Chapter 102 – Byproducts of meteorites

“They all say I almost died in the meteor shower in the sky, and my pilot’s license was revoked.

But I didn’t. I am sure there was a spaceship in the center of the meteor shower, even though that spaceship seems to be small enough to carry only a baby!

Who says that extraterrestrials must be the same size as us, or why can’t it be a baby!”

When Luthor asked someone to investigate a series of events related to the meteor, he unexpectedly found that guy. When he mentioned the past that made him miserable, he was full of alcohol and danced with a bottle in his hand.

There is magic and genetic mutation in this world, why can’t there be aliens?

Luthor assembled a luxurious team of experts from various fields including but not limited to medicine, psychology, interrogation, and hypnosis from all over the world.

Regardless of whether it is to unravel the mystery of the meteorite or to investigate whether aliens crashed on Earth more than ten years ago, he must catch this guy.

Luthor stared at the figure in a red cape on the screen, like a hunter who discovered that his prey had entered the manor, looking at his gun.

In the jars on the wall, there is a set of green steel armor with various high-tech equipment.

This is the result of his powerful scientific research talent during this time.

However, this is a last resort.

“When will the ruler personally come down to fight the beast?”

Luthor made a call.

His plan needed some help, and someone needed to take the lead.

The note on the phone was Sam Lane, with the title of General and Congressman.

“General Lane, I heard that the military has been tracking and trying to capture a special ‘living organism’ recently. Perhaps I can help.”

He smirked, speaking modestly, but his tone revealed a confident assurance, as if the other party was already in his grasp.

“What…what do you mean?”

David said that even if the meteorite disappeared, there was still a weakness, and Clark was slightly panicked. That feeling of weakness and discomfort, if possible, he didn’t want to experience it again.

“You can move freely in a very short time. Is it because you have super hearing, just like your super vision?”

Clark didn’t mention when he had super hearing, but David guessed it when he saw that Clark could act normally in a very short time.

He just didn’t know why Clark still concealed this, in order to prevent him from killing people secretly?


Clark fell silent and nodded.

“Even with good hearing, it cannot replace the eyes. There are things that your hearing cannot do.”

“But…brother, with my hearing, I can even listen to things happening on the other side of the country in an instant. My brain can easily distinguish thousands of sounds in an instant.”

David waved his hand to stop Clark’s words.

The power of a Kryptonian, especially the potential of a Kryptonian, he knew better than Clark himself.

But that didn’t prevent Superman from often being defeated in the comics, almost losing his life several times.

Even Superman with intact eyes is like this, not to mention now that he has become a disabled person with such obvious weaknesses.

“Relying too much on hearing, once the enemy discovers this, they will attack this point, such as sonic weapons…” David shook his head and spoke.

“Get some more sun, it’s good for you.”

There are pros and cons to everything, and overly sensitive hearing can sometimes bring bad consequences. Superman in the comics has been targeted for his hearing many times.

“I will.”

After hearing his brother’s concern, Clark opened his mouth, not entirely agreeing.

He believed that as long as there was no meteorite, he had nothing to fear. In addition to super hearing, he also had super speed, and the speed of sound was as slow as a turtle in front of him.

He could easily escape several kilometers in an instant.

He was more afraid of the meteorite’s restraint, but since his brother had just returned home, Clark didn’t want to argue about this.

“Is there anything else?”

“What else?”

Seeing that David was a little hesitant, Clark wondered if he had other weaknesses.

Superman has many weaknesses, such as red sunlight that can make him lose his abilities, but under normal circumstances, there would not be a red sunlight weapon attacking him, especially since this planet still doesn’t know what a Kryptonian is.

What David wanted to say was still about the meteorite. After a pause, he threw out a question.

“Do you think that if a stone is ground into powder, it can still be called a stone?”

“It probably shouldn’t.”

Faced with the sudden question, Clark scratched his neck.

Suddenly, he realized something, even though his blind eyes widened, his strong memory still remembered what happened more than a month ago.

“I remember that I lost control at the time, and I wished for all the meteorites that could weaken me to disappear.”

“Could it be…”

Uttering the wish at that time without missing a beat, a look of embarrassment appeared on Clark’s face. He had almost lost the most precious thing for that wish and paid a considerable price.

“That’s right.”

David slowly took out a test tube from his pocket.

It was a transparent glass test tube with green fluorescent liquid inside.

The meteorite was gone, but there was still something that could restrain his abilities.


His physical strength was quickly drained, and Clark weakly stepped back, holding onto the railing.

“The meteorite? David, what did you take out?”

Although not as strong as before, the familiar feeling of weakness, accompanied by uncomfortable symptoms, left him with no strength at all.

[Shocked from Clark +206…]Clark’s strength seemed to have increased during his time as a hero, David shook the test tube in his hand.

This was the finished product he had made after obtaining the formula for a meteorite solution that granted phasing abilities.

When Clark wished for the meteorites to disappear, his own collection of meteorites that he had gathered over the years vanished, leaving only a few tubes of this solution.

The contents of this test tube, undoubtedly, could not be called a stone, and were directly overlooked by the wishing stone.

“Where did this come from?”

After shaking it a couple of times, David put it away, not wanting to prolong Clark’s discomfort. Like a vampire no longer exposed to ultraviolet rays, he gasped for air and straightened up, gradually regaining some strength.

“That’s not important.

What is important is that when this batch of distinctly unique meteorites arrived on Earth,

many laboratories took samples and conducted research on it.”

David had discovered this long ago, but for certain reasons, he had not mentioned it to Clark until now. Seeing the Kryptonian taking things lightly, he took out the test tube to make him aware of the situation.

He certainly didn’t want to see a ludicrous headline one day about Superman, the Man of Steel, being accidentally shot and killed by robbers during a laboratory heist.

“The meteorites may have disappeared, but some by-products of their creation might still exist.

Although the likelihood of you encountering them is small, it’s not zero.”

David warned with a hint of seriousness.

Chapter three will be available at dawn, everyone can go to sleep now and read it when you wake up tomorrow.

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