Chapter 102 – Two cards

As a practical person, Chronicle didn't like to guess randomly. He planned to do some experiments when he had time.


"Alright, it's time for my favorite scavenging session."


Chronicle said, and under the protection of Seven Brothers and Zongzi Brother, he carefully searched every corner of the Gu family's old house.


He also spread his spiritual power throughout the entire mansion, but in the end, he only found some gray and white quality material items.


For example, a lamp with green fire, a dressing table with ghostly shadows appearing frequently, and a brush that could write automatically.


These were basically special items formed by little ghosts that escaped from small world cracks and landed on objects in the old house.


"I can only say it's better than nothing."


Chronicle sighed helplessly.


But when he thought about the equipment card he picked up, which had a good skill attribute, his mood instantly became joyful.


"But speaking of which, where did these paper people come from?"


Looking at the scattered paper limbs in the courtyard, Chronicle couldn't help but frown.


As a famous underworld place in Land of Peach, it had already undergone several rounds of cleaning by the Card Craftsman Association.


Things like broken lanterns, pens, inkstones, mirrors, and tables and chairs were irrelevant and a few of them were left, which was considered normal.


But for things like paper people that looked eerie no matter how you looked at them, according to the style of the Land of Peach card craftsmen, they would definitely be destroyed as soon as possible.


"Even if they are not burned, they will be sent back to the Bai family…"


"Leaving so many in the house, are they intended to be containers for evil spirits?"


Chronicle thought to himself as he took out a blank card and collected the paper people.


But these old and broken paper people had completely lost their spirituality after being excessively manipulated by the Dreaming Red Gauze, and they could no longer be used as materials.


Naturally, the blank card became useless.


"Then let's take a few photos."


After putting away Seven Brothers, Chronicle summoned the little journalist Yingtai and took several photos of the scattered paper remains.


After everything was done, he breathed in the cold and damp air and walked out of the old house.


Although Seven Brothers didn't contribute in this battle, and Zongzi Brother had consumed a lot of blue energy under the moonlight, it was still a considerable consumption for him to have four card spirits fighting at the same time.


Therefore, the moment he walked out of the door, he tilted his head back and drank half a bottle of potion to replenish his spiritual power.


"You're done with your business, little brother?"


Seeing Chronicle walking back from the direction of the Gu family's old house in the drizzle, the driver known as "Amang" promptly exited the game, adjusted the seat, and waved his hand, trying to dissipate the smoke remaining in the car.


He was indeed a responsible driver.


"Yeah, it's done."


Chronicle nodded and smiled in response.


He thought to himself that not knowing the way was really troublesome, and he must familiarize himself with the map in advance tomorrow, so that he could command the paper people to carry the coffin when the time came.


But he wouldn't take the bus or a taxi.


"Good job." Amang smiled and nodded, then said, "Where are we going next?"


"To the Card Craftsman Association in Land of Peach City." Chronicle answered.


Since he had some spare money, he planned to buy some coin-type materials and perfect the Mountain Ghost Coin.


He also wanted to see if there were any materials in the association's warehouse that he could use.


If he was lucky, he might even save on accommodation for the night.




Amang grinned and nodded.


He knew very well that Chronicle's actions were a test.


Normally, members of evil organizations, even if they were powerful, wouldn't wander around in front of the association building.


But the problem was, he was a member of the Card Craftsman Alliance himself. He was just undercover in the Fusion Faction under the guidance of the Bai family's uncle, so he naturally wouldn't be afraid of his own people.


What's more, he had confidence in his own strength. Even if his disguise as "wanted criminal Chen Mang" was seen through by his unsuspecting comrades, he could easily escape.


So he stepped on the gas pedal and drove straight to the Card Craftsman Association building.


He deliberately drove over the accumulated water on the side of the road and performed a few drifts.


Finally, under the curses of the pedestrians on the roadside, he arrived at his destination.


"The money has been transferred."


Chronicle, feeling a bit dizzy, pushed the door and got out of the car, took out his phone, scanned the QR code, and transferred the money.


"Remember to give me a good review, dear." Chen Mang raised an eyebrow, "I just added you on WeChat. If you need a car, feel free to contact me anytime."


"Got it, bro."


Chronicle said with a smile, then stepped on the accumulated water and walked towards the Card Craftsman Association building.


In order to avoid a situation where the people were in danger and had no one to turn to, the association in Land of Peach had always implemented a 24-hour rotating work system.


Therefore, when Chronicle pushed open the door and entered the lobby, he saw the receptionist girl he had seen before leaning her head and dozing off.


As if awakened by the cold wind pouring in through the crack in the door, she opened her eyes drowsily and said, "Can I help you with something?"


After seeing Chronicle's face clearly, she said, "Oh, you're Subei's friend. Do you have any business to do?"


"I want to buy some coin-type material items." Chronicle spoke up.


"Okay." The girl nodded, and her slender fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard, "What quality do you need?"


"Green and blue."


As Chronicle's voice fell, the screen quickly displayed a full page of introductions and pictures.


He briefly looked at them and finally chose five green quality materials and one blue quality material called "Yuanxi Tooth Beast Swallowing Ghost Money".


"That's it."


"Okay, the total is 136,400 yuan."


Chronicle silently transferred the money.


He couldn't help but sigh in his heart that money really didn't last long.


The 600,000 yuan he earned from selling the house hadn't even warmed up yet, and he had already spent 300,000 yuan.


Thinking of this, he couldn't help but say, "I'll also claim this month's benefits."


"Alright." The receptionist girl nodded and quickly tapped on the keyboard, "30,000 yuan has been transferred to your account. Please check it."


Chronicle looked at his mobile banking app and confirmed the amount was correct. Then he took the latest "Overview of Materials in the Association's Warehouse" from the nearby table and sat on the reception sofa to read it.


The receptionist girl had good eyesight and brought him to a room on the third floor to rest when she saw this situation.


"Thank you." Chronicle said with gratitude.The receptionist propped up a professional smile that only revealed eight teeth: "No problem."


The door to the room closed immediately. Chronicle sat on the sofa, picking up the small book with various demons, ghosts, and underworld items painted on the cover.


Following the table of contents, he turned to the chapter on blue materials.


"Summoning materials: Doppelganger, Thin Granny, Lame Tutor, Bone Flute Man, Barber, Bull-headed Butcher, Fork-wielding Ghost Farmer…"


"Item materials: Finger-breaking Pliers, Snake-reflecting Eight Ghosts Cup, Ghost-intimidating Mask, Dog-barking Swollen Ghost Picture, Blood-glue Locust Crossbow, Cold Steel Body-piercing Fork…"


"Skill materials: Lame Ghost-avoiding Step, Pot-lid Head-protection Technique, Paper Crane Spell, Blood Mist, Leading Lady's Three Phases, Midnight Ghost Knocking…"


Chronicle murmured the names of the materials softly, his brain working at high speed, trying to connect these cards with the mythological stories in his mind.


"Doppelganger, Fork-wielding, Mask…"


"Cold Steel Body-piercing Fork, Lame Ghost-avoiding Step…"


Chronicle pulled out a black gel pen from a pen holder on the side, drawing lines and circles.


Two grand divine scrolls also gradually unfolded in his mind.


"Beheading the Official…"


(End of the chapter)

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