Chapter 86 – Righteous and resolute

"Wait… this scene seems like it can be encapsulated too…"


Looking around the dilapidated county government hall, Chronicle suddenly had a "flash of inspiration" in his mind.


Immediately, he took out a blank card from his pocket and tried to use his mental power to encapsulate the current scene.


With a flash of emerald green light, the encapsulation was successful.


Under the influence of his mental power, the 【Midnight Smiling County Government Hall】 was like a scroll that had been violently crumpled by a big hand, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into scattered starlight and fell into the blank card, transforming it into a card with a green frame.


"It should be worth several tens of thousands."


Scene materials were more valuable than other cards of the same quality.


But the expensive ones were limited.


"Not bad."


Chronicle said casually and casually put away the material.


The biggest gain from this night's exploration of the ghost nest was the fifteen green summoning materials.


Compared to that, this 【Smiling County Government Hall】 was just an extra.


"Let's go home!"


With a good mood, Chronicle walked towards his home.


But before he had taken a few steps, he felt someone tugging at his clothes.


Turning his head, he saw Yingtai looking up at the sky, and when he caught sight of Chronicle looking at him, he immediately turned his head to look at the swaying forest and the wild beasts running and roaring within.


In short, he refused to make eye contact with him.


Seeing this situation, Chronicle knew the reason.


After chuckling, he patted the other person's head and said, "Go."


And in the next moment, a joyful emotion came back through his spiritual sense.


The figure of the little girl disappeared immediately.


"She really is a child."


Chronicle laughed lightly and shook his head, then found a stone to sit down and played a bit of "Card Master's Peak".


Under the routine of the Red Scarf Penguin, he finally broke through the zero recharge and received the Purple Card 【Forgetful Path · Yaoji】 and 【Iron-eating Beast · Eleven】 with a first recharge of six yuan.


The boss that he couldn't defeat before instantly became a weakling.


But before he could enjoy it for long, the enemy's strength upgraded once again, and the golden battle order worth sixty-eight also started floating above the screen…


"Damn it!"


Chronicle threw his phone and only then noticed that half an hour had passed.


As he turned around and looked around, Yingtai's figure agilely flashed back, and a long sword in his hand was tied with several grass-woven ropes, with a few small beasts from the secret realm hanging from them.


Seeing Chronicle's gaze, Yingtai deliberately raised the scholar's sword in his hand and a sweet smile appeared on his face.


"Let's go home," Chronicle smiled and said, his frustration completely swept away.


And so, they strolled together towards the villa area.


With the help of his super vision, Chronicle could see from afar a green mushroom cloud flying straight towards the sky.


"Oh no."


Realizing that something was wrong, Chronicle hurried his steps.


Not long after, he heard coughing and complaints one after another.


"Damn, did someone's toilet explode? How can it smell so bad… cough…"


"I can't take it anymore, I've vomited everything I ate at night, if I vomit again, it'll be acid."


"What about Teacher Su? Quickly call them to deal with it!"


"No reply yet… cough… I guess… this biochemical weapon is probably another sudden surprise arranged by those lazy training instructors, it's so disgusting… cough…"


Listening to everyone's discussion, Chronicle felt extremely ashamed, like a dog owner who couldn't stop his husky from pooping in the elevator.


"Don't worry about it, I'll handle this!"


After mentally preparing himself, Chronicle walked out of the crowd.


"Chronicle Brother, you don't have to shoulder everything, this time it's really difficult!"


"Yeah, Chronicle Brother, the training instructors are playing dirty tricks! Listen to me, let's not go, you don't have to sacrifice yourself for the school's evaluation!"


Hearing the sincere persuasion from the people around him, Chronicle couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then showed a smile that was a superhero's standard line of "If I don't go to hell, who will?".


"Leave it to me!" he said, and rushed towards the villa area.


"Chronicle Brother!" Seeing this scene, everyone present was moved.


To sacrifice oneself for the alma mater and classmates, what kind of determination was that?




Whispering his name softly, the tearful little girl couldn't help but sob.


The boys bit their lips and couldn't express their complex feelings of respect, admiration, and guilt.


Chen Yuan shouted loudly, took a step forward, and wanted to follow his Chronicle Brother.


But before he had taken a few steps, he couldn't help but run to the side and vomit, almost going into shock on the spot.


"I can't even help Chronicle Brother with such a small matter, I'm really useless, sob…"


He collapsed by the tree, crying bitterly.




At the same time, Chronicle, who was walking in the green mist, coughed uncontrollably and dry heaved.


But when he thought of the old zongzi who slacked off all day, caused trouble before a breakthrough, his anger surged and his fighting spirit was instantly ignited.


Perhaps it was the effect of the 【Butterfly Transformation】 bond with Yingtai, his agility was a bit faster than usual.


As he ran, he displayed a speed that was no less than that of the top five hundred-meter sprinters.


But just as he reached his doorstep and was about to kick open the anti-theft door, a huge vortex suddenly formed in the sky above the villa area.


In just an instant, the ink green smoke that lingered in the surrounding sky was completely swallowed up.


"Card upgrade in progress… Card upgrade successful!"


"Card evolution in progress… Card evolution successful!"


Two grand and magnificent prompt sounds rang in his mind one after another.


The 【Leaping Green Zombie】 card that was originally quietly floating above his sea of consciousness began to shake violently.


First, the name above changed to 【Indestructible · Hairy Zombie】, and the number of stars in its level changed from two to three.


Then, the border was adjusted.


The lines and graphics became more intricate, and the overall color changed from ink green to a dark blue that was exactly the same as the 【Sunshade Robe】.


The image on the card had undergone subtle changes, and the "complexion" of Zongzi Bro looked much more normal.


Without the innuendo-filled green cover, the exposed facial lines were extremely cold and hard, looking both stern and eerie.


However, the most eye-catching change was the waist-length white hair.


"With this volume and length, it could go to a comic convention and cosplay as Jiraiya."


Chronicle couldn't help but comment. The next moment, he heard a series of roars that sounded like laughter coming from inside the room.


Sensing this, he decisively pushed the door and entered.


He saw a tall and burly figure, dressed in a sun-avoiding green-black robe, standing proudly by the window.


Just as the dark clouds dispersed, the moonlight fell, casting a long shadow of it.


The breeze blew intermittently, fluttering the full head of white hair.


A side face with extraordinary demeanor was revealed.


"Zongzi Bro?"


Chronicle said lightly.


The next moment, a massive amount of card information instantly flooded into his brain.


The four golden characters "Indestructible · Hairy Zombie" also slowly appeared before his eyes.


(End of the chapter)

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