Chapter 96 – Superman’s First Appearance

Clark walked out of the clothing store and quickly changed his appearance before going back to confirm that the shop owner hadn’t recognized him, suppressing his joy before leaving.

This was an ability he had discovered by accident after losing his sight.

He had already explained to his close friends Chloe and Pete that his vision had been temporarily affected due to an illness, and he didn’t know if it would recover.

Chloe and Pete were worried and concerned about him, especially Chloe, who was afraid that he would become depressed and despondent during the holidays due to the possibility of going blind.

Just like before, he let Chloe drag him around as her assistant reporter, wanting him to feel useful and capable of doing many things, to help him adapt and build confidence, so that he wouldn’t have time to brood.

Thinking of this, Clark, with a blind man’s appearance and a white cane, couldn’t help but smile.

But people who weren’t very familiar with him would always ask about his eyes when they saw him.

Clark knew that many of these people were genuinely concerned.

“But it’s already hard enough to tell one lie, and every time someone asks, I have to repeat the lie.”

A look of helplessness flashed across his face.

So, during the time before and after the holidays, every time he encountered someone familiar, he would hide, hoping that they wouldn’t see him or recognize him.

As a result, it actually happened.

Clark didn’t even know when he had gained this ability.

At first, he thought it was because of the sunglasses, but even when he took them off and stopped the person, they still didn’t recognize him.

The familiar voice and heartbeat made him sure that he hadn’t made a mistake.

Knock knock!

In a room in an apartment building in Metropolis, Clark knocked on the door.

“You finally came, Clark, come in.”

Chloe, who was doing her makeup and hair, hurriedly welcomed the blind-looking Clark into the house.

“I thought something happened to you on the way, Clark, you scared me.”

This wasn’t the small town of Smallville, where the streets were always busy with traffic.

“Don’t worry about me, Chloe, you’ve seen me move around with ease, I’ve adapted well to my current life.”

Clark smiled.

“If it were Pete instead of you, and I saw you moving around like a normal person in just a few days, I would really suspect that you were playing a prank.”

After thinking for a moment, Chloe nodded in agreement.

She didn’t know how Clark had managed it, but he had adapted to the life of a blind person in just a couple of days, even more so than the disabled people who had been blind for decades.

But she had somewhat adapted to the strangeness of Clark.

“Sometimes, I really don’t know if you have some kind of hypnotic ability.”

Sitting back in front of the dressing table, Chloe continued to comb her hair in front of the mirror, casually mentioning something that made Clark’s heart skip a beat.

“What do you mean?”

“You seem to have a strange kind of charm about you. Clearly, you have so many outstanding abilities, but you always manage to make people overlook you and treat you like a background character in the school.”

Tall and handsome, outstanding in sports, excellent in academics…

Clark had so many strengths, but he had always been a nobody at Smallville High.

“When it comes to being outstanding, I think your cousin is the truly outstanding one.

How come you’ve never mentioned her—Louise Lane is your cousin.”

Clark wasn’t sure if he had this ability before, he pushed up his sunglasses and changed the subject, also asking the question he had been wanting to ask.

“You know, it’s not a good thing to have someone in the same generation of the family who is more outstanding than you.”

Chloe’s makeup paused, and she said helplessly.


Clark fell silent, and he had a deep understanding of this.

“When will I have the chance to meet your cousin?”

He looked back with a hint of nostalgia.

“Her writing reveals a boldness to face tigers head-on, her pen is sharp and precise, reading Louise Lane’s articles is like enjoying a thrilling battle.”

During this time when he was blind, the world was dark, but he had time to do things he rarely did before, like reading…

His horizons had greatly expanded with newspapers and news, and Louise Lane’s reporting style had deeply attracted him, never fearing to expose the darkness and corruption.


“She’s very busy, have you made great military achievements? Do you have a billion-dollar fortune? Or are you a well-known celebrity?

If not, she probably doesn’t have time.”

Chloe closed the makeup box with a slap, and Clark was not without his flaws, not understanding girls was a big obstacle to becoming a popular figure on campus.

Praising another girl in front of a girl?

“But her articles also include interviews with children in war-torn countries, residents of chaotic neighborhoods, and victims of pollution from big company factories…”

Clark still didn’t realize that he couldn’t summarize all the reports of the hot and fast-paced female journalist in the news industry.

It was precisely because of reading her news that he had learned about so many people in the world who were in dire straits, so many people who needed help, and he had made up his mind to do something.

Like having ‘Blue Hood’ appear in the city of Metropolis.

“Besides changing my appearance a little, remember, my brother said that my disguise looks more like a bank robber.”



Clark was a little flustered, not knowing why his friend suddenly shouted, and from the rapid breathing and heartbeat, it sounded like he was angry.

After losing his sight, it also brought some trouble to his life, such as the fact that although Clark’s eyes could still emit heat rays, he couldn’t read people’s expressions and reactions in time.”Do you have any objections to going with me to interview the Vietnam War veterans today? Think it’s too mundane?”

“No, of course not.”

Clark waved his hand dismissively.


Chloe, suppressing irritation, stuffed the notebook needed for the interview into Clark’s arms and said, “Then let’s go.”


“Don’t move, stay put.”

“We’ve got the female cop in our grasp, we’re on the rooftop of the courthouse.”

A gang of robbers wearing comical animal masks had captured a female police officer and knocked her out.

A brazen kidnapping, right on the rooftop of the courthouse, the gang leader was in no hurry, casually chatting on the phone with his boss, while a pre-arranged helicopter stood by.

“There’s no other evidence against you now, sir.”

“Good, Angelo, I have an important meeting at one o’clock, wrap this up quickly for me, get her on the helicopter and get out of there.”

On the other end of the phone, an old man with graying hair and the look of a successful business elite flashed a sharp glint in his eyes and said indifferently, “Yes, sir.”

“Let the lady go!”

Suddenly, a voice rang out.

The robbers, clad in bulletproof vests and fully armed, quickly turned to look, expecting to see police who had sensed something amiss and followed them to the rooftop. Instead, they saw a young man in a blue T-shirt.

The tall young man, built like a Greek statue, stood in the sunlight with his chest out and waist cinched, his cape fluttering in the wind behind him. His carefully designed pose, meant to convey a sense of security, seemed somewhat unpracticed.

“Kid, which circus did you escape from?”

Seeing that he was unarmed, the leader with the monkey mask paused, then pointed his gun at him and laughed mockingly, with the rest of the gang joining in the laughter.

“I’m in a good mood today, I’ll give you one chance, get out of my sight in three seconds.”

“Or what?”

“Or what?”

Without the expected reaction, the monkey-faced leader’s eyes darkened.

“Fire, turn him into a sieve!”


Laughing, the gang of robbers pulled their triggers at the figure in the sunlight, the muzzles spitting fire, bullets roaring through the air.

“Die, you ridiculous kid!”

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