Chapter 166 – Function Call Card

Chronicle deftly shaded the card to a dark hue in just a few swift strokes, then sketched out a dense, light-impenetrable, gloomy, and damp ancient house.

A slightly yellowed skull, a dull yellow-brown broken bowl, a dark green dripping candle, a puppet wrapped in white wood, a thin wooden coffin used as a table…

All sorts of bizarre and thrilling possessions that perfectly matched the current scene quickly took shape.

It was in such a setting that a sorcerer with a cold and sinister face, wearing exquisite silver headgear and two snake-shaped earrings, revealed madness in his eyes as he trembled slightly, cradling a damaged small cauldron in his hands.

From it, a wisp of white smoke rose and branched into over a dozen strands.

Fat golden silkworms, a child with a sinister smile, a snake swallowing a toad, a spider fighting a centipede—these phantasmagoric images intertwined with each other, converging at the end to shroud the sorcerer’s face, casting an extremely eerie shadow.

And this was precisely what Chronicle wanted.

“Not bad.”

After finishing the drawing, he took a quick look and felt very satisfied.

Then, with one hand, he flipped the card over, and with the other, he flicked open the small cap at the end of the drawing pen, revealing a carving knife.

Unlike the smooth process before, when it came to this step, which should have been the simplest, he hesitated.

He was unsure how to present this card.

Strictly speaking, “Gu Descend” is a kind of witchcraft and should be made into a skill card.

But considering the phrase “Gu is the true essence of heaven and earth,” it could also serve as a special function item, that is, an equipment card.

Yet, upon further thought, if it were made into a summoning card with the 【Golden Silkworm】 as the main focus, that seemed quite appropriate too.

After much deliberation, Chronicle ultimately chose the more spiritual summoning card.

The various characteristics of the 【Golden Silkworm】 could help him more easily secure victory in the finals.

In this case, whether it possessed spirituality became crucial.

“To maximize the special abilities of these non-human creatures, their true bodies are needed.”

Chronicle thought to himself, swiftly imprinting the summoning card’s pattern onto the back of the card.

Then he waited quietly, and soon, the vast and boundless sea of consciousness began to stir with waves.

Card creation successful!


With a light exhale from Chronicle, everything in the sea of consciousness began to shift.

Suddenly, in the white expanse of heaven and earth, a shadow resembling his figure appeared.

Catching insects, locating, digging holes, burying jars, refining, forming Gu… everything seemed to be on fast-forward.

Chronicle watched all this from afar, as if he had personally experienced the fleeting forty-nine days of seasonal changes.

Just a second ago, it was the fragrant Dragon Boat Festival with wormwood leaves, and the next second, the cold touch of a downpour came, followed by the sensation of scorching sun on the skin.

Finally, after a teeth-gritting “sizzling” sound of insects feeding, a sweet and sickly scent began to seep into his nostrils.


Chronicle turned his head at the sound and saw the white fog that had been enveloping the Gu jar begin to fade.

The 【Screaming Human-Faced Jar】 he had bought at a low price, used to contain a hundred insects, quickly developed spiderweb-like cracks.

Eventually, with a crisp sound, the jar lid painted with a twisted and collapsing human face crumbled into powder and dispersed without wind.

The next moment, a creature that resembled both a silkworm and a dragon, shining with golden light all over, slowly crawled out along the edge of the jar.

In fact, as a “Formless Spirit,” the golden silkworm had no specific image.

It could be the cauliflower snake that bites at one’s ankles by the river in summer, or the red-clothed child with a sinister smile that chases people at night.

Now, it took on the form of a “Golden Silkworm” to match its true name, simply to respond to Chronicle’s thoughts.

Although it retained only a very low level of spiritual intelligence, the little golden silkworm still instinctively wanted to leave a good impression on its “master,” its “father.”

This treatment was exclusive to Chronicle.

If it were anyone else, friend or foe, the golden silkworm would disappear or turn into a wisp of white smoke.

If it were an enemy, then sorry, the golden silkworm would appear in the form you least wanted to see.

Its main theme was “the netherworld.”


Chronicle chuckled lightly, raising his hand to summon the 【Shenglong Yun Insect Longevity Cauldron】, and instantly, the air was filled with the fragrance of medicine.

The golden silkworm also sensed it, raised its head slightly, turned into a wisp of white smoke, and flowed into it, becoming a pill.

The next moment, the white fog in the sea of consciousness whirled, countless streams of light poured into the cauldron, turning it into a green-framed card.

“Green card…”

Chronicle was not surprised.

He knew his own affairs; the few materials he used to create the golden silkworm Gu were just enough to support a green card.

“After all, it’s just a functional card used to reap feedback and apply in certain scenarios. Spending too much money on it in the early stages would be a bit wasteful.”

Chronicle thought to himself, closing his eyes to receive the card information:

【Mortal Gu·Golden Silkworm Gu】

Quality: Green

Level: ★★★

Category: Insect/Poison/Witchcraft

Card Type: Summoning


【Insect King】: Consumes a certain amount of mental energy to emit a silkworm’s cry, allowing insect units within a kilometer radius and not higher than its own quality level to join our side, with a low probability of triggering the 【Scourge】 effect.

【Silkworm Healer】: Consumes a large amount of mental energy to generate 【Gu Seeds】, which upon hitting, can moderately restore the status of purple and lower quality creature units and can remove all 【Regular】 level negative statuses.

【Gu Descend】: Consumes a certain amount of mental energy to create 【Gu Sprouts】, which upon hitting, can cause purple and lower quality creature units to fall into negative statuses such as 【Agony】 and 【Weakness】.

There is also a low probability of triggering the 【Seven Days of Soul Loss】 effect. After seven days, if the victim cannot remove the Gu Sprouts, they will directly enter the 【Death】 state, and their soul will be driven by the golden silkworm without the card master expending additional mental energy.


【Cleanliness】: The home of silkworm breeders is bright and clean, untainted by a hundred diseases.

【Formless】: The golden silkworm is formless, and the Gu is shapeless. Units of orange quality and below cannot discern the true body of the golden silkworm.

【Fortune】: Raising golden silkworms in hopes of wealth. Within a hundred meters, the golden silkworm will sense 【Treasure】-type items.

【Gu Insect】: The golden silkworm can enhance its own quality level by devouring 【Poison】 and 【Insect】-type materials or units. The devoured units cannot be restored by conventional means.

Introduction: Man is the spirit of all living things, Gu is the true essence of heaven and earth.

Advancement Direction: 【Dragon Gu·Golden Silkworm Gu】 (Blue) → 【King Gu·Golden Silkworm Gu】 (Purple)

Modification Direction: When the card advances to 【King Gu·Golden Silkworm Gu】, the user can choose one of the three modification directions—【Dragon】, 【Gu】, or 【Witchcraft】—to open a new advancement path.

Advancement Task: In a specific scenario, devour a large number of creatures with 【Disease-Causing】 and 【Plague-Bringing】 traits, resolving a crisis for a human settlement of no less than a hundred people;

Or, through the 【Gu Descend】 skill, cause a gathering place of no less than a hundred creatures to fall into destruction.


【1】. When deployed simultaneously with cards that have 【Witchcraft Gu】 traits, the bond effect 【Bewitching Hearts】 is activated.

【2】. When deployed simultaneously with legion cards that have 【Poison】 and 【Insect】 traits, the bond effect 【King Among Gu】 is activated.

I’m really sorry to all the big shots, due to some well-known reasons… the card review has been approved…

If there’s anything that doesn’t flow well for the big shots while reading, you can modify me, and I’ll change it immediately.

Just finished making changes and I’m exhausted, really don’t have the energy to write.

I’ll rest for today and resume with eight thousand tomorrow.

Tomorrow, after I’ve sorted out the group, I’ll let everyone know in the author’s note.

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