Chapter 105 – I suppose you are ready to bear the cost

“Where are you from?!”

Holding the man in his hand, David’s eyes were cold and gloomy, and he exuded a powerful aura that made it hard to breathe, as if an ant had encountered an ancient top predator, suppressing him from the level of life.

“Who are you? Let him go!”

The soldiers’ faces changed in shock. How did this guy appear in the sealed-off area?

“Raise your hands and kneel down immediately!”

The dark gun barrels pointed at them, accompanied by the threatening warnings of the elite soldiers.

David completely ignored them, as if the people in front of him were just a bunch of burning sticks.

“Don’t make me repeat myself.”

His voice contained no emotion, and his eyes lit up with a fierce purple light as he stared at the person in his hand.

A terrifying and dangerous aura that made one’s hair stand on end swept over them.

“We’re going to die, we’re definitely going to die!”

Fear invaded the soldier’s body and mind, and his instinct for survival was screaming frantically. Even with a gun pointed at his head, he had never felt such a strong sense of impending death.

“Fourteen miles north of Metropolis, with the code name 604.”

“Good, congratulations on saving your life.”

Having obtained the information he wanted, David casually threw the person in his hand to the ground.

The man fell to the ground in fear, crawling backwards, terrified by just a simple glance from David.

“Monster, there’s a monster!”


Daring to break into the sealed-off area and threaten the soldiers on duty, the sergeant in the army shouted fiercely.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The deafening sound of gunfire echoed through the platform, causing a low echo.

In an instant, a large pile of golden bullets with the smell of gunpowder had accumulated on the ground.

David frowned and stood in place, as if facing a large pile of annoying mosquitoes. His eyes lit up with a purple light, as if he was about to burst out at any moment.


The terrifying pressure made everyone present feel as if they were being stared at by a prehistoric beast. Their hearts felt as if they were being tightly squeezed by a large hand, their legs went weak, their eyes widened, and their strength seemed to be drained. They felt that death was about to come at any moment.

Just as he was about to use his rays to deal with the soldiers who dared to attack him, David suddenly remembered something.

Looking at those who were not afraid of death and thought it was a big news to see him, they all rushed towards the live broadcast cameras, he frowned.

In the next moment, a flash of purple light, the figure that seemed to be at the level of life and was suffocating disappeared from the spot.

One second, two seconds, several seconds passed, and the scene was still silent.

“Gone… gone?”

It wasn’t until a cowardly person in the crowd collapsed to the ground that everyone came to their senses.

“Where did he go?”

The soldiers holding their guns on both sides did not find the terrifying figure. The soldiers who had their hearts in their throats breathed a sigh of relief and looked at each other, feeling as if they had just walked through death’s door in front of the Grim Reaper.

“It… seems like he’s gone.”

“Damn it, report to the base, there may be an unidentified organism heading towards the base!”

The army sergeant hurriedly shouted into the walkie-talkie on his shoulder, and then he glared fiercely at the soldier who leaked the military secrets.

“Get ready to face a military court.”

But the words that usually made all the soldiers turn pale had no deterrent effect at this time.

Seeing the purple figure leave, the soldier’s face showed a sense of relief after surviving a disaster.

No one knew the fear he felt when he faced the high-temperature purple light at close range, only that he was willing to go to military court as many times as it took as long as he could survive.

“It didn’t bend? What is this syringe made of?”

Luthor was slightly surprised.

On the screen, a scientist in protective clothing held a metal syringe, the needle flashing with a cold light, and tried to pierce Superman’s skin with all his might, but it was like poking a tough, high-density rubber, and he couldn’t break through.

“How is this possible.”

Sam Lane felt that he had lost face, his face turning ugly.

The skin of this monster was actually harder than the Promethium metal that the military had designated as top-secret and prohibited from being circulated?


Clark weakly opened his eyes.

He remembered intercepting the train with an unprecedented intensity using that strange protective force field, but he passed out as soon as he stopped it.

“Where am I?”

In the silent room, with the cold shackles, there was someone next to him whose heartbeat was starting to accelerate, and something sharp was poking his arm veins.

“Who captured me, let me go!”

Clark tried to break free, but his limbs were weak and he couldn’t exert any strength. Even if he was weak, he could still break free from the shackles on his body, but his condition was not right. Someone had given him some kind of drug.

“It’s already unbearable, it’s human power that’s limiting its power.”

Seeing Clark open his eyes, as if he had just seen a gorilla used for experiments waking up, Luthor’s face was calm as he pointed out the crux of the matter.

The strength of the metal used to make this needle exceeded any alloy he knew of, and the human power was too small to handle it.

Not to mention that this kind of metal might not necessarily be as strong as Superman’s body. Even if it was an iron tool, it couldn’t break through wood of the same hardness without enough strength to support it.

“General Lane, is this metal available for sale?”

Luthor thought of his battle armor. If all the battle armor he had developed was made of this metal, he was willing to fight Superman head-on.

In addition, there was also his…

“Use a hydraulic press with a syringe, I don’t believe I can’t break his skin!”

Ignoring Luthor’s words, Sam Lane grabbed the microphone and angrily gave the order.

“Let me go, General Lane! Are you people from the national military?!”

The conversation between the two men fell into his ears through dozens of walls, accompanied by Clark’s panicked and angry struggles, causing the steel electric chair that was fixed to the ground to shake.

The scientists were afraid and stepped back.

“Why did you capture me!”

Thinking of how this creature had violently stopped the high-speed train, the base personnel quickly pressed a button.A powerful current surged through Clark’s entire body, causing his muscles to spasm and steam to rise from his clothes, yet he continued to struggle.

As the voltage increased, only steam rose from Clark’s hair, accompanied by one or two muffled groans, but his body remained unscathed.

“General, the voltage is at its maximum!”

The soldier at the control panel turned back in alarm, wondering what this guy was made of.

“Electricity isn’t working, try the sonic weapons!”

Luthor suggested calmly and swiftly, as if he were an outsider to the situation.


Two sonic weapons emitted a dull sound, blasting beams of sound waves directly into Clark’s ears. The eardrums, far more fragile than skin, felt like drums being violently struck, causing a buzzing in his head.


This time, it wasn’t just a couple of weak groans. Clark screamed in agony, as if iron rods were being inserted into his head and stirred around.

His body stiffened, his consciousness blurred, sweat pouring out like syrup. It was like riding a roller coaster a hundred times, the world spinning around him. With his already limited strength rendered useless, he could no longer struggle.

“Superman, where in the universe do you come from? There’s no record of your existence in the global database. You despicable alien must be an advance scout for a plan to conquer Earth!”

Luthor’s tone shifted from calm to intense, his voice filled with the certainty of a narrow-minded racist.

“No, I’m not!”

Despite having saved civilians, Clark was infuriated by the treatment he received and shouted angrily, wrongfully accused.


Luthor’s pupils shrank upon hearing this, his mind reeling.

A normal person would care more about denying being a ridiculous alien, but this guy instinctively focused on denying being an advance scout for conquering Earth.

“Interesting, you really are an alien.”

“Let me go!

Then what are you?

I can’t hear your heartbeat, I can’t hear the blood flowing in your veins.”

Clark shouted.

Even with his eardrums bombarded by the sonic weapons, he could hear the person speaking through the loudspeaker in another room, separated by dozens of walls.

But that person had no heartbeat, no sound of human blood flowing, no subtle sounds of intestinal movement… definitely not human.

“No heartbeat?”

Sam Lane’s heart skipped a beat, wondering if it was that simple to confirm Superman was an alien. He looked over with a skeptical gaze and covertly reached for his pistol at his waist.

“Don’t be nervous…”

Under the light bulb, Luthor smiled nonchalantly, about to explain something.

A squad leader with a walkie-talkie burst in: “General, soldiers in the city report an unidentified humanoid creature moving at high speed is expected to strike the base.”

The squad leader glanced at Superman on the screen.

“It might be here to rescue him.”


Clark, in a dire and somewhat desperate situation, felt a surge of hope upon hearing this. The only person he could think of was his brother.

“Is it your kin? How many alien kin do you have lurking on Earth?”

Sam Lane’s face changed dramatically, and he picked up the walkie-talkie to issue orders for the base’s fighter jets, tanks, and all combat units to enter full combat readiness.

But suddenly!

Boom, boom, boom!

A succession of roars and flying debris.

In just one second, dozens of thick concrete walls, built to withstand rockets at the very least, were punctured with large holes as if made of paper.

A figure as fast as lightning, almost breaking through the entire base, appeared boldly in the secret surveillance room with a formidable presence.

He had found Clark, who had been taken away.

Seeing Clark’s wilted and miserable state tied to the interrogation chair, David’s face darkened, and he turned to look at the camera.

“It’s good to be curious.

I suppose you’re also ready to bear the consequences of delving into certain secrets!”

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