Chapter 117 – The unsolved mystery, born towards death

"Damn it, my card!"


Feeling the weakening connection between himself and the card "Frozen River Unburied Corpse," Chen Mang widened his eyes and forcefully slapped the wooden board on the lookout tower.


Although this "Frozen River Unburied Corpse" card was recently created by him as a transitional card, it was only a two-star purple-quality card. However, it still cost him a lot of effort and resources.


As the link almost broke, his state of mind exploded.


"Sure enough, none of the tasks arranged by that old ghost Bai are easy. I really believed in his evilness!"


As he spoke, his eyes emitted an orange light, and his gaze fell on the roof of an ancient mansion several hundred meters away.


Without a doubt, Chronicle was up there.


"Although it's embarrassing to use a card given by that old ghost Bai on a high school student, I can't worry about that now. If I hesitate any longer, someone might snatch the card away."


Thinking back to the money he spent on the "Frozen River Unburied Corpse," Chen Mang said with bitterness and anger, "With that money, couldn't I have spent it on a beautiful girl?!"


As he spoke, a phantom figure appeared behind him.


Its appearance was somewhat similar to a small bug commonly found under stones and bricks – a "Rat Woman." However, its chest and back were covered with countless grotesque, twisted, and tightly closed pairs of eyes.


It looked extremely eerie and went against common aesthetics.


Chen Mang only glanced back and said, "I'll trouble you next, Human-Face."


After speaking, he spread his arms, stepped on the edge of the lookout tower, and leaped into the sky.


At this moment, the pair of eyes on the phantom figure's back slowly opened.


Then, his body gradually "lightened" and floated up continuously.


Until he reached a place where the red and white mist couldn't envelop, he flew towards the direction where Chronicle was.


"Not bad, kid. The cards you created are quite rogue."


Feeling the continuous extraction of mental power from his own sea of consciousness by the "Frozen River Unburied Corpse," which seemed to be out of his control, Chen Mang couldn't help but sneer and casually comment, then accelerated his movement speed.



At the same time.


On the roof of the ancient house, Chronicle's forehead was covered in cold sweat, and he slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.


The empty bottle of mental power potion slid down the wet tiles after the rain, falling towards the ground.


With a "bang," it shattered into pieces.


"Where did this thing come from?"


He said, turning his head to look at the "White Fiend" in the coffin, whose body was shaking slightly. His expression was complicated.


At this moment, the turbulent sea of consciousness in his mind kept reminding him that this guy in front of him had exceeded his tolerance.


He had only temporarily joined the team with an almost zero probability, and it was uncertain when he would forcibly leave.


"Thinking about it carefully, the card panel indeed did not emphasize what kind of quality of ghosts the Red and White Collision can attract."


"But according to common sense, the evil spirits I can currently control are mainly concentrated at the blue quality and below."


"After all, the cards have a card master protection mechanism, which automatically adjusts the skill effects to prevent exceeding the card master's tolerance."


"In this case, the Red and White Collision may not have a completely zero chance of attracting stronger ghosts, but that probability is extremely low."


"In other words, at this stage, the probability of the Red and White Collision attracting purple-quality evil spirits is no higher than being struck by lightning…"


Chronicle wiped the cold sweat from his cheek. "But it's this almost zero probability that has caught up to me. I don't know if it's lucky or unlucky."


"No… "


Suddenly, a flash of inspiration crossed Chronicle's mind. "I'm currently only under the pressure of a purple card, but the consumption is still the same as before… What's going on?"


Perplexed, Chronicle had to shift his attention to the street below, feeling a bit confused in his mind.


After this experiment, his doubts about the card "Red and White Collision" increased rather than decreased.


However, one thing was certain – this card's consumption was truly significant.


In just a few minutes from the beginning until now, his mental power was almost depleted, and there were even layers of afterimages in front of him.


If it weren't for the mental power potion supporting him, he would have already passed out.


"Domain cards, field cards, and legion cards are not meant for Bronze card masters."


"I don't know what the Provincial Association was thinking, using field cards as the standard for competitions…"


"Lao Fan, Lao Su, Lao Xie, these people really cooperate with them. They even arranged supporting courses…"


The rapid depletion of mental power made Chronicle's mind a bit dizzy, and his thoughts became somewhat chaotic.


Fortunately, at this moment, the battle was nearing its end.


The red and white teams, with their rolling momentum, danced and surrounded Niu Chuang on the arch bridge.


The ancient street was narrow, relatively speaking, but it still had a width of several dozen meters.


Although the arch bridge crossing it was small, it had a bridge deck of two to three hundred square meters, enough for the two teams of evil spirits to struggle.


"When the lover is in the heart, the concubine is heartbroken."


"The feeling of grievance is known only by the moon. It's not easy to meet, but it's easy to separate. Now, all I feel is regret."


Chronicle put down the suona and performed his old trick again. Under exhaustion, his voice became hoarse, adding a touch of charm.


Niu Chuang vigorously swung his green-quality "Blood Stamen Flower Group Big Knife," trying to make a final resistance.


However, the paper people leading the red and white teams ran towards him at this moment, circling around him and throwing flower petals and paper money above his head.


The flower petals and paper money fluttered down, landing on his hood, knife handle, and shoulders.


Thin as wings but heavy as a thousand catties, they pressed him unable to breathe, and the big knife "clang" fell to the ground, leaving a shallow knife mark on the valuable stone pavement.


"Do you remember the day when the phoenix was delighted by its wings? Do you still think of the butterfly carrying the burden of gratitude on another branch…"


The eerie singing voice seemed to be within reach. Niu Chuang reluctantly raised his head and met the lifeless eyes in the sedan chair. Suddenly, a breath blew on him, making him feel like he had fallen into an icy cave."Bai Sha" also made his move at this moment, sweeping his white silk rod towards his face. The cold air penetrated the mask, causing him to stumble and almost fall to the ground.


Fortunately, a large hand with sharp and long nails supported him.


"Thank you."


He thanked almost instinctively, his consciousness blurry.


But the next moment, he was dragged into the coffin by that large hand.


Hong Sha and Bai Sha exchanged glances, each leading their teams in opposite directions.


Red and joy, heading straight for the death place of the wild cat old locust tree and the pitch-black cold pool, gradually fell into silence.


White and mourning, on the other hand, headed towards the entrance of the ancient street and the dimly lit birthplace, pursuing the fireworks.


The oppressive and frightening sounds of the suona and opera also faded away.


The rain stopped, the fog dispersed.


The ancient street was quiet, the arch bridge was peaceful, as if nothing had happened.




Watching the scene below, Chronicle slowly exhaled a turbid breath, disregarding the dirt, he lay back on the layers of tiles, closing his eyes to rest.


A somewhat familiar voice rang out from the side at this moment: "Well done, little brother, you fought beautifully in this battle."


There's another chapter coming up, it's quite important, I need to polish it a bit more, it might be posted a bit late, please forgive me, dear readers.


(End of this chapter)


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