Chapter 80 – Two maps


The armored ghost suddenly exerted force, and its entire skeleton emitted a creaking sound under the heavy burden, stirring up gusts of gloomy wind.

But after struggling for a while, the spine sword remained motionless.

It lowered its head and saw Baba calmly adjusting his hat, as if nothing had happened.

“So, you’re still eager to fight, huh?”

The armored ghost revealed negative emotions with a similar meaning.

Then, it released one hand and reached for its waist, pulling off the “Skull-Crushing Hammer” hanging from it and threw it with great force.

The small hammer made a whistling sound in mid-air as it flew forward, but Baba casually slapped it away.

Seeing this scene, the armored ghost first panicked, then began to take off the other equipment on its body and continuously threw them.

It mistook these valuable items as throwing weapons.

Baba’s palm moved like lightning, but after a few back and forth, it became extremely bored with this childish tug-of-war and ball-blocking game. It immediately let go of its hand.

The armored ghost, who was still holding onto the spine sword tightly, trembled, swayed, and almost fell off the horse.

The “battle” had reached this point, and even if it had low intelligence, it realized that it couldn’t deal with the black-robed demon in front of it.

So, it turned its horse’s head around and prepared to escape.

Unexpectedly, before it could take a few steps back, the “Ghostly Horse” let out a mournful howl, and its hooves dug deep imprints into the ground, but it couldn’t run away.

The armored ghost instinctively turned its head and saw Baba lazily yawning, dragging the horse’s tail with one hand.

Seeing this situation, it decisively abandoned the horse and ran away. Its figure was in a mess, and its legs moved quickly, no longer the same as when it came.

Baba couldn’t be bothered to chase after it. It felt that it wasn’t cool enough.

So, it stayed in place until the opponent ran a distance away. Ignoring the horse’s wailing, it swung its arm in place and threw the Ghostly Horse far away.

And it hit the target perfectly.

At the same time, the remaining students from First High School saw that the situation was critical and no longer continued to watch. They commanded their subordinates to attack the Cardlings.

But they were quickly intercepted by Cardlings from Third High School, such as “Eight-Foot Bride,” “Resentful Bride with a Mysterious Face,” and “Night-Walking Firewood Chopper.”

A fierce battle immediately broke out.

It had been some time since everyone created their first main battle deck.

Although no one had formed a complete deck, they still had a considerable number of cards in their hands.

After completely getting into the fight, the gloomy phenomena such as the Yin Wind, Blood Rain, Ghost Fire, and Yin Thunder were thrown out like they were free, following the skill cards.

All kinds of equipment shrouded in ink-green ghostly light, such as the Bone-Chopping Knife, Devouring Vine Card, Ghost Crying Scalpel, Bone-Crushing Pliers, and Guillotine, appeared out of thin air in their hands.

When they moved, the ghosts cried, and when they swung, they howled like wolves.

Seeing this scene, Li Baitian raised his hand and took the “Headless Executioner” tightly holding the “Ghost Head Greatsword.” He took two long strides and charged straight ahead.

His movements were agile, and his swordsmanship was sharp.

For a moment, it was hard to tell if he was a “Summoner” or a “Warrior.”

“Wow, this young man…”

Looking at a group of newly adult students wielding all kinds of ghostly weapons with fierce expressions, occasionally accompanied by various terrifying phenomena, even Chronicle, with his temperament, couldn’t help but feel shocked for a moment.

The hardcore level of the students from another world’s high school had already exceeded his understanding.

“It’s only been a few days since the ‘Fusion Faction’ incident, and they have already created so many cards. These talented students really can’t be underestimated.”

Chronicle said with a hint of emotion.

He really couldn’t take these “indigenous geniuses” lightly.

“I have the advantage of having knowledge of Chinese mythology, but at the same time, the scarcity of materials has also hindered me.”

“Now, everyone is still in the initial stage, and it’s hard to see anything. But in the future, as they gradually grow and can receive more support from their families, they will inevitably narrow the gap between us.”


Chronicle thought to himself, his eyes flickering. “I can establish an irreversible advantage from the beginning.”

“The creation of Legion Cards, Field Cards, and Domain Cards is imperative.”

After taking a deep breath, he commanded Yingtai to search for the “Ghost Nest Map” in various villas.

In no time, they obtained two maps, named “Shenglong Midnight Smiling County Government Office” and “Fengmen Town Corpse-Stop Inn.”

“Are these the only two?” Chronicle carefully put away the maps and asked softly.

Yingtai blinked her eyes in a somewhat silly manner. After a few seconds, her limited intelligence understood Chronicle’s meaning, and she nodded vigorously.

Chronicle was very confident in her “work attitude,” so he didn’t say anything more and began to observe the battle carefully.

On the field, First High School suffered heavy casualties, and five students from Third High School came from the key class. At this moment, they were evenly matched.

But all of this was completely shattered after the seven evil spirits joined the battle, breaking the balance.

Under the blessing of the “Wandering” domain, their condition was even better than when they were under their own card master.

Coupled with Baba’s instinctive ability to lead troops, even without much intelligence, it could find the weaknesses and loopholes of the students from First High School based on its feelings.

Without having to take action itself, it only needed to wrap the seven chains around its hand and occasionally move its fingers to adjust the evil spirits’ attacking positions.

In just a few minutes, they successfully suppressed the students from Third High School.

It seemed effortless, just like playing an invincible version of a game on 4399.

“We won!”

Ginger Tea jumped in place.

She, who had been constantly tormented by Chronicle, never expected that she would have a day of tormenting others.

Just now, with the favorable situation created by Baba, she fiercely suppressed the class leader of First High School.

“Now I have something to brag about.”A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth as she waved at Chronicle.

“I didn’t expect it to be this easy.”

Li Baitian took off his headband and tidied his hair.

She knew well that, as a whole, Third High School was no match for First High School.

The reason they won so easily was mainly due to their ace player, Chronicle.

“He’s really too powerful.”

Even this highly competitive girl had to admit this now.

Before this, she only felt that with the constraint of psychic energy reserve, even if Chronicle had explosive power and had shown brilliant performance like “eliminating the meat mountain monster”, he wouldn’t be “particularly” powerful.

Not until today, after watching him single-handedly turn the tide of the battle, did she understand why students from other schools always showed an almost fawning attitude when they saw him.

“They’ve all been beaten before…”

She murmured, and then a grand voice echoed between heaven and earth: “All members of First High School are eliminated! Third High School wins this match!”

“Please collect the maps scattered in the scene as soon as possible. You will be returned to reality in twenty minutes.”

As the voice fell, just like the previously eliminated Fang Yuan, the nine members of First High School were enveloped by a tar-like substance that appeared out of nowhere, turned into wisps of black smoke, and disappeared on the spot.

With a few crisp “snap” sounds, three scroll-style maps also fell to the ground at this moment.

“I’ll go find the remaining maps.” Yo-Yo said, about to turn and leave.

Chronicle, however, walked over at this moment: “No need to search, my pet Kaling has already searched all the villas, nothing was missed.”

At these words, a subtle sweet smile appeared on the face of Ying Tai, who had been silently guarding by the side.

Sorry for the late update, I had a stomachache. My apologies, everyone.

(End of the chapter)

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