Chapter 94 – Human killing gods is just a fairy tale

Not far away, the capital of Kandak felt a tremor, and the people were in a panic.

“Is it an earthquake?”

“Could it be a missile strike?”

Some people looked towards the base outside the city, where intense flames, dazzling lightning, and purple energy intertwined, almost filling half of the sky.

The crowd was in a panic, what had happened there?


As Ares used the divine power of lightning like Zeus.

David could no longer maintain his relaxed and casual posture, and had to take it a bit more seriously, with no spare energy to protect the beach shirt and shorts on his body.


Taking another blow head-on, punching Ares and sending him flying, David was struck by a spark of divine lightning on Ares’ axe, tearing his shirt at the shoulder.

He was not injured at all, and he casually extinguished the sparks on his shoulder.

Diana also forced Shabak back with her sword, elbowing him away as he dodged in panic. She and David stood back to back, facing two strong enemies.

She frowned, glanced at Ares, who was still unharmed, hesitated, and spoke the truth.

“You can’t handle Ares.

Only a deity can kill a deity. Hand him over to me.”

Her mother had told her to wait until David and Ares were both injured before making a move, but David had just helped her, and most importantly, she didn’t think David was a bad person.

“You captured Paradise Island, but didn’t kill anyone, and even in the face of the Amazon tribe’s refusal to surrender, you didn’t massacre or threaten my people. You want to subdue the Amazon tribe by killing Ares. You’re not that bad.”

Hearing this, David couldn’t help but sigh at Diana’s innocence, although he had known this for a long time. Saying the truth at this time, he was not afraid of angering someone who had been deceived.

“With your current abilities, you can’t handle Ares at all.”

Although Ares was not as powerful as in the ancient war, he was still not someone that Diana, who had not fully tapped into her own potential, could handle.

“The Amazons do not fear death. Even if I have to die here today, I will kill Ares.”

With a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, Diana’s face was filled with determination.

In fact, although Paradise Island had been living in comfort for thousands of years, it had always been shrouded in Ares’ shadow, especially in recent years as Zeus’ magic had weakened.

She often saw her mother looking out at the island with concern.

“Take care of yourself.”

With that, David’s expression did not change at all, and he leaped to attack Ares.

Why can only a deity kill a deity?

“Earth deities are like special dimensional beings.

They are like a dimension apart from others. People can throw stones to make ripples in the water, which is to injure the deities, but they cannot kill the reflection.”

No matter what injuries they receive, deities will blink and recover. Only another deity can cause real harm to them.

David had known this for a long time.

“He doesn’t seem surprised. Did he know this all along?”

Not understanding why her proposal was rejected, Diana had no choice but to grit her teeth and attack Shabak. Her eyes showed fierceness, and her attacks became more sharp, wanting to kill Shabak and go help David.

Ares must die, and so must this demon minion of Ares.

Just now, there was still the appearance of a fortress ruin nearby, but with the four of them fighting fiercely, the earth cracked and almost shattered the mountains.

Terrifying craters, one after another.

David and Diana each had a slight advantage over their respective opponents, but the advantage was not significant. This battle seemed to have turned into a war of attrition.

But Diana was full of anxiety, and did not think the outcome would be so simple.

Ares felt the same way.


“Your attacks are futile.

Mortals are just mortals, and deities are deities.”

His armor was shattered, and his body was burned by the terrifying cosmic energy, but Ares paid no attention, like a bloodthirsty warrior, his eyes fierce as he swung his axe, his momentum overwhelming.

“The fundamental difference between us ensures your inevitable defeat.”

After using his divine power, the mortal in front of him could no longer casually withstand his attacks.

Before, his attacks were like hitting a bottomless sea, but now it was different. The opponent’s strange defense could not withstand his divine power.

“What is the difference between gods and mortals?”

Dodging the blade, David, as if he hadn’t seen the injuries he had caused to Ares’ body, struck Ares’ head with a fist wrapped in highly condensed cosmic energy, carrying the power to move mountains and split the earth, and calmly asked a question.

“Gods cannot be killed, that’s the difference!”

Ares’ horned war helmet flew off, and his head was lifted by the blow. He turned his head without concern, a particularly fierce smile appearing on his red, scarred, and burnt face, panting heavily, and attacking even more fiercely.

Pain and injury only stirred up the deeper ferocity in this god of war.

“The idea of mortals killing gods has always been an illusion, mortal!”

And Ares was confident that victory was within his grasp.

Although his own divine power had been greatly consumed by his fierce attacks, the energy of this mortal was by no means endless, and even if he only used his physical body, he could wear down this guy.

Although this made him angry, he couldn’t help but attack even more fiercely.

Bang! Bang! Bang!”I believe the difference between humans and deities lies in the divine power granted by their divine position and bloodline.”

As the attacks collided, rings of visible white shockwaves exploded, affecting an area of a hundred meters.

Engaged in fierce combat with Ares, David’s eyes remained as calm as a frozen lake, like a hunter patiently waiting for the moment to strike, and Ares was his prey.

But this proud eldest son of the Heavenly Father, who had slaughtered his own kind in a surge of power, failed to notice this.

“You’re right, whether it comes from bloodline or a divine position, only those with divine power can be called a deity.”

With another strike imbued with the divine power of lightning, Ares sneered.

“So, human who mingles with Zeus’s daughter, my sister, which do you possess?”

As he spoke, he burst into mocking laughter. His axe tore through the air and was caught by David, who unleashed a force like a ten-thousand-ton hydraulic press bearing down, looking at David with a sneer.

“Bloodline or divine position? Which deity’s descendant are you, or where did you happen to pick up a divine position?”

Ares was well aware that there wasn’t a trace of a deity’s aura from head to toe on David; his words were merely to mock him.


The ground beneath his feet cracked from the pressure, and wrestling with the God of War seemed to be the easier task. A slight smile also appeared on David’s face.

“But I, too, have divine power.”

As he finished speaking, a sudden flash of lightning sparked in his eyes.


Two dazzling and terrifying bolts of divine lightning pierced through the void and shot out unexpectedly.

“This is…!”

The lightning illuminated the face of the astonished eldest son of the Heavenly Father, his eyes wide with shock.

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