Chapter 46 – Open the cellar, enter the furnace, determine life and death!



Lin Baici was shocked.


Laughing at life, troubles disappear?


Is that the reason why you have a smiling face? And you, a big bear woman who was evaluated by the Gourmet God as having a D in intelligence, do you even have intelligence?


"Yeah, I often watch Sherlock Holmes! "


Xia Hongyao made a V gesture and evaluated herself: "I should have about 70% of his level!"




Lin Baici didn't know how good Xia Hongyao's reasoning ability was, but her confidence was off the charts.


"Okay, enough talk, hurry up and carve a smiling face!"


Xia Hongyao urged.


"You'd better choose a crying face!"


Lin Baici kindly reminded her.




Xia Hongyao looked up, puzzled.


"Because if you choose a smiling face, you will die!"


Lin Baici thought to himself and sighed, he could only make up a lie: "What is kneading clay? It is creating life, didn't you hear what that clay monster just said?"


"Hitting and beating the clay embryo 120 times, lifting it up high, is a sense of ritual, in order to make the clay embryo mature and lively!"


"This shows that the clay figure is alive!"




18D was startled.


"Don't interrupt!"


Ma Yuan lowly scolded.


"You continue!"


Xia Hongyao listened carefully.


The thirty or so passengers nearby also gathered around.


"Clay figures are a traditional craft. Since it is traditional, it is inevitable to follow some old customs, such as valuing boys over girls in ancient times. When a boy is born, the whole family is happy, but when a girl is born, the daughter-in-law can't lift her head."


Lin Baici made up a story, but his tone was serious and he had a very serious expression.


When he said this, his voice was not loud, and he kept staring at the clay monster in the distance. If the other party had any abnormal behavior, he would immediately shut up.


"That's right, I heard that in the past, some poor families were even more ruthless and would send newborn baby girls away. If they couldn't find someone to take them, they would drown them in the river! "


18D nodded vigorously, feeling that Lin Baici's reasoning was very reasonable.


"Your reasoning is more reasonable, then I'll choose the crying face!"


Xia Hongyao gave a thumbs up and continued to carve.




Lin Baici was speechless.


You believe this?


You won't question it a few more times?


Lin Baici was originally still organizing his language to increase his persuasiveness, but now he doesn't need to.


This girl with a D in intelligence is not useless after all!


At least she is easy to fool.


Ma Yuan obviously wasn't so easily fooled. He looked at Lin Baici with a puzzled expression: "Are you sure?"


Why do I feel like you made up this reason on the spot?


"Do you have a better answer?"


Lin Baici asked back.




Ma Yuan lowered his head and carved a smiling face.


"Then I'll carve a smiling face too!"


18D decided.


"This explanation seems to make some sense!"


The nearby passengers all believed Lin Baici's words and made their decisions.


In everyone's eyes, there must be some logical relationship in choosing what face to carve. They didn't even think it was just luck.


"Wait! Wait!"


Song Li saw everyone starting to carve and became anxious: "This is a matter of life and death, shouldn't you all make a more careful choice?"


"Didn't Little Lin just reason it out?"


"Logic chain is perfect, no problem!" Xia Hongyao smiled with satisfaction.


"What about the Yin Yang face?" Song Li considered it carefully, "Is it possible to have a half-smiling face and a half-crying face?"




18D stopped carving and looked at Lin Baici, "You know what, that's possible!"


"Yes!" Song Li was excited to have someone support her, "Maybe the clay monster is misleading us by saying to choose one face, and the real answer is to carve a clay figure that is half-smiling and half-crying!"


"You're quite clever!" Ma Yuan chuckled, "This kind of decision concerns life, so if you don't trust others, do what you think is right!"


"That's right, you only have one life, the decision is in your hands!" Xia Hongyao, who was not very old, only twenty years old, had already experienced several life-threatening situations as a god hunter, so she was indifferent to this kind of life and death decision.


Lin Baici had originally planned to persuade Song Li, but Xia Hongyao's words made him change his mind.


That's right!


He had no right to make decisions for others. Anyway, he had already told them the correct answer. Whether they listened or not was their problem.


And what if what the Devouring God said was wrong?


Although it was unlikely, it was not impossible.


Lin Baici hurriedly carved the smiling face.


After hearing Xia Hongyao's words, 18D looked at the panicked Song Li and then at the calm Lin Baici, and he lowered his head to carve the smiling face.


"I believe in Lin!"


"You guys…" Song Li was angry that no one was listening to her and was hesitant while looking at the clay sculpture.


To put it bluntly, she was a selfish person. At this critical moment of life and death decision, she wanted to make the decision herself. As Xia Hongyao said, even if she chose wrong, it was her own choice and she deserved it.


But Song Li also wanted to drag a few people along with her.


This way, if they were wrong, they could comfort each other.


It's just that these people didn't listen to Song Li, which made her very annoyed.


"Damn!" Song Li cursed and chose the smiling face.


Lin Baici held the carving knife and carefully carved the clay figure's facial features, hair, even the Adam's apple, earlobes, and even fingerprints…


In short, he tried his best to carve everything that should be on a person's body.


The clay monster patrolling suddenly stopped and announced loudly, "Time's up, stop carving!"


Most of the tourists put down their knives, but about twenty people were still working because they wasted too much time deciding what face to carve.


The clay monsters clapped three times.


Snap! Snap! Snap!


As soon as the clay monster's clapping sound fell, the clay figures in the hands of the twenty people suddenly came to life like big fleas, and with a snap, they bounced onto their faces.


Bang!These twenty unlucky individuals had their heads hit by clay figures, but what was even more terrifying was that the clay figures melted upon impact, forming a red clay mask that tightly adhered to their faces.


Their eyes were covered, so they couldn't see anything, but their mouths and noses were blocked, making it impossible for them to breathe.


They desperately grabbed at their faces, trying to remove the red clay masks, and they wanted to cry for help, but their mouths were blocked, and they couldn't make any sound.


The surrounding travelers watched this horrifying scene, shivering in fear.


As the suffocation worsened, these punished individuals fell to the ground one by one, twisting and struggling, some even punching their own cheeks, but it was all in vain.


Gradually, they stopped moving.


When these people were dead, the clay figure monster spoke again.


"Open the pit!"


In the singing and shouting of the elongated tone of the clay figure monster, the semi-circular underground furnace, which was over one meter tall and half a meter in diameter, like a Mongolian yurt, opened a hole.


"Enter the furnace!"


The clay figure monster raised both hands and threw a handful of clay powder.


The clay powder floated in the wind like snowflakes, rolling over the stone slabs in front of those travelers, and fell on the clay figures that were just molded.




18D exclaimed in surprise.


These newly molded clay figures actually twisted their limbs and made rustling sounds. In just five or six seconds, some of them began to move.


They walked towards the furnace on their short legs.


"My…my clay figure is moving!"


Song Li was nervous, not knowing if this was a good or bad thing.


Song Li quickly turned her head and looked around.


"Why isn't ours moving? Do we have to wait?"


18D was anxious.


He, Lin Baici, Xia Hongyao, and Ma Yuan's clay figures remained still.


"Husband, why isn't your clay figure moving?"


The pregnant woman saw the glasses-wearing man's clay figure standing still and was frightened. Tears instantly streamed down her face, flooding her cheeks.


This meant that one of them was definitely unqualified.


"It's okay! It's okay! As long as you can survive!"


The glasses-wearing man tried to squeeze out a smile and comfort his wife. "The clay figure monster said 'enter the furnace,' so the clay figures that don't move should have a problem!"


The pregnant woman couldn't speak through her tears.


"It's okay! It's okay! You have to live well!"


The glasses-wearing man hugged his wife with one hand and caressed her belly with the other, looking gentle yet pained. "Wife, please get rid of him!"




The pregnant woman was dumbfounded, not knowing what her husband was talking about.


"With a child, you won't be able to remarry!"


The glasses-wearing man also wanted his wife to give birth to a son to leave a descendant for the family, but with the burden of a child, how could his wife remarry?


"Don't…don't say that!"


The pregnant woman hugged the glasses-wearing man tightly.


"We should be qualified!"


The programmer with dark circles under his eyes extended his index finger and pushed his glasses up, comforting the people around him.


As the glasses-wearing man said, the clay figure monster said "enter the furnace," so whoever's clay figure entered the furnace meant that they were qualified.According to common sense, after shaping the clay figure, it should be fired and fixed, right?


"I passed this step successfully!"


The programmer breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lin Baici.


This young man had left a deep impression on him.


What a pity!


His clay figure didn't move, which meant he was going to die.




If he had survived, he could have become a highly skilled doctor in the future!


The noise was getting louder.


The programmer's explanation quickly spread throughout the platform. The players whose clay figures moved were overjoyed, their faces filled with relief after a narrow escape. Those whose clay figures didn't move were devastated.


"Brother Lin, what should we do?"


18D's voice trembled, "We can't just sit here and wait for death, can we?"


"Let's fight, hit it!"


Xia Hongyao stared at the clay figure, ready for battle.


She would make a last-ditch effort.


As for the fact that she was disqualified because she listened to Lin Baici's reasoning, she didn't care and had no complaints.


"I can't be happy! I can't be happy!"


Song Li warned herself not to laugh, otherwise, it would be too stimulating for Lin Baici and the others, but she couldn't help feeling excited in her heart.


I was right, but you didn't listen to me. Are you dumbfounded now?


"Lin Baici, if you had listened to me, you could have survived this time!"


Song Li lamented and mourned for Lin Baici and the others.

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