Chapter 96 – No. 44 Peach Pond Road

"In this case, I should make a card that is not afraid of sunlight to compensate for its weakness…"


Chronicle thought to himself, shaking his head suddenly, "Hey, wait a minute, weren't we just talking about the Ghost's Nest? How did we end up here?"


Li Baitian continued, "I feel like they don't really look like ghosts."


"What are they then? Great Jing Demon? Didn't the textbook say they can't cross over?" Chronicle couldn't help but ask.


"Not really."


Li Baitian recalled for a moment and shook his head, "The map I received is called 'Bloody Black Wind Village.' It is a large ancient-style stronghold with many bandits skilled in weapons and martial arts."


"If it's just a few of them, I'm not afraid."


"But when they gather together, using the terrain and forming formations, with knives and shields, swords and spears, I can't handle them alone. I can only hastily retreat with the protection of the Headless Executioner and the Yin Thunder Vajra."


"However, even though I only fought them for a few minutes, I can still tell from some details that they are not 'humans' in the traditional sense."


"They are more like… some kind of monsters with empty bodies and insufficient spirits."


Listening to Li Baitian's analysis, Chronicle couldn't help but furrow his brows.


"This description… sounds more and more like some kind of unfinished zombies."


But he didn't jump to conclusions, just silently quickening his pace and soon arrived at their destination with Li Baitian.


"It's here."


Li Baitian pointed to the slope in the distance.


Chronicle followed his finger and saw a shimmering river with a fiery red light under the setting sun.


Next to it was a large open space, overgrown with reeds and weeds, without even a large stone.


At a glance, it was obvious that something was fishy.


Taking a deep breath of the cold air by the river, Chronicle sat down next to a tree and waited silently.


With him as a strong helper, Li Baitian also felt more at ease and practiced his swordsmanship nearby.


The cold light flickered, resembling a soaring snake.


Even though Chronicle was an outsider, he could tell that it was extraordinary.


"When I have time, I should learn some martial arts from Lord Ba."


He thought to himself as he clenched his fist, feeling a strong force flowing within him.


Perhaps it was because of the extraordinary Myth Card, the feedback he received from successful card-making was always more than other card masters.


This conclusion was drawn by comparing with others.


In any case, his physical fitness now was enough to rival those top athletes from before he crossed over.


However, he still lacked in body coordination and power techniques.


"If I waste such good physical condition, it would be a great loss."


Chronicle thought to himself, took out his phone, and played "Card Master's Peak" for a while, investing some resources into the recently purchased Little Panda and Mahjong Head.


The cards in these games were all based on real prototypes.


The Red Scarf Penguin often spent a high price to buy the image copyrights of those high-profile card masters.


"The bidding seems quite high."


"And there's no need to provide specific information, just borrow the appearance, and you can earn so much money. Not bad."


"When I become famous in the future, I should get one too."


Chronicle thought to himself as he played the game.


After about an hour, around 6:30 in the evening, the distant open space gradually revealed the shadow of a magnificent stronghold.


Under the gaze of him and Li Baitian, the shadow quickly turned from illusion to reality, and shouts of killing came from within.


"They're here."


Chronicle said softly, his gaze flickering.


He raised his hand and summoned a coffin emitting black gas.


Although it was shaded by the trees, it still caught some of the red light from the setting sun.


A dry "hehe" sound came from the coffin.


Zongzi pushed open the coffin, hunching his back, his eyes confused as he looked around.


Clearly, he was still half-asleep.


A few seconds later, it finally reacted and reached into the coffin, taking out the Yinwen headdress that hadn't been worn for a long time, and pressed it onto its white fur.


– With the Yinwen headdress and the Qinghei robe that could avoid sunlight, the light-blocking effect was quite good.


Coupled with its zombie cultivation, it could walk in the dim evening for a short period of time without any problems.


"Let's go."


Li Baitian said softly, and two towering figures, the Yin Thunder Vajra and the Headless Executioner, appeared beside him.


Beside Chronicle were Lord Ba, Yingtai, and Zongzi.


With a call, the four figures flashed and launched an attack towards the large stronghold not far away.


Yingtai stayed behind, acting as a bodyguard for Chronicle and Li Baitian.


"Be careful, there are archers!"


Li Baitian reminded, and Chronicle looked up and saw a figure about 1.7 meters tall, with a grim face and wearing a coarse cloth robe, standing on the watchtower next to the gate of the stronghold, pulling a bow and nocking an arrow.


The arrow pointed directly in their direction.




Before Chronicle could call out, Yingtai quickly took off the longbow hanging on his back and drew an arrow from the quiver, quickly pulling the bow in a more standard posture.


In the next moment, the arrow shot out, making a sound as it broke through the air.


With a collision of gold and iron, the two arrows clashed.


In the end, Yingtai, with the support of his skills, came out on top. After piercing the opponent's arrow in half, his arrow accurately hit the bandit's forehead.




The archer bandit fell to the ground.


Yingtai couldn't help but wave his fist.


Without waiting for Chronicle's praise, he quickly drew another arrow from the quiver and shot it, "swoosh, swoosh, swoosh."After a while, two knife-wielding bandits blocking the gate were knocked down.




Chronicle couldn't help but praise, but Bai Ziliang stopped in his tracks and looked at the three bandits that Yingtai had taken down.


As Li Baitian said, these bandits were not living beings, but some kind of half-human, half-corpse monsters with preserved instincts and considerable intelligence.


Unlike zombies and undead, their bodies still had some vitality.


If treated properly, they might be able to transform back into "Great Jing Yao Ren".


Of course, that didn't matter.


What mattered was that although their original intelligence was lost, they could still be considered living units.


With a few bites from Zongzi, the "Venomous" skill was activated, and with a huge difference in quality star ratings, the success rate of transformation was almost one hundred percent.


Hearing the low growls, the three bandits twisted their bodies and stood up unsteadily, becoming "Living Zombies".


In this state, their physical strength was almost doubled, and their strength increased significantly.


Under Zongzi's command, they turned around and charged towards their own gate.


Any bandit monster that tried to intercept them was knocked down and bitten madly.


The corpse poison was transmitted through their long sharp teeth.


The bitten bandits trembled, and their eyes, filled with bloodshot veins, were gradually engulfed in white.


But after about half a minute, the transformation was still not successful – there was too little toxin in the living zombies.


In the end, Zongzi helped "sharpen" them, completely changing the appearance of these bandits.


Under the scorching sunset, they became extremely crazy.


Before Ye Ye and Li Baitian's two Caling could make a move, they rushed towards their former companions with ferocious faces.


With the support of the corpse poison, the bandit monsters, who were originally evenly matched in strength, were no longer their opponents.


In addition, they had a trace of remaining intelligence after the transformation, making it easy for them to find weak points in the formation, and a few charges broke the bandits' stance.


Seeing this situation, Yin Lei Jin Gang, driven by a small amount of intelligence, couldn't help but look at the figure standing proudly on the side.


Under the blood-red sunset, the figure had crossed arms, a calm expression, and white hair fluttering in the breeze, exuding unparalleled dominance.


The headless executioner had no head, but could still feel a strong aura near him, and immediately showed respect.


Ye Ye turned his head slightly, and the corner of his mouth twitched as he glanced at the little Zongzi who was trying hard to imitate his domineering posture.


"So fast?!"


Outside the village on the hillside, Li Baitian looked at the four Caling that had returned, and his eyes trembled.


Although she had thought that there might be a big difference in strength between herself and Chronicle, what she saw now was beyond her expectations.


If she wasn't mistaken, the other Caling seemed to have not made a move…


"They just bit their necks a few times, and the battle was over?"


She said incredulously.


Chronicle waved his hand and put Ye Ye and Zongzi back into the coffin.


Under Yingtai's protection, he walked towards the villa area without looking back.


"I'm going to take a nap first, I won't wait for you."


"Don't forget to put away the village, it's also a scene material."


His voice came with the night wind.


Li Baitian took a deep breath and shouted, "Thank you."


Chronicle just waved his hand, not caring about this little incident.


After walking for more than ten minutes, he returned home and started to rest.


After sleeping for less than two hours, he woke up from his sleep.


After stretching, he quickly washed up and walked towards the open space.


"Brother Ziliang, good evening." Chronicle greeted.


Bai Ziliang seemed to be in a good mood today.


After all, he was the top rich guy in Qingshan Province, and no one was willing to delete him.


Just now, the girl added him back again.


They were chatting enthusiastically at the moment.


"Xiaonian ah…" Bai Ziliang smiled, "Where are you planning to take photos tonight?"


"The old mansion of the Gu family." Chronicle replied.




Bai Ziliang's pupils trembled slightly, and his hand holding the phone shook visibly.


"The old mansion of the Gu family." Chronicle asked with some suspicion, "Is there a problem, Brother Ziliang?"


"No, no." Bai Ziliang said "no" twice, turned his head, and sighed lightly.


Seeing his reaction, Chronicle didn't say much either. After boarding the carriage of the "Paper Husband Protecting the Red Flower Sedan", he took out his phone and entered the keyword "Land of Peach Gu Family Old Mansion" in the search bar of "Jiuzhou Card Master".


A large number of links popped up instantly.


Most of them were useless.


And he had seen them before.


But combining Bai Ziliang's performance just now, he quickly noticed a detail: the wife married by the Gu family young master a hundred years ago… had the surname Bai.


"Is Brother Ziliang's family really that big?"


Looking at the tall buildings and ancient gardens on the screen, Chronicle couldn't help but smack his lips.


"Evil rich people."


After cursing, he closed his phone.


A few minutes later, everyone arrived one after another.


The strange Caling quickly filled the entire carriage.


After confirming the number of people, with Bai Ziliang's "let's go", the sedan chair headed towards the direction of the Land of Peach City.


Another long chapter, there will be another chapter later.


Extra update on the first day, I didn't manage the time well, so it might be a bit late.


I hope you all understand.By the way, let me mention that Qidian charges by the word count, with a rate of 200 words per unit. There's no such thing as authors setting their own prices.


I hope all of you who have just downloaded and started using this app are aware of this.


(End of this chapter)

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