Chapter 83 – The leader of the First High School’s Elite Blade Class came knocking at the door, a top 100 prestigious school?

Afterwards, Chronicle asked Su Wen about some details of the Legion Card forging process.

Other people also gradually arrived at the open space.

He then returned to his seat.

After half a day of listening attentively to the class, he stretched lazily and prepared to go back.

Yan Lou, the captain of the First High School’s Sharp Blade Class, walked over at this moment and said, “Chronicle, I want to talk to you about something.”

In Chronicle’s memory, this “middle-parted hair” guy was slightly stronger than Li Baitian.

“If it weren’t for me, this guy would probably be the number one in Land of Peach this year.”

Chronicle thought to himself and nodded with a smile, “Let’s talk while walking.”

“Okay.” Yan Lou followed quickly after hearing this.

Yao Yuan and You You vaguely sensed something, sighed lightly, and didn’t say much to Ginger Tea, who was full of curiosity. They lowered their heads, packed their bags, and walked straight towards their own direction.

Yan Lou, who was walking side by side with Chronicle, said straightforwardly, “Chronicle, have you been doing well at Third High School these past two years?”

“Pretty good.” Chronicle nodded and instantly realized that the other party was trying to poach him. His eyes flickered slightly and he said so.

“Pretty good…” Yan Lou slowly chewed on these three words and said softly, “Chronicle, I have always been curious about something. Can I ask you?”

“Of course.” Chronicle nodded and said.

“With your talent, it’s obviously more suitable for you to be at First High School. Why did you choose Third High School back then?” Yan Lou asked, followed by saying, “If I have offended you, please forgive me.”

Chronicle waved his hand at the words and said with a smile, “There’s nothing offensive about it. I just didn’t pass the exam.”

“Didn’t pass the exam?” Yan Lou was a little confused.

“Yeah, my first choice after the entrance exam was First High School, but my grades were too poor, so I was transferred to Third High School.” Chronicle shrugged and explained.

“Poor grades? Transferred?” Yan Lou was a little dumbfounded.

“Yes, I didn’t pass. But it’s not a big deal.” Chronicle said with a smile.

“Is it like Brother Xie suddenly becoming talented?” Yan Lou thought to himself, feeling complicated and unable to express it.

But when he thought of the task the principal had given him, he still tried to adjust his emotions and said seriously, “Chronicle, do you want to make up for the regret of the past and transfer to First High School?”

“Not really a regret. I just thought First High School was not bad back then. But now, all schools are the same.” Chronicle waved his hand and said. Apart from the fact that Third High School had gradually established its advantage with his help and had a high probability of becoming the card school with the most resources, he also had Uncle Dong as the big boss. He wouldn’t transfer schools.

Yan Lou misunderstood his meaning and sighed lightly. He said with a serious expression, “Indeed, with your talent, no matter which school you are in, you can get the most investment.”

“But have you ever thought about the issue of teaching staff? Knowledge is an insurmountable gap, and materials are an obstacle that is difficult to bypass.”

“You are young now, with active thinking and the ability to create stories. But inspiration will eventually run out. Without teachers providing knowledge, how will you overcome bottlenecks?”

“And then there’s the issue of materials. Although Third High School has the resources you fought for, the foundation is too weak and can only support the early stage.”

“And, you and I both know that some special materials cannot be obtained through conventional channels. The association won’t provide them, so we can only search for them in secret realms.”

“Secret realms are dangerous, with danger every five steps. Without experts accompanying you, you could fall into danger at any time. And Third High School obviously doesn’t have this condition.”

“So… Chronicle, are you interested in joining First High School?”

“As long as you are willing to come, the position of the number one person in First High School will be yours, and you will also be the captain of the Sharp Blade Class.” Yan Lou pushed his glasses and said sincerely.

Chronicle naturally understood that what he said was all sincere, but he couldn’t figure out why someone with the other party’s talent would invite him to be the “supreme ruler” instead of dominating at First High School.

“There must be something fishy about this.”

Chronicle thought to himself, and without speaking, he stared quietly at the other party.

Yan Lou knew that he couldn’t hide anything from Chronicle, so he said frankly, “Chronicle, have you heard of… the Top 100 Schools?”

“Top 100 Schools?” Chronicle frowned when he heard this and thought to himself, “What kind of combination name is this, it sounds so cheesy and lame?”

But he said, “I haven’t heard of it, but it sounds pretty impressive.”

“The Top 100 Schools, as the name suggests, are the top 100 high schools in the Jiuzhou region.”

“To maintain the teaching vitality of major high schools, this list changes every year, and this academic year…”

“First High School has already reached the doorstep.” He said, a proud expression appeared on his face, but the next moment, he sighed heavily, “But… our opponent is Qing Shan…”

“The provincial champion and runner-up of the previous year both came from that school… and the most powerful person in our school… is Brother Zi Liang… We don’t have an advantage in the ‘Past Achievements’ category.”

“So…””Are you ready to seize the moment?” Chronicle asked.

“Absolutely.” Yan Lou nodded, “I have a clear understanding of my own abilities. It was pure luck that I made it into the top ten in the province. But you, Chronicle, you’re different. You have the potential to be the top scholar in the province, and there’s a high probability that you can help our school score this crucial goal.”

“Once you have the title of class leader of the elite class in one of the top 100 schools, no matter which university you go to in the future, you will be a member of the gifted class.”

“And in order to maintain its position in the top 100, First High School will continue to invest in you, to secure the title of ‘Distinguished Alumni’.”

Seeing that Chronicle still seemed unmoved, Yan Lou couldn’t help but say, “Chronicle, forgive me for being blunt, but you really have no reason to refuse me.”

“Third High School has no advantages other than the resources you’ve fought for. Its past performance is pitifully low. If you want to help it squeeze into the top 100, you at least need to achieve second or third place in the entire region.”

“Shenjing, Night City, Peony City… The children of noble families and the world’s prodigies living in these big cities, even you, compared to them, are far behind.”


Yan Lou didn’t continue, he just patted Chronicle on the shoulder, leaned in close, and then walked away.

Feeling a slight weight in his coat pocket, Chronicle was taken aback. After Yan Lou had walked away, he reached into his pocket and found a thick envelope.

However, what was inside didn’t seem to be material cards, bank cards, or anything of the sort.

Although he was curious, he didn’t plan to open it there. After stuffing it back into his pocket, he headed home.

(End of Chapter)

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