Chapter 113 – First battle

After some calculations, Chronicle turned and went upstairs to rest for a while.


Around half past eight, he woke up from his sleep on time.


After a simple wash, he transformed the English platform into the state of "Swordsmanship for Learning" and walked towards an empty space.


"Did you finish grinding the Field Card?"


On the empty ground, Bai Ziliang leaned against the sedan chair and asked with a smile.


"Yeah, it went smoothly," Chronicle replied.


"My talent is already pretty good. It took me a month to grind the Field Card back then, but you managed to shorten it by half. That's really impressive," Bai Ziliang said, patting Chronicle's shoulder and looking in a good mood.


"I've been working on the draft for a long time. I don't know how effective it is yet," Chronicle said with a smile.


"Haha, you're really not honest, kid. Being impressive is being impressive," Bai Ziliang laughed and encouraged Chronicle a few more words before taking out his phone and tapping on it next to the sedan chair.


He had a smile on his face the whole time.


Seeing this, Chronicle couldn't help but shake his head. The thought process of this man was always so hard to figure out.


After a few minutes, everyone gathered, and Bai Ziliang finally put down his phone and raised his head, saying, "Let's go."


During the not too long journey, Chronicle discovered another secret: the speed of the "Paperman Carrying the Scarlet Sedan Chair" seemed to increase every day.


In other words, while they were moving forward, Bai Ziliang was also constantly increasing his speed at an astonishing rate.


Just a few days ago, his spiritual power was uncontrollable and overflowing, but now it was restrained and completely contained within his body.


Looking at the people around him, they had all made varying degrees of progress compared to a few days ago.


"Everyone is working hard," Chronicle silently sighed, then leaned in the corner of the carriage and slowly activated his spiritual power.


Seeing him like this, the others also began to cultivate on the spot.


The long and arduous journey quickly passed by like this. Bai Ziliang slowly stopped the sedan chair next to a welcome sign and said with a smile, "The hard days are almost over. There are only two days left. Everyone, grit your teeth and hold on. Victory is just ahead."


After saying that, he boarded the sedan chair and headed southwest.


"Where should I go today?"


Chronicle thought to himself, took out his phone, and opened the address list in the training group.


To be honest, he had already made plans a few days ago on where to go today and tomorrow. But now that the Field Card was freshly made, he also wanted to find a place to test its effects.


As a result, the originally chosen place was not very suitable anymore.


"Sunset River… I can go there and take a look."


"Scenes like this with dense water vapor are easy to attract 'water ghosts' and such. By then, not only can I test the new card, but I can also gather some material cards for 'White Fiend'."


"Kill two birds with one stone."


Chronicle thought to himself and summoned the "Paper Men Carrying Cursed Red Palanquin" that he had "simply" adjusted in the afternoon.


A black wind swept across the ground, and a dark red and eerie sedan chair appeared on the slightly cracked asphalt road.


Papermen sedan bearers with small hats and wearing short sleeves stood on both sides. The smiles on their faces were not exaggerated and were quite subtle.


But it was precisely this somewhat "tranquil" smile, coupled with rosy cheeks, that carried a terrifying charm that made people unable to sleep for several days and dare not close their eyes even when taking a shower.


Just as a drizzle of autumn rain fell, forming a curtain of rain that fell straight from the sky to the ground, adding a touch of unreal haziness to the papermen carrying the sedan chair.


Everyone stared in astonishment as Chronicle, accompanied by Ginger Tea, boarded the sedan chair and saw the papermen running lightly and floating towards the direction of the Sunset River.


As if sensing their gaze, the paperman in the rear right suddenly turned his head 180 degrees, then tilted his head and revealed a slightly sinister smile.


A gust of wind blew, gently lifting the curtain of the sedan chair, revealing the face of Ginger Tea in her "Red and White Attire" form. Her face was filled with a strong sense of death, yet it was exquisitely beautiful.


But just as everyone was immersed in this beautiful scene, a slender, pale hand with five blood-red nails suddenly appeared on the window frame, shocking everyone.


"Chronicle Brother is really putting effort into the card's spiritual image," Ginger Tea swallowed her saliva and rushed into Chronicle's arms, whispering, "But I have to say, that bride looks strangely beautiful."


"Chronicle Brother's work is always top-notch."


As Chronicle's number one fan, Chen Yuan's face was full of admiration. "But honestly, I always feel that this paperman and bride, in terms of appearance, are far inferior to the white-clad spiritual under Chronicle Brother's command. Elegant and domineering, like a god. I don't know how Chronicle Brother designed it. It's really amazing."


"Alright, stop praising Old Chronicle. We still have photos to take tonight. We can't fall before dawn," Li Baitian said, summoning a rusty and mud-stained truck with a wave of his hand.


With a long stride, he climbed into the driver's seat.Ginger Tea and Youyou ran to squeeze into the front passenger seat and the back seat.


Chen Yuan and Yao Yuan glanced at each other, feeling helpless, but had to sit in the open car compartment at the back. After running for more than ten kilometers, their mouths were almost twisted.



At the same time, in Shunchang Ancient Street.


The entrance to the east side of Taoyuan leading to the Xiyang River.


Chen Mang lay on the roof of an old house, calling Bai Longfei: "Uncle, why do we have to use this method just to pass a message? Can't we just use a small note? It's so conspicuous. If the 'insiders' see it, it will be troublesome."


He looked down at his Fusionist official uniform that was wet from the rain and sighed repeatedly.


"It's a pity that your name contains the character 'Mang'. It's just a small scene, but you're so scared."


In the tallest building in the center of Taoyuan, Bai Longfei held a phone in one hand and poured wine into his glass with the other.


At this moment, he took off his glasses and, after makeup, looked like he was about to enter old age, despite only being in his forties.


His temperament was completely different from before.


In his every move, there was no longer that bone-chilling coldness, but instead a calm and dignified demeanor that had experienced battles and the ups and downs of the business world.


"Don't worry, those people you're concerned about are all under my control now, and I have arrangements with Lao Fan, Lao Su, and Xie Wenyuan. You can boldly do what you need to do, and Uncle will never let you take risks."


"Of course, you still need to be cautious. Although Niu Chuang isn't very smart, he has a lot of ideas. You must keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't say anything strange in front of Chronicle."


"And, Chronicle is very cautious. He has many life-saving cards. And based on my understanding of him during this period, he should have a lot of cards that can torment people. Just manipulate Niu Chuang to do the work, don't do it yourself."


"A hundred years ago, that person from the Xiao family fused three flame skill cards together in the late Bronze stage and created something called the Fire Lotus, defeating his cousin who was at the Silver level."


"Talents like this, who are rarely seen in decades, cannot be underestimated. No one knows how much power is hidden inside them and what amazing things they can do."


"When facing such people, you must be careful, careful, and careful again, so as not to capsize in the gutter."


"Alright, Uncle is currently 'fighting' with a dozen experts and doesn't have the energy to be distracted. Take care of yourself."


After saying that, he hung up the phone, took off the soundproof cover, put down his phone, raised his glass, and smiled at everyone around him:


"I am hosting this banquet today to discuss the issue of cultivating the younger generation."


"As you all know, my son Liang hasn't been doing well recently, and his emotions have been unstable because of what happened not long ago."


"He's about to go to college, and I think it's not good for a child to be in this state all the time. I invited all of you old friends here to discuss how to solve this problem."


"I didn't expect Uncle Yan and Uncle Wang to come as well. It really makes this humble place shine. Let me first toast the two elders on behalf of the Bai family."


The rest of the people present were all influential figures.


Upon hearing "Bai Family's eldest son Bai Fengcheng" say these words, they quickly raised their glasses and smiled at the two elderly people sitting in the first seats.


Uncle Wang naturally referred to Wang Jindong.


Uncle Yan was an old man with white hair and a face that looked like he was only in his thirties.


Unlike Uncle Dong's cold expression, there was always a kind smile on his face:


"Old Wang and I are not young anymore. We are over a hundred years old, with dried-up sea of knowledge and injuries all over our bodies. Tonight, lying in bed, we don't even know if we can see the sun of the next day."


"To be able to see you, the children we have watched grow up from childhood and have achieved great success, in our lifetime is truly fortunate."


"Old Wang's liver hasn't been good these past two years, so he doesn't drink alcohol. I will drink this glass on his behalf. Cheers!"


After saying that, he finished the wine in his cup, stroked his beard, and made a domineering gesture.


Seeing this, everyone quickly drank the wine in their own cups and said many beautiful words, making the old man laugh happily.


Beside them, Wang Jindong sat silently, his gaze unabashedly fixed on the "Bai Family's eldest son" who was busy arranging the food and drinks.


He had a deep relationship with the Bai family and knew Bai Fengcheng's temperament and character very well.With his keen senses honed from years in the military, the man before him seemed more like the "unorthodox" second-in-command Bai Longfei than the "boss" Bai Fengcheng.


However, he didn't expose the other party. Instead, he sat with his arms crossed, a smile on his face, watching the other's performance.


At the same time, he didn't forget to command his old comrades to stay not too far or too close behind the sedan chair that Chronicle was riding in, ready to protect him at any time.




"Why do I feel like something's not quite right?"


Inside the sedan, Chronicle, who was quietly cultivating, suddenly felt a faint sense of discomfort.


He couldn't help but open his eyes, only to meet a delicate face that was half-squatting, propping up its cheeks with both hands, and watching him cultivate up close.


Seeing him open his eyes, the face immediately sat back in its original position with a dumbfounded action that didn't match its cold and gorgeous appearance, crossing its hands on its lap as if nothing had just happened.




Seeing this, Chronicle reached out and ruffled the other's neatly combed long hair.


"I wonder if a spirit's hair will get greasy."


Suppressing his whimsical thoughts, Chronicle turned his body and lifted the curtain of the sedan.


Fine rain threads immediately rushed into the sedan, extremely cold and full of chill.


Chronicle stuck his head out of the window, looked around, and used his spiritual power to sense, but he didn't feel anything wrong.


After frowning and thinking for a moment, he took out his phone, pre-edited a distress message, copied and pasted it into the chat box with Wang Jingdong, Xie Wenyuan, Fan Lei, Su Wen, and others, but didn't click send.


Then he summoned Seven Brothers and Eight Brothers, asked them to hide in the night and protect him along the way, and observe if there was "something" following him.


After all, this was the famous Ghost City. Who said that the one following him must be a person? It might be some ugly and rubbish evil spirit who saw Ying Tai's beauty and wanted to take her away as a little wife.


"Dong dong."


As if sensing his thoughts, Ying Tai tilted her head again, puffed up her cheeks, looked at him with "clear and foolish" eyes, and knocked on the sedan with her fair hand, as if trying to convey something.


Chronicle didn't understand, so he patted her head.


The little girl finally calmed down.


Just as he was about to say something, a vague consciousness came back through his sea of consciousness: someone was "waiting" for him not far away on "Shunchang Ancient Street".


"Let's see who the other party is first. If they're an enemy, not a friend…"


Chronicle paused, summoned a card with a dark blue border, a card face interwoven with red and white, eerie and terrifying, his eyes slightly bright.


"I'll use them to test the waters."


Sorry for the late update. More updates will start tomorrow.


(End of this chapter)


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