Chapter 155 – Scene class material

Seeing everyone’s serious expressions, Wang Yan hurriedly explained:

“Of course, we’re not intentionally making things difficult for everyone. This ‘Round of 8 to 4’ doesn’t require you to create a complete field card.”

“You only need to create a ‘semi-finished product’ that satisfies the three elements of ‘character,’ ‘story,’ and ‘scene,’ and is stylistically consistent with the field card you prepared in advance to qualify.”

“This semi-finished product doesn’t even need to have ‘field rules.’ As long as it has its own set of internal logic and can interact with your other custom cards for battle, it’s considered a pass.”

“The next phase is something everyone is familiar with, the classic 1V1 battle, where the loser leaves, and the winner stays.”

“The series of matches from ‘Round of 16 to 8’ and ‘Round of 8 to 4’ ends here.”

“But the ‘semi-finished’ cards you’ve crafted in these two rounds will still be useful.”

Wang Yan said, pulling out a mobile phone from his wide robe, swiping twice, and entering a game purchase interface.

“I don’t know if everyone has heard of the term MOD?”

“It’s a gaming term, transliterated in Jiuzhou as ‘module,’ which is a type of modification or add-on program for video games.”

“Its function is to adjust the game’s items, characters, modes, storylines, or to add new mainlines and story developments.”

“I can tell you clearly that the ‘semi-finished’ cards you create in the next two rounds will act as ‘MODs’ in the ‘Round of 4 to 2.’”

“If you’re willing, you can directly integrate it into the field card you’ve prepared.”

“Anyway, no matter what, after the ‘Round of 8 to 4’ ends, you’ll have to combine these two cards for a ‘field card’ showdown.”

“The winner enters the final round, the ‘Mystic Realm Anchor Contest.’”

After saying this, Wang Yan took a deep breath, unhooked a thermos from his belt, took a sip of boiled water, and gave the sixteen contestants a moment to digest the information.

Then he continued, “Don’t feel too much pressure.”

“On the surface, you still have four official matches to play, but in reality, it’s just two matches.”

“One field card showdown, one anchor contest; one tests card creation, the other tests strategic combat.”

“Actually, it’s not difficult.”

“Just take the next two official matches, for example. If that field card is truly your own creation, and you understand every aspect of it, isn’t it simple to create a semi-finished MOD plugin by following the same pattern?”

“The anchor contest is even easier: if you can create both domain cards and field cards, you’re definitely very good at setting up scenes. Isn’t it easy to arrange a few defensive lines near the anchor to fend off enemies?”

Wang Yan chuckled and gestured with his hands.

In his description, it seemed like everyone had a chance to claim that unattainable champion spot.

But the crowd wasn’t swayed by his motivational speech.

These young card masters, although considered prodigies of Qingshan Province, were not arrogant or impulsive.

At least they had a clear understanding of their own level.

People know their own affairs best. Others might not know how they crafted their field cards, but how could they themselves not know?

Yes, the basic framework and general direction of the card were their own.

But the tough nuts to crack, like story details and character logic, were all chewed up by their elders and teachers.

After all, they were just a group of newcomers.

No matter how talented, their experience and knowledge reserves were hardly enough to support a complete field card logic.

Even those with solid foundations like Gao Sheng, Ren Wang, and Yu Anran needed a relaxed environment and some time to polish before they could possibly create a passable field card.

In the current situation with tight time, heavy tasks, and the pressure-inducing environment of the competition, it wasn’t just them who found it difficult, but even Chronicle, who was full of stories, was struggling.

—He was akin to the “Thanos” and “Tony Stark” of the card world, one of those “cursed with knowledge.”

In plain terms, he had too many ideas.

This story is good, that idea is also fine.

In short, anything goes.

Then he’d be directly hit with decision paralysis.

Torn, troubled, losing hair, unable to sleep, just unable to decide what to choose.

“So annoying.”

Chronicle showed an “annoyed brother” emoji.

Even those who cheat don’t have it easy these days. Do you think Brother Zongzi has it easy just lying there every day? It…


Inside the sea of consciousness, Brother Zongzi rarely lifted the lid of his coffin, peeking out through a crack, looking outside.

Seeing Seven Brothers, Eight Brothers, General Zeng, Mountain Ghost, and Ying Tai all cultivating in their own ways, he awkwardly tugged at his face, smiling slyly.

Then he blissfully lay back in his coffin, deliberately “snoring.”

Comfortable, relaxed, and satisfying.

“Feels great!”

The emotional feedback from Brother Zongzi echoed in Chronicle’s mind.

Chronicle couldn’t help but scratch his head, really unable to figure out who the old Zongzi got his cheekiness from.



Chronicle looked up at Wang Yan.

“Come with me to pick materials.”


Wang Yan explained, “Before entering the Mystic Realm, each of you can receive one scene-type material and information on the location of a special material in the Mystic Realm that can be transformed. You got first place in the desert flag battle, so you go first.”


Chronicle nodded slightly and followed Wang Yan into the dark ancient forest on the east side of the wasteland.

It was now half-past seven in the evening.

In Qingshan’s autumn, it was already pitch black at this time.

The eerie cries of birds and beasts occasionally echoed around, sending chills down one’s spine.

Yet at this moment, Chronicle’s gaze lingered on the back of Wang Yan’s neck, feeling that the scene before him strangely resembled a movie scene of murder and pursuit in the woods.

“Chronicle.” Wang Yan seemed to sense something, swallowed, turned his head, and said, “What are you thinking?”

“Nothing much, just thinking about what kind of scene-type material to choose.” Chronicle said with a smile.

“Just follow your heart.” Wang Yan let out a sigh of relief and said, “With your talent and flair, as long as you can create a card, it will definitely be better than the others. There should be no problem in the next three rounds of card creation.”

“It’s just this final contest… I’ll only remind you that Gao Sheng, Ren Wang, and the others have established their anchors in the Qingshan Mystic Realm.”

“If you want to know yourself and your enemy, it’s best to observe the inside while searching for materials on the outskirts of the Mystic Realm tomorrow.”

“Qingshan is not like your Land of Peach, where ghosts are everywhere and it’s ‘pure’ and ‘simple.’ The situation inside is so complex that even the old soldiers of the Zhenyuan Army who have guarded the place for years may not be able to explain it clearly.”

“Anyway, be extra careful.”

“Thanks for the reminder.” Chronicle nodded slightly and followed him into an inconspicuous container warehouse hidden among the bushes.

Inside, there was only a metal rack, divided into two rows.

One row held scene-type materials: [Dance Pavilion and Singing Stage], [Blood Bun Market Entrance], [Evil Eye Old Taoist Temple], [Five Viscera Filthy Mountain Temple]…

The other row held maps of special summon-type materials that could be transformed: [Tears of Blood Spirit Grass Essence], [Grey Robe Half-Blind Old Taoist], [Peach Forest County Red Robe Demon Monk]…

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