Chapter 100 – English Taiwan upgrade, Black Impermanence breaks through the gloomy atmosphere



The female ghost was a little confused.


The limited spiritual support allowed her to make teasing gestures and actions towards the handsome young man, but it was not enough to sustain a complete lip-reading system.


All she knew was that this little girl, in her own territory, released malice, which was enough.


So, with a frown, her heavily made-up face became more ferocious, and her claws extended forward as she swooped down.


Seeing this, Yingtai narrowed her eyes and instantly activated the "Ghostly Wedding Dance" skill, swiftly dodging the attack and throwing ten blood arrows towards the limbs and head of the ghost bride.


The ghost bride didn't have time to dodge and forcibly pulled nearby paper people to block the arrows.


Yingtai took advantage of this time to touch her cheek and change her makeup.


Under the enhancement of the "Red Makeup" skill, her movement speed and attack speed greatly increased. Releasing the blood arrows at this moment made it even more difficult to defend against.


In this way, after a few back and forth exchanges, the ghost bride was grazed by an arrow on her arm, and half of her body was corroded by the aura carried by the blood arrows.


Under the influence of the aura, she quickly recovered.


"The advantage of the home field… This is too disgusting. It seems that after the training is over, I must concentrate and develop a field card."


Chronicle thought to himself, shifting his gaze to Yingtai.


As time passed and midnight approached, the suppression of the "Ghost" aura field on Yingtai became increasingly severe.


The little girl stood reluctantly, her frail body trembling slightly.


Seeing this, the ghost bride revealed a sinister smile, spreading her arms and facing the moon.


A pitch-black crack immediately appeared in the void, resembling an eye, with black waves surging.


From a distance, it looked like a desperate world casting covetous eyes on this prosperous world.


Chronicle looked at all of this in shock, feeling that the Yin aura between heaven and earth became even more intense, as if a blood-red filter had been added, causing unease.


In this environment, Yingtai, who was already unstable, became even more unsteady.


Seeing this scene, Seven Brothers exchanged glances, nodded, and prepared to take action.


They couldn't let outsiders bully their little sister.


However, at this moment, Chronicle reached out and stopped them.


"Seven Brothers, Eight Brothers, let Yingtai handle this battle."


Chronicle said softly, then focused his attention on the characteristic called "What is a Dream".


—The little girl had just conveyed a weak emotion through her sea of consciousness, and this battle seemed to be very helpful for her upgrade.


So, the next moment, she returned to her usual appearance.


Under the state of "Swordsmanship Learning", the influence of the "Ghost" aura field on her became weaker.


Although her complexion was still pale, it didn't look as terrible as before.




She puffed her cheeks like a hamster and slowly exhaled a breath of Yin aura, then placed her hand on the sword hanging from her waist.


After measuring the distance between her and the opponent, she looked around and finally set her gaze on the old locust tree in the courtyard.


Her slender legs suddenly exerted force, and her figure ghostly stepped onto the trunk, lightly tapping the treetop with her toes. She leaped into the air, found the right position, and without hesitation, drew her long sword.


Countless golden words appeared around her, tearing open a gap in the blood-red world, and like a shooting star, they fell directly towards the direction where the opponent was.


No way to dodge, nowhere to hide!


The ghost bride swung her hand backward, forming a claw shape, and condensed a powerful suction force, lifting the fallen paper people from the ground and suspending them in mid-air.


They formed a shield the size of a common house wall, blocking in front of her.


The dazzling sword light followed, breaking the paper shield as if it were rotten wood, and fell in the horrified eyes of the ghost bride…




The little girl landed lightly and sheathed her sword.




The lamp post as thick as a water bottle fell to the ground with a loud noise.


Zongzi Brother looked up at the sky in confusion.


With this battle over, Yingtai leveled up and became the weakest again.


Being at the bottom of the team at the same level… This setting… Even with its shallow spirituality, it couldn't help but think of someone…


"You did well today. I'll get you a new coffin when we get back."


At this point, the wicked Card Craftsman was still deceiving the poor Zongzi Brother.


After this battle, he found that Zongzi Brother was unexpectedly useful and didn't consume much spiritual power.


So he decided to squeeze out the other's labor force for a few days before considering getting a new coffin.


"Let's go back and upgrade the Mountain Ghost Copper Coin with the materials first."


Chronicle thought to himself, shifting his gaze to the long crack in the air.


As the ghost bride was split in half, it had already shrunk a lot.


But there was still a continuous flow of "Ghost" aura coming out of it, making the aura field even more stable.


Seeing this, Chronicle couldn't help but frown.


However, at this moment, a broad hand patted his shoulder.


Chronicle turned his head and saw Eight Brothers' cold and calm profile.


With the feedback from the sea of consciousness, he understood what the other wanted to do, and his eyes lit up.


Decisively putting away Seven Brothers and Yingtai, leaving only Zongzi Brother sitting on the steps to protect himself.


Chronicle slightly restrained his remaining spiritual power, divided it in half, and poured it into Eight Brothers' divine body.


The next moment, a mass of dense death aura spread out from under Eight Brothers' feet, and a faint roar of a fierce beast echoed between heaven and earth.


"Rampage", a skill that was comparable to Seven Brothers' "Borrowing Path".


Different from the gentle approach of "Borrowing Path", "Rampage" was more domineering.


According to the introduction on the panel, it could destroy all ghost units encountered during the journey whose quality level was lower than its own.


It could be said to be a divine skill of the Qing Dynasty, extremely brutal.


"Just don't know how much money it will cost to go all the way and destroy everything. It's really wasteful."


Chronicle couldn't help but comment.


Seeing a fierce beast with a green face and fangs, resembling a walking beast, crawling out of the crack, its limbs touching the ground, leaving spiderweb-like cracks on the old stone pavement.


But even such a ferocious beast, when it saw Eight Brothers beside it, instantly turned into a golden-haired Samoyed, eager to go up and lick him.


Eight Brothers didn't say anything, just glanced at it, as if using a petrification spell, directly making the giant beast crawl on the ground. Then, he stepped on its back with a vigorous stride and sat down.


With the word "Rampage" in his heart, Chronicle stepped into the void towards the crack.


He wasn't sure if it was an illusion, but he seemed to see a fish-shaped phantom in a daze.


Black scales, white eyes, gleaming with dark light, it was agile and extraordinary.


Carrying some kind of grand will, it charged directly at the "eye" in the void that was overlooking the mortal world with covetousness.


Accompanied by a sound similar to shattering glass, the "pupil" dissipated, and the unsupported dark aura exploded violently.


Chronicle looked around, only to see that everything had returned to the way it was when he arrived, albeit a bit messy.


It was as if some monster had plowed through, scattering stone chips and fine soil everywhere.


The originally delicate paper figures were now shattered. The groom had an extra hole in his neck, and the bride was cut in half, with a smooth cross-section.


Chronicle scanned the surroundings, finally resting his gaze on the old locust tree next to him.


On its thick trunk, half a roll of red gauze was hanging.


On the last day of 2022, releasing the hundredth chapter, it's quite a coincidence.


In 2023, continue to write and push forward!


I hope that at this time next year, I can still celebrate the New Year with all of you.


Good night, sweet dreams.


2023, peace, happiness.


(End of the chapter)


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