Chapter 81 – The position on campus is determined

“I have two maps here,” Chronicle said, and several people took out their maps and gathered them together with the ones scattered on the ground by the students of Third High School.

Including the two maps found by Chronicle, there were a total of seven maps.

“Let’s divide them up.”

Looking at the seven maps on the ground, Chronicle, as the current backbone of Third High School, decisively spoke.

Yao Yuan glanced at them and saw that two of the maps had blue scrolls, while the rest were green. He immediately said, “Chronicle Brother, you should take these two maps. You deserve the most credit.”

“And if I’m not mistaken, the ghosts and monsters lurking in these two places should be the strongest. With our current strength, we probably won’t be able to handle them.”

“Even if we manage to win by chance, with our current level of difficulty in creating ordinary summoning cards, we won’t stand a chance.”

“In other words, taking the maps would be a waste.”

“It’s better for the two of us to each take one, and divide the remaining five maps. We can team up to fight the weaker ghost nests, and we’ll most likely win.”

“And since the results are shared between the two of us, there will be fewer monsters to divide among individuals, and the difficulty of creating legion cards will also decrease significantly.”

“For us at the moment, it couldn’t be better.”

“So, Chronicle Brother…”

Yao Yuan said, picking up the two blue-scroll maps from the ground and forcefully handing them to Chronicle. “You must take these two maps.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the people around them instantly felt regret.

It wasn’t that they were angry that the maps ended up in Chronicle’s hands.

As students of Third High School, they had spent some time together and admired this top student of their school.

His strength and performance were impeccable, and he could bring more resources and benefits to the school.

As beneficiaries, they had no right to say “no” to anything.

So, even if it was two maps, they wouldn’t say anything if the other person took all seven.

The reason they appeared somewhat regretful was because Yao Yuan’s mind was too quick and his eloquence too good, directly seizing the opportunity to gain favor from Chronicle.

In the eyes of this group of rich second-generation students, the favor of a super potential stock was far more valuable than a few valuable ghost nest maps.

“Well…” Chronicle hesitated for a moment.

It wasn’t that he wanted to show off, but he really didn’t know if he could use these two maps himself.

So, after a brief thought, he spread the two blue-scroll maps in front of everyone.

One of them was the one he found himself, called “Shenglong Midnight Smiling County Office,” and the other was completely unfamiliar, called “Yuanxi Ghost Soldier Camp.”

“Shenglong… County Office… Yuanxi… Ghost Soldier…”

Chronicle keenly caught the keywords.

In his mind, he quickly recalled the “Shenglong Four Famous Catchers Spirit” and the “Yuanxi Ghost Card Miscellaneous Number General” that Uncle Dong had given him before.

Not only did the names correspond, but even the positioning was surprisingly consistent.

County office for famous catchers, ghost soldier for miscellaneous number general.

Chronicle didn’t think this was a coincidence.

“I guess the principal saw the reward list in advance at Old Su’s place, which is why he sent me these two materials.”

“But speaking of it, he really has confidence in me. Did he never think that I would fail…”

Chronicle thought to himself and shook his head.

For now, the gap between him and the Land of Peach’s group of top students was still very obvious, and winning was really very simple.

As for whether the maps would end up in his hands after winning…

He wasn’t the kind of person who was indecisive.

In the case of being the biggest contributor and having something useful, he wouldn’t be polite.

He would take what he deserved.

“I won’t be polite then.”

Chronicle said in a low voice, and then carefully put away the two maps.

But he wasn’t the kind of person who didn’t know what was good for him. He knew very well that if someone foolishly showed dissatisfaction with this, even if the maps ended up in his hands in the end, the situation would be very ugly.

As the one being given face, as well as the current backbone and soul of Third High School, he should make his position clear:

“These two maps are indeed very helpful to me, so I’ll take them first.”

“If anyone encounters difficulties when attacking the ghost nests later, you can find me at any time.”

“Oh, by the way, there are a total of nine people from our school here, including me. We’ll divide the five maps among us, and there will be one left.”

“Then, no matter which student it is, they can find me to team up…”

Chronicle said with a light laugh, “The results will all be yours.”

“Wow! Can it really be, Chronicle Brother?”

Chen Yuan was extremely excited.

Since the day he was saved by Seven Brothers, he had fantasized about fighting side by side with his idol, Chronicle Brother, but it hadn’t happened until today.

Hearing these words from the other party, he almost jumped up in joy.

But obviously, he had no chance of getting this opportunity since he hadn’t made any outstanding contributions in this practical class.

After discussing it, it was ultimately Li Baitian, who had made the greatest contribution besides Chronicle, who would enjoy the exclusive use of a map called “Bloody Black Wind Village.”

“After we go out, let’s discuss a time and go there together.”

Chronicle couldn’t help but say when he saw that the location marked on the map was in the forest where the training base was located.

“Okay.” Li Baitian smiled, looking very happy.

With that, everyone had obtained the maps they wanted, making this trip worthwhile.

“With Chronicle Brother here, it’s not just the maps, even not being eliminated is the biggest wish.” This sentence also became the voice of everyone.

Everyone knew very well that Chronicle, as a person like this, was worthy of their support.

“The game is over.”

The grand and magnificent voice resounded once again.Unlike the “asphalt” exit of the First High School students, the students of Third High School only vaguely saw a dazzling golden light in the distant sky. They subconsciously closed their eyes, and when they opened them again, they were back in the usual place where they took theory classes.

At this moment, the students from First High School were staring at them with gloomy resentment, or rather… at Chronicle, who was standing behind them.

“Alright, stop staring.” Xie Wenyuan clapped his hands to attract everyone’s attention. “There is indeed a significant gap between you and Chronicle. It’s okay to lose.”

Little did he know that the students from First High School, who had been trampled by Chronicle, didn’t care much about the loss. They were just a little scared of Chronicle’s n-t-r method.


At this moment, someone’s stomach growled, instantly breaking the awkward silence.

Xie Wenyuan couldn’t help but chuckle. He waved his hand and said, “Alright, let’s go eat.”

Seeing that the students from First High School were still standing there, he thought for a moment and quickly figured out the reason. “Don’t worry, this second round of practical class doesn’t involve any elimination. It’s just to test everyone’s card-making and combat gains in recent times.”

“The teacher just saw that everyone has made great progress. It’s not your fault to lose to Chronicle. Go and eat, we still have theory class in the afternoon.”

Without a doubt, Xie Wenyuan’s image in the students’ hearts was much more reliable than Su Wen’s.

As soon as he finished speaking, the ten students from First High School instantly felt relieved and went back to eat with relaxed faces.

However, at this moment, Bai Ziliang stepped out from the side, looking somewhat regretfully at the retreating figures of these “dear” juniors and “dear” seniors.

(End of the chapter)

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