Chapter 104 – Stealthily rolling zongzi brother

"Consuming a large amount of Yang energy to protect important parts or equipment on the opponent…"


Chronicle muttered the information on the card and couldn't help but comment, "This is asking for money and not for life."


The Mountain Ghost Coin can indeed absorb the scattered Yang energy between heaven and earth, but its efficiency is definitely not stronger than the solar energy ornaments in cars.


In other words, the insufficient amount still needs to come from the Card Craftsman.


"If you want to keep something good, you might have to turn your waist into a walnut."


Chronicle licked his lips, turned the Mountain Ghost Coin back into coins, strung them with a red string, and hung them around his neck.


He lay on the bed and fell asleep in a daze.


Throughout this whole process, his personal bodyguard, Zongzi, remained silent.


It wasn't until Chronicle fell into a deep sleep and the room filled with even breathing that Zongzi quietly tiptoed to the balcony.


Stiffly, he pulled open the curtains, exposing his entire body to the moonlight.


Then he sat cross-legged, quickly absorbing the essence of the moon and Yin energy scattered between heaven and earth in a certain rhythm.


As the number one slacker and laziest dog in the Chronicle team, it was extremely shameful for Zongzi to choose to be a recluse after being surpassed by this little sister, Yingtai.


Even zombies have a competitive spirit!


And so, the night passed.


Around four o'clock in the morning, just before the alarm clock rang, Chronicle woke up suddenly and quickly grabbed his phone from the bedside table, turning off the alarm that hadn't had a chance to ring.


Turning his head, he saw Zongzi lying straight on the long sofa next to him, with his arms stiffly pressed against his body, Yin energy slowly circulating around him, looking like he had been lazy all night.


"Wake up, Zongzi."


After a simple wash, Chronicle came to the side of the sofa and flicked a strand of spiritual power into Zongzi's body.


In the next moment, Zongzi sat up on the sofa, his bloodshot eyes looking around in a daze, looking like he had just woken up.


Then he stiffly moved his body and jumped up, landing next to Chronicle.


"Let's go."


After looking around and confirming that nothing was left behind, Chronicle pushed open the door and headed straight to the front desk downstairs with Zongzi.


After greeting the front desk girl, he took out the small booklet titled "Overview of Association's Material Library" from his bag and handed it to her, saying, "I would like to make an early reservation for a few materials, is that convenient for you?"


"Of course, it's convenient." The front desk girl nodded repeatedly. "Which ones would you like to reserve?"


Chronicle opened the folded page from last night and read softly, "Shadowy Doppelganger, Yangcha Ghost Farmer, Terrifying Ghost Mask, Cold Steel Piercing Fork, Limping Ghost-Evading Step, and Dan Character's Three Strange Phases. Can you please calculate how much it would cost to reserve these six materials?"


"Okay." The front desk girl quickly tapped her fingers on the keyboard and replied, "The total price for the cards you reserved is 550,000 yuan. According to the association's regulations, Bronze-level Card Craftsman needs to pay a 20% deposit for reserving materials, which means you need to transfer 110,000 yuan to me."




Chronicle nodded and transferred the money without hesitation.


With this, he was left with just over 200,000 yuan, after having a large sum of money just a few days ago. However, these materials were indeed crucial for him, and it was better to reserve them in advance than to have someone else buy them.


The Shadowy Doppelganger and Yangcha Ghost Farmer, without a doubt, would be the core materials for creating the Second General.


The Terrifying Ghost Mask and Steel Fork would naturally be their equipment.


As for the Limping Ghost-Evading Step and Dan Character's Three Strange Phases…


"Although they are a bit unconventional, they can still be used."


There is a saying among the officials:


With incense on the head, stepping on the Heavenly Gang, opening the Eight Trigrams to the sky, summoning the Seven Stars, increasing the power of the two generals, only killing and not saving.


And here, the "Heavenly Gang Step," also known as "Step Gang Treading the Dipper," should officially be called "Yu Step."


Some say that when Yu the Great was controlling the floods, he saw a water bird that could drag stones several times its own weight, so he deliberately imitated its way of walking and studied a kind of footstep that could make human strength infinite.


There is also a saying that Yu the Great traveled for many years and suffered from a lame foot, unable to walk normally, so he could only move one foot first and then drag the other foot. Later generations imitated his way of walking and called it the "Yu Step."


But no matter which version it comes from, people believe that this kind of footstep has the power to deter evil spirits.


The reason is simple.


Yu the Great spent many years controlling the floods, patrolling the Nine Provinces of China, and dominating the Four Seas and Eight Wildernesses. Any ordinary ghost or demon would be terrified at the sight of anything related to him.


Not to mention imitating his way of walking.


"Limping, as the name suggests, means walking with a lame foot. Although the words 'Ghost-Evading' don't sound prestigious, they can definitely serve as a trigger for the 'Heavenly Gang Step.'"


As for the card called Dan Character's Three Strange Phases, it is mainly used to enhance the Second General's ability to create doppelgangers.


On the other hand, Chronicle also hoped that the opera elements inherent in the Dan Character could make the cards he created more in line with the grand drama of playing gods.


"Please pay the remaining fee within one month."The receptionist gave Chronicle a sweet smile and handed him a voucher.


Chronicle carefully put it away and then walked out the door with his companion.


It was not yet four-thirty, and seeing that it was still somewhat dark outside, he didn't hail a taxi. Instead, he summoned the Paper Men Carrying Coffin.


He had his companion lie in the coffin, and he himself sat on top of it, rushing to the agreed meeting place.


Sangmen Road and Peach Pond Road were complex in terrain. Even with navigation, it was not easy to navigate.


From the Association Building to the vicinity of the Underworld Welcome Sign, there was only one main road.


Luckily, there were not many people on the road in the early morning. The paper man team sped up, and they arrived at the place in no time.


Chronicle even found time to buy some roasted corn on the way and brought it for his friends to eat.


"Thank you, Chronicle Brother."


Everyone said in unison.


Unlike the relaxed and casual atmosphere of yesterday morning, they now had dark circles under their eyes and messy hair.


Teenagers like Yao Yuan and Chen Yuan even had stubble on their faces.


As soon as they received the corn, they started munching on it.


The girls ate more gracefully, but their cheeks were also bulging, making them look like hamsters.


"Good, seeing you all like this, I know everyone is taking the task seriously."


At this moment, Fan Lei walked over from nearby, laughing.


Although he was wearing a camouflage duckbill cap to cover up, the sharp-eyed Chronicle immediately noticed the faint dark circles under his eyes and the Uchiha standard "red eyes".


Obviously, this prematurely aged middle-aged man had also stayed up all night.


"Everyone's here, let's start checking the photos."


After saying that, he started checking the photos of the students from First High School one by one.


During the process, some people were eliminated.


Fortunately, most people were not stupid. A few people used photos from the same place. Although the scores were low, they all managed to bluff their way through.


For example, Ginger Tea, Youyou, Li Baitian and others went to Sunshine Kindergarten together.


The photos they brought back were either of little boys using their heads as soccer balls or little girls in blood-red princess dresses.


The perfunctory atmosphere revealed in these photos reminded Chronicle of the elective course assignments he had in college in his previous life.


(End of Chapter)

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