Chapter 115 – Attract evil spirits

“What’s going on?”

Niu Chuang couldn’t help but curse.

He watched as the card he had just created in the past two days ran quickly towards the lackey on the other side.

When he turned his head back, he put on a solemn and solemn look.

“Damn, not only did he betray me in front of me, but he also played a trick.”

He subconsciously complained, and his face wrinkled behind the mask: “The newly made card is unreliable, but fortunately there is the ‘Ghost with a Broken Arm and a Horizontal Sword’ and the ‘Flesh Mountain Carrying Hammer Ghost’…”

Before he finished speaking, the connection with the ‘Flesh Mountain Carrying Hammer Ghost’ in his mind suddenly broke.

With a loud “bang”, the copper hammer fell to the ground and heavily smashed onto the blue stone floor.

He turned his head in a daze, only to see his card spirit walking towards the blood mist in the same way as Chen Kai.

“Hey, Flesh Mountain, where are you going?!”

He shouted loudly, but the card spirit made from the core material of Flesh Mountain didn’t even look back and left.

Limping slowly, he moved towards the wedding sedan.

He replaced a paper person and helped carry the sedan.

This guy didn’t look good:

A body of fat, with many folds formed by it, accumulating many impurities.

A disproportionately strange big head was on top of his thick neck.

His cheeks were bloody, his mouth corners cracked, and he always had a terrifying and eerie smile.

Now wearing a red and black short jacket, blending into the sedan team, not only did it not look out of place, but it also added a touch of horror to the ‘Red Devil’.

The replaced paper person, holding a basket with black and red blood stains, floated and bounced towards him.

From time to time, he reached into the basket, grabbed a handful of unknown “flowers” and scattered them into the sky, then slowly fell with the continuous drizzle.

“The ‘Ghost with a Broken Arm and a Horizontal Sword’, the ‘Thin and Long Mysterious Shadow’…”

Niu Chuang turned his head and looked at the only two card spirits left beside him.

Seeing that they were still guarding him as usual, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“If I can survive this time, I will give you both all the resources.”

‘Painting a big picture’ seems to be a necessary skill for every card craftsman, and it is also instinctive.

Even in a desperate situation, Niu Chuang blurted out and painted a big picture for his card spirits.

But unlike him, who has a big heart and a cheerful personality, the ghost card spirits, who are very sensitive to the gloomy atmosphere, couldn’t bear it anymore.

In such a harsh environment and against such powerful opponents, they can no longer cope with just blue-grade three or four-star cards.

Yes, although Niu Chuang has a silver-level spiritual power and theoretically can create the highest purple-grade cards, his main battle cards are still only blue-grade.

The world has never been fair, and even the group of card craftsmen, who are full of miracles, have high walls of talent that are difficult to cross.

Not everyone is like Chronicle, Bai Ziliang, and Lu Youyou, who are geniuses and can create blue-grade cards as soon as they start.

Ordinary people who can’t create ideal cards no matter how many stories they polish, how much effort they put in, or how much time they spend are the mainstream.

And Niu Chuang, without a doubt, is such an ‘ordinary person’.

Although he had experienced the ‘Nine Provinces College Entrance Examination’ that was a comprehensive examination for the entire region a few months ago, he was also crushed by some top players of the same year.

But facing the terror of a genius like this, it was the first time for him.

Fortunately, he didn’t know that he was facing a ‘Field Card’ that a genius had just created. He just thought that he was unlucky and ran into the evil spirit team that invaded the secret realm.

“These two teams of evil spirits seem to have the ability to attract ghost-type creatures to join their own team. If this continues, I might become a commander without any subordinates before the battle even starts.”

The so-called ‘defection’ is just a joke. As a relatively mature card craftsman, Niu Chuang couldn’t fail to guess why the two card spirits left him.

“No, why fight? I can’t handle this secret realm invasion at all. Asking Chen Xuechang for help is the right thing to do.”

He thought to himself and summoned a card with a deep blue border.

He shouted, “Ghostly Steps on the Stepping Stone,” and a blue light flashed, injecting into his legs.

Seeing this scene, Chronicle couldn’t help but smack his lips and fell into the habit of ’embarrassing others’.

He had a thick skin, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t feel embarrassed.

Shouting out the name of a move loudly like a child was something he stopped doing when he was seventeen.

“But… this tone is a bit similar to that guy who claimed to be ‘Niu Chuang’, who seemed like a clever bear and would steal a kasaya at a glance.”

Although the fusion mask has a certain effect on the voice, a person’s tone and intonation cannot be changed.

Coupled with his strong and sturdy body, as well as his extremely pretentious behavior.

Chronicle could basically confirm that the idiot below was the guy who called himself ‘Niu Chuang’.

“By the way… why is he here?”

“Waiting for me? It shouldn’t be. I came to ‘Sunset River’ on a whim.”

“Unless someone is watching me all the time and comes over to intercept me as soon as they see me walking in this direction.”

“But the time difference between before and after is less than ten minutes in total. It doesn’t seem like something this guy can do alone.”

Chronicle’s mind was full of thoughts, but he didn’t forget about the main task. He continued to inject spiritual power into the teams on both sides, increasing their marching speed.

Then he took a deep breath and blew hard on the whistle.

With the blessing of the skill card, the sharp sound of the whistle became more and more distant.

Even Chen Mang, who was watching videos leaning on the watchtower, heard it.

He subconsciously turned his head and saw that the ancient street was covered by two clusters of red and white mist.

Even with the spiritual power enhancing his eyes, he couldn’t see the situation clearly.In the dim light, Niu Chuang was seen persistently trying to leap onto the roof, using his head to ram into the energy shield composed of red and white mist.

Each time, he was repelled and fell heavily to the ground.

After several attempts, his mask was nearly shattered.

Yet, he stubbornly continued his futile efforts, behaving as if he had lost his mind.

Meanwhile, the two card spirits under his command were also charging towards the coffin and the sedan chair with bloodshot eyes.

One of them barely managed to approach the coffin before it was dragged inside by a sharp, long, and powerful hand.

The other stumbled all the way to the sedan chair, the resulting gust of wind even lifting the curtain of the sedan chair, and then… there was no ‘then’.

The bride merely blew a breath, and it froze on the spot. The next moment, it was pierced through by a blood arrow that was so fast it was almost undetectable.

Its entire body turned into specks of red light, falling into the bamboo basket of the paper man leading the way.

The next moment, the paper man’s smile became even more “radiant”. It reached into the basket, hopped around, and vigorously scattered the “petals”.

“Is this damn thing a high school student?!”

Chen Mang swallowed, his hand trembling, almost dropping his newly acquired Card God 14 Pro onto the ground.

(End of Chapter)

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