Chapter 129 – The rejection of Dajing? Deforestation and demolishing temples, uplift my spirit!


As the transport vehicle passed through the twisted branches of the peach tree, it slowly entered the boundless ghostly mist.

An invisible sense of oppression swept over.

“Bang! Bang!! Bang!!!”

Feeling their heart rates gradually increasing, everyone’s faces didn’t look good.

Some weaker warriors began to sway.

Chronicle had eaten more feedback, and his physique was good, so he wasn’t greatly affected. However, this feeling of being hated and rejected by the whole world was really uncomfortable.

“Don’t try to resist with your mental power. You will be exploring the secret realm for a long time, and this is just the beginning. You need to learn to adapt.”

At this moment, the voice of the transport vehicle driver came from the driver’s cabin, sounding a bit heavy and muffled through a thick steel plate.

But you could still hear a sense of ease in his voice.

It was as if he had already adapted to everything here.

It made sense. Although this exploration was only on the outskirts of the secret realm, there was still danger, so the association would definitely send experts to protect them.

Without a doubt, the driver who was speaking at the moment, as well as the man in the co-pilot seat who had been sleeping with a black duckbill cap covering his face since the departure, were the experts sent by the association to protect them.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

After a few minutes of adjustment, Chronicle gradually adapted to this sense of oppression.

He looked up and saw that Yingtai’s beautiful face was full of worry, and in the eyes of Seven Brothers and Eight Brothers, he keenly captured their gentle or subtle concerns.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

He repeated it again, then slowly straightened his back that had just been hunched over, raised his hand to pull back the tarp, and used the “Clear Mist” function of the secret realm-exclusive helmet to observe the surroundings.

It was really useful to have high-tech equipment.

Although the mist was not completely “shielded” in his field of vision, there were still layers of fine water droplets suspended in the air. However, this mysterious, vast, and dangerous world gradually appeared in his eyes with a “high-definition picture quality” unlike the “Ten-Mile Peach Blossom, Falling Petals” outside.

The branches of the peach trees here were twisted, and the trunks revealed grimacing and painful human face shapes.

Chronicle had good eyesight and even saw the inscriptions on the tree bark, such as “Xiao Huohuo was here”, “Tang Han San was here – stick”, “I, Han Bupao (crossed out), Li Feiyu, am here, who will come to take my life”.

Looking into the distance, he could also see a large area of graves floating with white mist, with stone tablets or wooden plaques engraved with blood characters such as “Grave of the Meat Eater’s Satiated Spiritual Root”, “Xu Qiping’s Tomb”, “Xu Fengwu’s Burial Place”, etc., barely standing askew.

Distorted stone carvings with eerie smiles;

Red tiles and black bricks, small temples about half a meter high;

Exquisitely shaped, slightly mottled stone pagodas;

White flags fluttering on leaning towers…

It was eerie and strange, with all kinds of weirdness.

In an instant, it brought him to this world of bones, full of demonic and evil spirits.

“Those are the spiritual coordinates left by the predecessors.”

An unfamiliar voice sounded, coming from the man who had been sleeping on the co-pilot seat.

“The Blue Star people’s aversion and rejection of the Great Scenery is not only reflected in the ‘Scenic Poison’, but also in the ‘Heaven and Earth Oppression’ you just felt.”

“If you want to establish yourself here, you must establish your own territory by leaving your name, building graves, erecting mounds, carving stone tablets, and creating stone carvings. This way, as a ‘black resident’ without identity, you will have a ‘temporary residence permit’ and will not be rejected by the will of the world.”

“If the place where you establish your spiritual coordinates is good and your methods are good, you might even become a ‘pseudo-native’ with the blessing of the will of the Great Scenery world.”

“But personally, I suggest that you still establish your spiritual coordinates at the entrance, together with the anchors left by the predecessors.”

“This way, there will be someone to take care of it, and it won’t be taken away by wild boars as soon as you return to the Blue Star.”

After speaking, he chuckled.

The driver’s laughter and curse immediately sounded in the driver’s cabin.

“Of course, if you want to give it a try, we won’t stop you, but…”

He paused for a moment and added, “According to the rules, the two of us will only take action when you are in danger. For some ‘minor troubles’, you will have to handle them yourselves.”

“Oh, by the way, there’s someone among you named Chronicle, right? Mr. Wang asked me to pass on a message to you.”

“‘The meat eater’ is a treasure with a satiated spiritual root, and entering the realm is like a god. If you want to achieve a ranking in the ‘Qingshan Cup’ in ten days, it’s best to find a decent place to establish your coordinates, use the blessing of the will of the Great Scenery world to speed up your cultivation, and strive to enter the Silver level before the finals.”

“Otherwise, it will be difficult to win the championship in the competition.”

After saying that, he muttered to himself in a low voice, “Huh, he’s just a genius from an ordinary family.”

“Okay, I got it. Thanks for the reminder.”

Chronicle replied, leaning against the car groove.

After a while, the transport vehicle slowly stopped.

He then propped himself up on the steel railing and gracefully flipped down.

Without the protection of the special tarp, the fresh air of the mountains rushed into his nostrils, making him feel refreshed.

Without a doubt, the unpolluted Great Scenery world was far superior to Blue Star in terms of environment.

“Shall we go and establish our coordinates now?”

“Sure, let’s go.”

A discussion broke out around them.

The young man in the duckbill cap, who had been sleeping and just spoke, also jumped down from the co-pilot seat at this moment.

His appearance could only be described as average, but there was always a smile on the corners of his mouth. With his tall and sturdy figure and decent attire, wearing a denim jacket, a white T-shirt, and dark gray pants, he looked spirited.

“He doesn’t look very old.” Chronicle thought to himself.

At this moment, the other party had already reached out a hand towards him. “I’m Zhao Tianyang. You should have heard of my name.”

“The second place in the Qingshan Province’s college entrance examination this year?” Chronicle asked.

Zhao Tianyang nodded, smirked, and looked provocatively, “I’m quite familiar with your brother Ziliang.”

“Zhao, nice to meet you.”Chronicle greeted the other party with a smile and a handshake.

However, since they were not familiar with each other, after a brief conversation, he prepared to go find the “anchor point”.

“Wrap this around your hand to prevent getting lost,” Zhao Tianyang said, handing over a thread head that emitted a strong, mysterious glow.

Chronicle took it, quickly wrapped it around his wrist, bid farewell, and then walked into the fog.

Although the secret realm was fraught with danger, it had been cleared multiple times by the Card Craftsman Association, ensuring its safety.

Moreover, with the protection of Seven Brothers, Eight Brothers, and Ying Tai, he could confidently move forward.

“Let’s check the map first.”

After walking for a while, Chronicle sat down on a large bluestone, took out a tablet from his backpack, and found the map he had downloaded in advance.

A window popped up instantly.

“Add a new anchor point? There’s such a function?”

Chronicle tapped the question mark next to the pop-up window.

It turned out that after hundreds of years of development, the periphery of the Land of Peach secret realm was almost filled with anchor points, and suitable open spaces were hard to find.

However, as time passed, many of the powerful card craftsmen of the past had passed away, and the anchor points they had set up had lost their effectiveness.

To prevent these places from becoming the haunts of evil spirits again, the Card Craftsman Association had to publish the specific locations in the map software to facilitate the new generation of card craftsmen to reoccupy them.

It’s a bit late, so I’ll post a short chapter first, and there will be two combined chapters later.

I’m in good shape today, aiming to finish this plot.

(End of the chapter)

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