Chapter 109 – How should I deal with you?

The entire base shook, and the deep pit sank further, with waves of earth rolling and billowing, sweeping away dozens of meters, and no one could approach.


A tall figure emitting purple light, with eyes shooting out compelling purple light, David used his energy manipulation ability, consuming cosmic energy, and his physical strength increased to an unprecedented level.

One punch after another, like an earthquake, even the houses near the base were shaken down.

“Wait until this iron shell is dismantled, and see if you still have the confidence to talk about the ultimate weapon in front of me!”

Under his fist, the silver-gray metal was no longer undamaged, with indentations appearing on John Corben’s battle armor.

“Warning, battle armor damaged by five percent…eight percent…”

“How is this possible?!”

The dazzling red in front of him and the warning sound in his ears left John Corben incredulous.

Although the damage was not much at the moment, even a little damage to the battle armor made it difficult for him to accept.

“Dr. Ainsborough has evaluated this battle armor, which is enough to allow a person to survive in a nuclear explosion, even at the center.”

“That’s because this battle armor is resistant to energy attacks!”

He counterattacked with a punch, but was caught and David continued to bombard, causing the pit to continue to extend downward.

David’s fist had not yet reached the power of a punch comparable to a nuclear explosion, but the defensive capabilities of this battle armor were not so strong.

“Promethium metal has two types, divided into consumable and changeable.

The steel bone part of the body is made up of consumable type, which is just hard, but the most important is the changeable type, one of the characteristics is the ability to absorb energy almost infinitely.”

It was somewhat similar to his energy manipulation, but it could only absorb and not manipulate and release energy at will, and it could not absorb the simplest kinetic energy for him, like a huge battery.

Wearing this battle armor in the center of a nuclear explosion could survive because it could absorb the energy of the nuclear explosion.

“We cannot let him continue to attack.”

As the battle armor continued to be damaged, John Corben’s heart felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over it, and he withdrew his fist, trying to escape from David.


The thruster under his feet spewed out flames.

But as soon as he flew out a bit, David grabbed the foot of the battle armor thunderously, and slammed it heavily on the ground, landing several punches in succession.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The chest armor of the battle armor began to deform and shatter.

“No, stop him. We must not let him destroy the battle armor!”

Seeing the chest of the battle armor begin to deform, Sam Lane’s face changed dramatically, grabbing the microphone and shouting urgently.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The combat helicopters waiting in the sky began to strafe.

Hitting David, like soft raindrops, had no effect, and he turned his head and fired a laser beam across the sky, causing several planes to crash and explode, then turned around and threw another punch.

Fear appeared in John Corben’s eyes, and the strong confidence the battle armor had given him before was gone.

He now felt that this battle armor was like a tin can, and when it was opened, it would be his death.


John Corben struggled angrily, throwing punches, but hitting David was like hitting a ten-thousand-meter-high peak, unable to budge at all, looking like a delicate girl being pressed to the ground, his counterattack was so ridiculous.

“Warning, ninety-eight percent damage to the chest of the battle armor.”


The sour sound of metal tearing rang out.

The heavy chest armor was pierced, a large hole was torn open, and the substantial air wave pressed into the battle armor, John Corben’s eyes bulged, his chest bones cracked and collapsed, and he was on the verge of suffocation.

Without the protection of the battle armor.

Before David’s fist even reached him, he was dead.

“The changeable type of Promethium metal has another ability, which causes genetic mutation to gain superpowers, but only Steve Dayton has created a large number of metahumans through it, so there should be a special way.”

But it didn’t matter, since Promethium metal had been invented, he could visit him another day.

David stood up and glanced at the destroyed battle armor, then looked at Clark.


At that moment, Clark was knocked down by an RPG rocket, and David flashed to Clark’s side, sweeping with an energy laser, engulfing the soldiers with guns in purple light, evaporating them, leaving behind pools of molten iron.

“Is it resolved?”

Clark, in tattered clothes, stood up and said, “We’d better leave quickly.”

“The mastermind behind this has not been dealt with at all. You wait here.”

David turned his head and said, then disappeared at lightning speed.


Clark suggested leaving because he didn’t want more people to die at the hands of his brother who came to save him, but his brother didn’t care at all.

He could only watch helplessly as his brother left, unable to do anything with his weak body.

If Clark wanted to know where the commander and the person in charge of this base were, he would definitely know with his super hearing, but David didn’t think he would say, so he might as well use a stupid method.Three seconds later.

After quickly touring most of the base at extreme speed, a large steel door was torn open.

The special forces soldiers were sweating profusely, aiming their guns at the door as if facing a major enemy.

A figure emitting a blazing purple light slowly walked in, ignoring the bullets fired at him, and casually scanning the soldiers with his gaze, causing them to evaporate and disappear from the world.

In the end, there were only a group of frightened operators and two people left in the room.

Ignoring the trembling individuals, David looked at the only two people standing in the room.

To his surprise, they were both familiar faces.

“Lex Luthor.”

It was not surprising that Luthor would appear in an event related to the Kryptonians.

David suspected that it was Luthor who took advantage of Clark’s kind nature to set him up and then captured him.

The other person was…

“Sam Lane?”

Seeing the middle-aged man in military uniform, exuding a tough aura and holding a gun, David’s surging killing intent froze for a moment.

“Are you familiar with General Lane?”

Luthor was surprised.

The way he mentioned Luthor was like talking about a dead person, but mentioning Sam Lane seemed to surprise him.

“You don’t seem afraid?”

David’s figure flashed, grabbing Luthor by the neck and squinting his eyes.

Luthor was paranoid, arrogant, selfish, and also a mad genius, but he was not someone who was unafraid of death. On the contrary, he valued his life greatly and often showed fear of death in times of crisis.


Suddenly, Sam Lane instinctively raised his gun to shoot, but the following heat ray instantly heated the gun, causing him to cry out in pain and awkwardly throw the red-hot gun away.

“Stand there quietly, I haven’t decided how to deal with you yet.”

When facing each other through the screen, there was no feeling, but when they were face to face, the cold and powerful aura hit Sam Lane, making him feel breathless, as if he was being held at knifepoint, stiff and cold all over, unable to move.

“I just happened to be here, discussing some business with General Lane. Don’t misunderstand.”

Facing Sam Lane’s warning, David turned back, and Luthor raised his hands in surrender, smiling.

Luthor’s behavior only had one possible explanation: he still had a trump card to save his own life.

But what trump card did Luthor have to escape in front of him?

Suddenly, David felt that Luthor’s skin was too slippery in his hand, even smoother than a woman’s skin, like… synthetic rubber?

He exerted force, and the sound of metal deforming rang out.

Luthor’s neck was twisted, and a string of electric sparks emerged from his neck, but he still maintained a smile on his face.

“Mr. Extraterrestrial, if getting rid of my android can calm you down, I hope this really works.”

Sam Lane, who was shocked on the side, widened his eyes. This kind of technological technology was undoubtedly beyond his understanding of civilian technology.

“Are you pleased with yourself?”

David raised his eyebrows.

“Not really. Judging from the losses suffered by this base, it seems that you are quite different from Superman in character. Thinking about it, I’m afraid I won’t be able to appear in public in my true form anymore, which is quite a headache.”

Luthor replied.

His words were half true and half false.

David could tell that he was in a very bad mood at the moment, probably because one of his trump cards had been revealed so quickly, but he also could tell that he was proud of his technology.

With a sharp sound, David ripped Luthor’s head from his body and threw the headless android body to the ground like trash, looking at him indifferently.

“You’re right. From today on, Lex Luthor is as good as dead, forever hiding in the shadows like a rat, never to appear in the sunlight again. Otherwise, what awaits you is to melt and evaporate in this world like ice.”

Understanding David’s threat, Luthor’s face turned ugly.

If he couldn’t appear in public again, the Luthor Group he controlled would sooner or later run into trouble, and his billions of wealth would be gone. Would he still be Lex Luthor?

“And it’s best to sleep with one eye open and one eye closed. Cherish the time you have left.”

A purple light lit up in David’s eyes.

“Because you might not wake up one day after falling asleep. This world is quite wonderful. If you want to kill someone, you don’t necessarily have to find them first.”

His words caused Luthor’s expression to change drastically, and a layer of gloom instantly enveloped his eyes and brows. He knew that David’s words were not just empty threats. He had encountered the other side of this world, such as the Wishing Stone…


In just a few seconds, his expression changed several times, and Luthor’s eyes were uncertain, as if he wanted to say something.

[Fear from Lex Luthor +12…]

But David didn’t want to waste any more words on him. The scorching heat ray melted his synthetic brain, cutting off his signal.

“Only you are left. How should I deal with you?”Molten iron trickled from his hand as David turned his head without a ripple of emotion, his terrifying visage causing Sam Lane’s face to blanch and his feet to stumble backward in retreat.

“Don’t come any closer!”

Had someone else been behind this scheme against Clark, David would have simply glanced at them and evaporated them to another world.

But the man before him was in a rather awkward position.

“Sam Lane, the father of Louise Lane, which means he’s Clark’s prospective father-in-law.”

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