Chapter 116 – Ready, Amang’s academic performance is not ideal

“This, this…”

Niu Chuang said “this” twice in a row, and between his waving hands, two more summoning cards appeared in his palm.

Just as he was about to summon the Card Spirit, the scenes that had just happened suddenly flashed in his mind.

“No, these two groups of evil spirits are too dangerous. If I summon two Card Spirits again, I’m afraid I’ll either be killed instantly or become their sacrifice.”

“But… what can I do now?”

As he watched the red and white teams getting closer to him, a strong bloody smell and a cold, sticky dampness instantly rushed into his nostrils.

And the damn suona sound kept lingering in his ears, as if someone was playing it right behind him.

And that person was really annoying, clearly being a distance away from you one second, and suddenly getting close to your ear the next moment.

A cold wind mixed with eerie music, drilling into his ears.

“Damn it! This is too damn!”

Niu Chuang felt like crying without tears.

He couldn’t understand what sins he had committed in his previous life to be subjected to such torture at this moment.

“Could it be that in my previous life, I was a writer, addicted to games every day, and the two teams in front of me are actually the resentment of the readers?”

With no other interests and only liking to read, he could only think of the worst possibility.

“If that’s the case, then I really deserve to be punished…”

He muttered with his head down, but in the next moment, he reacted and said loudly as if no one was around:

“No, wait! These two evil spirit teams are deadly. I must escape as soon as possible!”

“Since summoning cards can’t be used, then I’ll use equipment cards and skill cards. Even if I can’t defeat them, I must make some noise to let Senior Chen hear.”

“I believe that with the strength of the official members, dealing with these two teams will be a piece of cake.”

His eyes became brighter as he spoke. In his heart, the official members of the school were second only to idols.

“Don’t flatter me.”

On the lookout tower, Chen Mang, who was eavesdropping on Niu Chuang’s conversation through the shared senses of Ice River Immortal, couldn’t help but curse.

Although he followed the path of pragmatism, if he was completely clear about the opponent’s situation and was sure that he could handle it, he would dare to fight head-on.

And he was also very “pragmatic”. In a favorable situation, he would go all out from the beginning and completely suppress the opponent’s momentum.

But now it was different. The various strange aspects of Chronicle’s card made it difficult for him to figure out a strategy, despite his years of experience and insight from traveling all over the place.

“With my level, I have about 80% confidence in dealing with a bronze card master who has extremely strange cards, which is 0.8 on a scale of ten.”

“Rounding it up, it’s probably, maybe, possibly zero.”

“If I rashly go in, I’ll be done for in an instant.”

Chen Mang thought to himself, scratching his hair.

From this “flawless” mathematical calculation, it could be seen that his academic performance during school was not ideal, or rather, it was extremely bad.

He had always aspired to become a master card maker, and he liked to read literary works, historical speculations, stories of famous people, classics, in other words, storybooks.

He despised subjects like mathematics, physics, and geography.

“What’s the point of learning math? I, Master Chen, will have someone responsible for my expenses in the future. Do I still need to calculate them myself?”

“Physics? Those nonsense about balls, slopes, and wooden sticks, I can burn them all with a skill card.”

“Geography? Those things about climate, landforms, and clouds, I can fly with a vehicle card, fearless of anything.”

That’s how it was. With the “wildness untainted by knowledge” in his eyes, he was chosen by Bai Longfei and became a member of the Fusion Class in a daze.

Although during this period, he also realized the importance of basic knowledge and witnessed some professors creating cards with various professional knowledge, and in battle, they used specially made equipment cards to assist in calculations, taking one step and calculating a hundred steps, completely toying with their opponents.

But he remained unchanged and stubbornly believed that “everyone has their own path”, and card making should be free and unconstrained. His mind was filled with too many miscellaneous things, and he lost his purity.

Surprisingly, with this mindset, he broke through the Gold level and crossed the “Heart Barrier”, surpassing many senior members of the organization.

But his knowledge base was not very broad, and in the Fusion Class, which was essentially a school and whose main members were naturalists, he was at the bottom of the hierarchy.

Of course, he had an explanation for this:

“You see, I’ve already calculated everything in advance. With my talent, if I learn better, won’t I be put on the priority training list? If I attract too much attention, what if I’m exposed?”

“I did all this for the beautiful girls… No, for the alliance. It’s a sacrifice I had to make.”

In short, he was a young man who was severely biased, not only pragmatic but also opportunistic, and loved to play in favorable situations.

Anyway, after seeing the strange aspects of Chronicle’s card, he didn’t dare to approach.

Although with his talent and strength, dealing with Chronicle at the current stage would be no problem, but being a pragmatic person who had seen a lot, he was very wary of things he couldn’t understand.

Therefore, even if this card was used by a bronze card master who was weaker than him by n times, he didn’t dare to try it easily: “I don’t want to be like that cousin with the surname ‘Xiao’. You go ahead and suffer, I’ll go find Uncle to save you…”

He stopped halfway through his words.

Through the red and white mist, Chen Mang looked at the arch bridge in the middle of the ancient street with his mouth slightly open, his face full of confusion.

He saw Ice River Immortal, which he had hidden under the arch bridge in advance, slowly floating up uncontrollably, wearing a blue-black robe that didn’t attract attention in the dark night.

But as it floated up from the river, the bone-chilling cold instantly made Niu Chuang, who had a good physique, sneeze.Under the cold and stimulating environment, the “Dumbing Radiance” brought by the red and white field was somewhat dispersed.

“What the hell is this?”

Niu Chuang, who was throwing skill cards at the teams on both sides and swinging a long knife, releasing continuous earthy yellow blade auras, subconsciously lowered his head.

He saw a figure slowly emerging from the water, two pale hands shaped like claws, tightly gripping the bluestone slab, scraping the road surface with a creaking sound, leaving a trail of black fingerprints on the long street.

As if sensing his gaze, it didn’t forget to turn its head and glance at him.

What kind of face was that?

Long hair scattered, only one eye revealed, filled with resentment.

It slowly crawled towards the team of Bai Sha, from a distance, it looked like a spider.

Upon reaching the vicinity of the team, it slowly straightened up, opened its arms, and faced the white fog filled with the breath of death.

In the blink of an eye, it changed its outfit:

A straw hat on its head, a mourning dress on its body, a white silk pole appeared in its arms, and its slightly green face was also painted with makeup similar to Ying Tai.

Sitting on the coffin like this, tilting its head, it cast a cold and resentful gaze at Niu Chuang.

(End of the chapter)

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