Chapter 141 – 64 to 32: Homemade Vehicle Card Racing Competition, Qing Shan Hunting Ground

"I've won."


Chronicle Brother squatted in the clouds, overlooking the scene below, still feeling a bit unsatisfied.


Although the opponents he faced in the two preliminary matches were not weak, the gap between them and him was still quite large, and he didn't really get to enjoy the matches.


"If the upcoming matches go as smoothly as this, it might work out…"


He thought to himself, looking at the virtual image of the "Sky Soldier" beside him.


It came from the "Dissection" effect of the "Colorful Play – Fairy Rope," which was an execution unit for "forcibly expelling opponents and causing effects such as 'stripping' and 'Dismember.'"


"Perhaps one day, I can create a real 'Sky Soldier.'"


Watching the proud virtual image standing not far away, Chronicle Brother couldn't help but think.


To be honest, the appearance of this legion card in "reserve" was really impressive.


Based on the premise of ignoring the plot points in "Journey to the West" such as "Sun Wukong fighting alone against ten thousand heavenly soldiers" and "The Green-Haired Lion Monster once swallowed ten thousand soldiers," the background setting was quite compelling.


"When conditions permit in the future, I can try to create it."


Chronicle Brother thought to himself, dispersing the clouds and the virtual image of the Sky Soldier with a wave of his hand, then quickly descending by grabbing the rope.


Then he saw Shen Fei, dressed as a race official, standing on the sidelines, looking over at him from a distance.


When he met Shen Fei's gaze, the latter quickly lowered his head, looking flustered and frightened.


"Am I really that scary?" Chronicle Brother couldn't help scratching his head.


In the recent match, he actually held back a bit.


If he really didn't care about the opponent, he could have easily sent the other party out of the arena.


But considering that the kid needed some dignity, he let him stay in the arena.


He was really too kind.


"Chronicle Brother, you've won."


The referee with a big bald head waved his hand, indicating that the two of them should leave the field from one side.


Seeing this, Shen Fei decisively quickened his pace, as if fleeing, and hurriedly left through the door, leaving Ginger Tea, Li Baitian, Zhao Wenying, and others standing outside the door in a daze.


"Baitian, look, he changed his clothes!"


Ginger Tea, with a mischievous look in her eyes, laughed and said, "Chronicle Brother is so bad, he even took away someone's clothes, hahaha."


"Are you still able to laugh? Aren't you afraid that in the future, during the class battles, he'll make your clothes disappear?"


"Huh?" Ginger Tea was taken aback, her face turning red. "Really?"


Li Baitian clicked his tongue and said, "Old Ji looks quite serious, but I always feel like he's not a good person. Look at the cards he creates, stripping clothes and N-T-R effects, there's a hint of wickedness in the effects…"


"What are you talking about? You seem so happy."


Li Baitian was interrupted when Chronicle Brother walked out of the arena at this moment, smiling and saying, as always, full of righteousness, humility, and courtesy.


In fact, he had just been standing in the blind spot of the corridor.


Things like "not a good person" and "a hint of wickedness" were basically heard.


"So in your hearts, this is the image of me." Chronicle Brother said with a hint of disappointment. "It seems that I can't hold back in the class battles in the future."


Li Baitian suddenly felt a chill on his neck, turned his head, and saw Chronicle Brother with a gentle smile on his face.


But after all, he had just finished speaking ill of others, so he felt a bit guilty, shrunk his head, and hid his tall figure behind a pillar.


Ginger Tea was about to say something, but the broadcast on the side reported her group number at this moment. After greeting the two of them, she stepped into the arena.


Chronicle Brother turned to look at the big screen.


The second preliminary match was already halfway through, and it was expected to end completely in two hours. The rules for the first official match were also just released.


"Vehicle Racing?"


Looking at the five big black characters on the screen, Chronicle Brother couldn't help but be stunned.


Due to various reasons, resources in Qingshan Province had been scarce in the past two years. Therefore, they couldn't directly open the material library as in previous years, allowing participants to freely choose and create.


Chronicle Brother and the others needed to get up early tomorrow, take a special car, and head to the "Qingshan Hunting Ground" on the outskirts of the city.


The so-called hunting ground was actually a general term for special, large-scale transcendent creature breeding grounds scattered throughout the provincial capitals.


Among them were many high-quality secret realm creatures, not limited to local secret realm species. Su Wen's monster vehicle card, which resembled a Triceratops, came from there.


As far as Chronicle Brother knew, the rules of the hunting grounds in various places were basically the same.


That is, pay a certain entrance fee, bring a blank card, and enter the field to capture secret realm creatures within a limited time.


The entrance fee was generally between five hundred thousand and five million, and the time was usually thirty minutes.


"Although the quality and rarity of the creatures they breed are indeed worth the price, since those creatures can be bred, they are basically species without any wildness and are not suitable for combat."


"Even if they are really captured, they can only be used as materials for creating vehicle cards or legion card mounts, and do not have particularly great combat effectiveness."


"Spending so much money just to buy a 'luxury car,' this is truly a sport that only the wealthy can afford to play."


Fortunately, the association was footing the bill this time, so even a poor student like him could experience a taste of the top-tier life."It seems that the Qingshan Alliance is really a bit poor. In previous years, anyone who could enter the provincial competition would at least be able to pick up two good materials."


"But this year, not only did they set up a high enough threshold to stop geniuses like Yao Yuan and Ye Yuyu, they also arranged two preliminary matches that could screen out three-quarters of the participants."


"Only the remaining 64 people will have the opportunity to enter the hunting ground and obtain materials through their own efforts…"


"This economic decline is really… quite severe."


Thinking of this, Chronicle couldn't help but shake his head.


A starving camel is still larger than a horse. Even if the alliance is poor, it is enough to support him.


Those major matters should be left to Su Wen, Fan Lei, and Xie Wenyuan to worry about.


"Please all the advancing players to take the special car to the 'Qingshan Hunting Ground' tomorrow morning at five o'clock."


"The association has communicated with the hunting company and applied for each student to bring two summoning cards into the field, assisting in the capture of battle materials."


"After the sealing is completed, each student is required to independently create a vehicle card within the specified time and participate in the sixty-four-person self-made vehicle race three days later."


"In this competition, the bottom 32 will be directly eliminated, while the top 32 will obtain different levels of priority for obtaining materials based on their rankings, for use in the next competition."


Looking at the densely packed small characters on the big screen, Chronicle took out his phone from his pocket and took a picture.


After Ye Yuyu and Jiang Cha finished their races, he would have dinner with them and then return to the hotel to sleep deeply.


The next morning, several buses arrived on time to pick them up and headed straight to the hunting ground on the outskirts.




Someone moved behind Chronicle and called out to him with mental power.




Chronicle, who was playing a game with Ying Tai, turned his head at the sound and saw that Yan Lou, the captain of the First High School's Sharp Blade Class, had somehow sat down behind him.


"Captain Yan, is there something you need from me?"


Chronicle smiled politely and also transmitted his voice with mental power.


Although he had not accepted the other party's invitation to transfer schools, as the saying goes, if a deal cannot be made, there is still righteousness. The captain of the Sharp Blade Class, who had an unlimited future, took the initiative to invite him. Regardless of the purpose, it showed that he valued and appreciated him.


He couldn't just lose face.


"Based on the performance in the preliminary matches, the organizers have made a list of the championship odds, and you are in the top three," Yan Lou said with a smile. "It looks like we'll be counting on you to bring glory to our Land of Peach this time."


"Top three?" Chronicle's eyes flickered at the words, but he said, "What can two preliminary matches show? The top three selected in this way may not be accurate."


"It still has some reference value," Yan Lou said with a smile. "After all, among the students from our Land of Peach, only you and Zhao Wenying from the Second High School have been placed in the top ten, while the rest are local students, as well as some from other cities."


"Zhao Wenying? I remember her strength seems to be inferior to yours," Chronicle turned his head, smiled softly, and glanced at Yan Lou through the gap between the seats. "Captain Yan, are you holding back and planning to use her later?"


Yan Lou shrugged, neither confirming nor denying, "Even if I hold back a lot, I am not a contender for the championship. I can only do my best and move forward."


"You are different. Among all the people of the same age in Qingshan, there are not many who can compete with you. Normally, there is a high probability of winning the championship."


"But the problem now is that this competition is not only for the people from Qingshan."


"What do you mean?" Chronicle turned his head and asked.


"Do you remember the inter-school selection I mentioned to you before? One spot that Qingshan Province rotates down, we at the First High School want it, and so do the other schools, including the Qingshan Province that produced the provincial champion and runner-up in the previous year."


"Don't think that they have good teaching quality, that's why they have produced so many strong students."


Yan Lou pushed his glasses and said with disdain, "Although Qingshan High School is named after the province, it is actually a semi-private school. In other words, they have money and can 'buy' talented students from outside."


"Besides the previous provincial runner-up Zhao Tianyang, the first and second of this year's competition were also 'bought' from the neighboring Yunding Province. We at the First High School are not willing to lose to such a school."


"So?" Chronicle leaned back and said softly.


"So, we hope that when you encounter people from Qingshan in the subsequent matches, you will not hold back and try to suppress the entire field to win."


Yan Lou explained, "This competition is also one of the main assessment items for the inter-school selection. If their students are defeated by you, their scores will naturally decrease."


"This way, you will have a chance?"


"Yeah, more or less," Yan Lou said with a light smile. "Of course, we can't let our fellow townspeople do nothing. After this competition, you can visit our school's treasury and choose a gift at will."


"Although our school may not be as good as Qingshan, we are quite wealthy. We have everything from the 'Formation Card Prototype Block,' the 'One-time Card Suppression Template,' to divine fragments. It's all there, and it can help you advance further."


As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows, "How about it? Not a bad deal, right?"Chronicle's eyes sparkled upon hearing the words, and he replied with a smile, "Sure."


Yan Lou struggled to contain his excitement and added, "Alright, if you manage to take first place this time, I'll give you a personal gift—a weather-themed accessory brand. You'll definitely love it!"


There might be another chapter later, or it might come out tomorrow morning. Everyone should rest early and read it tomorrow.


I had planned to reveal a secret in this chapter, but I didn't finish writing it.


So I'll just say it here:


Wishing all the great readers a happy and safe "Chronicle" New Year!

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