Chapter 108 – First battle

Blood mist, dark clouds.


Chains danced like flowers, and blue ghost fires exploded.


The ghost messengers casually attacked, causing the group of crying and grieving ghosts recovering their gloom in Dormitory No. 4 to retreat in defeat.


However, seemingly affected by the magnetic field of gloom, these little ghosts not only did not give up resistance but also dared to attack the ghost messengers.


Their previous screams were their acts of resistance.


But each time they howled for less than half a second, their necks would be locked by the soul chains, dragging them on the ground, unable to make a sound.


The ghost messengers took the opportunity to stretch out their withered and thin arms, as if performing some kind of ritual.


In an instant, a gloomy wind rose, and a cold current surged. The soul-anchoring umbrellas floating in mid-air began to rotate rapidly, with a powerful gravitational force that the ghosts could not resist. In less than half a second, the crying and grieving ghosts lying on the ground were all sucked into the umbrellas.


Half a minute later, the ghost messengers returned to Chronicle with the umbrellas in their hands.


Black light flashed, and the crying and grieving ghosts bound by chains were ejected from the soul-anchoring umbrellas and fell in front of Chronicle.


Seeing this situation, Chronicle decisively put away the team of ghost messengers who consumed a lot of blue energy and took out a stack of blank cards from his pocket. He raised his hand and collected the disheveled female ghost.


After the transformation of the materials, most of them turned green, except for one that appeared deep blue.


It was the first female ghost who spoke to the ghost messengers.


"A great harvest."


Chronicle sighed and summoned the "Paper Men Carrying Cursed Red Palanquin" and the transformed "Red and White Attire". They both sat on it.


Since the vehicle card itself had the "Marriage" characteristic, when the sedan carried a unit of the "Marriage" series, the speed of the paper man would also increase significantly.


In no time, Chronicle arrived at the "North City Ruined Building" several kilometers away.


The north of the city was remote and desolate, with poor infrastructure. The main reason for this project was the nearby "Flower Blossom Girls' School" and "Qisi High School", which were considered good schools.


In other words, it was built as a school district.


However, before the project was halfway completed, the fusion of the secret realm intensified, and the north of the city became a heavily affected area.


Small world cracks appeared one after another, and ghosts and monsters kept escaping from them. The schools and shops located here had no choice but to flee.


Without the schools, the so-called school district project naturally ceased to exist.


When the funding chain was broken, it completely fell through.


"It's quite desolate here."


Getting off the sedan, Chronicle found that the grass here was almost as high as the surrounding metal walls.


The "half-finished" buildings with newly constructed frames and exposed steel bars looked like crawling beasts on the ground under the moonlight.


When the wind blew, the rusty steel parts on the open ground collided with each other, making a discomforting crisp sound.


"Thank you all for your trouble."


After taking a deep breath, Chronicle summoned the team of ghost messengers again, then turned around and returned to the sedan, waiting for their good news.


The reason why he chose this place as his second harvest target today was mainly because the terrain here was simple.


A not-so-large open space, plus a few half-built buildings.


In the special vision of the ghost messengers, the ghosts and monsters hidden among them were like children playing hide-and-seek on the playground.


Nothing could escape their sight.


In this way, in just a few minutes, the ghost messengers returned with a group of fierce and evil ghosts.


After the encapsulation was completed, Chronicle only obtained a few green cards, which was not as fruitful as his harvest at "Flower Blossom Girls' School".


"But it's still a great harvest." Chronicle rubbed his forehead.


The massive consumption of spiritual power made him feel a headache and a slight nausea.


The advantages and disadvantages of the Legion Card were revealed at this moment.


"It seems that I can't use it frequently." Chronicle thought to himself and took out a half bottle of spiritual power potion from his bag, drinking a little.


The various side effects caused by the consumption of spiritual power instantly alleviated a lot.


"Let's stop here for today." Chronicle said softly, then controlled the team of paper men to head to the Card Craftsman Association.


The one on duty at the front desk tonight was no longer the girl he knew, but a wave-like older sister who appeared to be in her twenties.


She was also very easy to talk to. After a few chats, she handed him the room key.




Lying on the bed, Chronicle let out a long sigh.


After putting away Bai Ziliang and summoning Fan Lei, he turned over and fell into a deep sleep.


The moonlight tonight was still beautiful, and Fan Lei sat cross-legged all night, gaining quite a lot.


The next morning, after a simple wash, Chronicle turned his head and patted Bai Ziliang, who was "lying dead" on the sofa, to wake him up.


Getting on the vehicle card, Chronicle headed straight to the gathering open space.


However, the one waiting here today was not Fan Lei, but Bai Ziliang, who looked somewhat dispirited.


"Almost everyone is here. Let's start checking the results now." He said weakly, and then began to inspect everyone's cameras one by one.When Bai Ziliang finally approached Chronicle, he forced a smile onto his face. "Chronicle, my family found our long-lost 'heirloom' near the old Gu family mansion, thanks to the information you provided. My parents told me to thank you properly."


"You're too polite, Ziliang. I'm glad I could help."


Chronicle responded casually, but he was a bit confused.


"If you've found something valuable, why do you still look so downcast?"


Chronicle scratched his head, still somewhat puzzled, but he offered his congratulations anyway.


Bai Ziliang managed a weak smile, his mood still low. Chronicle's kind words did nothing to lift his spirits.


"Chronicle, how did your search go yesterday?"


He sighed lightly before changing the subject.


"It was okay."


Chronicle replied, summoning a stack of material cards. He then took out his phone from his pocket and showed Bai Ziliang the video of him collecting materials, which was recorded by Ying Tai.


Bai Ziliang only glanced at it before picking up a pen and adding seven points next to the name "Chronicle" on the list.


"Alright, those who passed can come with me. Those who didn't manage to take a photo, don't be discouraged. Go home and study hard. Everyone has a bright future."


With that, he turned and boarded the "Paper Groom Protecting the Scarlet Bridal Sedan", leading the remaining twenty or so students towards the training base.


At this point in the training, Third High School had also started to lose students.


In the end, the school lacked depth. It was only because of Chronicle that they managed to secure the "first" place.


Without this leading force, they were no different from the bottom-ranked Peach and Plum.


The fact that they were only losing students now was already incredibly lucky.


"Chronicle, do you have any ideas for the field card?"


Halfway there, YoYo asked.


"Yeah." Chronicle nodded. "I'm just missing a few materials. Then I can start crafting."


Hearing this, Li Baitian couldn't help but shake his head with a smile. "That's just like you."


With that, he summoned a card with a dark green border and showed it to Chronicle.


"Peach Pond Mountain Bandit – Corpse Transformation"


(End of Chapter)

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