Chapter 121 – Night Fishing Master

"I will deliver the message."


Chen Mang casually said, then grabbed Niu Chuang's collar with one hand, slightly bent his legs, and instantly exerted force.


In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the vast night.


"Tonight's harvest is not bad."


Chronicle thought to himself, and skillfully jumped down from the roof.


Under his control, the "Paper Men Carrying Cursed Red Palanquin" instantly appeared at his landing point.


And the moment he touched the roof of the sedan, it turned from reality to illusion, allowing him to land steadily on the seat.


"You performed well just now."


Looking at his hands folded on his slender legs, and the obedient English sitting beside him, Chronicle casually praised.


The opponent's performance just now indeed exceeded his expectations, especially that "tilted head" move, which directly brought the horror of Huaxia to the extreme.


"The lip-syncing was also well done, enough for the entertainment industry."


Chronicle added, then sat down and leaned against the edge of the sedan, closing his eyes for a while.


At this moment, English also returned to the state of "Swordsmanship for Learning", picked up the camera, and took several pictures of the scenery on both sides of the road and Chronicle, who was slowly recovering his spiritual power.




After more than ten minutes, Chronicle, who felt the sedan land, yawned and stretched his shoulders, then walked out of the carriage.


The slightly damp air rushed into his nostrils, and the first thing that caught his eye was a ribbon-like river flowing slowly under the night sky.


"It's a light red color?"


Chronicle leaped over the railing, half-squatting, overlooking the slightly reddish river below.


The Xiaoyang River, as the name suggests, is a river that presents the color of the setting sun.


According to the older generation, a few hundred years ago, this river was still clear and visible.


Until one day, a ghost dragon escaped from the Land of Peach and settled here.


Stirring up storms, gathering ghost soldiers, destroying crops and taking lives, making the people miserable.


At that time, it was still the early stage of the card era, and there were not many decent card masters in the entire Jiuzhou.


Although people hated it in their hearts, they had to temporarily endure it and wait quietly until they had enough strength to strike down the head of the Flood Dragon.


The intelligent ghost dragon obviously would not give them this opportunity. On a midsummer night, the bone-chilling river water surged into the sky.


The Flood Dragon sprang out of the Xiaoyang River, gathered dark thunder, and destroyed cities and houses, causing harm to people.


Card masters fell, soldiers died, and the casualties among the people were heavy.


Just when people fell into despair, a god general wearing colorful battle armor descended from the sky and beheaded the Flood Dragon with a single strike.


Blood flowed from the dragon's neck, quickly dyeing the entire river red.


Then, a tiger's roar, the ghost soldiers who walked in the city and attacked the people disappeared in an instant.


But in the next moment, a sound similar to the shattering of porcelain resounded through the heavens and the earth.


People then noticed that the god general who had just saved the people from water and fire was just a phantom, a remnant soul.


After exerting all his strength to kill the ghost dragon and ghost soldiers, spiderweb-like cracks covered his body.


And then, in the next moment, his divine body dispersed.


The remnants of the golden soul, shimmering with golden light, fell to the ground, protecting the Land of Peach from ghostly attacks for ten years, with favorable weather and abundant harvests.


And this gave the people of the Land of Peach enough time to grow.


Ten years, more than three thousand days, excellent and mature card masters emerged one after another.


Finally, the people stood firm on this land that originally belonged to them.


This river was named the "Luo Jiao River" and the "Monument of the God General Who Protected the People and Beheaded the Dragon" was just a few hundred meters away.


But as time went on, people began to doubt the truth of the legend.


First of all, some experts bluntly stated that the reason why the water of the Luo Jiao River is red is because the exposed rocks here are brick red.


Every time it rains, the surging river erodes part of the material from the rocks, turning the river water red.


Another reason is that at that time, even a certain ancestor with the surname Ye was practicing spiritual power day and night.


In the entire Jiuzhou and even the entire Blue Star, no one could summon a powerful enough card spirit to "behead the dragon" like that.


Coupled with some other clues, the legend of the "God General Who Beheaded the Dragon" was cut off.


The Luo Jiao River became the "Xiaoyang River", and the stone monument commemorating the god general was no longer visited by anyone. In just a few decades, it became unrecognizable.


"Colorful battle general, strong and brave. Where the spear goes, the evil dragon bows; light appears, and the ghosts beg for mercy…"


In the night breeze, Chronicle raised his hand to support the stone monument, carefully identifying the now blurred words.


"God General Who Beheaded the Dragon…"


He murmured to himself, memories flashed in his mind. The legend of the "God General Who Beheaded the Dragon" seemed to be a childhood enlightenment story for many old-fashioned card masters in the Land of Peach.


Just like nostalgia, many people chose to create such a "God General" card that contradicts their own main battle ghost card group when they had abundant resources in their hands.


"As a new talent in the Land of Peach, I can't be an exception."


Chronicle said in a low voice, his fingers moved slightly, tracing the trajectory of the words on the stone monument, and confidently speaking.


Regardless of whether the legend of the God General Who Beheaded the Dragon is true or false, it gave him a reason to create the "Shentu Yulei" card.Otherwise, it would be strange for a Land of Peach card master who is still in the early stages to suddenly create a divine general card.


Thinking of this, Chronicle couldn't help but sigh.


Although these two gods are also Eastern ghost emperors in Taoist mythology, whether it is their style of action or their weapon attire, they are more inclined towards "divine generals".


If they were made using ghost materials, there is a high possibility of failure.


"Forget it, we'll talk about these things later. The most important thing now is to make money quickly and create the 'Two Generals of Increase and Loss' as soon as possible."


Chronicle thought to himself as he gathered the cards of "Guiding Ghost Messenger – Osiris" and "Soul-Devouring Ghost Banner" together.


A blue light flashed, and the accessory cards scattered into dots of light, slowly merging into the Osiris card.


On the card, Seven Brothers, who was holding a mourning staff, transformed from a bare white pole into a ghostly and exquisitely crafted Funeral Soul Flag.


"Not bad."


Chronicle smiled and summoned Seven Brothers with a wave of his hand.


In the blink of an eye, a tall and thin figure slowly appeared in the void.


As if sensing the change in the weight and texture of the objects in his hand, Seven Brothers lowered his head and glanced, revealing a hint of surprise.


"It took a lot of effort to get this. I wonder if Seven Brothers can use it smoothly…"


Chronicle leaned against the stone tablet, regardless of whether Seven Brothers could understand or not, shamelessly sold himself.


Then he stood up straight and walked towards the Evening Sun River.


It was almost midnight, and the rain had stopped for nearly an hour. The moon had just emerged from the clouds, casting a pale light.


Chronicle stood by the river and felt a gust of cold wind blowing towards him.


"No wonder those people online say that the 'Dragon-Slaying Divine General' is fake."


"If there really is such a god, even if there is only a trace of divine power remaining, it wouldn't let the place where its faith is celebrated become a playground for ghosts and monsters."


Chronicle thought to himself, shook his head, and looked back at Seven Brothers.


The other party had established enough understanding with him. With just a glance, Seven Brothers nodded slightly and then took a step forward, raising the Funeral Soul Flag.


Dark Yin energy immediately surged from all directions, mixed with sharp screams and mournful cries, revealing twisted and grotesque faces.


And all these horrifying scenes disappeared in an instant when the black energy landed on the Funeral Soul Flag.


Feeling that the Yin energy on Seven Brothers was much stronger than before, Chronicle couldn't help but mutter to himself, "I underestimated this thing."


Then he saw Seven Brothers point the flag at the water's surface, and the dense black energy instantly turned into a tangled chain, falling straight into the water like a group of entangled snakes.


With a "splash," the river water, now blood-red, splashed up. Seven Brothers took a step forward and raised a Yin energy shield with his hand, blocking the splashing water droplets for Chronicle.


Seven Brothers laughed lightly on the side, the night wind lifting his clothes and causing the black energy on the Funeral Soul Flag to swirl and surround him, continuously transforming into chains and falling into the water.


In less than half a minute, a ghost with long hair covering its face and eyes filled with resentment was wrapped tightly in the chains of Yin energy, floating to the surface of the water.


Seven Brothers simply raised the Funeral Soul Flag and lightly tapped its forehead, causing the evil spirit's gaze to become unfocused and motionless.


Chronicle quickly stepped forward, took out a blank card from his pocket, and imprinted it on the forehead of the water ghost under the protection of Seven Brothers.


In the next second, a dark green light appeared, indicating a successful capture. The blank card instantly transformed into a material card named "Murky Rainy Night's Eerie"。


"A green card."


Chronicle shrugged, "Seven Brothers, continue fishing."


Seven Brothers nodded silently, found a large bluestone to sit on, and with a wave of his divine power, a long chain flew out from the top of the Funeral Soul Flag, entwining the ghostly Yin energy that was beneficial to ghost creatures, and falling into the water. His movements were extremely skilled.


Chronicle stared blankly at this scene. Then, Seven Brothers turned his head and hooked his finger towards him, revealing a pale and slender hand.




Chronicle was momentarily confused, but then he realized and took out a stack of blank cards from his pocket, handing them to Seven Brothers, along with a considerable amount of spiritual power.


Then he found a clean spot and sat down, enjoying the head massage from Osiris while his fingers flew on the phone, playing "Card Master's Peak".


Under his careful cultivation, both Little Panda and Mahjong Head had impressive strength. Coupled with his extraordinary consciousness and speed, in this version dominated by purple cards, he could easily dominate.


"Shimmering Jewel Cat…"


On the arena, Chronicle looked at the opponent's Lion Cat covered in jewels and couldn't help but scratch his head.


"This card seems to be worth tens of thousands…"


"In the real world, you could buy a house or make a blue card. But in the end, it's just exchanged for a virtual purple card. The world of the rich…"


"I don't understand."


Chronicle said as his fingers flew, leaving traces on the screen.


After more than ten minutes of fierce battle, he finally defeated the whale who spent a lot of money on the card named "Will the Cat be a Good Teacher".


Immediately after, he received a request for another match.


"Do you want to get beaten again?"


He had no resistance to this kind of request.


Immediately, he exerted his divine power and beat the opponent mercilessly.


Time passed in this enjoyable game. During this period, Chronicle felt relaxed and his fatigue disappeared; Osiris stared at the screen, eager to try; Seven Brothers sat with a hunched back, waiting for the fish to bite.[Contains Important Foreshadowing]


I will discuss the side story and cross-dressing in the next chapter with everyone.


(End of this chapter)

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