Chapter 41 – Template fusion 99%

It’s hard to imagine that without consulting anyone in the family, Father Jonathan sold the farm he had been running for half his life.

“Dad, who did you sell the farm and house to?”

Clark couldn’t help but ask.

“I sold it to Rickman Enterprises’ Rick Rickman. He plans to build a chemical factory here.” Martha couldn’t understand why her husband would do this.

He clearly hated those factories that polluted the environment.

“I don’t know what happened.”

On the printed contract, his name was clearly signed. Jonathan rubbed the contract in his hand, his eyes somewhat confused, feeling like he was in a dream, telling a strange story.

“I was working in the barn when he came in with his people and once again offered to buy my farm. I firmly refused him.”

“He looked regretful and shook my hand before leaving.”

“After that…”

Jonathan tried hard to remember, but a piece of his memory seemed to be missing, leaving his mind blank.

“I inexplicably seemed to have signed this.”


David keenly caught the key point.

“I don’t have that part of the memory anymore, but this is indeed my signature.”

The handwriting was exactly the same, and Jonathan shook his head in distress.

“What should we say in court? That my husband was possessed by an evil spirit?”

Mother Martha was very angry, her chest heaving, and she turned to her two sons sadly.

“I sent the original contract to the lawyer and consulted him. He said there were no loopholes in this contract, and there is almost no chance of winning the lawsuit. We can only move out of here within three days.”

“But this is our home. We have always lived here, on this land.”

Clark widened his eyes, unable to imagine leaving the home and farm he grew up in.

“Not anymore.”

Jonathan said with a hint of regret.

“I inherited this ancestral land from your grandfather, and yet I sold it for a hundred thousand dollars. I can’t understand it.”

Why did he sign his name on this contract? He was certain that no one was pointing a gun at his wife and children, forcing him to sign this contract.

They had to move out of the Kent family’s farm and land, where they had lived for generations, within three days. The sudden bad news caught the family off guard, and the atmosphere became extremely heavy, with no one caring about lunch anymore.

“Maybe I can find someone to help, see if there’s a way.”

Thinking of something, Clark’s eyes brightened as he looked at his parents.

“I saved Lex’s life. Although you taught me not to expect anything in return just because I helped someone, I think this is not the time to be reserved.”

After saying that, he glanced at David, who was furrowing his brows, with a serious look in his eyes.

This time, he wanted to prove to his younger brother that he could not only protect this family, but also solve this matter peacefully.

No one should be harmed who shouldn’t be!

“I don’t want any dealings with the Luthor family.”

Father Jonathan instinctively resisted.

“Do you have any other options now, Jonathan?”

Under his wife Martha’s slightly angry retort, the head of the family, Jonathan, opened his mouth but couldn’t say anything.


After thinking for a moment, David suddenly spoke up.

He couldn’t think of a second possibility for this strange event.

“Rickman has superpowers?”

Hearing the word “superpowers,” Clark’s expression changed, and he thought carefully.

He and his brother had encountered several strange superpowered individuals before, some who could generate electricity, some who were like insects, and some who could shape-shift and absorb heat.

Now, it didn’t seem too surprising that there was a superpowered individual who could confuse people.

“Like the person who attacked the school and Tina?”

As a couple, they looked at each other, recalling the electric-powered individuals their two sons mentioned last time, as well as Tina, with a look of astonishment.

“What else could make Dad sell his beloved farm without consulting us?”

Facing his parents, David shrugged his shoulders.

“But how do we solve this now?” He deliberately made a relaxed gesture, not infecting the couple’s worries.

Even if they knew the root cause of the problem, could they tell the judge in court that Rickman had superpowers and had confused their family, nullifying the legal effect of the contract?

“Mom and Dad, don’t worry, let me go talk to him.”

David squinted his eyes and smiled softly.

With this secret, Mr. Rickman might change his mind.

His tone was gentle, as if he really wanted to reason with the other party, and he turned to leave.

Clark’s face changed. Based on the examples of the few people who had turned into vegetative states before, he believed that David’s expression was not just about having a talk.

“I’ll go too.”

“Clark, David, be careful.”

With Clark accompanying him, Jonathan and Martha, the couple, instantly felt much more relieved, calling out to their two sons repeatedly.

“If it really doesn’t work out, our family can find a place to live in town. It won’t delay your education. The completeness of a family doesn’t depend on where we live.”David nodded, reassuring his parents not to worry, and then turned to leave the house.

Not far away, Clark, who had followed him, glanced back at the farm and said while walking, “Mom and Dad don’t know that you actually don’t need my protection at all. On the contrary, I have to protect others from you.”

His parents had no idea of the true nature of David that gave him headaches, and he couldn’t tell them the truth. He had to cover up for David, who was causing him so much trouble.

“Protect what? Protect the person who tricked our family farm and house away with his abilities?”

Feeling that he was hinting at something, David glanced at him.

“David, you don’t have to be so brutal and cold every time you do something.”

Hearing David’s ill-intentioned tone towards Rickman, Clark reached out and stopped him, lowering his voice seriously.

“Rickman is wealthy. If something happens to him, all the major newspapers in Metropolis will pay attention.”

Unlike the small town of Mogul, even if something happened, it wouldn’t make the news.

“If you turn someone into a vegetable again…”

Afraid that he still couldn’t persuade his stubborn younger brother, he gritted his teeth and said, “I will not take the blame for you in front of Mom and Dad again!”

“What do you want me to do?”

Clark was actually threatening him with this matter. David raised his eyebrows, as if he was meeting him for the first time.

After he crossed the line and killed someone, Clark really started to panic. He was no longer so lukewarm in his actions.

“But think about it, Clark does have a point. Rickman is well-known, and his businesses and factories almost monopolize the pesticide production business in Metropolis and several surrounding cities. If he suddenly becomes a vegetable, the newspapers in Metropolis won’t miss this news.”

【Template has merged 99%】

It was already 99% a few days ago. He hoped that this new template would be one that could freely display his abilities.

He clearly had the power to protect himself, but he still had to worry his parents. David was lost in thought.

“Let’s see who can solve this matter safely and properly first.”

Hearing his brother’s words, Clark secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t reveal his well-thought-out plan and said in a deep voice.

Last time, he almost brought trouble to his family and involved his father. This time, he wanted to use this matter to surpass his brother and make his brother realize that he was not as good as him. Only then would his words carry some weight in his brother’s heart.

“Your proposal is good, but I…”

David was expressionless, feeling that the proposal was boring.

“No refusal!”

The tall Clark guessed what he was going to say and preemptively said it firmly to his brother.

His rock-like body stood tall, his eyes firm and powerful with a hint of worry, which was surprisingly powerful.

“Your change is surprising, Clark.”

Looking up and down at Clark’s new appearance, David raised his eyebrows, “Planning to establish the authority of an elder brother from now on, and strictly discipline the younger brother who is at risk of going bad?”

His thoughts were revealed in one sentence, and Clark secretly clenched his fist, not avoiding eye contact with David, and sincerely said, “I’m doing this for your own good.”

Hearing this, David, who was having some stress reactions, was considering whether to take out a piece of Kryptonite from his pocket and knock the tough Clark back to his original form.

Suddenly, his face changed slightly.


“You agreed?” Clark, who was secretly on guard as if facing a great enemy, ready to retreat hundreds of meters at the slightest sign of trouble, was somewhat surprised.

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