Chapter 77 – Li Baitian’s strength



Before Yingtai's precious sword could be unsheathed, Lord Ba Ye raised his arm to block the path of the red light.


His wide sleeve slowly slid down, revealing a half of his muscular and solid forearm.


The red light collided with it, disappearing in an instant like ice cream on a hot stove.




Lord Ba Ye flicked his sleeve and glanced at Yingtai beside him with a calm gaze.


Yingtai blinked her lively eyes, showing obvious signs of sadness despite her silence.


Perhaps influenced by the ease with which the previous host, the "Studious Girl," was "captured" by Lord Ba Ye, her feelings towards this Yin God were quite complicated.


At first, she was afraid.


But after becoming teammates and having a true name, she felt that even if she couldn't surpass the other party, she wouldn't be too far behind.


However, judging from the scene just now, it was clear that she still had a long way to go.


This made her feel a little disappointed.


But soon, she regained her composure.


Under the gaze of Chronicle and the two Yin Gods, she held her long sword and rushed towards the ghostly figure that flashed at the end of the stairs.


In an instant, golden light flashed, and countless bright golden characters rotated, jumped, and danced in the void, attaching themselves to the sword she held with a mysterious power.


With a powerful swing, she transformed it into a sword qi attack, carrying an unmatched momentum and righteousness, directly aiming for the target.


The next moment, a sharp and piercing scream was heard as a ferocious blue-robed ghost fell from the second floor and crashed heavily onto the sofa in the living room.




It struggled to get up, its dark and resentful eyes fixed on Chronicle not far away. Its claws stretched forward, its body arched like a shrimp, and it walked forward with great difficulty.


But before it could take a few steps, a golden arc slid from its left shoulder to its hip, instantly splitting it in half.


The cut was smooth.




Suddenly, a sound similar to glass shattering was heard.


The body of the blue-robed ghost shattered, turning into specks of blue starlight and flying towards the second floor.


In mid-air, it transformed back into a card and fell into the hands of a short-haired girl wearing a First High School uniform.




She sighed lightly as Yingtai pressed the sword sheath against her neck, looking at Chronicle not far away and the black and white gods guarding him, and said:


"The gap between us is indeed huge. If I remember correctly, the one wearing the white robe is your main battle card… Ahem!"


Before she could finish her sentence, she suddenly coughed lightly.


In that instant, she felt that the sword sheath pressed against her neck became a bit stronger.


Sensing something, she quickly changed her words, "But this card spirit is not bad either."


Feeling the pressure from the sword sheath lessen, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


"Go back and rest."


Chronicle casually said.


The next moment, a black fluid similar to asphalt drilled out of the ground, tightly enveloping the opponent's body, and then burst open with a loud noise.


After a moment, only wisps of black smoke remained in place, and the figure disappeared.


At the same time, a grand and magnificent prompt sounded in the world: "First High School, Fang Yuan, eliminated!"


"It's quite interesting."


Recalling the scene that just happened, Chronicle finished searching the room and directly pushed open the door, heading towards the next house.


Whether to say it or not, Xie Wenyuan did a meticulous job with this scene and the "animation" of elimination.


If he was born in that world, he might be able to save Chinese games.


"It's quite ingenious." Chronicle said softly.


Beside him, Lord Ba Ye kicked the door open again.


But this time, instead of a card attack, he was greeted by a big, ugly orange.


"Old Ji, catch!"




The next moment, Yingtai raised her hand to catch the orange, passed her golden light over it to remove any possible "evil aura," and then handed it back to Chronicle.


The bodyguard was quite professional.


"A new card spirit? Not bad, Old Ji, your level is almost catching up to Old Bai." In the darkness, the person continued to speak.


"Are you praising me or insulting me when you compare me to Ziliang?" Chronicle casually retorted.


The next moment, both of them burst into laughter, and the living room was instantly filled with a cheerful atmosphere.


After laughing and shaking their heads, Chronicle, accompanied by Yingtai, walked towards the direction of the sofa in the dark.


With his excellent night vision, he could see another figure in the living room.


It was Li Baitian.


At this moment, she was sitting on the sofa with her arms crossed and her legs spread apart, holding the "Ghost Head Great Sword" by her side, with the "Yin Thunder Vajra" and the newly created "Headless Executioner" standing behind her.


Under her denim hot pants, her two muscular and straight legs were placed on the coffee table, exuding a domineering aura.


"Quite something." Chronicle thought to himself.


Of course, he was not evaluating the other party's legs, but the two card spirits standing behind her.


He had always been closer to Ginger Tea and Youyou, and had not interacted much with the other two classmates, nor had he seen them take action, so he lacked understanding.


Now, seeing the two card spirits under the other party's command, he suddenly realized that there was such a powerful expert in his class.


This was not just a polite remark.


Having sparred with Ginger Tea and Youyou frequently, he had a certain understanding of the strength of "ordinary" blue-grade two or three-star card spirits.


It was not an exaggeration to say that the two generals under the other party's command were among the best.


And it wasn't just him who thought so. Even Lord Ba Ye conveyed a feeling of "these two are tougher than the previous ones" through his spiritual feedback.


That must be true.


"Take a seat."


Li Baitian pointed to the sofa beside her.Chronicle promptly sat down, with Ying Tai standing next to the sofa, while Seven Brothers and Eight Brothers silently guarded behind.


"Speak up, how do you want to play this 'Battle Royale'? You're the expert, we'll follow your lead." Li Baitian said as he peeled an orange.


"Just fight directly." Chronicle crossed his legs. "We'll look for the map after the game ends, to save time."


"That suits me just fine." A slight smile tugged at the corner of Li Baitian's mouth.


The two of them immediately stood up, stepped over the collapsed and broken door, and headed outside.


The moment they stepped out of the villa, seven attacks came one after another.


Six of them were aimed at Chronicle, and the remaining one was directed at Li Baitian.


"They're underestimating me." Li Baitian muttered.


The headless executioner, who had been silently guarding by his side, immediately stepped forward. The muscular arm made of steel grabbed the 'Ghost Head Great Sword' that Li Baitian handed to it, and with a casual swing, it shattered the incoming disc-shaped dark energy dart.


Eight Brothers looked at the opponent with interest, then steadily stepped forward, puffing out his chest and placing his fists on his waist, blocking the six attacks with his robust physique.


"It's nothing."


Through the sea of consciousness, he conveyed a similar sentiment to Chronicle.


(End of the chapter)

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