Chapter 158 – La casa

At this point,


All the past events and encounters have settled like dust.


Chronicle took a deep breath, only to smell the refreshing aura of grass and trees, feeling his body and mind relax, his spirit clear and invigorated.


Then he saw the empty expanse of his sea of consciousness give rise to the phantom of a spiritual river.


Beside the Three-Life Stone, a small grass bearing coral-like fruits grew proudly.


It had absorbed the essence of heaven and earth, nourished by the dew, and further enhanced by Chronicle's homemade liquid fertilizer, which protected against insects, hastened ripening, and prevented lodging.


Thus, it shed its grassy husk and woody nature, transforming into a human form.


It was exactly as described:


Eyebrows arched like misty smoke, not quite frowning; eyes alight with joy, not quite smiling.


As tranquil as a beautiful flower reflected in water, as graceful as a willow swaying in the breeze.


A heart more perceptive than Bi Gan's by one aperture, a sickness surpassing Xi Shi's beauty by threefold.


Possessing peerless grace and rare beauty.


Truly embodying the phrase "a beauty of such talent and looks is seldom seen."


Chronicle was very satisfied with her image.


"The Dream of the Red Chamber" is indeed a masterpiece of classical literature, with each character meticulously crafted by Cao Xueqin.


For the character of Daiyu alone, Cao Xueqin selected many goddesses and beauties as the cultural roots.


First and foremost, "the Lady of the Xiang River."


Legend has it that Emperor Shun died in Cangwu and was buried in Jiuyi. His consorts, Ehuang and Nüying, wept by the Dongting Lake until they died of grief, becoming the goddesses of the Xiang River, also known as the Ladies of the Xiang.


The "goddess-like grace" of Daiyu comes from them, and of course, there are also tales of the Glossy Ganoderma and the goddess Yaoji of Mount Wu.


In other words…


"There is actually some inexplicable connection between Daiyu and the Mountain Ghost."


Her appearance and temperament are derived from Xi Shi and Feiyan, two of the most renowned beauties in Chinese history.


Sickly as Xi Shi yet surpassing her by threefold, graceful as a willow in the wind.


She possesses the melancholic charm that invites sympathy like Xi Shi, as well as the lithe grace of Feiyan.


Her heart holds the gentle and profound literary talent of the recluse Yi An, as well as Cui Yingying's pursuit of love from "The Romance of the West Chamber."


Combining divinity, appearance, temperament, literary talent, and character into one.


One can only say, Cao Xueqin truly understood how to design female characters.


"Getting a bargain here, not bad."


Watching Lin Daiyu, who approached like a willow in the breeze, Chronicle couldn't help but show a look of satisfaction.


His wings were indeed growing more numerous.


And most importantly, they were all very good-looking.


"I'm not an lsp, it's just that my creativity got there."


"For the greater good, even if I'm labeled as someone who creates 'paper wives' for himself, I have no regrets."


"This time, our main focus is on establishing a system, and I'm doing it with a clear conscience!"


Chronicle thought to himself, rubbing his nose.


This is a sign of insincerity in psychology.


"Alright, I do have a little bit of selfishness."


"Seven Brothers, Eight Brothers, Old Zongzi, they're all big guys over one meter ninety or even two meters tall, making clothes for them is too fabric-consuming."


"And my subordinates… the sisters, Ying Tai at one seventy-two, Mountain Ghost at one seventy, Daiyu at one sixty-five, think of the fabric that saves."


"In times like these, we Card Craftsmen must think more for the alliance."


Chronicle scratched his cheek, convincing himself of his own rhetoric, and couldn't help but sigh:


"In this day and age, there aren't many young Card Craftsmen with such a big-picture view."


"With this kind of vision, if I were in Konoha, the Third Hokage would have to write 'The Will of Chronicle' for me overnight."


Thinking this, Chronicle couldn't help but smile, then he twirled his card-making pen and removed the protective cap from the end of the pen.


With muscle memory, he guided the tiny engraving knife to etch patterns and lines on the back of the card.


In no time, the card's engraving was complete.


A stream of information instantly flooded his mind:


【Lin Daiyu: Tears of the Red Pearl】


Quality: Blue


Level: ★★★


Category: Grass/Spirit/Fairy/Immortal


Card Type: Summon




【Blossoming Youth】: Consumes a certain amount of spiritual energy to significantly enhance one's physical condition for a short period, and can choose to max out one attribute among 【Strength】, 【Speed】, 【Endurance】, or 【Agility】 to the highest level achievable for the current quality grade.


【Cold Moon】: Consumes a certain amount of mental power to summon 【Burial of Flowers under the Cold Moon】, causing continuous special damage to all enemy units under the moonlight, with a very low chance of inducing negative states such as 【Chilled Soul】 or 【Dampened Spirit】.


【Xiang River】: Tears turn into spots, the bitter waters of the Xiang River. Consumes a certain amount of mental power to condense the scene of 【Bitter Bamboo and Xiang River】, launching an assault on the entire enemy camp.


There is a certain chance to trigger the effect 【Xiang River Love】, which, by consuming a massive amount of mental power, allows one to choose between 【Emperor Shun】 or 【Goddess of the Xiang River】 to condense their phantom and temporarily join our side.




【Burial of Flowers】: Cold pond crossing crane shadows, cold moon burying flower souls. Lin Daiyu can inflict extra damage on plant-type units.


【Talent and Charm】: Spiritually elegant, surrounded by the fragrance of books. Her stunning talent and full spirit allow her to rapidly master a knowledge skill by absorbing text, and she can handle some creative tasks on her own.


【Fairy】: Fragrant soul of the red pearl, spirit of plants. Lin Daiyu can automatically absorb the spiritual energy scattered between heaven and earth as a substitute for mental power. When in an environment rich in vegetation, she can slowly recover her own state, and her combat power and endurance will be somewhat enhanced.


Introduction: Deep love does not last, extreme wisdom brings harm. Poor Pensive Girl, her fragrant soul is fleeting.


Advancement Direction: 【Lin Daiyu: Cold Moon Burial of Flowers】 (Purple) → 【Lin Daiyu: Lady of the Xiang River】 (Orange)


Transformation Direction: When the card advances to 【Lin Daiyu: Lady of the Xiang River】, the user can choose one of the three transformation directions: 【Goddess】, 【Beauty】, or 【Talented Woman】, to unlock a new advancement path.




【1】 When fighting alongside Card Craftsman Chronicle (Jia Baoyu), the bond effect 【Pledge of the Stone and the Wood】 can be activated.


【Pledge of the Stone and the Wood】: "Then let me exchange a lifetime of tears for it."


Once activated, Lin Daiyu can bear most of the negative states for the Card Craftsman and can shed tears of blood by consuming a certain amount of plant spiritual energy, slightly restoring the Card Craftsman's mental power.


【2】 When fighting alongside the 【Xue Baochai】 series, the bond effect 【Rivalry of Gold and Wood】 can be activated.



"【Blossoming Youth】, physical enhancement, kind of like the Eight Gates."


"【Cold Moon】, like imposing a continuous bleeding debuff on the enemy."


"【Xiang River】, an ordinary area attack, but with a chance to summon the phantoms of great beings like Emperor Shun, the Lady of the Xiang, and the Mistress of the Xiang."


"【Burial of Flowers】 is similar to Ying Tai's 【Against Marriage】."


"【Talent and Charm】, if cultivated well, can be used as a tool person, replacing me in some rote certification exams, earning money every month without doing anything."


"【Fairy】… when I get back, I can buy some flower seeds or something, let Daiyu take care of them. That way, not only can she stay outside like Brother Zongzi, but she can also make some pocket money by selling flowers."


"As for this 【Pledge of the Stone and the Wood】 bond…"


"Having the delicate Lin Daiyu bear negative states for me… that's quite embarrassing."


Chronicle scratched his head, unable to help but sigh lightly:


"As compensation, I'll let her come out more as a bodyguard."


"Compared to the empty sea of consciousness, these card spirits would probably prefer to stay by my side."


"I'm someone who cares about face, I definitely wouldn't have the bad idea of using Lin Daiyu as a human shield."


"It's all for the bond."


"Family should accompany each other."


Perhaps still not out of the role, Chronicle spoke with a bit of "Jia Baoyu's" madness.


His ramblings were so convoluted that even he was fooled.


That thin strand of conscience and guilt was also crushed into dust by his few words, casually tossed away.


"Let's go, Daiyu."


Chronicle reached out and ruffled Lin Daiyu's hair.


Then, the neatly combed hair on top of her head sprang up with a single stubborn strand visible to the naked eye.


This also caused the young girl to shift from initial surprise and shyness to gradually showing an expression of disdain similar to that of a "tempting demon."


Her fair hands also slowly clenched into fists.


Chronicle had no doubt that if it were not him standing here, but Old Zongzi or Brother Ziliang and the like, those fists would probably have struck.


And with her terrifying brute strength, capable of "lifting mountains and covering the world," getting hit by her "clang clang" would surely knock a good person's eyes out.




Chronicle clicked his tongue, trying to press the stubborn hair back down.


But it only bent for less than half a second before springing back up again.


Under Lin Daiyu's deep gaze, Chronicle felt somewhat guilty, yet he forced a smile and said, "A stubborn hair is the glory of a king, I understand hairstyling."


"Let's go, we still have things to do."


With that, he took hold of Daiyu's slender wrist and silently thought "Return."


As the view flickered, when he opened his eyes again, he was back in the solitary tent.


The special material transformation took a long time.


He started making cards at noon, and now it was almost three or four in the afternoon, the sky was getting dark, and he had just finished making the card.


After putting away Brother Zongzi, to not waste time, he reached for the bag hanging on the pillar and took out a tablet.


Then he opened a house design software that didn't require internet access.


Picking up the stylus, he began to assemble columns, beams, flower beds, and small gardens from the "material box" on the right, slowly piecing together a building prototype.


Soon, he had a rough structure.


Adjusting the view to the inside, which was a bare house, Daiyu still managed to find a building called 【Xiaoxiang Pavilion】 from her vague memory based on the overall outline.


Thus, she took the stylus from Chronicle's hand somewhat absentmindedly, instinctively adjusting the building and helping Chronicle perfect the draft of the domain card.


"Indeed, this kind of simple work that hardly requires thinking should be done by the card spirits, just right for more training."


Chronicle chuckled and nodded, summoning Ying Tai to boil water for him to make self-heating hot pot.


Then, like a lord, he hung on the hammock, letting Mountain Ghost massage his head and shoulders.


"I've made so many cards, can't I enjoy a bit?"


Chronicle thought to himself, closed his eyes, and dozed off for a while.


Twenty minutes later, Ying Tai came over with the self-heating pot, and Daiyu had also completed the draft revision.


He ate while making slight modifications to the 【Xiaoxiang Pavilion】 drawn by Daiyu.


At the same time, he fully utilized his imagination, using it as an anchor point, and according to the descriptions in the book, he added buildings like 【Hengwu Garden】 and 【Daoxiang Village】.


By midnight, he had finally designed his own version of 【Grand View Garden】.


All that was left was to collect more materials tomorrow, and he could start working directly.

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