Chapter 92 – The gap between Mao Jiang and the Corpse Demon King, a mythological card game





In the spacious hall, low roars echoed one after another.


One by one, the withered and decaying figures roared and lifted the white cloth covering their bodies, causing layers of dust to fall.


Chronicle turned his head and met the gaze of pairs of turbid, slightly bulging eyes filled with bloodshot veins, exuding a beast-like madness.


Like a hungry tiger in the jungle, even if it knew that the fierce man standing in front of it was called "Wu Song," it would still roar and charge forward, attempting to tear his flesh apart.


These almost negligible zombie spirits wrinkled their noses and made sniffing sounds, then turned their heads towards Seven Brothers, extending their arms and moving their legs, rushing forward.




Seven Brothers let out a low roar, seemingly mocking.


His chest rose and fell, and two streams of corpse energy slowly floated out of his nostrils, resembling swimming dragons.


As if smelling the scent of corpse energy, the faces of these decaying figures became even more frenzied.


They continuously roared from their throats, their eyes filled with greed and a touch of cunning.


Using a decisive and ruthless formation, they surrounded one person and three Cardlings in the corner, then simultaneously attacked various vital points of Seven Brothers.


However, Seven Brothers did not dodge or avoid.


Unlike the rigid stiffness of the Green Zombie stage, in the Fur Zombie stage, it could perform some basic movements with a slight delay.


For example, crossing its arms, tilting its head slightly, looking at people with its nostrils, and revealing a crooked smile like a dragon king.


As a Cardling synthesized from "zombie spirits" and other rare materials, it could effectively convey its emotions to the zombie spirits.


After completing a set of actions, it successfully made the other party feel a strong sense of mockery.


"Heh ah!"


As a result, the leading large zombie spirit roared in anger, and its ten fingers, resembling hooked knives, stabbed directly at Seven Brothers' neck.


The other zombie spirits either revealed sharp nails or displayed two rows of dark yellow fangs, just like the wild dogs besieging an old lion king in the animal world, vicious and ruthless.


However, the gap in strength between them and Seven Brothers was much larger than that between the wild dogs and the lion.


As a zombie, Seven Brothers did not have the concept of "old age."


As long as he stood there, he was in his best condition.


What's more, this funeral parlor, filled with dense corpse energy, was not only the home ground of the zombie spirits, but also the same for him.


So, when the zombie spirits launched their attacks, the sound of clashing metal and iron rang out, followed by the sound of blades breaking. Accompanying these sounds were screams of anger, fingertips and fangs flying in all directions, and the decaying figures trembling as they fell from mid-air.


—Seven Brothers in the Fur Zombie stage not only had a strong physique, but also condensed his murderous aura into a substantial form, enveloping him like a thick layer of armor.


Even if he stood still, the zombie spirits couldn't break his defense.




Seven Brothers let out a roar from his throat, a smirk appearing at the corner of his mouth.


He turned his head and looked at Chronicle, his proud eyes seemingly asking, "Am I awesome?"


"Awesome, really awesome."


Chronicle gave a thumbs-up in approval.


Seven Brothers also smiled brightly—on this silly and big guy in front of him, it saw the shadow of its own brothers.


However, its own brothers had been fond of martial arts since they were young and loved to practice, making them truly skilled.


They were not as lazy as the other party.


They could sit instead of standing, and lie down instead of sitting.


In this fight, they didn't even need to move their hands. They only relied on their strong defense to repel the enemy, and they were already "exhausted" and wanted to find a place to lie down.


"Seven Brothers, there's another one over there."


Chronicle pointed towards the innermost bed on the shelf, reminding him.


Seven Brothers nodded slightly in response. His white hair swayed with the night breeze as he extended one hand, revealing a mouth-like opening in his pale palm.


Accompanied by the surging aura, the floating corpse energy in the room immediately gathered towards the opening.


The fallen zombie spirits on the ground gradually became motionless, and their already withered bodies quickly shriveled up like punctured balloons.


"Comfortable," "Beautiful," "Satisfying."


Similar emotions were conveyed through the sea of consciousness.


Chronicle couldn't help but curl his lips. He watched as Seven Brothers walked confidently towards the depths of the mortuary, waving his fan-like hand and sniffing at the slightly trembling white cloth.


How could a zombie understand the principle of "do not do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you"?


When Seven Brothers sniffed, he unexpectedly found it quite enjoyable to wake up the "person."


He immediately grinned, revealing a mischievous smile.


Then, he exerted force with his legs, shattering the cement ground. Soaring into the air, he descended heavily like the sword of Damocles, carrying a strong Yin energy, corpse energy, and murderous aura, smashing towards the head of the last zombie spirit.


It understood what it meant to "not act like a human."


At the next moment, a roar resounded in the hall.


A fat and sturdy hand immediately reached out from under the white cloth, grabbing its ankle, attempting to throw away the culprit who had awakened it.


But even when it exerted all its strength, it couldn't budge this cunning, lazy, and wicked old zombie even a bit.


Even though its intelligence was not high, it knew that it had encountered a tough opponent.


So, almost instinctively, it activated its skill and characteristic. Its bones moved, and its entire body seemed to turn into a pile of mud, rushing towards the ground.


Only when it reached the center of the arena did it quickly regain its form, like some kind of inflatable partner.


This was a zombie spirit king with a large, fat, and heavily decaying body.Normally, the eyes of undead creatures are usually severely decayed, often unable to see anything clearly.


However, the eyes of this Zombie King were sparkling, and the pure black eyeballs without any whites looked like two black pearls from a distance.


Standing in the center of the field, it first glanced at Zongzi Brother, who had just given it a hard time, and then glanced at the one person and two card spirits guarding the door.


After roughly weighing their strengths, it suddenly bent down, its cheeks and lower jaw quickly bulging, and spat out a mouthful of dark green, thick zombie breath.


With this powerful reaction force, its body instantly broke through the gray wall that had been corroded by the zombie breath for many years and was already in ruins, and in the blink of an eye, it landed on the street.


Just as it was about to repeat its old tricks and escape to a farther place, a pale and slender hand pressed down on its shoulder at this moment.


It looked very thin, but it was as heavy as a mountain.


No matter how hard the Zombie King tried to struggle, it was all in vain.


Zongzi Brother also rushed over at this time.


Seeing him arrive, Seven Brothers immediately let go of the hand pressing on the Zombie King's shoulder with a light laugh, and moved his feet elegantly and steadily.


As he passed by Zongzi Brother, he didn't forget to lightly pat the other's steel-cast strong arm as a sign of encouragement.


Zongzi Brother, who always liked to slack off, felt the emotion called "pressure" for the first time in his "life".


Since his upgrade and advancement, he, who didn't have much spirituality, always thought that he was not weaker than this thin older brother.


It was just that the applicable scenes were different.


It wasn't until this moment that he realized that his previous thoughts were all wrong.


"The gap is too big, it's just too big."


(End of the chapter)


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