Chapter 73 – The first bounty received

“Thank you for your enthusiastic response. Your answer has been accepted, and the reward will be deposited into your reserved bank account within three working days. Please check it carefully!”

“Thank you for your contribution to the Origin Forum. You have been rewarded with 10 reputation points and 10 divine coins!”

“Wishing you a happy life!”

Lin Baici looked at the message sent by the forum, feeling excited, hopeful, and somewhat incredulous.

Did he just earn 30,000 yuan?

Since the official has sent a message, they shouldn’t make a mistake, right?


Why do I have to wait for three days?

It’s so hard to endure!

But Lin Baici thought about it. He only answered a post and told the original poster the meaning of the patterns on three photos. He could earn 30,000 yuan easily, even easier than picking up money. So waiting for three days is acceptable.

He didn’t know the use of reputation and divine coins, but he didn’t need to pay attention to them for now.

Lin Baici closed the message and entered the third “Reward for Help” section.

The original post “Help, what do the patterns on these three pictures mean? Does anyone know?” has been closed with a big red mark saying “Reward ended, problem solved.”

Lin Baici looked at the other posts. If the help question is not solved within the reward period, the title would say “Reward ended, unfortunately, not solved.”

【Buy, buy, buy all these divine taboos!】

Suddenly, Guishen spoke, startling Lin Baici.

“Do you think I can afford to buy them?”

Lin Baici was speechless and wanted to hint Guishen to tell him some answers to the questions.

In this section, there are three pinned posts, all of which are the most concerned help questions by the forum users. There are many replies, but they are all just bumping the posts.

Lin Baici clicked on the first post.

“Help, the current number and detailed information of divine taboos in the Qin Palace God’s Ruins!”

Reward: Information about one divine taboo, 10 million!

Reward period: Six months.

Until today, seventeen days have passed.

This post is quite new, but there are already over two thousand replies.

Although Lin Baici didn’t know where the Qin Palace God’s Ruins were, he estimated that this God’s Ruins must be very famous, otherwise, it wouldn’t attract so many divine hunters’ attention.

Of course, it must be difficult, as seen from the price offered by the original poster.

Lin Baici browsed the webpage and saw the post he saw for the first time.

“Help, this should be a divine taboo, but it hasn’t been sealed by the Black Coffin for five years, and it hasn’t caused any rule contamination. Does anyone know what’s going on?”

After waiting for ten days, the original poster apparently lost patience and no longer kept it a secret. They posted more pictures of this divine taboo.

It is a porcelain item that looks somewhat like a urinal from the Ming and Qing dynasties. Even if it’s not a divine taboo, it should be an antique and can probably be sold for a good price.

【Ew, a very disgusting divine taboo. Just one look at it makes one lose their appetite.】

【Mix the urine of five different creatures and pour it into the jar. A urine pool will immediately open up, and the person trapped in the urine pool must swim one kilometer without stopping to escape from the rule contamination.】

Lin Baici curled his lips. It turns out the activation method is so bizarre. No wonder the owner of this divine taboo couldn’t find a solution.

He scrolled down the page, and the replies were all “only visible to the original poster,” so Lin Baici didn’t know if anyone had answered correctly, but he estimated it was unlikely.

The reward for this help post is 50,000 yuan, which can be considered as money earned.

When Lin Baici was about to reply, he hesitated again.

No rush,

First, get the 30,000 yuan reward and make sure the forum won’t cheat him, then answer the question.

“Hey, guys, it’s getting late. Shouldn’t we go to sleep?”

Liu Yu chatted for a while and suggested ending the late-night talk in the dormitory.

“What time is it?”

Xu Daguan is a night owl and feels uncomfortable without staying up late.

“Early to bed, early to rise, good for the body!”

Liu Yu found an excuse, “Just started school, it’s better to establish a good routine!”

“Okay, let’s wash up and sleep!”

Xu Daguan realized that Liu Yu is quite self-centered. If he wants to sleep, he won’t let others chat, otherwise, he will come up with various reasons to stop them.

A troublesome person.

Xu Daguan doesn’t like Lin Baici purely because he lost face at the check-in place this afternoon. But he also understands that Lin Baici is good in other aspects. This can be seen from Fang Mingyuan, Hu Wenwu, and Qian Jiahui’s attitude towards him. These three people, who wouldn’t normally hang out together, have the willingness to be friends with him, which proves that Lin Baici is likable.

“Then I’ll wash up first!”

Liu Yu walked to the balcony and stood by the sink, starting to wash up.

Hu Wenwu lay on the bed, unable to fall asleep.

He felt that the gap between him and his new roommates was too big.

A rich second-generation who spends money like water, the money he spent on a female anchor in one night is equivalent to his father’s annual salary.

An athlete with special talents, full of vitality. Hu Wenwu looked at the healthy and strong body of the other person and felt envious.

A livestreamer like Xu Daguan, who can support himself while still in college, made Hu Wenwu envious and admiring. He also wanted to become independent and earn a lot of money quickly.

Liu Yu is ordinary, but he has a father who is a section chief. Judging from the way that uncle scolds people, he should be a high-ranking official, and Liu Yu is very confident. He says whatever he thinks, much stronger than himself, who is a coward.

And there is Lin Baici, who sleeps on the upper bunk.

He is handsome and friendly. As for his family background, he doesn’t wear Nike or Adidas, although his clothes are definitely better than his own, but it should be an ordinary working-class family, right?

Those two rich second-generations, it’s all about family background. Some people are born without it, and they will hardly have it in the future. The athlete is a gift from heaven, plus hard work…

As for the livestreamer profession, he can’t do it.

Hu Wenwu thought for a while and felt that Lin Baici was quite ordinary, the only person he could catch up with.

“Baici, are you going to wash up?”

Qian Jiahui came out from the balcony, shaking his wet hair.

“Wenwu, Daguan, do you two want to wash up first?”

Lin Baici didn’t go.

“You go ahead!”

Hu Wenwu didn’t mind, as he couldn’t wait for a few more minutes.

“We’re tired today, no need to wash up!”

Xu Daguan had already taken off all his clothes and lay on the bed, wearing only a pair of boxer briefs, not even covering himself with a blanket.


Lin Baici was speechless. Don’t you have athlete’s foot? You’ve been walking all day, don’t you want to wash up?

Forget it,

This is personal freedom, and he has no right to interfere.

Lin Baici jumped off the bed and took off his T-shirt. Fang Mingyuan suddenly exclaimed.

“Damn!” Fang Mingyuan immediately put on his slippers and rushed over, trying to touch Lin Baici’s abs with his hand, “How did you train these muscles?”


Lin Baici opened Fang Mingyuan’s hand.

Qian Jiahui looked over and was directly stunned.

This physique is too muscular!

Xu Daguan now only has one feeling left. I don’t blame myself for losing this afternoon. That senior sister is indeed experienced. She can tell at a glance that Lin Baici has more potential.

I’m a guy, and I’m moved!

Liu Yu took a sip of water and suppressed the jealousy in his heart.

“I was wrong. Lin, you must be extraordinary. If you were an ordinary person, how could you have the discipline to train these muscles?”

Hu Wenwu reflected.

“Baici, can you be my coach? I don’t expect to train muscles like yours, just half of it, and I’ll give you 300,000!”

When Qian Jiahui mentioned this price, everyone’s faces were immediately filled with shock, followed by envy.

In Liu Yu’s eyes, with Qian Jiahui’s generous attitude towards tipping during the livestream, he would definitely be able to get 300,000 if Lin Baici taught him.

That’s 300,000 yuan!

You can buy so many things!

Fang Mingyuan is a special talent. It would be great if he could make it into the provincial team. If not, his goal is to become a fitness coach and earn 300,000 yuan a year, which is his ideal annual salary.

“Baici, can you agree?”

Qian Jiahui regretted it.

“Sorry, I don’t know about fitness, so I can’t help you!”

Lin Baici couldn’t assist.

“If Baici doesn’t know about fitness and teaches you rashly, it may cause physical damage. After all, everyone’s body is different and needs a customized fitness plan.”

Fang Mingyuan knows a little about it, but Qian Jiahui doesn’t need him.


Qian Jiahui was disappointed.

Liu Yu thought Lin Baici was an idiot. If he taught casually for a month and it didn’t work, he definitely wouldn’t get the 300,000. But with Qian Jiahui’s personality, he would probably give him 50,000 or 60,000, right?

It seems that Lin Baici’s talent points are all on his appearance and physique.

Fang Mingyuan and Hu Wenwu thought that Lin Baici, facing the temptation of 300,000 yuan, didn’t teach Qian Jiahui without a guilty conscience. This person’s character…


Everyone had just arrived in a new environment and was excited. They didn’t feel sleepy at all. Xu Daguan tried to speak a few times but was stopped by Liu Yu.

In the end, Xu Daguan had no choice but to suggest going to the corridor to chat.

“Let’s go, let’s play cards for a while!”

Qian Jiahui and Fang Mingyuan both stood up and called Lin Baici to join them. He couldn’t continue sleeping anyway, so he put on a pair of shorts and got off the bed.

Lights in the dormitory building are turned off at 11 o’clock sharp, but the lights in the corridor are still on.

“It seems like everyone can’t sleep!”

Fang Mingyuan saw that there were many people in the corridor.

Except for Liu Yu, the five of them played cards and chatted until after 2 o’clock before going to sleep.

Lin Baici lay on the bed, hoping for a colorful university life for the next four years.

Originally, he planned to find a part-time job to earn a living and reduce the burden on his mother, but now he doesn’t need to. Even if he doesn’t get the job at the Kyushu Security Bureau, he can earn some money by answering questions on the Origin Forum.

But if he wants to get rich and buy a house in Haijing, he has to enter the God’s Ruins and collect divine taboos.

The only problem is that he doesn’t have a Divine Hunter license. Wild hunters are not allowed to possess divine taboos, let alone enter the God’s Ruins.

Otherwise, even if he gets a divine taboo, it will be confiscated by the Security Bureau.

So no matter when, joining an official organization, eating the government’s food, and holding an iron rice bowl is the most comfortable way.

The next morning at 8 o’clock, Lin Baici woke up hungry.

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