Chapter 134 – Osiris upgradation



The overwhelming chains were like a mountain torrent, carrying a tremendous momentum and heavy gloom, smashing directly towards the old Daoist ghost.


The crumbling tiles, cracked bluestone floor tiles, and the surrounding mottled walls were all overturned by the massive wave of energy.


Seeing this, the old Daoist ghost's figure flickered, taking a step forward and then dragging another step, swiftly dodging in a very eerie manner within the limited space.


Despite his limping and slow steps, Seven Brothers' previously invincible chain combat technique failed to knock him down.


"There's something special about this."


Chronicle couldn't help but furrow his brow.


At this moment, he finally understood what Wei Ya and the others meant by "scarce resources."


—These dark creatures receive a special blessing at the Grand Assembly, greatly enhancing their combat power and endurance.


Take this limping old Daoist for example, he was almost hit several times by the chains, but he narrowly avoided them with the blessing of some "energy."


This kind of energy pervaded the world, and Chronicle could sense it, but couldn't capture it.


The limping old Daoist, on the other hand, could access it at any time and use it to cast various gloomy spells:


A black smoke swept by, first with five small demons with purple and blue faces and monkey-like bodies, their eyes red and drooling as they flew straight towards Seven Brothers' head, legs, and arms.


Following closely behind were two large demons with yellow cloth masks, wearing paper-mache armor, about four to five meters tall, wielding melon hammers and thick black steel chains, charging forward.


The dilapidated Taoist temple, which had been overturned by Seven Brothers' attack, was now gathering together again.


The walls formed the body, the tiles became the shoulders, and the debris and rubble connected, with a stone head sculpture with disheveled hair and tightly closed eyes emerging from the ruins, landing on the neck made of a rusted copper incense burner, fitting seamlessly.


As the overwhelming gloomy energy surged into its body, this giant made up of ruins and debris slowly opened its eyes, reaching out to grab a nearby big tree and smashing it down.


At the same time, the limping old Daoist's hand once again formed a claw shape, gathering a mass of gloomy energy and throwing it forward, with sharp hooks, crutches, and bone nails carrying a heavy deathly aura, flying straight towards Chronicle and the two little girls.


That wasn't the most surprising part.


What was truly unbelievable was that it somehow acquired a greasy wooden barrel from somewhere, limping over and viciously splashing it towards Seven Brothers.


What poured out was a mixture of black dog blood, child's urine, and other folk legends' impure substances that were said to have the power to expel evil spirits and break curses.


Things that ordinary evil spirits couldn't stand, it could use as a trump card without any pressure.


It had to be said that this old Daoist ghost, whether in terms of intelligence, strength, or determination, was much stronger than any ghost Chronicle had seen before.


In addition, it was currently in the Grand Assembly world, receiving a special blessing, often making unexpected moves, making it a very tricky opponent.




Faced with this "dangerous situation," Chronicle was actually quite pleased.


At the beginning of his journey, encountering the invasion of the Flesh Mountain and the Secret Realm was too thrilling, and every time he thought about it, he felt only fear and excitement, which was truly a terrible experience;


But later on, whether it was the "sudden surprises" or the ghost-catching competition, it was all a letdown, fun but not very exciting.


But now, the opponent wouldn't threaten his life, and he had solid skills. Where else could he find such a good whetstone?


"Come on, the more you struggle, the more excited I get."


Thinking this, Chronicle chuckled and quickly conjured a "Shamrock" with the help of the slightly frail Mountain Ghost.


It was the Windmill Plant from "Plants vs. Zombies," which could blow away thick fog, balloon zombies, and seagull zombies.


Originally, Chronicle planned to use this thing to deal with the dense fog, but today there was only a thin mist that didn't affect the battle.


"Then I'll use it to deal with this expert in using dark weapons."


Thinking this, Chronicle infused spiritual power into the Shamrock.


The next moment, its body quickly inflated like a doll being pumped up, and the three leaves began to spin rapidly.


The resulting strong wind blew back the attacking small demons, the thrown dark weapons, and even the child's urine and black dog blood.


Under the agile thinking brought about by spiritual power, everything seemed slow, but in reality, in the blink of an eye, the old Daoist ghost was caught off guard and drenched in his own things.




It howled, using its ten twig-like, old and withered fingers to cover its face and head.


But such an attack was no match, and in no time, it was even more disheveled than before.




A few seconds later, it was panting heavily, and many impure substances were flowing down its white hair, but it couldn't hide the pair of eyes that were ruthless and fierce, without a trace of white.


"Hey! Hah!"


It let out a beast-like roar from its throat, raising a long flag, signaling the Yellow Cloth Armored Soldiers and the giant made up of the ruins of the Taoist temple to launch an attack.


In an instant, the black steel chains shimmered like a flying dragon, and Seven Brothers reached out with a thin, pale hand, blocking its path.


The vast difference made people worry, could Seven Brothers successfully block the overwhelming attack.


As it turned out, such worries were unnecessary.


Seven Brothers boldly reached out, grabbing the chain, each link as thick as a person's waist, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.


His already nearly two-meter-tall, slender figure suddenly grew to over three meters in the blink of an eye, as if feeling that it wasn't enough, he slowly raised one hand, and the gloomy energy of the surrounding world surged into his divine body like a mountain torrent.


In no time, he grew to over twenty meters tall.


After simply moving his gigantic body, he snatched the chain from the hands of the Yellow Cloth Armored Soldiers, and like a spinning top, he sent the two four to five-meter-tall "dwarfs" spinning in place.Seeing this situation, the mountain ghost's face instantly lit up with a smile, clapping repeatedly.


Yingtai seized the opportunity, raising her hand to unleash a fierce, domineering, and inescapable barrage of death, heading straight for the old Dao's forehead, shoulders, knees, and limbs.


The mountain ghost stared blankly at the scene, then slowly raised a fair and delicate hand.


The next moment, flocks of birds swirled in the air, aiming at the old Dao's head, diving like bombers, dropping "bombs" one after another with precision.


Obviously, compared to the delicate assistance, the little mountain ghost seemed more like a mischievous troublemaker.


This move might not be effective against ordinary ghosts.


But for the spiritually gifted old Dao, it was an intolerable humiliation.


It was in this moment of distraction that Yingtai seized the opportunity, arrows flying out like stinging bees, hitting the elbow directly.


The next moment, black blood, formed from Yin energy, flowed steadily, and the long flag made of sticks and tattered yellow cloth was thrown out.


And caught by the mountain ghost.


"Clang! Clang!"


The mountain ghost ran with small steps, holding the stick with one hand, moving gracefully like Zhao Zilong of Changshan, raising the stick and striking the old Dao's head heavily.


But the damage was only 2.5.


The old Dao was indeed the most special kind of ghost that Chronicle had ever encountered, enduring several heavy blows without falling.


Just glaring coldly at the mountain ghost, a hand, corroded by black dog blood, hidden behind, raised and summoned a section of bamboo staff from the ruins.


The bamboo emitted a greenish glow, and in the blink of an eye, it restored the injured arm to its original state.




After the injury was healed, the old Dao turned back to the staff and fiercely attacked.


The mountain ghost dodged to the side, arms slightly raised, like a dancer lifting a skirt, and in the moment she turned, a fierce white-eyed giant insect charged from the void.


Yingtai also arrived at this moment, patting the mountain ghost's shoulder, signaling her to protect Chronicle, while she drew her sword boldly.


Blocking left, parrying right, flipping up and down.


Yin energy tore through the sky, unstoppable.


The bamboo staff in the old Dao's hand was no ordinary object.


Her scholar's sword was no joke either.


The blood mist pressed against the sword handle, half-wrapped in the "Dreaming Red Gauze."


This illusion equipment obtained when attacking the Gu family's old mansion, could make people dizzy and dazzled even when facing non-marriage or marriage-related units.


"Bang! Ding! Zing!"


The sound of iron striking continuously, with the mountain ghost's assistance, Yingtai was exceptionally brave, surrounded by brilliant golden ancient characters, every blow forcing the old Dao to retreat.


And Chronicle also noticed that she seemed to have learned some combat techniques from games, using them to connect her skills, smooth, fluid, and beautiful, quickly forcing the old Dao to retreat step by step.


"Boom! Thud! Boom!"


At the same time, the sound of a violent collision echoed through the sky.


Chronicle looked up to see that Seven Brothers had somehow wrapped the two melon hammers at the ends of the chain, and was now playing with the giant made up of the ruins of the Daoist temple as if it were a toy.


In no time, the giant, as if in a hurry and unable to play anymore, had two bright purple lights in its stone eyes.


The next moment, two purple beams, accompanied by dark Yin thunder, peach blossom petals, and falling leaves, rushed forward.


Seven Brothers spun the chain like a windmill, facing the beams, striding forward with a heavy step, then boldly reached out and pressed on the giant's shoulder made of tiles.


Countless soul-hooking chains, like wandering dragons, flew out from his wide sleeves, forcefully breaking through the armor made of tiles and bricks, piercing into the giant's body.


In less than two seconds, the overwhelming soul-hooking chains covered the entire body of the giant, moving like poisonous snakes, emitting a teeth-grinding "glass-cutting" sound.


Following that, Seven Brothers raised his big hand, and the bundle of chains flew slowly into the air, casting a huge shadow that covered the sky and earth.


Chronicle and the mountain ghost, who had long established a tacit understanding with him, squeezed onto the tiger's back and retreated together.


Seeing this, Yingtai also made a bold sword strike, using ghostly body techniques to escape from the ruins of the Daoist temple.


In the meantime, not forgetting to restrain the old Dao's movements.


In an instant, a "boom" was heard, and the "chain giant bundle" fell like an avalanche, pressing the old Dao down with the ghostly power released by Seven Brothers, rendering her unable to move.


The earth trembled, and the crows scattered with a clatter.


The old Dao struggled to reach out with one hand, still tightly gripping the half bamboo staff.


Seeing this, the mountain ghost stepped lightly forward, snatching the treasure with a single hand and presenting it to Chronicle like a treasure.


"If this thing is sealed, it could probably form a blue-grade material."


Chronicle was pondering this when the restored Seven Brothers suddenly reached out and placed his hand on his shoulder.


The next moment, the subtle feedback of the upgrade flowed into his body like a gentle breeze.


Seven Brothers had leveled up!


This old general who had been with him since his crossing, after several days of effort, easily caught up with the newly added junior general, once again becoming the team's mainstay.


Thinking of this, Chronicle couldn't help but reveal a faint, almost imperceptible smile.


The junior general's ability to clear monsters was undoubtedly faster, but these past two days, he had let Seven Brothers stay by his side, just to give him "experience."


In other words, they had spent the most time together, and their bond was the deepest.


"Seven Brothers, congratulations."


He nodded at Seven Brothers with a smile, then shifted his attention to the panel.


Under the "Advancement Direction" section, there was another line:


Advancement Task: Engage in battle with the "Black Osiris" series at the same time, in a specific scene, capture a ghost unit with a quality star rating not lower than your own, or capture a group of ghosts with a quantity of no less than fifty, with individual quality ratings not lower than two stars of green grade.


"Capture, capture…"


Looking at this line of text, Chronicle felt no pressure.Catching ghosts, for Seven Brothers and Eight Brothers, was no different from picking out goods during the New Year.


"Seven Brothers, come back first."


Chronicle softly called Seven Brothers back and then summoned Eight Brothers to stand guard nearby.


He then took out two blank cards from his pocket, covering the hand of the old Taoist ghost with one and sticking the other onto the bamboo staff.


As the tide of mental power surged into the blank cards, the sealing was successful.


What surprised Chronicle was that, although the old Taoist ghost possessed superior intelligence and a blue four-star level, it lacked corresponding skills and traits.


The card description… was also quite something:


[The Yellow Goat is a down-and-out Taoist from the Shenglong Dynasty who, despite his modest magical abilities, refused to associate with "insects" and saw himself as superior.]


[Having followed his master in cultivation since childhood, he knew some minor exorcism and evil-repelling spells, as well as techniques to blind the eyes. Yet, he never became a true "immortal" in his lifetime. Fond of saving face, lazy, and gluttonous, he resorted to deceiving and swindling.]


[But with clever methods, he went undetected for twenty or thirty years.]


[Until one day, while freeloading at the residence of Zhou Yuanwai, he was exposed by the second young master who had returned from his studies.]


[The self-proclaimed "expert in judging people," Zhou Yuanwai, felt utterly deceived and flew into a rage. He ordered the experts of his household to break the Taoist's legs, condemning him to a crippled life where he could only move by crawling on a straw mat with his hands.]


[Fortunately, every cloud has a silver lining.]


[On a cold, rainy night, writhing in leg pain, he accidentally knocked over a relic left by his master, and out rolled a treasure known as the "Emerald Nine-Section Bone Bamboo."]


[It not only healed his legs but also granted him magical powers such as drawing symbols in the void, commanding ghosts, and assembling stone figures.]


[Just as his master had said, one could attain the Dao and become an immortal overnight.]


[With his ambitions inflamed, he went to the city to seek revenge on the Zhou family but died at the hands of a renowned scholar whom the second young master had taken as his teacher.]


[After his death, his right leg was even carried off by a vicious dog kept by the Zhou family. As a ghost, he could only limp along.]


It's a bit late, but there's a two-in-one chapter before midnight.


By the way, to all the great readers, someone has hit the jackpot with 6666 for this book.


If you haven't done so yet, you can go to the previous easter egg chapter and leave a comment.


Also, I've set up three floors, so remember to give lots of likes.

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