Chapter 14 – Gotham is not far from Metropolis

After hearing the two sons’ account of what happened, David followed Clark when he took the person away. While crossing the school fence, David accidentally tore his clothes. After that, he saw that Clark had already rendered the person powerless…

“You did well, Clark. You saved your brother and everyone else.”

Jonathan pondered for a moment and said seriously.

“Although we want you to hide your abilities, it doesn’t mean that you should stand by when someone is in danger. We believe that God has given you these powers for a reason.”

“God?” Clark, who already felt awkward that his brother didn’t need his help, felt even more uncomfortable hearing those words.

“What’s wrong?” Jonathan noticed that Clark’s expression was off.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that the lunatic who wanted to kill everyone at the dance also kept saying that God gave him his powers.”

David laughed.

“When I say God, I mean the heavens, not necessarily a specific deity.” Jonathan scratched his face. He and Martha were not devout believers.

“By the way, what happened to that person after you subdued him?”

“He… he…”

Clark couldn’t find the words. How should he answer?

Earlier, he asked his brother about his condition, but his brother didn’t answer and told him to talk about it at home. However, he asked him to keep this secret for now and not tell their parents.

“Clark, you will keep this secret for me, right?” he heard his brother’s voice in his ear.

“Of course.” That was his answer.

“He was pushed down by Clark and became a vegetable.” In the room, David continued with a smile.


Jonathan and Martha were shocked and almost stood up from the couch. They quickly looked at Clark, who had just been praised.

“Dad, Mom, you know that Clark has always been stronger than others.”

David continued with a smile, “I don’t blame him.”

Clark felt that this sentence structure was so familiar. He remembered what he said to Chloe and David a few days ago when he was late for school: “You know, David has never really cared about me…”

“Clark, is it true?”

“Yes… yes.”

Seeing their parents’ inquiring gazes and their agreement to keep the secret, Clark couldn’t say anything else. He clenched his teeth and nodded.

“Clark, starting from tomorrow, you have to secretly practice controlling your powers on the farm.”

Jonathan stood up suddenly, his expression becoming serious. He anxiously held his son’s shoulder.

“What if next time you use too much force and accidentally kill someone?”

“Okay… okay.”

Faced with his old father’s worry and his stern words, Clark couldn’t express his grievances. He could only nod.

Although Jonathan and Martha were kind, they were not naive. Clark just made a mistake.

Moreover, that was a murderer who wanted to slaughter the students. He should have been sentenced to death.

So, they just repeatedly reminded Clark seriously to practice controlling his powers and prepared to supervise him starting from tomorrow.

“You’re so despicable, David.”

In the warehouse, on the second-floor loft, Clark, who had just escaped from his parents’ nagging, couldn’t help but feel resentful.

And his little brother held grudges.

“Practicing your powers more is not a bad thing for you.”

Under the starry sky, looking at David in the distance with his arms crossed, he glanced at him.

“Look at how you looked when facing that guy today. You looked like someone who was about to help a hedgehog cross the road.”

Whether he touched or didn’t touch, he didn’t know how to start.

“I have always been able to control my powers at the level of an ordinary person.”

That was indeed true. Otherwise, with so many years gone by, there would have been countless accidents around Clark.

“But what if you have to deal with someone whose powers exceed that of an ordinary person?”

“How many people with superpowers do I need to deal with anyway?”

Clark felt that David was deliberately using this topic to give him something to do.

Their town was so small, and he never caused trouble. It was impossible for him to be particularly unlucky and have incidents related to metahumans happen to him every once in a while.


David didn’t know how to respond to that statement.

The metahumans born from the meteor shower brought by Clark alone were no less than seven or eight in their small town. As for the rest, who knows how many there were.

“David, can you tell me about your condition now?”

Looking around, Clark asked in a low voice.

“Are you talking about before or recently…?”

Just now, he hurriedly changed his clothes to go back to school so as not to be discovered. Now that he was already home, David had no reason to refuse anymore.

“I’ve been like this since birth.”

David replied.

Since he had already revealed his abilities in front of Clark, he wouldn’t hide anything about his condition.

“Since birth?”

Clark widened his eyes, finding it hard to believe. “Are you sure?”

“Why?””I can’t accept that you’ve been casually revealing your powers for over a decade, while I’ve been hiding mine so well.” He glanced at Clark and retorted.

“To be honest, it’s a bit…”

Clark was emotionally conflicted.

Before he grew up, he also thought this was a gift from heaven, that he was stronger than anyone else.

Thinking back to the times when he was happy about this as a child, David, who was also naturally gifted, was watching him coldly from the side.

He felt… extremely ashamed.

“Are you really sure? I mean… how do you know you were born this way?”


David pointed to his head.

In fact, few people knew that the Mad Titan Thanos, who terrified the entire universe, dreamed of becoming a scientist when he was a child, and he did become one when he grew up.

The Titan planet where he lived since childhood was technologically advanced, but it had no weapons, no murders, everything was incredibly harmonious.

“Until the birth of the Eternals mutant Thanos, he embarked on the path of science to explore his differences.

The way he explored was through dissection, from dissecting small animals, to dissecting classmates, to dissecting his own birth mother…”

Thanos could be said to have a super brain. After leaving Titan, he became the second-in-command on a pirate ship in the universe, based solely on his own technological knowledge, and embarked on his journey as a dark lord.

David and Clark said they learned martial arts from TV, and they weren’t lying.

They really just watched and learned.

“You have to keep my secret, Clark.”

“After you just pinned the blame on me for turning someone into a vegetable?”

Clark retorted with some resentment.

“Clark, think about what I look like after using my powers, do you want to worry your parents?”

David said.

He planned to wait until Jonathan and Martha had seen more unusual people on Earth, then tell them about this. By then, their acceptance would be much stronger.

“And one Clark is enough to worry them all day.”

Let them temporarily have a normal, worry-free son.

When it came to his parents, Clark’s attitude softened.

“By the way, where did you learn the method to… turn people into vegetables?”

“Don’t tell me it was also on TV.”

When this question was raised, his tone became very serious, and there was worry in his eyes.

The method of precisely controlling the force to hit the back of a person’s head and turn them into a vegetable was not on TV, and it was impossible to master it through empty practice. It required multiple experiments and practice.

That is to say, there might have been more than one person turned into a vegetable by his younger brother…

“Gotham is not far from Metropolis.”

David turned and walked downstairs, leaving a sentence behind.

“When school had long holidays in the past, I would occasionally go there for a visit.

You know what kind of environment it is.”

The people were simple, but villains were everywhere. Out of ten, nine might be wrongfully shot, and if half were shot, some might escape.

It wasn’t hard to find some villains who deserved to be shot a hundred times to practice this move on, and he learned it after a few tries.

“I’ve long been fed up with the plot of superheroes putting villains in prison, and then the super villains escaping countless times.”

He decided to do something for this world, like creating some vegetables, providing some emotional points for himself, and making the world a little quieter in the future.


The name seemed to have a demonic quality that terrified people and led them astray. Hearing that his younger brother had been to this place, Clark was taken aback and his face changed drastically.

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