Chapter 124 – The training is over, Land of Peach, the crowd surges

But this guy, who is so trendy that it gives people "rheumatism on the spot," has white hair all over his head and wrinkles on his cold and hard face.


Only his bright eyes make him look like a young man who has not been tainted by the world.


"My little sister is carefree and has probably troubled you a lot, right? Come to my house when you have time, I have good wine there."


"Here, this material is decent, take it back and use it well."


As he spoke, he forcefully stuffed a purple material called "Shenglong White Horse Plum Blossom Vanguard General" into Chronicle's hands.


Then he tilted his head and fell asleep on the shiny and intricately patterned porcelain tile.


Seeing him like this, Professor Jiang, who was closest to him, shook his head and got up.


He exerted force all over his body, and his muscles instantly swelled, turning his well-fitted white teacher's shirt into a tight-fitting suit.


After a simple stretch, he placed "Li Tuzi," who had a strong physique and could be a tank in throwing and hitting tower games, on the nearby sofa.


"He weighs about a thousand to eight hundred catties." Professor Jiang frowned, "The poison on this kid's body has deepened. Didn't we ask the powerful card master from Mudan City for help? Why is it still like this?"


"If the poison were so easy to solve, I would have taken down the Qingshan Secret Realm and the Land of Peach many years ago."


Wang Jindong tapped the table with his finger, turned his head, and explained to Chronicle beside him, "Every time we kill a high-ranking Great Scenery Demon in the secret realm, we accumulate a kind of grudge called 'poison of the scenery' on our bodies."


"This curse-like thing can make people age, and when it accumulates to a certain extent, it can dry up their sea of consciousness, promote some bad things to happen, and make it difficult for people to move in the secret realm."


"Although it has been confirmed by many experts that this curse can be completely immune or completely removed by using emotional or belief-related material cards, and even by using the same kind of substance similar to the poison of the scenery on the Great Scenery Demon."


"But it's really difficult to achieve with emotional or belief-related material cards."


"The Blue Star Myth has been cut off for many years, and everyone doesn't have much concept of belief in this illusory thing, let alone make a card centered around it."


"It's the Jingxing Church that picked up the leftovers from the Great Scenery Demon and knows a lot about belief. They brought the poison of the scenery, which originally only existed in the Great Scenery World, into the Blue Star."


"When you grow up and encounter them, don't rush to take action. Find a way to capture those bastards and bring them back. We have 'Tuzi' to take care of them."


Listening to Wang Jindong's explanation, Chronicle's eyes couldn't help but flicker.


"Brother Baitian, poison of the scenery, Li Tuzi…"


"Isn't this so-called 'Tuzi' just a 'scapegoat'?"


"In order to preserve more living forces in the alliance, they accumulate all the curses on themselves. They become as old as an elderly person in their thirties or forties, and may not even live past thirty…"


Chronicle thought to himself, sighing lightly, feeling even more deeply the cruelty of this world.


"Emotional or belief-related material cards?"


He silently recited, and the previously formed idea of creating the "Incense Becomes God Card" flashed through his mind.


"Anyway, it's not my turn to fight against the Great Scenery Demon for the time being. I'll take it slowly and think about it after the game."


"Let's start by making the 'Increase General' when I get home."


He thought to himself, picked up his chopsticks and ate the dishes. After a hard night and trying the "Red and White Collision" card, he consumed quite a bit.


It's just right to replenish some nutrition with this table of delicious food.


"Eat more meat and cultivate a good physique!"


Wang Jindong said in a deep voice, but his gaze fell on "Li Tuzi," who was sleeping soundly beside him. His eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something.


The meal was quickly finished.


The card masters who were slightly inferior to the wealthy ones, such as Jiandai Bijun, Quge Yao, Professor Jiang, and Li Tuzi, gave Chronicle some gifts.


Green material "Mischievous Ghost's Slingshot," green-grade ghost resources "Five Ghosts Swallowing Life Pill," two bottles of spiritual power potions, and the most common but irresistible "money" – 100,000 in cash.


After thanking them one by one, Chronicle carefully put them away under Wang Jindong's signal.


After finishing the meal, he turned and went downstairs to collect the sedan chair and the girl who was addicted to the game.


Then, led by the waiter, he walked into a spacious, bright, and magnificent room.


"Wow, this bathroom is bigger than the houses I sold."


Chronicle said to himself as he walked around the house.


He couldn't help but sigh: the world of the rich is so terrifying.


"The living room is so spacious, it should be enough to fit a coffin."


Chronicle said softly, summoning the "Coffin Ascending Immortal Hanging Coffin."


A blue light flew through the air, and several chains flew out of the gaps in the coffin lid, connecting to the ceiling of the guest room and hanging in mid-air.


"Brother Zongzi."


Then, Chronicle called out the old zongzi who was "sleeping" in his sea of consciousness.


"This will be yours from now on. It took a lot of effort to get it. Try it and see if it fits."


Chronicle said, regardless of the other party's reaction, he lay back on the bed and fell asleep.


Brother Zongzi looked up at the hanging coffin, and the resentment and grudge that belonged to "zombies" instantly disappeared, replaced by a strong sense of "surprise" and comfort.


Like this, after admiring the patterns and style of the hanging coffin for a while, he reached out and touched it lightly, then lightly jumped into the coffin and fell asleep.


The night passed quickly, and Chronicle slowly got up and stretched his lazy waist.After a simple wash, Chronicle packed up his "Zongzi Brother" and "Suspension Coffin" and summoned Yingtai. They all got on the sedan and headed towards the direction of the welcome sign.


"You're here."


Bai Ziliang waved his hand and said.


"Good morning, Brother Ziliang."


Chronicle greeted him.


"Brother Ziliang, school is about to start soon, right?"




Bai Ziliang nodded, unusually not playing with his phone.


It's not that he has changed.


It's just that at this time, the girls haven't woken up yet.


"Night University is about to start these days. I'll go over tomorrow. It's unlikely that I'll be able to come back before the New Year."


He said, turned around and got on the sedan, took out a bag of breakfast, and shared it with Chronicle. "I guess when I get there, I'll be tortured again."


"How could that be? Brother Ziliang, you are the top scholar of our Land of Peach." Chronicle chewed on the fried dough stick and said with a smile.


Bai Ziliang laughed self-deprecatingly and said, "There are many talented people in the Nine Provinces. Every year, every session, a large number of geniuses emerge."


"And as one of the top three universities in the Nine Provinces, Night University always has top-notch students."


"Even if it's me, the city's top scholar of Land of Peach, it's not necessarily possible to enter the 'Genius Class' of Qingshan."


"What's even more troublesome is that almost all the cards I have built this year are ghost-type cards. The only two birds I have are either vehicle cards or pet cards."


"It's not a problem in Land of Peach or Qingshan, but if you put it on the stage of Night University, which covers the entire region and even the world, you will definitely be targeted."


Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh, then turned to Chronicle and said:


"Little Nian, you should also remember this: after your ghost-type card deck is initially formed, find a way to create two cards that have no restraint relationship with the ghost-type card deck to expand your attack range. Don't be too monotonous."


"I think the one you built…the one that sleeps in the coffin…should be a corpse-type card, which is good."


He said, stuffing the plastic bag in his hand into the trash can.


He added, "This year's momentum is crucial. Work hard and strive to break through the Golden Level before the college entrance examination. Maybe you can compete for the top scholar of the Nine Provinces."


"The top scholar of the Nine Provinces, that goal is set too high." Chronicle's heart moved when he heard this, but he still modestly said.


"What's so high about it? The college entrance examination is not like the card imperial examination held hundreds of years ago, which was open to all age groups and held once every four years. It's just a competition among people of your age."


"If I remember correctly, there are still dozens of 'top scholars of the Nine Provinces' shuttling between Blue Star and the Secret Realm. It's not that rare. Just relax."


"You're right."


Chronicle nodded and smiled, not continuing to delve into this topic, and focused on eating breakfast.


After a while, they finished breakfast, and the others also arrived one after another.


"Wu Hu!"


"The mud truck has arrived, everyone get out of the way!"


This sudden shout came with the morning breeze, causing Chronicle's brow to uncontrollably twitch.


He turned his head and saw Li Baitian wearing a duckbill cap driving a large truck covered in mud, roaring towards them.


Yao Yao, sitting in the back seat, was pale with fright.


Jiang Cha, sitting in the co-pilot seat, had an excited expression on her face—it was she who shouted just now.


Yao Yuan and Chen Yuan, who were tied up by seat belts in the back of the car by Li Baitian, were now shaking their heads and couldn't say a word.


-The strong wind caused by the speeding truck had blown their mouths crooked.


Fortunately, this steel behemoth stopped steadily before hitting the red flower sedan of Bai Ziliang.


But the strong wind it brought still blew Bai Ziliang and Chronicle's hair and bangs.


Seeing this scene, Chronicle smacked his lips, and memories of certain "Goddesses Scattering Flowers" flashed through his mind. He silently turned his head.


"Woo woo."


Jiang Cha jumped off the car, ran to the back of the car, and rescued Yao Yuan and Chen Yuan.


By this time, the two of them were completely lying in the groove, and the little food they had eaten in the morning had been vomited out.


"Brother Ziliang…urgh…" Yao Yuan was about to say something, but he vomited: "Chen Yuan and I won't take the sedan back later. Since today is the last day, we'll hand in the photos later and consider the training over."


"No problem." Bai Ziliang nodded.


Li Baitian said, "Do you want me to drive you to the bus stop?"


After thinking about it, he added, "This time, I'll sit in the co-pilot seat and the back seat."


"No, no." Yao Yuan and Chen Yuan shook their heads repeatedly, apparently having a shadow on the mud truck.


After showing the photos to Bai Ziliang, they ran away in a zigzag manner, their legs drawing circles, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


"Is this all the people?"


Bai Ziliang looked at the remaining number of people, less than fifteen people combined from four schools.


After shaking his head, he signaled everyone to get on the sedan, and then controlled the paper people team to walk in the air. They arrived at the training site in less than an hour.


And here, it will be their last day here.


"Little Nian, it's time for class!"


Before Chronicle could take a deep breath of the fresh air in the forest, Fan Lei and Xie Wenyuan came side by side, pulling him to make up for the missed classes from yesterday.


Two against one, there were more teachers than students, which can be called VIP treatment.


In this way, the morning quickly passed, followed by an afternoon of classes.


Time quietly slipped away in this extremely fulfilling learning life.


In the blink of an eye, it was five o'clock in the afternoon, and Fan Lei clapped his hands:"It's an honor to witness all of you making it to the end. I believe this half-month unified training has laid a good foundation for your card-making career."


"I sincerely hope that you all can make great strides in your future studies and life, and strive to achieve top results in next year's college entrance examination."


With that, he clapped his hands, and a dozen staff members pushed carts out from the surveillance tent.


"Considering the significant gains you all have made in this unified training."


"To avoid overdoing it, we won't be providing additional materials and resources."


"I have sent your performance files to the email boxes of your school leaders. They will handle the issue of rewards."


"But how can we let you leave empty-handed after such training? We have prepared some parting gifts for you."




As he spoke, he opened the cover of one of the carts: "A survival kit for secret realms, including clothes, space bags, various supplies, food, drinking water… everything you need is here. You'll find them useful when you enter the secret realms."


"Alright, your teacher Su will take you back. I won't see you off. Children, we will meet again if fate allows!"


With that, he turned and disappeared into the sunset.


"Finally, we can go home. This training was too tough."


"Indeed, if we weren't fighting, we were making cards. We also had to endure the sudden surprises and biochemical weapons from the training team. I almost couldn't hold on."


Hearing everyone's discussion, Chronicle yawned, feeling tired.


However, for him, this short-term fatigue was not over yet.


After returning to the dormitory, he would start crafting the "General Increase" card, then sneak out to the outskirts of the city at night to raid the "Yuanxi Ghost Soldier Camp" and create the "Ghost Soldier" card.


Then he would spend a couple of days in the secret realm with the new recruits of the Zhenyuan Army.


In this way, half of the five-day buffer period reserved by the school for the trainees would be over.


"I'll rest well at home for the remaining two days."


Chronicle thought to himself as he climbed onto Su Wen's giant beast vehicle card.


The behemoth moved much slower than the paper man's red sedan chair and Fan Lei's carriage. It took more than two hours to enter the city.


Around seven or eight in the evening was the busiest time in the Land of Peach.


Neon lights flickered, and the city was brilliantly lit.


People bustled about in this ghost city.


In the early autumn night, a faint mist hung in the air.


At a glance, it was hard to tell who was a ghost and who was a human.


After adjusting the position of the "Mountain Ghost Coin" card and putting on the "Yin Yang Separation Dark Gold Mandarin Duck Ring", Chronicle walked into the ghost city without looking back, blending into the surging crowd.


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