Chapter 36 – Clark, the ability to be discovered


Luthor’s smile stiffened slightly, and Clark patted his shoulder to ease the awkwardness.

“Lex, life doesn’t have to be about dominating the world to have meaning.”

In the distance, Clark caught a glimpse of Lana’s figure and couldn’t help but smile. He was about to step forward to greet her.

Another familiar figure appeared, and Whitney was with Lana.

The daytime football training had already ended, and Whitney heard that Lana had gotten a ticket here as well. He continued to follow Lana, hoping to reconcile with his ex-girlfriend.

Seeing that their relationship seemed to have improved a bit, and they were chatting from time to time, Clark’s face darkened.

“Life is better with a fighting spirit, don’t you think, Clark?”

Luthor patted his shoulder in response.

“Only warriors who dare to charge forward can be liked by ladies.”

He smiled and suggested that by giving advice on pursuing girls, he could get closer to Clark.

For Clark’s life-saving grace, disregarding other things, he did feel somewhat grateful.

“I’m going out for some fresh air.”

Not far away, Lana was wearing a light pink dress with a beautiful green crystal necklace hanging prominently on her fair neck. Clark felt frustrated.

David shook his head secretly. This was self-inflicted.

Regardless of Clark, he continued to casually browse the museum. There were still a few Egyptian artifacts inside that were not as gaudy and flashy as the armor, but full of unique ancient charm.

“You actually want to run?”

In the bushes of the park, Jax Flange had a fierce expression on his face as he punched a person to the ground.

“I can’t find it. I don’t know where the confidential client files are in the company. Please let me go.” The person with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth pleaded.

“Since you don’t want to work for me, be prepared to spend a few years inside.”

He roughly flipped the person over and took out handcuffs, threatening him harshly.

Everyone has secrets they don’t want to be seen.

Jax Flange was a detective who walked the line between black and white, using the secrets of others to control them and make them do his bidding.

However, being a detective was just his job. What he truly liked were those green bills.

As long as it was profitable, he would stop at nothing.


After leaving the museum and descending the steps, Clark took a deep breath of fresh air and looked around at the bustling steel forest and towering buildings.

“Compared to the small town, this place is like another world.”

His gaze shifted to the deserted streets at night, quiet and cold.

Not far away, under a bus stop sign, a homeless man in tattered clothes lay on a bench with his dog, sleeping.

“Well, it doesn’t seem that different after all.”

A hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes.


A public bus approached not far away, nearing the bus stop sign.

Suddenly, the driver seemed to have a heart attack, his face turned pale, and he fainted. The steering wheel turned, and the bus headed straight for the bus stop sign. It was about to crash into the homeless man on the seat, crushing him.

“Oh no!”

In a critical moment, Clark widened his eyes and quickly crossed dozens of meters to the middle of the bus and the bus stop sign.

He reached out his hand to stop the bus, wanting to protect the homeless man.

Sometimes, the body’s reaction is faster than the brain. Clark forgot one thing, and his face changed dramatically.

According to the laws of physics, under such tremendous inertia, the several-ton bus would crash heavily into him, smashing the front of the bus. He could save the homeless man, but the driver would not survive.


In the moment of crisis, just as the collision was about to happen, a strange and secretive force field emerged, enveloping the entire bus.


The speeding bus seemed to crash into a thick copper wall and abruptly stopped, with only a slight dent where Clark had touched it.

The homeless man was saved from being crushed, and the driver was unharmed.


Clark let out a sigh of relief, staring blankly at his own palm.

How did he do it?

This was completely unscientific!

“So, have you changed your mind?”

In the distance, in the bushes, Jax Flange, panting heavily after a brutal beating, continued to ask with a sinister expression.

“I… I…”


Before the person could answer, a loud noise suddenly sounded. He looked up and immediately witnessed an incredible scene.

After being stunned, the driver groaned in pain, bringing him back to reality.

Clark quickly tore open the door of the bus, entered, and picked up the driver who was having a heart attack. In an instant, his body disappeared from the spot and rushed to Metropolis General Hospital.

Seeing Clark disappear, Flange’s face showed a look of astonishment. He threw down the person he had beaten and quickly approached the bus, looking at the clear dent and the missing driver.

Looking around, the deserted streets were empty.

He was certain that he wasn’t seeing things, and he couldn’t control his accelerated heartbeat.

Everyone has secrets.

And this time, he seemed to have discovered a huge secret!

“So, how do you feel, kids? Does the bustling Metropolis make you reluctant to leave?”

In the morning, Jonathan and Martha were having breakfast at the dining table, and their mother Martha smiled.

“The museum was great, but…”

Coming downstairs, Clark hesitated to speak.

“What is it?” Jonathan paused with his spoon.

Sitting in his seat, David handed over a newspaper, whispering, “Just a minor hiccup.”

The headline read – “Out-of-control Midnight Bus Nearly Crushes Homeless Man.”

“I stopped it.”

Clark recalled the bizarre scene from last night, still puzzled about what had happened.

“Are you okay, Clark?” Martha asked anxiously.

It was a mother’s concern, but Clark, with his body of steel, naturally wouldn’t be hurt. He scratched his head.

“I’m fine, Mom.”

“Clark, you saved a life. I’m very proud of you.”

Having read the newspaper, Jonathan frowned, “But, did anyone see you?”

It was bustling Metropolis, after all.

“It was late at night, no one was on the street, everyone was in the museum, the noise didn’t alert them.”

“The newspaper didn’t mention any witnesses, so it should be fine.”

Martha reassured.

“That’s good.” Jonathan smiled.

“Go eat and then head to school, kids, or you’ll miss the bus.”

David had heard Clark recount the incident last night and knew that it must have been the bio-force field at work.

Superman’s ability to fly relied on the bio-force field, so it wasn’t surprising.

But Clark was a bit panicked, another strange new ability had emerged, and he hadn’t paid much attention to his classes all morning.

When school let out at noon.

Clark, pulling David along, planned to go to the woods on the outskirts of the small town to explore this new ability, to prevent it from going out of control.

As they passed through a small alley in the town.

“Clark Kent, David Kent, right?”

A middle-aged figure slowly emerged, showing his badge, a playful smile on his face, like a hyena that had found carrion, blocking their path.

“Gentlemen, Metropolis detective, Jax Laran, there’s a traffic accident case, we need your assistance in the investigation.”

“Traffic accident!”

A cop from Metropolis, Clark’s heart tightened.

Was it because of last night’s accident?

But why would they come to him?

Seeing the other’s triumphant expression, as if he had caught someone’s tail, David narrowed his eyes.

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