Chapter 133 – Mountain Ghost and Zhu Yingtai

“Wow, this efficiency is even higher than a hunting falcon.”

Watching the effect of the mountain ghost’s appearance, Chronicle couldn’t help but be amazed.

Although they all have abilities in the N-T-R series, the mountain ghost and Seven Brothers, as well as General Zeng, are completely different extremes.

One is singing all the way, with small animals actively following; the other is forcibly capturing and dragging, pulling hard.

Even if they are for the same purpose, with completely opposite cores, they will have different effects.

“Not bad.”

Chronicle gave a simple evaluation, and then swiftly took action, grabbing a bird that was bobbing its head and listening to the little girl sing.

“I guess it’s a chicken, duck, or goose. When roasted, is it not as good as canned and compressed biscuits?”

As he swiftly dealt with the bird, he saw a rolling black cloud pressing down on the ground, and the thundering sound of horse hooves, as General Zeng and the others returned.

“This is the ghostly cavalry. If it were ordinary cavalry, their legs would probably be broken after running this far.”

Chronicle casually complained, and looking over, he saw that each cavalryman’s arms were entwined with countless chains, dragging the evil spirits and monsters of the mountains along the way.

Almost died a second time.

“General Zeng, Ah Gui, come and help.”

With the help of these two great gods, Chronicle quickly made a rough stone cage.

Then, he copied the idea from “Plants vs. Zombies” and created a pile of mushrooms that fed on Yin Qi and had various functions.

“Hey, aren’t mushrooms fungi? How can they be considered plants?”

Thinking of this question, Chronicle couldn’t help but ponder.

But then he thought, this is convenient for him, so he didn’t care.

He only let the two burly soldiers of the underworld lock up the evil spirits with fierce and irrational eyes, and almost ready to eat people, in the stone cage.

These guys were very weak, and if they were transformed into materials, they would only be at the level of gray and white quality, and even green quality would be difficult.

They gathered here during the gap between Zhao Wenya’s death and the failure of the kind-hearted mountain temple, which happened to be advantageous for Chronicle.

“Although the feedback is a bit less, the safety and stability are the advantages. The divine power suppression of the mountain ghost and the Yin-loving plants’ consumption are enough to control them.”

“But I still need to keep some tricks up my sleeve.”

Thinking this, Chronicle asked the underworld soldiers for a section of soul-binding chains, a weakened version of the soul-binding chains, and randomly wrapped it around the stone cage.

“Almost done.”

Looking at his masterpiece, he nodded in satisfaction, and then, with the help of the beautiful mountain god, sent this cage of evil spirits to the underground, to be suppressed in the Du Ruo Mountain Ghost Temple.

“There really is feedback.”

Feeling his spiritual power slowly increasing, even with Chronicle’s temperament, he couldn’t help but show a surprised and happy smile.

“Leveling up while AFK, is this Transcendent’s daily life? It’s too cool.”


Transcendent responded from a distance.

It had actually been “awakened” by the mountain ghost a long time ago, but considering that it might not be able to beat the other party (scratched out), and since they were all on the same side, they didn’t want to fight and ruin their relationship, so it didn’t rise from the coffin, definitely not because it was scared.

“It still feels a bit lacking.”

Chronicle looked around and saw that the fog that had covered the mountains was gradually dissipating, revealing a bright starry night sky.

Looking at the “jade plate” hanging in the sky, his eyes couldn’t help but light up: “There’s a moon here too.”

Should he mention that many of the world’s rules here are very similar to those of Blue Star?

It’s like a world based on ancient Blue Star, with added Transcendent elements and expanded by a factor of N.

“Perhaps that’s why it chose to collide and merge with Blue Star.”

Thinking this, Chronicle stopped thinking about these meaningless questions.

He just looked up at the clear night sky, and suddenly had a clever idea: “Hey, I can create some fog.”

Thinking of his experience going up the mountain, he couldn’t help but slap his head. Creating a fog that made it impossible to see one’s own hand was the most natural barrier, right?

He thought, and then had the mountain ghost gather the fog again.

He also reactivated the “Shan Yan Gui Jiang” this time, releasing them.

This time, he finally saw the true faces of these guys: dressed as hunters, with pale faces, a hint of cunning in their eyes, and a large pit gouged out by tiger claws on their stomachs.

Although they were weaker and could only carry out some mechanical tricks, their intelligence was among the best of all the evil spirits that Chronicle had seen.

Now was the perfect time to use them.

“Ah Gui, General Zeng, let your tigers and underworld soldiers educate them.”

So, a few minutes later, Chronicle’s mountain added a few more “wise generals.”

In addition to the fog covering the mountains, the elegant birds, fish, and insects, the parts of the evil spirits of the mountain that General Zeng had subdued, and the special plants that were swaying to the rhythm of the mountain ghost’s singing, the safety of this anchor point had been preliminarily guaranteed.”This is my kingdom.” Chronicle looked at the distant mountains and couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement.

Who would have thought that he, a poor guy who could only live in a school dormitory and didn’t even have a house, would become the owner of a small mountain after visiting the secret realm?

“Things are getting better slowly, aren’t they?”

Facing the fresh and cool night breeze, Chronicle smiled lightly.

Then, he put away General Zeng and the Yin Soldiers, leaving only Zongzi, who did not consume spiritual power in non-combat situations, and the mountain ghost, who could convert spiritual energy into spiritual power while in the mountains.

“Good luck tonight, let’s eat chicken!”

Looking at the poultry tied with grass ropes beside him, he quickly and skillfully handled it, then set up a rack, lit a fire, turned the meat, and evenly spread the sauce.

The whole process was smooth and soon the mountaintop was filled with a tantalizing aroma.

The mountain ghost couldn’t help but move closer to him, licking her lips.

“Do you want some too?”

Seeing the bright eyes of the little girl, Chronicle couldn’t help but ask.

“Kaling not only feeds on spiritual power and various energies, but also eats food,” he knew this little common knowledge.

However, most of the time, she ate special food produced by material cards, or rare treasures that assisted in advancement, rarely eating grilled meat, hot pot, or barbecue.

“Want some?”

Chronicle raised an eyebrow.

The spiritually sensitive mountain ghost immediately nodded in response.


Chronicle smiled. He originally thought that spirits like the mountain ghost, the goddess of the mountains and forests, would be especially protective of small animals, but he didn’t expect…

“She not only likes small animals in the literal sense, but also likes to eat them.”

He saw the mountain ghost grab a chicken leg, dab some secret dipping sauce on it, take a bite, and her eyes, like two clear springs, instantly brightened.

Then… most of the roasted poultry went into her belly.

Looking at the chubby-cheeked, hamster-like little girl and then at the chicken bones all over the ground, Chronicle couldn’t help but fall into deep thought, wondering if his invitation was a mistake.

But it was too late to say anything now, and since he wasn’t very hungry at night, he left the greedy goddess to clean up the mess on her own and went to bed early, falling into a deep sleep.

And so, the night passed.

Early the next morning, Chronicle, who was still asleep, felt a slight itch in his nose. He furrowed his brow and opened his eyes, only to see the mountain ghost staring at him motionlessly, her smooth and flowing long hair falling right onto his face.

“What are you looking at?”

Chronicle yawned, unzipped his sleeping bag, and stretched lazily as he got up.

After a simple wash, he stood at the edge of the mountain, gazing into the distance.

Facing the refreshing morning breeze in the mountains, he was inspired and blurted out a picturesque phrase, “I will climb the mountain and enjoy the view of all the other mountains.”

“My mountain is still too small…”

Chronicle shook his head, dispelling various greedy thoughts, and focused on admiring the breathtaking scenery.

He saw distant mountains stretching endlessly, lush greenery, swirling clouds, and falling petals.

It was clearly a cloudless and clear moonlit night just last night, but when he woke up, thin mist had gathered from all directions.

Pale gray rain clouds were also approaching from the southeast, as if to bring a refreshing morning rain and clear the gloom of the day in advance.

“Calculating the time, this trip to the secret realm will end in just over twenty hours.”

Looking at the “anti-lost positioning red line” wrapped around his wrist, Chronicle decided to leave the small mountain and head further into the distance to experience the “local customs and practices” of the vast world.

So, he put away Zongzi and its coffin, carefully checked all the defensive lines, then picked up his spatial backpack and squeezed onto the back of the fierce tiger with the mountain ghost. In no time, they arrived at the foot of the mountain.

“Come out, Yingtai.”

After leaving her own territory, the mountain ghost’s combat power would not be as high in the short term, so she needed to find a new “master”.


Looking at the mountain ghost squeezed next to Chronicle, the little ghost girl couldn’t help but stand still, blinking her eyes as if she had “frozen”.

“Hey, girl.”

Chronicle reached out and waved in front of her.

The little girl finally came to her senses, but her cheeks were slightly puffed up, and her fair hand unconsciously rested on the hilt of her sword.

“Agui, put away the big cat, we’ll walk the rest of the way.”

Chronicle said, getting off the tiger’s back and patting the little ghost girl’s head. “We’re all on the same side.”

Yingtai, who had always been obedient, turned her head away this time, not even looking at him.

At this moment, the mountain ghost walked over humming a tune, and glanced at Yingtai from the corner of her eye, a smile playing on her lips.

“Let’s go.”

Chronicle patted their slender shoulders and walked towards the southwest.

According to the map, there were many special places nearby, such as the “Ci Nian Mountain Nunnery” or the “Du Ruo Mountain Ghost Temple”, which could provide feedback to card masters. Although with his current mid-level bronze spiritual power, he could only occupy one place, it didn’t hurt to take a look.

After all, places like these often housed many mountain spirits and evil spirits.

“It’s a good opportunity to make some money.”Chronicle thought to himself as he lightly tapped on a marker named “Huangyang Palace” to activate the navigation.

Thus, he walked for half the morning and encountered only a few ghosts, nothing like the bone-strewn, demon-infested hell he had imagined.

It was more like a 5A-rated tourist attraction.

It’s worth mentioning that along the way, the little ghost girl pouted and played solo games; the gluttonous goddess hummed songs, caught by him several times secretly enjoying herself, not hiding her good mood at all.

“Let’s pick up the pace and try to reach our destination before noon.”

Chronicle casually remarked, not caring whether the two spirits could understand him, and quickened his pace on his own.

Of course, he could use sedans, coffins, or tigers as means of transportation, but that wouldn’t serve the purpose of exercising.

He hadn’t fully digested the feedback from the consecutive card creations; if he was too lazy to even walk, it would be a complete waste.

With this thought, he quickened his pace again and finally found the dilapidated and shabby building before noon.

Looking up, he saw the weathered plaque hanging crookedly with the words “Huangyang Temple” barely qualifying it as a “Taoist temple.”

“woc, right, this grand world also has the concept of Buddhism and Taoism. The long-circulated online theory that ‘there were never any schools or sects like Buddhism, Taoism, or Confucianism in the history of Blue Star, and the so-called ‘research findings’ of the Kyushu Alliance are all copied from the grand world’ comes from this.”

“In other words, my plan to expand my influence in the grand world through this knowledge probably won’t work.”

“What should I do then?”

At this thought, Chronicle couldn’t help but scratch his head.

But this was a shadowless affair, and he didn’t dwell on it too much. Instead, under the close protection of Yingtai, he pushed open the decayed and dark wooden door.

With a teeth-gritting “creak,” the ruined courtyard instantly came into view.

Before he could step into the temple, a “person” slowly emerged from around the corner of the building.

The “person” was tall and thin, with disheveled white hair, an iron-blue complexion revealing a malevolent spirit, a goatee on the chin, and a face marred with scars among the wrinkles.

He was draped in a dark yellow robe that could barely be called a “Taoist robe,” looking as if it hadn’t been washed in over a decade, filthy and stained with large patches of blood.

In his hand, he held a banner made of twigs and torn yellow cloth, painted with sixteen square characters in some dark red lacquer.

Chronicle didn’t recognize the writing, but he knew from the aura that this fellow was a formidable big ghost.

Sure enough, at the moment of their eye contact, the old Taoist ghost raised the banner in his hand.

The next moment, a black, sticky thunderbolt slithered towards his face like a snake.

Shan Gui moved to block it, and the incantation to activate Shan Gui’s power, “Thunder, thunder, slay ghosts, subdue spirits, cut down demons, forever keep the spirit clear,” flashed through Chronicle’s mind. But before he could speak, a bolt of purple lightning shot out from Shan Gui’s square hole, directly neutralizing the dark thunder.

The quick-reacting Yingtai had already drawn her bow and loosed arrows, whoosh whoosh whoosh, several shadows flying straight for the old Taoist ghost’s brow.

But this creature’s strength was clearly beyond the ghosts they had encountered before.

It waved the banner in its hand, flicking and deflecting the arrows.

The next moment, its withered and old hand shaped like a claw, gathered several balls of thick black qi, and hurled them towards Chronicle and the two spirits.


The next moment, a loud collision sounded, and the exploding qi wave scraped painfully against Chronicle’s cheeks.

He saw a white shadow standing in front of him, slender in form but with an aura as vast as mountains and seas.

It was Seven Brothers, who had arrived in an instant to block the attack.

At this moment, the pale face with a hint of suffering no longer showed the usual gentleness and grace, but the domineering and ferocity unique to a Yin God.

With one hand protecting Chronicle, Shan Gui, and Yingtai behind him, and the other lifting the Ghost Banner, he summoned thousands of chains, attacking the old Taoist ghost.

The strike was ruthless.

Feeling that eight thousand words are still too few, I’ll see if I can push myself to write more tomorrow.

Goodnight to all the big shots.

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