Chapter 107 – A group of mysterious women = ???

Now, the release of “Red and White Clash” is just around the corner.

He has already taken one of the early development routes.

The remaining “Playing God Show” is still far away.

It’s time for him to find a new direction for card-making as his “side quest”.

The “Withered Grass and Dead Willow” that Xie Wenyuan recently gave him has brought him a lot of inspiration.

In a shabby room, there were scrolls everywhere in the past; withered grass and dead willow, once a place for singing and dancing.

As one of the four great classics of Chinese literature, “Dream of the Red Chamber” has been studied and pursued by countless scholars and literati for hundreds of years.

From this, a field of study called “Hongxue” emerged, which focuses on the research of the author, versions, annotations by Zhiyanzhai, and “lost manuscripts” of “Dream of the Red Chamber”.

Although Chronicle had read a few related books before crossing over, he mainly read them out of curiosity after finishing “Dream of the Red Chamber”, and did not do any in-depth research.

He basically forgot everything after reading them, except for the original story and some annotations between the lines.

“Well, I can’t say that. Those dark speculations left a deep impression on me.”

Chronicle thought to himself, quickly recalling some of the “Dream of the Red Chamber” speculations he heard on marketing accounts before crossing over.

The main point was that the “Grand View Garden” was actually a tomb, and the birds and beauties living in it were ghosts.

This theory originated from some descriptions of Xue Baochai in the book, such as the cold and desolate living environment, withered grass and vines, and even giving her own clothes to the deceased Jin Chuan, and so on.

Some people noticed these details and connected them together, claiming that Sister Bao was a ghost living in the Grand View Garden.

At first, this theory did not attract much attention.

But with the addition of some people who liked this kind of speculation, so-called “strange details” such as the title given to Yuan Chun, the night visits, and Ke Qing’s dream gradually emerged.

The “Dark Grand View Garden” thus became a famous internet horror speculation just like the “Dark Peach Blossom Spring”.

Chronicle actually had a casual attitude towards these things.

After all, he was not a specialist scholar, and his understanding of the classics was only superficial. He did not invest too much energy and emotion into it, so it was difficult for him to have the idea of tarnishing the treasure with these speculations.

In other words, he didn’t really care, he just wanted to have some fun.

If it weren’t for Xie Wenyuan sending him the “Withered Grass and Dead Willow”, these speculations might have been buried deep in his memory for decades or even centuries.

Now that they have been unearthed in advance, it has given him many new ideas.

“As far as I know, this world probably experienced a major change during the Little Ice Age, which is the late Ming Dynasty.”

“And ‘Dream of the Red Chamber’ was written and published during the Qing Dynasty, around the mid-18th century. At this point in this world’s timeline, the common people had already started crazily ‘fighting monsters’ with cards.”

“In other words, the book ‘Dream of the Red Chamber’ never existed in this world.”

Thinking of this, Chronicle couldn’t help but rub his chin.

If this harvest is acceptable, he plans to take this opportunity to try making a card with the theme of “Dream of the Red Chamber”.

To see what kind of power these “knowledge” that did not appear in this world due to the timeline can unleash.

For the smooth development in the future, this experiment is necessary.

“Hundreds of years, the world changes.”

“During this misplaced timeline, many myths were born in my ‘hometown’, and some existing gods were strengthened in terms of their positions. The mythological system has also been further improved.”

“During this period, short story collections involving ‘strange gods and spirits’ and ‘scholar and fox spirits’ elements such as ‘Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio’ and ‘The Son Doesn’t Speak’ were also created.”

“If these things cannot receive the favor of the ‘world rules’, then I would be at a loss.”

Chronicle thought to himself, sighing lightly.

However, to be honest, he still had some confidence in his heart.

After all, Brother Zongzi is a good example.

The reason why he said “half” is because most of the settings of this kind of supernatural monster like “zombies” were mainly formed during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

But looking at Brother Zongzi’s current appearance, apart from being affected by not having a real name, he is slightly weaker than Seven Brothers, Eight Brothers, and Yingtai. He can still overpower other cards of the same quality and star level.

His strength can be said to be quite impressive, truly a “mythical card”.

“Roughly speaking, he is invincible at the same level. Losing to your own kind doesn’t count as a loss.”

Chronicle added a sentence to make up for Brother Zongzi, and for once, he had a rare thought of caring for the old Brother Zongzi.

He separated a strand of spiritual power and entered his sea of consciousness to take a look.

But he found that the Yin Qi and Corpse Qi on the other side were accumulating at an extremely terrifying speed.

“Looking at this speed… Do you need to change the coffin temporarily?”

Chronicle thought to himself and withdrew his spiritual power.

However, Brother Zongzi suddenly opened his eyes in the next moment and secretly practiced in the coffin.


Looking at the pitch-black building in the distance, Chronicle couldn’t help but sigh.

He sighed inwardly, the Legion cards were indeed the number one mana-consuming cards among all card types.

In just a short while, his spirit became extremely exhausted, and his mind was slightly throbbing.

Fortunately, with Yingtai helping to massage and infiltrating a cool aura, the fatigue and tingling sensation were alleviated a bit.

“Looking at it this way, Lao Fan and Lao Su’s accumulation of spiritual power is really terrifying. As the bottom orange-quality cards, they use up thousands of Legion cards in just one night. Occasionally, they also have to focus on various card spirits to achieve monitoring or better protection.”

“If it were an ordinary person, their CPU would have exploded long ago.”

“But it’s just the two of them…”

Thinking back to Fan Lei’s prematurely aging appearance, as well as the tiredness and dark circles on his face this morning, Chronicle couldn’t help but shake his head.

“There are risks in excessive use of Legion cards. The Berserker flow needs to be cautious.”

Chronicle sighed and then allocated some spiritual power to speed up the progress of the Ghost Catcher Squad.

As “professionals”, they were indeed extraordinary in capturing ghosts.Although his spiritual power was not abundant, he could still rely on his cat-like instinct to keenly capture all kinds of subtle clues, trace the vine to find the melon, and locate the ghosts hidden in the dormitory building.


A sharp, piercing cry cut through the night sky. Even with his mental protection, Chronicle still felt waves of dizziness.

But before he could recover, a series of howls came one after another.

“Did I just poke the nest of the crying ghost?”

Recalling the first ghost he defeated directly after his transmigration, Chronicle slowly got up.

He activated shared vision to check the situation on the ghost officer’s side.

The next moment, a dark and dim vision came into view.

Chains were flying, black clouds were spreading, and numerous soul-suppressing umbrellas were spinning rapidly on the roof.

Countless crimson flowers sprouted in the dormitory corridor, and the bloody mist bloomed in the blink of an eye.

(End of the chapter)

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