Cleansing and Marrow-Washing Soup? There really is a recipe in this world that can allow bones to cultivate."


After Xu Taiping saw the effects of the recipe, a look of joy couldn't help but appear on his face.


"Little guy, don't be too happy yet. The recipe for the Bone-Cleansing and Marrow-Washing Soup is meant to be used in conjunction with another soup recipe. However, the ingredients needed for that recipe are too precious. Even if I give them to you, it won't be of any use. Therefore, you will encounter some difficulties during the process of soaking in the Bone-Cleansing and Marrow-Washing Soup."


Fairy Lingyue poured a basin of cold water on Xu Taiping's head.


"What kind of difficulties?"


Xu Taiping immediately asked.


"Without the other soup, when you soak in the Bone-Cleansing and Marrow-Washing Soup, your whole body will be in extreme pain, just like the pain of cutting flesh and scraping bones."


Fairy Lingyue's expression turned serious.


"I'm not afraid of pain."


Xu Taiping thought for a moment and then shook his head firmly.


Although Fairy Lingyue wanted to say that he hadn't tasted that kind of suffering, otherwise he wouldn't have answered so decisively, she couldn't say it for some reason.


"Today, this deity is in a good mood. In addition to the original promised recipe, I will give you another thing."


Fairy Lingyue suddenly smiled and then reached out her hand to gently squeeze.


In an instant, Xu Taiping saw white light converging like ribbons in Fairy Lingyue's palm. When Fairy Lingyue opened her hand again, three colorful and translucent beads had appeared in her palm.


At the moment when these three beads took shape, Xu Taiping clearly felt that Fairy Lingyue's figure became much more transparent.




Before Xu Taiping could ask what it was, Fairy Lingyue suddenly raised her hand and scattered the three beads, throwing them in three different directions in the medicinal garden.


After doing all this, Xu Taiping heard Fairy Lingyue softly chanting an incantation. At the same time, faint blue light converged around the three beads, forming a mysterious rune pattern that enveloped the entire medicinal garden.


"This is the Minor Three Spirit Gathering Array. Although it is not as powerful as a real Spirit Gathering Array, it is enough to ensure that your half-acre medicinal garden will yield three times the harvest within a year."


After doing all this, Fairy Lingyue explained to Xu Taiping with some weakness.


"Three times?"


Upon hearing this, Xu Taiping's face first showed surprise, then he took out the four Soybean Spirit Crystals from his pocket and handed them to Fairy Lingyue, saying:


"Fairy, please accept these four beans. My grandfather said that fairness is the most important thing in a transaction, otherwise it won't last."


Seeing Xu Taiping say this seriously, Fairy Lingyue couldn't help but burst into laughter, but immediately she became serious again and said:


"What you said is correct. Since it is a transaction, fairness is important. However, well, you need these Spirit Crystals for your cultivation, so consider it as me lending them to you first. When the Earth-Hiding Fruit bears treasures again next time, you can return them to me."


Hearing this, Xu Taiping also thought seriously for a moment, then nodded and said, "Then when I return them to you next time, I will have to include interest. I will have to give you five Spirit Crystals."


"Yes, yes, interest must be included."


Fairy Lingyue covered her mouth and chuckled.


At this moment, Fairy Lingyue's figure became slightly transparent again, and her aura obviously weakened a lot.


"Little Taiping, this remnant soul of mine is too weak. I need to continue resting and recuperating in the Earth-Hiding Fruit. It will take at least one or two months before I can come out. From now on, this medicinal garden and your own cultivation will depend on you. Don't hold me back. I still need to rely on the Earth-Hiding Fruit to restore my true form."


Fairy Lingyue instructed Xu Taiping with a slightly playful tone.


"Fairy, rest assured, cultivation is my own matter. Taiping will never hold you back."


Xu Taiping's gaze was very determined.


"You said it well. Cultivation is indeed a personal matter. On the long path of cultivation, others can help for a while, but they can't help forever. In the end, it still depends on oneself."Fairy Lingyue smiled satisfactorily, then pointed at the withered beanstalk and said:


"Taiping, go inside the house and find a shovel. Dig this beanstalk out and bury it in the center of the medicinal garden."




Xu Taiping nodded, turned around without a word, and headed towards the house.


Just as he turned to go back to the house, Fairy Lingyue, who had been smiling gently, suddenly had a sharp look in her eyes. She then turned to look at the wall behind her.


Following her sharp gaze, one could see a pair of eyes glowing with a faint blue light, sneakily watching the courtyard.


The moment Fairy Lingyue turned her head, those eyes obviously noticed her and immediately rolled off the wall.




At the same time, Fairy Lingyue, who had been somewhat ethereal, suddenly turned into a gust of wind and whistled out of the courtyard, sending the figure that had fallen off the wall flying with one hand.


"Mercy, Immortal, mercy! I'm just an Evil Ghost, forced by the Tiger Lord of Green Peak Gorge to harm people!"


Before Fairy Lingyue could speak, a Corpse Ghost with a greenish face and a rotting body revealing white bones bowed to her.


"Serving the tiger, it's scum like you all."


Fairy Lingyue snorted coldly, then slapped the Corpse Ghost away with a palm through the air. At this moment, she seemed like a completely different person compared to when she was facing Xu Taiping.


"Wait, my strength has not fully recovered yet, and I may not be a match for that Tiger Demon. Killing this Evil Ghost will only bring trouble. It would be better to cast an Enchantment Spell on it, making it temporarily forget what happened here. When Taiping's cultivation is successful in the future, he can subdue that Tiger Demon. It would be a good experience."


Fairy Lingyue, who was about to kill the Evil Ghost in one fell swoop, suddenly withdrew her hand. She murmured a sentence under her breath, then a happy smile appeared on her face.

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