Chapter 101 – Hidden in the meteor shower is an extraterrestrial spaceship

“The encounter of fate is truly wonderful.”

Not long ago, Luthor was exiled by his father to an inconspicuous chemical factory within the group, seemingly completely disappointed in this son who had always been known as a playboy in high society.

In the blink of an eye, his father died in a car accident, and he became the helm of the Luthor Group.

On the surface, Lionel Luthor had only one son, and it seemed that if he didn’t leave the business empire to him, who else could he leave it to? But Luthor knew that his cunning and sinister father had left a trick up his sleeve.

Lionel Luthor had another illegitimate son, who was well raised and lived with his mother. He thought he had hidden the illegitimate son very well.

But Luthor was not as simple as the playboy rich second generation in the eyes of the outside world.

When he was young, he hoped to attract the attention of his indifferent father with some bad things, and gradually gained the reputation of a playboy.

“To prevent the hyenas from smelling the scent of blood and flesh, and coming to share the empire that should have belonged to me. I had to make the first move.”

Behind his desk, Luthor’s eyes were as cold and indifferent as ice that had not melted for a thousand years, with a hint of complexity, murmuring softly.

“To achieve success, one must abandon emotions. This is what you taught me, father. You shouldn’t blame me for it.”

That illegitimate son, after calculating the time, was born when his father betrayed his deceased mother and had a son with another woman while she was pregnant.

After confirming that his father was really dead, he calmly made a phone call in the hospital room in front of the body, and sent the mother and son to hell together that very night.

The reflection of the screen cast shadows on his face.

Luthor still remembered the evaluation of the expensive school’s psychologist, who had treated Nobel Prize winners and the first man to set foot on the moon, and wore white hair and reading glasses, after he committed numerous bad deeds during his school days.

“Well, Lex Luthor, who skips school every day, and even cheats on the perfect report card. Obviously, you are a genius. But you have shown some worrying symptoms.”

The psychologist, who walked with a tremor, frowned and gave his evaluation to him that afternoon, which he had not forgotten to this day.

“Various compulsive behaviors, difficulties in social and emotional cognition, and significant moral deficiencies…”

“Your authoritarian parents’ insults, rejection, and denial of you in your early years, along with severe lack of care, have caused you to develop a severe narcissistic complex.”

“At the rate it’s going now, from my professional perspective, sooner or later you will become an antisocial, mentally deranged megalomaniac, a cold-blooded animal. What’s even more deadly is that your genius, combined with your fabulously wealthy family background, could make you one of the most dangerous people in the world…”


Before the psychologist, who had an illustrious career and was well-known in academic circles, could finish speaking, the young and arrogant Luthor immediately jumped up from his chair and gave the old man a hard punch.

“Sir, do you think you can see through people’s psychology? Judge a person’s life trajectory after observing them a few times? Then you didn’t anticipate this punch!”

From then on, the trembling old man could only wear dentures to see patients.

A hefty compensation fee, and his father, who had to come to the school again to apologize for his useless playboy son, and had to use some connections to suppress the matter.

“Truly immature.”

People always laugh at their past selves, Luthor shook his head as he recalled the past.

If it were him today, he wouldn’t have been the least bit affected by the old man’s words.

Great men in world history never care about the words of mediocre people.

His eyes revealed a ruthless ambition.

“Some people are born to be ruled by others. And some are born to rule over others!”

There was no trace of a lamb’s lament in the lion’s eyes.

“I don’t know if I will become the most dangerous person on this planet, but I will definitely become the most powerful person on this planet!”

Luthor’s proud eyes pressed the button.


The video was paused, and the slowed-down ultra-clear image froze in a scene.

A figure fell from a high building, but a strong and powerful young hand grabbed his clothes, preventing them from tearing despite the immense force.

This did not conform to physics.

“What kind of fabric can withstand this kind of force.”

Thinking of one of the many suspicious points he had discovered about this Superman, Luthor scrolled through the computer’s archives and checked to confirm something.

“A miraculous ability? Can be used to protect his own clothes, and can also extend to protect others?”

It seemed to be a peculiar force field?

In addition, another vivid ultra-clear image was pulled up.

A tall young man in a blue T-shirt exuded a powerful aura, pointing his finger at someone through the camera, scolding and warning them.

“The angry expression is not fake at all, and the finger-pointing warning action is strong and powerful. But after zooming in on his deep blue eyes, does it look like they are somewhat lifeless?”

This, along with some past footage of this person captured by the cameras.

“If his parents hadn’t taught him, and it’s not polite to talk to others without facing them, then there must be something wrong with his eyes.”

“Having unimaginable abilities, saving people and fighting crime all over this city, thinking he’s a hero?”

With his fingers interlocked under his chin, Luthor stared at the screen with a pensive expression, a cold smile curling his lips.

A plan to capture the beast called Superman quickly took shape and was perfected in his clever and evil mind.”Are you a product of the meteorite or something else? The truth will soon be revealed.”

The meteorite that fell on the town of Smallville brought a series of peculiar events.

When he lost the Wish Stone and found himself unwittingly making a wish to continue his previous path of investigating the meteorites in the town, he discovered that the meteorites had vanished without a trace.

“Not only that, meteorite samples from around the world that had been taken for study also evaporated from this earth overnight.”

He lost his memory and the Wish Stone in the town.

And right after that, someone used the Wish Stone to wish the meteorites away.

Why? To prevent others like him from emerging?

Luthor’s gaze flickered.

The meteorites were gone, but those who had been affected by them remained. Under the guise of offering treatment, he established a biological laboratory to study those with genetic mutations caused by the meteorites.

“But none were as powerful as this guy.

Stronger than a locomotive, faster than sound, his body indestructible.”

A unique specimen!

It seemed the meteorite had the most violent reaction with him?

“There’s another possibility…”

Recalling the information he had accidentally received, Luthor leaned back slightly, his eyes deep and thoughtful.

Over a decade ago, when the meteor shower visited that inconspicuous little town on Earth, an unlucky fellow was flying an agricultural plane, spraying pesticides over his employer’s fields.

When the meteor shower came, he was terrified and hastily climbed higher to avoid it, narrowly escaping death. In that moment, he caught a glimpse of something else amidst the heart of the meteor shower.

“That was a spaceship!”

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