Chapter 94 – Material card?、Imagination

"Teacher Fan, long time no see."


Chronicle smiled and greeted the other person.


During this time, his acting skills have improved a lot.


At this moment, his smile was sincere, and his words and actions were natural, without any resentment.


Fan Lei, seeing his performance, felt even more ashamed: "Little Nian, I've been busy these days and didn't have time to find you… Is your studying going well recently?"


"Well, Uncle Yuan and Teacher Su are very responsible. I have learned a lot from them." Chronicle squinted his eyes and answered with a smile.


As he expected, Fan Lei's expression instantly became complicated when he heard the title "Uncle Yuan".




He couldn't help but sigh lightly.


This good child should have become his disciple.


But because of his momentary lapse of judgment, he forcefully pushed him to his colleague.


Although it's true that the fat water does not flow into outsiders' fields, this feeling is really hard to bear.


He suddenly understood the feelings of Ziliang when he became his student.


"Unfortunately, Ziliang was also ruined by me. I am really not a qualified teacher. Perhaps… it's best for Little Nian to follow Old Xie."


He thought to himself, forcing a smile and looking at Chronicle, "That's good, let's get on the car."


This is a vehicle called "Six Horses Flying Carriage".


The model of the carriage is no less than a minibus, and the size of the six handsome war horses is not inferior to that of an elephant.


From a distance, it looks very imposing.


"The 'Paper Man Carrying Coffin' is a bit too small-minded. When we have the conditions in the future, let's make a better one."


Chronicle thought to himself and got on the carriage with Yingtai.


The others quickly arrived, and from their expressions, it could be seen that they had a good night's sleep.


This is probably the best night's rest they have had in a while.


"Let's go!"


Fan Lei waved his hand, and the six spirited horses immediately lifted their hooves, dragging the carriage and walking in the air.


The speed was even faster than the "Paper Husband Protecting Scarlet Flower Sedan".


In just over an hour, the familiar Tomb Hill and Tombstone Villa entered everyone's sight.


"Everyone, go back and rest well. There will be a course on the 'Resource Card' in the afternoon."


After parking the carriage slowly on the open space, Fan Lei said this and turned to the monitoring tent.


"Chronicle Brother, did you gain anything last night?" Ginger Tea bumped into Chronicle's shoulder and asked with a smile.


Chronicle nodded, "You don't need to go to the Sangmenlu Funeral Home. I have already cleared it out."


"Really? Chronicle Brother, you are too efficient." Ginger Tea couldn't help but click her tongue.


As the little dog who gets beaten every day, she is the one who understands Chronicle's strength the most among the trainees.


She was not surprised at all that he cleared the dangerous areas in the city.




"Why do I feel that the gap between me and Chronicle Brother is getting bigger… It wasn't that big half a month ago…"


Ginger Tea muttered quietly while squatting on the side.


With her clever mind, she quickly realized that Fan Lei's statement of "successful capture can receive corresponding rewards" was probably specially prepared for Chronicle.


Everyone is not stupid. After such a long time, they have probably figured out the focus and position of Chronicle's main battle cards.


According to the game's terms, Seven Brothers is undoubtedly a mage, Eight Brothers is a warrior, Zongzi Brother is a tank, and Yingtai is a support and ADC.


The first two are particularly powerful and are currently Chronicle's top reliance as the "Great Demon King".


They can attack, control, and even use the terrifying N-T-R technique.


Of course, this is not important.


What is important is that these two card spirits seem to have a special talent for "capturing ghosts".


Although many cards made from "Ghost Bailiffs," "Righteous Souls," and "Spirit of the Bandit Army" have similar characteristics, most of those cards have not found a balance between functionality and combat effectiveness. They are just a group of "lame giants".


But Chronicle has grasped this balance very well. The two cards in his hand can capture and attack.


From this perspective, all the practical courses on capturing ghosts are for him to score points.


Everyone is well aware of this.


This is also the important reason why they didn't go to the underworld to scout last night and chose to go home to rest.


—The training side couldn't be more obvious: we just want to see Chronicle's current upper limit of strength, and by the way, give him some rewards and materials. You guys don't need to meddle, just take a few photos and pretend.


Who would willingly put themselves in an unpleasant situation?


The answer is, of course, no one.


Even Shen Fei, who is arrogant, has to admit that he probably can't even catch half a ghost, let alone fight Chronicle.


He's not stupid. He knows that he will be slapped in the face, but he still takes the initiative to get close. Isn't it as satisfying as staying overnight in an internet cafe with instant noodles and ham sausages?


"Let's go to sleep."


Shen Fei yawned and greeted the brothers who stayed up all night playing games, and went back to the villa area to rest.


The others also left one after another.


Chronicle had only slept for half the night last night, so he wasn't very sleepy at the moment and didn't want to go back to bed.He simply took out a few coin-type materials and continued to study the method of crafting disposable protective coins.


Time passed by minute by minute.


In the blink of an eye, it was afternoon. Fan Lei, dressed as a scholar but unable to hide his robust physique, came to the open space with a book in hand.


He picked up a black marker from the lectern and swiftly wrote the words "Supply Card" on a whiteboard.


"A Supply Card is a niche type of card with strong practicality, often used in the military."


"In my understanding, this type of card is a weakened fusion of scene cards, summoning cards, skill cards, equipment cards, and psychic potions."


"When crafting this type of card, a Card Craftsman first needs to construct a logically sound scene, such as… a diner that only opens at midnight."


"Then add a specific story."


"In this example, it would be the past and present life of the diner's owner and the past experiences of every customer."


"Once approved, the completed card will generate supplies with corresponding functions based on this information, and distribute them regularly according to the story rules and card quality."


"For example, the card I'm using as an example for you all will refresh a food item with a special effect at midnight every day…"


"It could be a small octopus-shaped sausage that causes a drastic drop in sanity, or a durian and egg fried rice that helps restore a small amount of psychic power."


"This is the most common way to use Supply Cards."


"Some masters from certain religions and evil organizations also like to link these cards with people's minds in reality, harvesting emotions such as respect and fear to strengthen other cards."


"In addition, some young Card Craftsmen who specialize in this field like to integrate these cards into their own body parts. In your young people's terms, it seems to be called… what, 'Mana Supplement'?"


"In short, there are various ways to play with Supply Cards, and they have extremely high development potential."


"Everyone, take some time to digest this. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me."


With that, Fan Lei picked up a cup of water from the side and started drinking.


Meanwhile, Chronicle was recalling what the other party had just said, but suddenly an image of an old woman holding a bowl, standing by a bridge, with an unclear face popped into his mind, along with a plaque with an incense burner in front of it, looking hazy and ethereal.


"Meng Po Soup", "Incense Ascension"…


(End of the chapter)

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