Chapter 112 – Yo yo’s surprise, the training will end


Hearing the exclamation coming from downstairs, Chronicle hurriedly went downstairs.

He saw Yingtai open the curtains, the blood-red sunset falling on her shoulders, causing her beautiful eyebrows to furrow.

Turning his head to look outside the window, he saw YoYo holding a lunchbox in one hand and covering her mouth with the other, staring at Yingtai with a surprised expression on her face.

“YoYo.” Seeing the person clearly, Chronicle quickly walked up and opened the door. “Didn’t scare you, did I?”

YoYo shook her head, her eyes staring straight at Yingtai’s cheek.

“I’m sorry, Chronicle. I came here without notice, did I disturb you?” she said.

“No, not at all.”

Chronicle shook his head and quickly received the memory fragments feedback from Yingtai.

It turned out that YoYo had been wandering outside the window with a lunchbox for a long time.

In order not to let her affect Chronicle’s card-making, Yingtai sat motionless on the sofa.

It was not until a powerful spiritual fluctuation swept over that Yingtai, who knew that Chronicle had finished his card-making work, pulled open the curtains, and then the scene just happened.

“Do you have something to tell me?” Chronicle asked with a smile.

“In the afternoon, I heard from Teacher Fan that you took a day off, thinking that you were not feeling well, so I came to check on you.”

YoYo reluctantly moved her gaze away from Yingtai, turned her head, and handed the lunchbox to Chronicle, saying, “Here, this is lean meat porridge. Drink it while it’s hot.”

“Thank you, YoYo.” Chronicle smiled and took the lunchbox, placing it on the coffee table. “But I’m not sick. I took a day off to make cards.”

“Cards?” YoYo tilted her head and said, then turned to look at Yingtai next to her. “Is this the new card you made?”

After adding, “It’s so beautiful,” she turned her gaze to Chronicle, her eyes shining.

“I forgot that people from Land of Peach have a typical underworld aesthetic.”

Chronicle nodded slightly in his heart and asked in return, “This is the card ‘Yingtai’ that I transformed with [Schoolgirl]. Haven’t I been taking her out every day recently?”

“But she didn’t look like this before.”

YoYo said, turning her head to look at Yingtai again, her eyes full of astonishment.

“She just put on some makeup.” Chronicle waved his hand indifferently.

“I used to only know that your storytelling ability is very strong, but now I know that your aesthetics are also extraordinary.”

“This makeup…” YoYo paused, her expression serious, as if she wanted to firmly remember Yingtai’s makeup. “It’s designed very well.”

“It’s just passable.” Chronicle modestly said.

Before crossing over, various works of art had already set the rough image of the “Ghost Bride”. He just copied it directly.

At most, he made some adjustments based on his own aesthetics.

He couldn’t really take credit for this makeup.

“You’re really amazing.” YoYo said again, her face full of seriousness, looking at Yingtai with a shining gaze. “Chronicle, can I use this makeup for my next card? It looks really good.”

“Sure, go ahead. It’s not a big deal.” Chronicle waved his hand.

“Thank you.” YoYo nodded and said, “I will pay you for it.”

Chronicle sighed lightly, but did not refuse. “You’re always so polite.”

“This beautiful makeup has given me a lot of inspiration, so there must be compensation!”

Seeing the other party’s solemn attitude, Chronicle smiled and didn’t say much.

He just sat on the sofa, opened the lunchbox, took the spoon, and drank the lean meat porridge inside.

During this time, YoYo had been sitting quietly on the single sofa next to him without leaving.

“Do you have anything else?” Chronicle asked after eating and drinking enough.

YoYo hesitated for a while before whispering, “The training is about to end soon. I just wanted to ask… Will you still go back to Third High School?”

Chronicle laughed at the question. “Of course, where else can I go? Set up a stall and roast sweet potatoes at the entrance of the secret realm?”

YoYo also laughed at his teasing.

“That’s good.”

She lowered her head and said softly, “Don’t think that Third High School’s students and foundation are not as good as First High School’s. We actually have advantages that they can’t compare to.”

“Such as?”

YoYo hesitated for a long time before setting up a spiritual soundproof barrier and said softly, “Our principal is very powerful. With him, the overall performance of Third High School will definitely be better than that of First High School in two or three years.”

Chronicle nodded in response. Although YoYo was telling him news that he had known for a long time, considering that she had explained these things to him with her identity, it was not easy, so he thanked her.

YoYo said “It’s nothing” twice and then said, “After this training is over, with the potential and talent you have shown, many schools and organizations will come to recruit you.”

“If the principal is not here at that time, you can also find me, Tacha, Baitian, or Yao Yuan. Don’t hesitate, helping each other among classmates is a must.”

“I don’t have any hesitation.” Chronicle thought to himself, then smiled and said, “Then thank you in advance.”

“You don’t have to be so polite.” YoYo waved her hand repeatedly, then got up and said, “I won’t disturb you anymore.”

“The spiritual power loss caused by card-making feedback is usually unable to be replenished. Take a good rest. If you really can’t bear it, don’t worry, we will help you with the photos at night.”

“You have always been helping us, and now it’s time to return the favor.”

“Don’t worry too much about it. It’s only natural.”

After saying that, YoYo walked towards the door with the lunchbox in her hand.

Looking at her departing figure, Chronicle couldn’t help but mutter to himself, “Good people will be rewarded.””Considering my kindness and virtues, my intelligence and physical strength, my beauty and hard work, it’s only natural that I, Chronicle, am respected as the most upright person in the Land of Peach.”

He muttered to himself as he pulled out his phone and glanced at the calendar: “The training is going to end tomorrow…”

Looking out the window at the blood-red sunset and the vast ancient forest below, Chronicle couldn’t help but sigh lightly.

As the biggest beneficiary of this training, he was the one who least wanted it to end.

But he knew very well that if he continued to consume his mental energy in such a long and intense manner, constantly fighting and making cards, his body would collapse in less than a month.

He indeed needed some time to rest and digest the gains and accumulations of this period.

“Right, the principal mentioned before that he would take me to the secret realm for a couple of days. I should prepare for that in advance.”

“And there’s the competition in more than half a month. Although with my current strength, ranking should not be a problem, just in case, I need to perfect this first set of underworld card deck.”

“Right now, my summoning cards are strong, but in terms of equipment and skills, I might be inferior to Yao Yuan and the others. I must make up for it when I have time.”

“Then there’s the issue of money. For pre-ordering materials, the association only gives a 21-day waiting period. If it exceeds, 20% of the deposit will be deducted.”

“I must take advantage of these last two days to quickly convert a batch of materials, earn more money, and strive to invite the ‘Two Generals of Increase and Decrease’ over as soon as possible.”

(End of this chapter)

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