Chapter 110 – Faster Fusion

Sam Lane.

After graduating from high school, David accidentally heard from Chloe that Louise Lane was her cousin.

Thinking that Clark would go to Metropolis, it was possible that he would meet Louise Lane.

David went online to see what Louise Lane looked like.

“Accidentally found the background of the star reporter Louise Lane in the Daily Planet, which included a photo of Sam Lane.”

After just a glance, David’s powerful memory clearly remembered it.

What if he killed Sam Lane, what would happen if Clark and Louise Lane got together?

Anyway, it’s not about him, how to solve this matter is left to Clark in the future.

“This time’s price, I believe, will be enough for you to remember for a long time, Sam Lane.”

In the end, David didn’t kill Sam Lane, he just grabbed him, let him face the terrifying high-temperature laser eyes, and warned him before throwing him on the cold ground.

“No more next time.”

Smelling the strange burnt smell in the room, Sam Lane, who had been threatened, looked at the figure leaving the backyard like his own, pale and gritting his teeth, listening to the cold voice echoing in the room.

David left the almost destroyed base with Clark and returned home.

Ding dong.

“Mother.” David smiled.

“Thank goodness!”

The doorbell rang, and the younger son helped the older son who had been taken away by the military to stand outside. Seeing the safe return of the two, Martha called out to God, so happy that she almost fainted.

“Clark, are you okay?”

Father Jonathan hurriedly took the pale-faced older son from the younger son and let him sit on the soft sofa in the living room.

“I’m fine, Mom and Dad.”

Clark weakly smiled.

“He was injected with an anesthetic, he just needs to sleep it off.” David poured a glass of water and handed it to Clark.

In fact, if it wasn’t night and there was no sun, a few seconds of sunlight would have restored Clark to his original state.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have kept the fact that I’m doing city vigilante work from you.”

After being shocked and hit by sonic weapons, Clark, with a dry mouth, drank a glass of water in one breath, then fell silent and looked ashamed in front of his parents.

On the way, the younger brother told him about what happened at home, and his parents saw on the news that he had been taken away by the military, almost going crazy with worry.

This time, he kept his parents in the dark about fighting crime in the city, but they still found out. Clark didn’t expect this to happen, causing his parents to worry about him.

“Clark, you make us proud.”

Jonathan shook his head and encouraged his son by patting his shoulder.

“I’ve always felt that God brought you here and gave you these abilities for a reason. Now you’ve found your mission, bringing hope to those in danger. How many families have been saved from destruction and pain because of you.”

“There’s nothing to apologize for, Clark.”

Martha’s eyes were teary, but she had a gentle smile on her face.

“You use your abilities to save others, and this time, Jonathan and I won’t stop you.”

“Save? If it wasn’t for David this time, I don’t know what would have happened.”

Thinking about today’s events, Clark, who had been tortured, smiled bitterly.

It would have been better if his brother hadn’t killed so many people while saving him, but he couldn’t say that in front of his parents.

Jonathan, relieved, hugged his younger son, who had broken into the military base to save his brother, and the family embraced each other.

“The proudest moment of our lives is raising you two brothers.”

After comforting his worried parents, David and Clark went upstairs to sleep, standing at the door of their respective rooms.

Things had taken a big turn in a short period of time. First, the older son was taken away by the military, then the younger son broke into a military base to save the older son. Although both sons had returned, the couple couldn’t help but feel exhausted and quickly went to sleep.

“You’ve been targeted, so you better be more careful in the future.”

Clark, who was already unable to suppress his fatigue, just wanted to go in and sleep.

As he opened the door, he paused, and David turned to remind him, “I don’t want to see you tied to an electric chair at a military base again.”

They tacitly didn’t mention some details to their parents.

“I know.”

Clark scratched his head.

This was already the umpteenth time his brother had helped him, even though he was the older brother.

David nodded and went back into his room, looking up at the ceiling.

He hoped that Clark had truly remembered.

Last time, he didn’t mention that Superman’s biggest weakness was actually—kindness.

If it weren’t for kindness, Superman wouldn’t have to endure so much, even Kryptonite wouldn’t pose much of a threat to him.

“Moving at the speed of a Kryptonian, Superman could fly into the sky in the next instant before anyone took out Kryptonite, and a blast of heat vision would turn them to ashes.”

Speedsters had too much leeway when facing enemies, but Superman never guarded against others and was often used by villains who took advantage of his kind nature to set him up.

David didn’t expect Clark to change his personality.

“If he changed, Superman wouldn’t be Superman anymore.”

He just hoped that when Superman was being a superhero, he would maintain some necessary vigilance.

He had mentioned before that he still had fatal weaknesses, and now that this had happened, Clark should have learned his lesson.

David successfully rescued Clark from the military base outside the city, but this matter did not end there.

Metropolis was in an uproar. David appeared at the scene sealed off by the military, forcefully threatening the soldiers to reveal Superman’s whereabouts, then disappeared, only appearing for a short time.

But everyone was discussing his identity and his abilities on the internet.

Because when he appeared, his whole body emitted a strong purple light, making his face indistinguishable and shrouded in mystery. Based on his most distinctive feature, the citizens of Metropolis called him the Purple Light Man.

“He seems to have appeared because of Superman. What is the relationship between the Purple Light Man and Superman?”

Some people’s attitudes were almost like those of a gossip tabloid.

“Is he going to save Superman?”

“Who is more powerful, him or Superman?”But there were some who were greatly agitated by the appearance of the Purple Light Being.

“First Superman, now the Purple Light Being, how many of these kinds of people are hiding on our planet?”

“He looks completely different from Superman.

Superman always has a warm and kind face, but him… perhaps because he was in a rush to save people, I can’t feel much gentleness in him. Could he become a threat to the city or even the world?!”

“The military blockade area outside the city has been booming like a bombardment for almost half an hour.

Is the Purple Light Being fighting with the army, or is he having a showdown with Superman?”

The incident of Superman being captured, along with everything about the Purple Light Being, became the next day’s headline in Metropolis.

“Superman, drained from saving citizens, taken away by the military; mysterious Purple Light Being appears, is it to rescue Superman?”

After breakfast, David unfolded a copy of the Metropolis Daily Life and sat on the lounge chair on the balcony outside the door, lifting his eyelids at the newspaper’s headline.

“Even the Daily Life, which usually doesn’t care about these things, reported on the incident.

Everyone is quite curious about you.”

Clark, holding a cup of coffee, came out and leaned against the railing, teasing his brother with a suggestion.

“How about joining me as a vigilante, forming a vigilante duo?

You have stronger abilities than I do.”

It was meant as a tease, but as he spoke, he felt that if his brother really joined him in saving others, he could definitely do a better job than him.

“I’m not really interested in that kind of thing.”

Glancing twice, David put the newspaper aside and looked towards the distant farmland.

“My precious vacation time is running out, I want to spend it planning my next trip.”

【Template has merged 99%…】

Looking at the panel, he raised an eyebrow. Wasn’t this merging progress a bit abnormal? Why was the number jumping faster than expected?

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