Chapter 35 – Aliens are also humans

David showed no mercy and turned Shawn, who wanted to attack him and even threatened to kill him, into a vegetable.

Clark rushed forward to save himself by hitting Shawn, feeling a warm sensation in his heart.

Apart from that, he couldn’t help but feel a little angry, looking at Shawn who had lost consciousness at the bottom of the pit, his voice heavy and hesitant.

“This time is different from before. Shawn may not have committed a crime, but you turned him into a vegetable…”

The previous ability users, like Jeremy who could generate electricity, Greg who turned into an insect, and Tina who could transform her flesh and strengthen her bones, all confirmed that they had committed the serious crime of murder.

But Shawn was different. Maybe he just got his powers and came to seek revenge on David.

“Isn’t it a crime for him to attack you and me?”

Hearing these words, David pretended to be surprised.

“He has such a dangerous ability. Setting aside other factors, shouldn’t this be considered self-defense in court?”

He patted Clark’s shoulder, who was stunned, and turned to leave.

“Don’t feel inferior, my brother. Aliens are also human.”


David was not surprised. It was the same in the comics. Superman never considered himself human, perhaps thinking that it was like a person holding a straw trying to kill another person, which did not constitute an intent to kill.

If he hadn’t committed any other crimes and only attacked him alone, he wouldn’t pay much attention to it.

But now, he wanted to apply this criminal perspective to him as well. Does being powerful mean being guilty? Are ability users not human?

At this point, Clark thought for a moment, gritted his teeth, and quickly cleared the traces around him with super speed. He then took Shawn to the entrance of the hospital and caught up with his brother.

When Clark first saw David do this, he was shocked and couldn’t believe it, but now, he was terrifyingly starting to get used to it.

Back at home, Clark was no longer as angry because he heard from the radio at the dining table that the town’s power plant had been attacked by an unknown suspect suspected to have used liquid nitrogen as a weapon, resulting in the freezing death of more than a dozen people.

Moreover, he knew the cause of the incident. It was because David had helped Chloe drive away the promiscuous Shawn yesterday that led to today’s events.

At the dining table, Jonathan and Martha anxiously reminded the two to be careful.

This might also be an ability user. They didn’t know if the police could apprehend the culprit.

The couple didn’t know that the culprit of this case had become a vegetable lying in the hospital.

Looking back, Clark felt that compared to Shawn and others who immediately put themselves above life and the law as soon as they gained power, his brother’s mentality was not as dangerous as he thought.

But he still believed that his brother needed correction.

“It would be better if David didn’t turn people into vegetables so easily.”

But Clark didn’t persuade his brother anymore. He had realized that his brother had his own set of values.

Most of the time, his brother was smarter and more mature than him. In David’s mind, his words as an older brother might not carry much weight.

“Similar words have been said enough. It’s useless to say them again.”

Sometimes words were powerless. It was difficult to change a person simply through words.

Regardless of whether Mrs. Kassandra’s prediction of the future was wrong, he couldn’t let David go down the wrong path.

This was his duty as an older brother.

“I was careless this time.”

Clark made a determination. Next time, he would definitely stop David with action.

It couldn’t be that next time, his brother would still be in trouble and need him to solve it in a very embarrassed manner.

Metropolis Central Museum.

An extraordinary antique exhibition.

Many visitors in suits and long dresses strolled leisurely in the exhibition hall, holding free champagne, admiring the precious collections from around the world that had just arrived at the museum.

In front of a piece of ancient Greek armor in a glass cabinet, Clark looked at the glass with a trace of sadness on his face, sighing about what happened in the afternoon.

“Just two hours later, when we went to the nursing home again, Mrs. Kassandra had already passed away.”

He was very grateful to the old lady for helping him foresee the future. He had planned to spend more time with her in the afternoon at the nursing home, but when they went again, it was an empty room.

All of Mrs. Kassandra’s personal belongings had been put away.

From the red-eyed caregiver who passed by, he learned that the old lady had gone to heaven at noon.

Many people in the nursing home had been helped by her, guided in life, and had their troubles solved. They were saddened by her passing.

“The only consolation is that she didn’t leave this world in pain.”

David shook his head lightly.

That kind old lady probably foresaw her own death and left peacefully.

“There’s no need to be too sad for the lady who sees through life.”

After noon, when the two went to the nursing home, they happened to meet Lana. She had returned from Metropolis and her aunt gave her a few exhibition tickets.

Lana remembered the trouble she caused a few days ago and Clark’s comfort to her, so she gave each of them a ticket.

Clark was originally happy to have the opportunity to interact more with Lana in the evening, but he didn’t expect what happened in the afternoon.

“I know.”

Clark nodded slightly in silence, took a deep breath, and realized that life had to go on.

He looked up and noticed the glass cabinet filled with gemstones, dazzling and magnificent armor. He stared at it with curiosity.

This armor was embedded with large gemstones, blue and red intertwined, looking extremely gorgeous and priceless. He didn’t know if it was real or fake.”I heard that some of the precious items in the museum are actually high-quality replicas, used for display in case of accidents.”

Clark, who grew up on a farm, was not quite accustomed to such occasions. He lowered his voice and asked his brother with a hint of restraint.

“You can use your own eyes to ‘delve’ into it.”

【Template Fusion: 95%】

David replied casually, he was not an expert in ancient Greek artifacts.

The Thanos template was about to be fully integrated.

He hadn’t paid much attention to the emotional points notifications these days, hiding the information reminders.

The resentment and hatred from several vegetative people kept popping up, which was quite annoying.

Anyway, he knew that his emotional points were increasing.

【Determination from Clark +38……】

“Clark’s strength seems to have grown rapidly recently.”

David flipped through the previous information reminders. The ability points Clark had provided him in the past few days had almost doubled.

Even the not-so-intense emotions provided a considerable amount of emotional points.

【Nervousness from Kara +0.07……】

Noticing a name worth paying attention to, a hint of confusion flashed in his eyes.

When did this Kara start feeling nervous because of him? Had he met her during the day?

“Clark, David, I didn’t expect to see you here.”

Luthor, dressed in a black suit, slowly walked over with a glass of champagne with a lemon on the rim, a smile on his face: “Do you need me to introduce the collections here?”


Clark greeted with a smile.

“Genuine ancient Greek artifacts, once belonged to Alexander the Great.”

Earlier, Clark was curiously looking at the display case, Luthor pointed to the snake-like pattern on the chest of the armor.

“This pattern is said to represent courage and strength.”

“Courage and strength?”

David looked up, the coiled snake shape did look like an ‘S’, he chuckled.

“I doubt Alexander’s soldiers would agree with that, I can’t imagine anyone wearing it into battle.”

The whole body was inlaid with dazzling gems, visible from miles away, this was definitely not a suit of armor.

If it’s not an armor to be worn on the battlefield, what’s the talk of power and courage? Isn’t it ridiculous?

“Sometimes, the enemy is not on the battlefield filled with blood and death.”

Luthor laughed.

“This suit of armor was used to help Alexander the Great appear inviolable in certain situations.”

“Lex, are you a history buff?”

Clark was surprised that a descendant of a businessman was so knowledgeable about history.

“I’m just interested in people who dominated the world before the age of thirty.”

Luthor casually revealed an undeniable ambition and pride.

David raised his eyelids.

“If I remember correctly, didn’t Alexander die at thirty-three?”


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