Chapter 149 – Skills

"Crush Mountains," true to its name, is a joyous technique of the foolish old man, nothing much to say about it.


"Crow Swarm" literally means an attack with a super large coverage area, very suitable for striking enemy groups in narrow environments and certain large, clumsy individual units.


In Chronicle's view, these were all ordinary equipment skills.


"Forest Movement" and "Defend the City" were just ordinary traits that provided enhancements in specific scenarios.


The real noteworthy aspect of this card was actually just the "General Slayer" trait of the old sixth.


"When ambushing, the firing speed, power, and lethal capability are all somewhat enhanced…"


Chronicle smiled slightly.


This trait really suited his taste.


Commanding his subordinates to charge and crush the enemy was exhilarating, but always playing this way could easily become tedious.


"Occasionally, it's good to change things up."


"An arrow like this, taking down the enemy general in one shot and throwing them into chaos, is indeed a fine source of joy."


Imagine, when the enemy's champion Lu Bu, in all his glory, rides his Red Hare to the foot of your building, shouting challenges.


You ignore his duel request, pull out a repeating crossbow, take aim, and with one shot, bring him down from his horse, then command your troops to take advantage of the situation and launch an attack.


The ultimate old sixth, the ultimate pleasure.


"Not bad."


Chronicle nodded in satisfaction.


This was what he wanted: both the old sixth and the bad seed.


After sorting out these cards, he raised his hand to summon ghost soldiers and delivered the newly crafted powerful crossbows to the hands of these "tall and mighty" ghostly strongmen.


Just like a 500ml bottle of mineral water becomes a "drink" in the hands of the great shark O'Neal.


These crossbows, half the height of an ordinary person, felt like light and airy toy water guns in the hands of these strongmen, visually weightless.


"I really did find the right owners for these repeating crossbows."


Chronicle thought to himself, then picked up the card pen again, waved it lightly, and summoned materials like the "Black Mane Grave-Treading Horse."


After a moment of contemplation, he turned the ghost soldier squad back into card form, then drew a blank card from the depths of his mind and merged it with them. Once "Perfectly Fused," he "pulled" it out.


This step was called "Tailor-Made."


As a newcomer to the Ninety-Nine, his card crafting level was far from being on par with that of a Card Craftsman like Bai Longfei.


The latter could create "Soul-Devouring Ghost Banner" and "Coffin Ascending Immortal Hanging Coffin" after just a few glances at Seven Brothers and Zongzi Brother, two cards with excellent skill terms that matched the card spirits perfectly.


He did not possess such ability.


Before designing the skin, one must "tailor-make" it, otherwise the "clothes" produced might "not fit."


After completing this step, he followed the naming convention of legion cards and wrote down "Ghost Soldiers · Yanyun Eighteen Riders."


—"Skinning" is a shortcut method, full of twists and turns, and even the naming step has many interpretations.


If he had directly written "Yanyun Eighteen Riders," it would have been easy for the "review system" in the unknown to mistake it for bestowing a true name.


Therefore, it was essential to finalize the decision with this specific naming format at the beginning of the skin design.


"Only a few days to solve so many complex problems, Old Ma is truly talented."


Chronicle thought to himself, shook his head, and wrote fluidly in the void:


"Cold Clothing Masks, Dark Robes, Horse Boots, Crescent Moon Blades."


"In the land of Yanyun, there were agile and mighty warriors, a group of eighteen riders, hence named 'Yanyun Eighteen Riders.'"


"They first appeared in 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms,' rumored to be the eighteen heroes who protected Zhang Fei during Lu Bu's night raid on Xuzhou, charging out of the east gate."


"At the battle of Changban Slope, it was they who, under Zhang Fei's command, tied branches to horse tails to kick up dust clouds, feigning an ambush to intimidate Cao's army."


"The most famous 'Yanyun Eighteen Riders' belonged to Luo Yi's ace cavalry squad in 'Tales of Sui and Tang Dynasties.'"


"It is said they were as swift as the wind, as fierce as fire. Wherever they went, not a blade of grass remained. With strong bows and crescent blades, they could fight a hundred with one, traversing the desert, unmatched, truly a record of battle achievements."


"Later, they followed Luo Yi to serve the Tang, suppressing Liu Heita's army with the Tang forces, and then fought against famous generals like Gao Yaxian and Su Dingfang, leaving many legends in the north and south."


With this, the information description ended.


As a cavalry squad that only existed in performances and certain unofficial histories, Chronicle could only think of so much description about the "Yanyun Eighteen Riders."


"If we have to mention it, in 'Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils,' Xiao Feng, who was already the Southern Court King of the Liao, seemed to also have a personal guard squad named 'Yanyun Eighteen Riders.'"


"And they were described as very powerful, with phrases like 'With the Yanyun Eighteen Riders in hand, he could proudly look down upon the Central Plains' and 'The momentum of the eighteen riders could withstand thousands of troops and horses.'"


"But no matter how powerful the description in the martial arts novels, as a later creation, it does not have the 'mythical' and 'legendary' enhancements in this world."


"More importantly, the two 'Yanyun Eighteen Riders' under Zhang Fei and Luo Yi have gained a lot of myths through word of mouth, with a very high ceiling."


"If I were to write the descriptions from the martial arts novels, I'm afraid it would fall flat."


During the time Chronicle pondered with a frown, the information review was completed.


Looking at the floating text, he prepared a draft in his mind, then quickly wrote with his pen in the void.


He depicted the vast desert with a lone smoke rising straight to the clouds, and the Yellow River beside the round setting sun.


A group of eighteen riders, all clad in dark felt robes, wearing cold clothing underneath, with masks and headscarves, only their eyes visible.


With horse boots on their feet, all mounted on black steeds, large bows on their backs, each carrying eighteen arrows, and all with the signature crescent moon blades.


Thus, in the vast scene of the desert smoke and the river sunset, they charged from the undulating sand dunes.


Their steeds' hooves flew like the wind, kicking up dust, the crescent blades in their hands shimmering, their cold eyes emitting a chilling light.


Soon, a grand and vast painting was completed under Chronicle's pen.Looking at the exquisite image that could have been used for a game transition even before his time travel, Chronicle hesitated for a moment.


After much contemplation, he added a few strokes to the painting, turning the pupils of the eighteen riders pitch black, with a vast expanse of hazy dark clouds lingering behind them. Even the hooves raised high seemed to tread on dust and dark clouds, not "standing on solid ground."


As for their armor, robes, longbows, quivers, and side swords, all were treated accordingly, appearing mottled and worn as if shrouded in the smog of hundreds of years of history.


Full of character.


"Not bad."


Chronicle nodded in satisfaction.


As the card's inscription was completed, a wealth of card information once again flooded his mind:


【Spectral Soldiers · Yan Cloud Eighteen Riders】


Quality: Blue


Category: Ghost/Soldier


Card Type: Equipment (Legion Skin)




【Lone Smoke in the Desert】: Consumes a large amount of mental energy to blow the charge horn, activating the 【Lone Smoke】 special effect.


When in a 【Desert】 environment, the eighteen riders can freely switch between reality and illusion, using a small amount of Yin energy to continuously launch 【Lone Smoke Surprise Attacks】.


They can also use different levels of mental energy to employ 【Desiccated Sand Prison】, 【Desert Storm】, 【Sand Soldier Domain】, 【Sand Sea Burial】, 【Desert Soul Return】, and other 【Sand Sea】 series skills.


【Sunset Over the Long River】: Consumes a large amount of mental energy to summon the 【Sunset Over the Long River】 scene. Units of the 【Demon Ghost】 category not exceeding the legion's quality level will be restricted in movement for a certain period and continuously suffer from the burning of the 【Great Sun】 phantom.


Other units will trigger negative effects such as 【Burning Heart】, 【Lonely Journey】, and 【River Never Returns】 based on their category.




【Crescent Blade】: The crescent blade, forged from special materials, is particularly effective in 【Beheadings】.


【Desert Cavalry】: In a 【Desert】 environment, the Yan Cloud Eighteen Riders can unlock the 【Levitating Charge】 ability for a short time by consuming Yin energy.


【Divine Archery】: Yan Cloud Eighteen, never missing a shot. When facing units below the legion's quality level, the arrows of the Yan Cloud Eighteen Riders will automatically have the 【Lock-on Tracking】 effect.


Introduction: The Yan Cloud Eighteen Riders, galloping like tigers amidst the wind and smoke.


Advancement: None




After receiving the card information, Chronicle suddenly opened his eyes, instinctively cursed, and exclaimed "nb."


Clearly, although this skin had many limitations, its strength had far exceeded his expectations.


【Lone Smoke in the Desert】, this skill, could be considered the best among his cards.


【Reality-Illusion Shift】, 【Lone Smoke Surprise Attack】, 【Sand Sea】 series skills…


One skill, multiple effects, simply too bug.


The only pity was that this skill could only be used in a 【Desert】 scene, and it consumed an astonishing amount of mental energy.


With his current reserves, if he dared to forcibly use skills like 【Desiccated Sand Prison】 and 【Sand Soldier Domain】, which sounded powerful just by their names, his brain would either run away overnight or shrink to the size of a walnut.


And he himself would drop dead on the spot.


However, this card's "ultimate move" couldn't be used casually. Small skills like "Sand Spear Volley," "Sand Pit Trap," and "Sand Dune Swallow" were still playable.


As for the "second skill" 【Sunset Over the Long River】.


Although its effects were not as good as the former, its targeting of all categories was also quite something.


When facing the local demons and ghosts of the Green Mountains, it could work well with the 【Crescent Blade】 entry, chopping vegetables and slaughtering wildly.


The 【Desert Cavalry】 entry had more value in appearance than in actual significance. In Chronicle's view, it was just for show.


On the surface, it gave the Yan Cloud Eighteen Riders the ability to continue fighting in non-【Desert】 environments.


But he would be out of his mind to expend so much mental energy to force this "Desert-themed troop" to siege cities or compete with Blackbeard and Luffy for the position of "Pirate King."


As for the 【Divine Archery】 entry, it was merely a 【Clearing Troops】 effect.


It was a reinforcement and supplement to the 【Spectral Soldiers】' primary ability to "catch ghosts and capture evil."


It was better than nothing.




In the sea of consciousness, Chronicle slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.


Although this card was invincible only in the desert environment…


Wasn't he about to have a contest in the desert?

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