Chapter 110 – Skill card

"Or maybe it's 'Double Happiness.'"


Recalling a song he often came across on the short video platform before transmigrating, Chronicle couldn't help but rub his chin.


As the original theme song of 'Red and White Collide', 'Hundred Ghost Mist Forest' was definitely irreplaceable.


However, 'Soul-snatching Sanskrit' and 'Buddha's Radiance', although equally eerie, didn't match the 'temperament' of 'Red and White Collide'.


"'Monkeying Around' is a bit too grand…"


In his mind, Chronicle quickly flashed the image of Monkey Brother entering the Nine Hells and modifying the Book of Life and Death. For some reason, he always imagined that when he heard this song.


"Besides the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, there probably isn't another monkey with the temperament to carry this song."


"Arms-stretching Monkey, Wuzhiqi… they don't seem to fit either."


Chronicle spoke softly, his gaze falling back on the two blank sheet music skill cards.


"Compared to these three songs, 'Double Happiness' is more suitable. The melody is mournful, with red and white."


"Although it may lose a lot of soul without the thought-provoking lyrics, just proposing a suona tune is enough to have flavor."


"Moreover, with my current level of mental power, the field card is meant for quick battles, and it's very likely that I won't even have enough time to play two complete songs."


"In this case, the most suitable for me is the suona part of 'Double Happiness'."


Thinking this, Chronicle held the two cards in his hand, sat cross-legged, and his consciousness ascended, quickly entering the ethereal sea of consciousness.


Then, he picked up his brush and in the void, wrote down the names of the two songs, 'Double Happiness' and 'Hundred Ghost Mist Forest'.


The textual description part of 'Double Happiness' was undoubtedly very simple.


"On the 18th day of the first lunar month, an auspicious day, sorghum is carried. Carried in red attire, one foot, one grudge, hastily cut. Cut away the beloved, unable to return, pretending to be happy. The red sandalwood clapper sounds, speaking lightly, truly difficult to guess…"


Chronicle, who had a thicker face than a city wall, didn't hesitate and directly wrote down the lyrics.


He didn't bother to think about the background story deduced by netizens from his previous life. Why not let the reviewing system in the netherworld handle such troublesome matters?


And the rules of this world were indeed very considerate.


Although it didn't pass as quickly as before, compared to others, Chronicle's three to five minutes was already at the VIP level.


However, the textual description of 'Hundred Ghost Mist Forest' was not as simple.


Chronicle racked his brains and ultimately used the setting of 'Red and White Collision' as the background story.


In less than a minute, it was approved.


"Not bad."


Chronicle said in his heart, entering the final step of confirming the sheet music.


It had to be said that this world was particularly fond of people who mastered 'knowledge'.


Here, you didn't need to have exceptional drawing skills or master any musical instruments.


As long as you had 'knowledge', or rather, a 'story', everything else would be taken care of by mental power.


Just like the first step of making a card, the card craftsman's drawing ability wasn't highly demanded. As long as their basic skills were decent, their imagination and aesthetics were passable, mental power would guide the card-drawing pen to create the graphics you imagined.


The same went for filling in the sheet music at this moment.


As long as Chronicle hummed a few times, his mental power would automatically bring out fragments related to these two songs hidden deep in his memory.


Although the melody would be 'distorted' to a great extent due to his lack of musical knowledge and inability to read sheet music, mental power and card rules would polish everything for him.


"Well… it's probably, maybe, more or less the same."


Chronicle lightly tapped the two cards floating in mid-air and listened attentively to the suona tunes sealed within.


In his personal opinion, Chronicle felt that these two songs were not much different from his impression.


"After all, they were brought out from my head."


Chronicle couldn't help but chuckle.


As an outsider, this was all he could do.


The next step was to see the results.


So, when the red and white intertwined ribbons spread across the void, a large amount of card information also flooded his mind.


'Double Happiness'


Quality: Green


Card Type: Skill


Focus: Music




'Wild Cat Follows': Consumes a small amount of mental power to summon the shadow of the pagoda tree and the black cat, increasing the probability of the enemy falling into a musical situation. By adding more mental power, you can manipulate the shadow to launch an attack.


'Open Door and Fog Clears': Consumes a certain amount of mental power to release white mist. After hitting, there is a certain probability of causing the enemy unit to fall into a musical situation and trigger negative effects such as 'Shivering' and 'Panic'.


Introduction: Love that cuts to the bone, belongs outside of right and wrong.


Advancement: By fusing corresponding attribute materials, you can choose either 'Music' or 'Marriage' as the advancement route in 'Double Happiness'.


"It's passable."


After all, it was just a non-mythological card used as a side dish. Chronicle didn't have high expectations and shifted his attention to the other card:


'Hundred Ghost Mist Forest'


Quality: Green


Card Type: Skill


Focus: Music




'Red and White': Consumes a small amount of mental power to release red and white mist. Hidden in the mist is a murderous aura, which can launch attacks on enemy units with the additional effect of 'Murderous Aura Penetration'.


'Visitors': When the music plays, the resulting Yin Qi magnetic field has a certain probability of attracting nearby ghost units to join our side as carriers or coffin bearers.


Introduction: The mist is dense, the coffin is carried. The hundred ghosts come, the ghost gate opens.


Advancement: Can be bound to cards with the theme of 'Red and White Collision'. Quality and effects will improve with perfection and advancement.


Composition: When used as an 'Auxiliary Card' for the 'Red and White Collision' series of cards, the skill effect will be enhanced to a certain extent.


"This card is good. I can even grab a few 'free laborers' from nearby.""The pallbearers under my command are almost empty shell paper men. If I get a couple of Ah-Piaos to help, there might be unexpected results."


Chronicle thought about returning to reality, raised his hand to summon Zongzi Bro to guard the house, got up to lock the doors and windows, pulled the curtains, and turned to go upstairs.


Back in his room, he first put aside the two newly created skill cards and the suona.


He then summoned the cards he had crafted and the materials he had collected over this period.


"The 'Paper Man Carrying Coffin' and 'Paper Men Carrying Cursed Red Palanquin' are the core of this card. The suona and the music are responsible for creating the atmosphere."


"Ying Tai in red and white makeup can temporarily play the role of the red ghost bride, and I can sit on the wooden coffin, cooperating with Zongzi Bro inside, acting as the white ghost."


"Plus the strange materials I've collected intermittently over this period, the prototype of this field card is basically formed."


"According to Old Xie, this type of card will continue to improve with the upgrade and advancement of the 'Split Card', and there's no need for special cultivation."


"That saves me a lot of resources."


Chronicle thought to himself, gathering the cards in front of him into his hand.


He tilted his head back and drank half a bottle of spirit power potion, then sat cross-legged, his consciousness rising, and once again entered that vast white world.


Taking a deep breath, he quickly reviewed the steps in his mind, then began the card-making work.

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